8 types derived from Query
System.Private.Xml (8)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\BaseAxisQuery.cs (1)
11internal abstract class BaseAxisQuery : Query
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\CacheOutputQuery.cs (1)
12internal abstract class CacheOutputQuery : Query
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\ContextQuery.cs (1)
8internal class ContextQuery : Query
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\EmptyQuery.cs (1)
8internal sealed class EmptyQuery : Query
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\ExtensionQuery.cs (1)
11internal abstract class ExtensionQuery : Query
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\SortQuery.cs (1)
14internal sealed class SortQuery : Query
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\UnionExpr.cs (1)
11internal sealed class UnionExpr : Query
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\ValueQuery.cs (1)
10internal abstract class ValueQuery : Query
144 references to Query
System.Private.Xml (144)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\AttributeQuery.cs (1)
14public AttributeQuery(Query qyParent, string Name, string Prefix, XPathNodeType Type) : base(qyParent, Name, Prefix, Type) { }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\BaseAxisQuery.cs (3)
13internal Query qyInput; 25protected BaseAxisQuery(Query qyInput) 32protected BaseAxisQuery(Query qyInput, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType typeTest)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\BooleanExpr.cs (4)
13private readonly Query _opnd1; 14private readonly Query _opnd2; 17public BooleanExpr(Operator.Op op, Query opnd1, Query opnd2)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\BooleanFunctions.cs (2)
15private readonly Query? _arg; 18public BooleanFunctions(FT funcType, Query? arg)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\CacheAxisQuery.cs (1)
15public CacheAxisQuery(Query qyInput, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType typeTest) : base(qyInput, name, prefix, typeTest)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\CacheChildrenQuery.cs (1)
27public CacheChildrenQuery(Query qyInput, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType type) : base(qyInput, name, prefix, type)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\CacheOutputQuery.cs (2)
14internal Query input; 18public CacheOutputQuery(Query input)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\ChildrenQuery.cs (1)
12public ChildrenQuery(Query qyInput, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType type) : base(qyInput, name, prefix, type) { }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\CompiledXPathExpr.cs (5)
16private Query _query; 20internal CompiledXpathExpr(Query query, string expression, bool needContext) 27internal Query QueryTree 53Query evalExpr; 86return new CompiledXpathExpr(Query.Clone(_query), _expr, _needContext);
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\DescendantBaseQuery.cs (1)
15public DescendantBaseQuery(Query qyParent, string Name, string Prefix, XPathNodeType Type, bool matchSelf, bool abbrAxis) : base(qyParent, Name, Prefix, Type)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\DescendantoverDescendantQuery.cs (1)
17public DescendantOverDescendantQuery(Query qyParent, bool matchSelf, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType typeTest, bool abbrAxis) :
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\DescendantQuery.cs (1)
12internal DescendantQuery(Query qyParent, string Name, string Prefix, XPathNodeType Type, bool matchSelf, bool abbrAxis)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\DocumentorderQuery.cs (1)
10public DocumentOrderQuery(Query qyParent) : base(qyParent) { }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\FilterQuery.cs (4)
13private readonly Query _cond; 16public FilterQuery(Query qyParent, Query cond, bool noPosition) : base(qyParent) 33public Query Condition { get { return _cond; } }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\FollowingQuery.cs (1)
14public FollowingQuery(Query qyInput, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType typeTest) : base(qyInput, name, prefix, typeTest) { }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\FollSiblingQuery.cs (1)
16public FollSiblingQuery(Query qyInput, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType type) : base(qyInput, name, prefix, type)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\ForwardPositionQuery.cs (1)
11public ForwardPositionQuery(Query input) : base(input)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\FunctionQuery.cs (5)
15private readonly IList<Query> _args; 18public FunctionQuery(string prefix, string name, List<Query> args) : base(prefix, name) 25Query[] tmp = new Query[other._args.Count]; 45foreach (Query argument in _args)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\GroupQuery.cs (1)
10public GroupQuery(Query qy) : base(qy) { }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\IdQuery.cs (1)
12public IDQuery(Query arg) : base(arg) { }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\LogicalExpr.cs (6)
14private readonly Query _opnd1; 15private readonly Query _opnd2; 17public LogicalExpr(Operator.Op op, Query opnd1, Query opnd2) 415private readonly Query _opnd; 420_opnd = (Query)opnd;
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\MergeFilterQuery.cs (3)
13private readonly Query _child; 15public MergeFilterQuery(Query input, Query child) : base(input)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\NamespaceQuery.cs (1)
13public NamespaceQuery(Query qyParent, string Name, string Prefix, XPathNodeType Type) : base(qyParent, Name, Prefix, Type) { }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\NodeFunctions.cs (2)
13private readonly Query? _arg; 17public NodeFunctions(FT funcType, Query? arg)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\NumberFunctions.cs (2)
15private readonly Query? _arg; 18public NumberFunctions(FT ftype, Query? arg)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\NumericExpr.cs (4)
14private readonly Query _opnd1; 15private readonly Query _opnd2; 17public NumericExpr(Operator.Op op, Query opnd1, Query opnd2)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\ParentQuery.cs (1)
10public ParentQuery(Query qyInput, string Name, string Prefix, XPathNodeType Type) : base(qyInput, Name, Prefix, Type) { }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\PrecedingQuery.cs (1)
26public PrecedingQuery(Query qyInput, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType typeTest) : base(qyInput, name, prefix, typeTest)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\PreSiblingQuery.cs (1)
25public PreSiblingQuery(Query qyInput, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType typeTest) : base(qyInput, name, prefix, typeTest) { }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\Query.cs (6)
33protected Query(Query other) : base(other) { } 44Query clone = (Query)this.Clone(); 70public static Query? Clone(Query? input) 74return (Query)input.Clone();
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\QueryBuilder.cs (28)
56private Query ProcessAxis(Axis root, Flags flags, out Props props) 58Query? result; 64Query qyInput; 79Query qyGrandInput; 207private static bool CanBeNumber(Query q) 215private Query ProcessFilter(Filter root, Flags flags, out Props props) 220Query cond = ProcessNode(root.Condition, Flags.None, out propsCond); 239Query qyInput = ProcessNode(root.Input, flags | Flags.Filter, out props); 258Query prevCond = qyFilter.Condition; 293Query parent = _firstInput.qyInput; 308private Query? ProcessOperator(Operator root, out Props props) 311Query op1 = ProcessNode(root.Operand1, Flags.None, out props1); 312Query op2 = ProcessNode(root.Operand2, Flags.None, out props2); 349private Query ProcessFunction(Function root, out Props props) 352Query? qy; 440private List<Query> ProcessArguments(List<AstNode> args, out Props props) 443List<Query> argList = new List<Query>(numArgs); 457private Query ProcessNode(AstNode root, Flags flags, out Props props) 465Query? result = null; 501private Query Build(AstNode root, string query) 505Query result = ProcessNode(root, Flags.None, out _); 509internal Query Build(string query, bool allowVar, bool allowKey) 517internal Query Build(string query, out bool needContext) 519Query result = Build(query, true, true); 524internal Query BuildPatternQuery(string query, bool allowVar, bool allowKey) 532internal Query BuildPatternQuery(string query, out bool needContext) 534Query result = BuildPatternQuery(query, true, true);
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\ReversePositionQuery.cs (1)
10public ReversePositionQuery(Query input) : base(input) { }
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\SortQuery.cs (11)
18private readonly Query _qyInput; 20public SortQuery(Query qyInput) 103internal void AddSort(Query evalQuery, IComparer comparer) 145private Query[] _expressions; 152_expressions = new Query[size]; 157public void AddSort(Query evalQuery, IComparer comparer) 165Query[] newExpressions = new Query[_numSorts * 2]; 180evalQuery = new StringFunctions(Function.FunctionType.FuncString, new Query[] { evalQuery }); 190public Query Expression(int i) 219clone._expressions[i] = (Query)_expressions[i].Clone(); // Expressions should be cloned because Query should be cloned
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\StringFunctions.cs (4)
18private readonly IList<Query> _argList; 20public StringFunctions(Function.FunctionType funcType, IList<Query> argList) 29Query[] tmp = new Query[other._argList.Count];
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\UnionExpr.cs (3)
13internal Query qy1, qy2; 18public UnionExpr(Query query1, Query query2)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\XPathAncestorQuery.cs (1)
13public XPathAncestorQuery(Query qyInput, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType typeTest, bool matchSelf) : base(qyInput, name, prefix, typeTest)
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\XPathMultyIterator.cs (1)
75XmlNodeOrder order = Query.CompareNodes(it.Current, itNext.Current);
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\XPathSelectionIterator.cs (3)
14private readonly Query _query; 17internal XPathSelectionIterator(XPathNavigator nav, Query query) 26_query = (Query)it._query.Clone();
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\XPathSelfQuery.cs (1)
10public XPathSelfQuery(Query qyInput, string Name, string Prefix, XPathNodeType Type) : base(qyInput, Name, Prefix, Type) { }
System\Xml\XPath\XPathExpr.cs (1)
65Query query = new QueryBuilder().Build(xpath, out hasPrefix);
System\Xml\XPath\XPathNavigator.cs (5)
1182Query query = Query.Clone(cexpr.QueryTree); 1207Query query = Query.Clone(cexpr.QueryTree); 1793Query query = new QueryBuilder().BuildPatternQuery(xpath, out hasPrefix);
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\ActionFrame.cs (1)
149Query expr = proc.GetCompiledQuery(sort.select);
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\CopyOfAction.cs (1)
50Query query = processor.GetValueQuery(_selectKey);
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\Processor.cs (13)
102private readonly Query[] _queryList; 335_queryList = new Query[queryStore.Count]; 339_queryList[i] = Query.Clone(queryStore[i].CompiledQuery.QueryTree); 517internal Query GetCompiledQuery(int key) 522Query expr = Query.Clone(_queryList[key]); 527internal Query GetValueQuery(int key) 532internal Query GetValueQuery(int key, XsltCompileContext? context) 537Query expr = _queryList[key]; 573Query query = this.GetValueQuery(key, GetValueOfContext()); 632Query query = GetCompiledQuery(key); 648Query query = GetCompiledQuery(key); 686Query query = this.GetValueQuery(key, GetMatchesContext());
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\TemplateAction.cs (1)
135Query query = expr.QueryTree;
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\XsltCompileContext.cs (4)
298Query matchExpr = _processor.GetCompiledQuery(key.MatchKey); 299Query useExpr = _processor.GetCompiledQuery(key.UseKey); 353private static void EvaluateKey(XPathNavigator? node, Query matchExpr, string matchStr, Query useExpr, Hashtable keyTable)