// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Qil
/// <summary>An internal class that validates QilExpression graphs.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// QilValidationVisitor traverses the QilExpression graph once to enforce the following constraints:
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>No circular references</item>
/// <item>No duplicate nodes (except for references)</item>
/// <item>No out-of-scope references</item>
/// <item>Type constraints on operands</item>
/// <item>Type constraints on operators</item>
/// <item>No null objects (except where allowed)</item>
/// <item>No Unknown node types</item>
/// </list>
/// <p>When an error occurs, it marks the offending node with an annotation and continues checking,
/// allowing the detection of multiple errors at once and printing the structure after validation.
/// (In the case of circular references, it breaks the loop at the circular reference to allow the graph
/// to print correctly.)</p>
/// </remarks>
internal sealed class QilValidationVisitor : QilScopedVisitor
// Entry
public static void Validate(QilNode node)
Debug.Assert(node != null);
new QilValidationVisitor().VisitAssumeReference(node);
private QilValidationVisitor() { }
private readonly ObjectHashtable allNodes = new ObjectHashtable();
private readonly ObjectHashtable parents = new ObjectHashtable();
private readonly ObjectHashtable scope = new ObjectHashtable();
// QilVisitor overrides
protected override QilNode VisitChildren(QilNode parent)
if (this.parents.Contains(parent))
// We have already visited the node that starts the infinite loop, but don't visit its children
SetError(parent, "Infinite loop");
else if (AddNode(parent))
if (parent.XmlType == null)
SetError(parent, "Type information missing");
XmlQueryType type = QilTypeChecker.Check(parent);
// BUGBUG: Hack to account for Xslt compiler type fixups
if (!type.IsSubtypeOf(parent.XmlType))
SetError(parent, "Type information was not correctly inferred");
this.parents.Add(parent, parent);
for (int i = 0; i < parent.Count; i++)
if (parent[i] == null)
// Allow parameter name and default value to be null
if (parent.NodeType == QilNodeType.Parameter)
// Do not allow null anywhere else in the graph
SetError(parent, "Child " + i + " must not be null");
if (parent.NodeType == QilNodeType.GlobalVariableList ||
parent.NodeType == QilNodeType.GlobalParameterList ||
parent.NodeType == QilNodeType.FunctionList)
if (((QilReference)parent[i]).DebugName == null)
SetError(parent[i], "DebugName must not be null");
// If child is a reference, then call VisitReference instead of Visit in order to avoid circular visits.
if (IsReference(parent, i))
return parent;
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that the function or iterator reference is already in scope.
/// </summary>
protected override QilNode VisitReference(QilNode node)
if (!this.scope.Contains(node))
SetError(node, "Out-of-scope reference");
return node;
// QilScopedVisitor overrides
/// <summary>
/// Add an iterator or function to scope if it hasn't been added already.
/// </summary>
protected override void BeginScope(QilNode node)
if (this.scope.Contains(node))
SetError(node, "Reference already in scope");
this.scope.Add(node, node);
/// <summary>
/// Pop scope.
/// </summary>
protected override void EndScope(QilNode node)
// Helper methods
private sealed class ObjectHashtable : Hashtable
protected override bool KeyEquals(object? item, object key)
return item == key;
private bool AddNode(QilNode n)
if (!this.allNodes.Contains(n))
this.allNodes.Add(n, n);
return true;
SetError(n, "Duplicate " + n.NodeType + " node");
return false;
#endif // DEBUG
internal static void SetError(QilNode n, string message)
message = SR.Format(SR.Qil_Validation, message);
message = "{message} [{n.NodeId} ({n.NodeType:G})]";
if (n.Annotation is string s)
message = $"{s}{Environment.NewLine}{message}";
n.Annotation = message;