File: Windows\Win32\System\Variant\VARIANT.cs
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Project: src\src\System.Private.Windows.Core\src\System.Private.Windows.Core.csproj (System.Private.Windows.Core)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Windows.Win32.System.Com;
using Windows.Win32.System.Com.StructuredStorage;
using Windows.Win32.System.Ole;
using static Windows.Win32.System.Variant.VARENUM;
namespace Windows.Win32.System.Variant;
internal unsafe partial struct VARIANT : IDisposable
    public static VARIANT Empty { get; }
    public static VARIANT True { get; } = CreateBoolVariant(value: true);
    public static VARIANT False { get; } = CreateBoolVariant(value: false);
    private static VARIANT CreateBoolVariant(bool value)
        return variant;
    public bool IsEmpty => vt == VT_EMPTY && data.llVal == 0;
    public VARENUM Type => vt & VT_TYPEMASK;
    public bool Byref => vt.HasFlag(VT_BYREF);
    public ref VARENUM vt => ref Anonymous.Anonymous.vt;
    public ref _Anonymous_e__Union._Anonymous_e__Struct._Anonymous_e__Union data => ref Anonymous.Anonymous.Anonymous;
    public void Clear()
        // PropVariantClear is essentially a superset of VariantClear it calls CoTaskMemFree on the following types:
        //     - VT_LPWSTR, VT_LPSTR, VT_CLSID (psvVal)
        //     - VT_BSTR_BLOB (bstrblobVal.pData)
        //     - VT_CF (pclipdata->pClipData, pclipdata)
        //     - VT_BLOB, VT_BLOB_OBJECT (blob.pData)
        //     - VT_STREAM, VT_STREAMED_OBJECT (pStream)
        //     - VT_VERSIONED_STREAM (pVersionedStream->pStream, pVersionedStream)
        //     - VT_STORAGE, VT_STORED_OBJECT (pStorage)
        // If the VARTYPE is a VT_VECTOR, the contents are cleared as above and CoTaskMemFree is also called on
        // cabstr.pElems.
        //     - VT_BSTR (SysFreeString)
        //     - VT_DISPATCH / VT_UNKOWN (->Release(), if not VT_BYREF)
        fixed (void* t = &this)
        Anonymous.Anonymous.vt = VT_EMPTY;
        Anonymous.Anonymous.Anonymous = default;
    public void Dispose() => Clear();
    public object? ToObject()
        if (vt == VT_DECIMAL)
            return Anonymous.decVal.ToDecimal();
        fixed (VARIANT* thisVariant = &this)
            void* data = &thisVariant->Anonymous.Anonymous.Anonymous;
            if (Byref)
                data = *(void**)data;
                // CLR allows VT_EMPTY/NULL | VT_BYREF to have no data.
                // In other cases, the variant is invalid.
                if (data is null && !(Type == VT_EMPTY || Type == VT_NULL))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Variant");
            // Note that the following check also covers VT_ILLEGAL.
            if ((vt & ~(VT_BYREF | VT_ARRAY | VT_VECTOR)) >= (VARENUM)0x80)
                throw new InvalidOleVariantTypeException();
            if ((vt & VT_VECTOR) != 0)
                return ToVector(thisVariant->, vt);
            if ((vt & VT_ARRAY) != 0)
                return ToArray(*(SAFEARRAY**)data, vt);
            return ToObject(Type, Byref, data);
    private static object? ToObject(VARENUM type, bool byRef, void* data)
        switch (type)
            case VT_EMPTY:
                if (byRef)
                    // CLR returns VT_EMPTY | VT_BYREF data as nuint.
                    return IntPtr.Size == 8 ? (ulong)data : (object)(uint)data;
                return null;
            case VT_NULL:
                return Convert.DBNull;
            case VT_I1:
                return *((sbyte*)data);
            case VT_UI1:
                return *((byte*)data);
            case VT_I2:
                return *((short*)data);
            case VT_UI2:
                return *((ushort*)data);
            case VT_I4:
            case VT_INT:
            case VT_ERROR:
            case VT_HRESULT:
                return *((int*)data);
            case VT_UI4:
            case VT_UINT:
                return *((uint*)data);
            case VT_I8:
                return *((long*)data);
            case VT_UI8:
                return *((ulong*)data);
            case VT_R4:
                return *((float*)data);
            case VT_R8:
                return *((double*)data);
            case VT_CY:
                long cyVal = *((long*)data);
                return decimal.FromOACurrency(cyVal);
            case VT_DATE:
                double date = *((double*)data);
                return DateTime.FromOADate(date);
            case VT_BSTR:
            case VT_LPWSTR:
                return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(*(IntPtr*)data);
            case VT_LPSTR:
                return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(*(IntPtr*)data);
            case VT_DISPATCH:
            case VT_UNKNOWN:
                IUnknown* pInterface = *(IUnknown**)data;
                if (pInterface is null)
                    return null;
                return ComHelpers.GetObjectForIUnknown(pInterface);
            case VT_DECIMAL:
                return ((DECIMAL*)data)->ToDecimal();
            case VT_BOOL:
                return (*(VARIANT_BOOL*)data) != VARIANT_BOOL.VARIANT_FALSE;
            case VT_VARIANT:
                // We only support VT_VARIANT | VT_BYREF.
                if (!byRef)
                // BYREF VARIANTS are not allowed to be nested.
                VARIANT* pVariant = (VARIANT*)data;
                if (pVariant->Byref)
                    throw new InvalidOleVariantTypeException();
                return pVariant->ToObject();
            case VT_CLSID:
                // We only support VT_CLSID.
                // This is the type of InitPropVariantFromCLSID.
                if (byRef)
                return **((Guid**)data);
            case VT_FILETIME:
                // We only support VT_FILETIME.
                // This is the type of InitPropVariantFromFILETIME.
                if (byRef)
                return (*(FILETIME*)data).ToDateTime();
            case VT_VOID:
                return null;
            case VT_RECORD:
                    var record = (_Anonymous_e__Union._Anonymous_e__Struct._Anonymous_e__Union._Anonymous_e__Struct*)data;
                    if (record->pRecInfo is null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Specified OLE variant is invalid.");
                    if (record->pvRecord is null)
                        return null;
                    // TODO: cast IntPtr to IRecordInfo. Not that much of a concern
                    // as .NET Core doesn't support records anyway.
                    // Type recordType = GetRecordElementType(record->pvRecord);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Record marshalling doesn't actually work in .NET Core. Matching that behaviour.");
        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.COM2UnhandledVT, type));
    private static Type GetRecordElementType(IRecordInfo* record)
        Guid guid;
        Type? t = global::System.Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(guid);
        if (t is null || !t.IsValueType)
            throw new ArgumentException("The specified record cannot be mapped to a managed value class.");
        return t;
    private static Array? ToArray(SAFEARRAY* psa, VARENUM vt)
        if (psa is null)
            return null;
        VARENUM arrayType = vt & ~VT_ARRAY;
        if (arrayType == VT_RECORD)
            // Exit early so we don't have to consider this in the helper methods.
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.COM2UnhandledVT, arrayType));
        Array array = CreateArrayFromSafeArray(psa, arrayType);
        GCHandle pin = default;
            pin = GCHandle.Alloc(array, GCHandleType.Pinned);
        catch (ArgumentException)
        HRESULT hr = PInvokeCore.SafeArrayLock(psa);
        Debug.Assert(hr == HRESULT.S_OK);
            if (array.Rank == 1)
                switch (arrayType)
                    case VT_I1:
                        new Span<sbyte>(psa->pvData, array.Length)
                    case VT_UI1:
                        new Span<byte>(psa->pvData, array.Length)
                    case VT_I2:
                        new Span<short>(psa->pvData, array.Length)
                    case VT_UI2:
                        new Span<ushort>(psa->pvData, array.Length)
                    case VT_I4:
                    case VT_INT:
                        new Span<int>(psa->pvData, array.Length)
                    case VT_UI4:
                    case VT_UINT:
                    case VT_ERROR: // Not explicitly mentioned in the docs but trivial to implement.
                        new Span<uint>(psa->pvData, array.Length)
                    case VT_I8:
                        new Span<long>(psa->pvData, array.Length)
                    case VT_UI8:
                        new Span<ulong>(psa->pvData, array.Length)
                    case VT_R4:
                        new Span<float>(psa->pvData, array.Length)
                    case VT_R8:
                        new Span<double>(psa->pvData, array.Length)
                    case VT_BOOL:
                            Span<VARIANT_BOOL> data = new(psa->pvData, array.Length);
                            var result = GetSpan<bool>(array);
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                                result[i] = data[i] != VARIANT_BOOL.VARIANT_FALSE;
                    case VT_DECIMAL:
                            Span<DECIMAL> data = new(psa->pvData, array.Length);
                            var result = GetSpan<decimal>(array);
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                                result[i] = data[i].ToDecimal();
                    case VT_CY:
                            Span<long> data = new(psa->pvData, array.Length);
                            var result = GetSpan<decimal>(array);
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                                result[i] = decimal.FromOACurrency(data[i]);
                    case VT_DATE:
                            Span<double> data = new(psa->pvData, array.Length);
                            var result = GetSpan<DateTime>(array);
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                                result[i] = DateTime.FromOADate(data[i]);
                    case VT_BSTR:
                            Span<IntPtr> data = new(psa->pvData, array.Length);
                            var result = GetSpan<string?>(array);
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                                result[i] = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(data[i]);
                    case VT_DISPATCH:
                    case VT_UNKNOWN:
                            Span<IntPtr> data = new(psa->pvData, array.Length);
                            var result = GetSpan<object?>(array);
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                                result[i] = data[i] == IntPtr.Zero ? null : ComHelpers.GetObjectForIUnknown((IUnknown*)data[i]);
                    case VT_VARIANT:
                            Span<VARIANT> data = new(psa->pvData, array.Length);
                            var result = GetSpan<object?>(array);
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                                result[i] = data[i].ToObject();
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.COM2UnhandledVT, vt));
            else if (array.Length != 0)
                // CLR arrays are laid out in row-major order.
                // See CLI 8.9.1:
                // However, SAFEARRAYs are laid out in column-major order.
                // See
                // Therefore, we need to transpose data.
                TransposeArray(psa, array, arrayType);
            if (pin.IsAllocated)
            hr = PInvokeCore.SafeArrayUnlock(psa);
            Debug.Assert(hr == HRESULT.S_OK);
        return array;
    private static void TransposeArray(SAFEARRAY* psa, Array array, VARENUM arrayType)
        if (array.Rank <= 32)
            StackTransposeArray(psa, array, arrayType);
            Debug.Fail("The CLR should not support arrays with more than 32 dimensions.");
            HeapTransposeArray(psa, array, arrayType);
        static void StackTransposeArray(SAFEARRAY* psa, Array array, VARENUM arrayType)
            Span<int> indices = stackalloc int[array.Rank];
            Span<int> lower = stackalloc int[array.Rank];
            Span<int> upper = stackalloc int[array.Rank];
            InternalTransposeArray(psa, array, arrayType, indices, lower, upper);
        static void HeapTransposeArray(SAFEARRAY* psa, Array array, VARENUM arrayType)
            int[] indices = new int[array.Rank];
            int[] lower = new int[array.Rank];
            int[] upper = new int[array.Rank];
            InternalTransposeArray(psa, array, arrayType, indices, lower, upper);
        static void InternalTransposeArray(SAFEARRAY* psa, Array array, VARENUM arrayType, Span<int> indices, Span<int> lower, Span<int> upper)
            int lastIndex = array.Rank - 1;
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < array.Rank; i++)
                indices[i] = lower[i] = array.GetLowerBound(i);
                upper[i] = array.GetUpperBound(i);
            // Loop through all the indices.
            while (true)
                SetArrayValue(psa, array, indices, lower, arrayType);
                for (i = lastIndex; i > 0;)
                    if (++indices[i] <= upper[i])
                        goto BeginMainLoop;
                    indices[i] = lower[i];
                // Special case for the first index, it must be enumerated only once
                if (++indices[0] > upper[0])
    private static void SetArrayValue(SAFEARRAY* psa, Array array, Span<int> indices, Span<int> lowerBounds, VARENUM arrayType)
        static void SetValue<T>(Array array, T value, Span<int> indices, Span<int> lowerBounds)
            // CLR arrays are laid out in row-major order.
            // See CLI 8.9.1:
            var span = GetSpan<T>(array);
            int offset = 0;
            int multiplier = 1;
            for (int i = array.Rank; i >= 1; i--)
                int diff = indices[i - 1] - lowerBounds[i - 1];
                offset += diff * multiplier;
                multiplier *= array.GetLength(i - 1);
            span[offset] = value;
        switch (arrayType)
            case VT_I1:
                SetValue(array, psa->GetValue<sbyte>(indices), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_UI1:
                SetValue(array, psa->GetValue<byte>(indices), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_I2:
                SetValue(array, psa->GetValue<short>(indices), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_UI2:
                SetValue(array, psa->GetValue<ushort>(indices), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_I4:
            case VT_INT:
                SetValue(array, psa->GetValue<int>(indices), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_UI4:
            case VT_UINT:
            case VT_ERROR: // Not explicitly mentioned in the docs but trivial to implement.
                SetValue(array, psa->GetValue<uint>(indices), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_I8:
                SetValue(array, psa->GetValue<long>(indices), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_UI8:
                SetValue(array, psa->GetValue<ulong>(indices), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_R4:
                SetValue(array, psa->GetValue<float>(indices), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_R8:
                SetValue(array, psa->GetValue<double>(indices), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_BOOL:
                    VARIANT_BOOL data = psa->GetValue<VARIANT_BOOL>(indices);
                    SetValue(array, data != VARIANT_BOOL.VARIANT_FALSE, indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_DECIMAL:
                    DECIMAL data = psa->GetValue<DECIMAL>(indices);
                    SetValue(array, data.ToDecimal(), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_CY:
                    long data = psa->GetValue<long>(indices);
                    SetValue(array, decimal.FromOACurrency(data), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_DATE:
                    double data = psa->GetValue<double>(indices);
                    SetValue(array, DateTime.FromOADate(data), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_BSTR:
                    IntPtr data = psa->GetValue<IntPtr>(indices);
                    SetValue(array, Marshal.PtrToStringUni(data), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_DISPATCH:
            case VT_UNKNOWN:
                    IntPtr data = psa->GetValue<IntPtr>(indices);
                    if (data == IntPtr.Zero)
                        SetValue<object?>(array, null, indices, lowerBounds);
                        SetValue(array, ComHelpers.GetObjectForIUnknown((IUnknown*)data), indices, lowerBounds);
            case VT_VARIANT:
                    VARIANT data = psa->GetValue<VARIANT>(indices);
                    SetValue(array, data.ToObject(), indices, lowerBounds);
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.COM2UnhandledVT, arrayType));
    private static Array CreateArrayFromSafeArray(SAFEARRAY* psa, VARENUM vt)
        Type elementType;
        if (vt == VT_EMPTY)
            throw new InvalidOleVariantTypeException();
        VARENUM arrayVarType = psa->VarType;
        if (arrayVarType == VT_EMPTY)
            if (psa->cbElements != GetElementSizeForVarType(vt))
                throw new SafeArrayTypeMismatchException();
        // Allow limited conversion between arrays of different but related types.
        else if (arrayVarType != vt
            && !(vt == VT_INT && arrayVarType == VT_I4)
            && !(vt == VT_UINT && arrayVarType == VT_UI4)
            && !(vt == VT_I4 && arrayVarType == VT_INT)
            && !(vt == VT_UI4 && arrayVarType == VT_UINT)
            && !(vt == VT_UNKNOWN && arrayVarType == VT_DISPATCH)
            && !(arrayVarType == VT_RECORD))
            // To match CLR behavior.
            throw new SafeArrayTypeMismatchException();
        elementType = vt switch
            VT_I1 => typeof(sbyte),
            VT_UI1 => typeof(byte),
            VT_I2 => typeof(short),
            VT_UI2 => typeof(ushort),
            VT_I4 or VT_INT => typeof(int),
            VT_I8 => typeof(long),
            VT_UI8 => typeof(ulong),
            VT_UI4 or VT_UINT or VT_ERROR => typeof(uint),
            VT_R4 => typeof(float),
            VT_R8 => typeof(double),
            VT_BOOL => typeof(bool),
            VT_DECIMAL or VT_CY => typeof(decimal),
            VT_DATE => typeof(DateTime),
            VT_BSTR => typeof(string),
            VT_DISPATCH or VT_UNKNOWN or VT_VARIANT => typeof(object),
            _ => throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.COM2UnhandledVT, vt)),
        if (psa->cDims == 1 && psa->GetBounds().lLbound == 0)
            // SZArray.
            return Array.CreateInstance(elementType, (int)psa->GetBounds().cElements);
        int[] lengths = new int[psa->cDims];
        int[] bounds = new int[psa->cDims];
        int counter = 0;
        // Copy the lower bounds and count of elements for the dimensions. These need to copied in reverse order.
        for (int i = psa->cDims - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            lengths[counter] = (int)psa->GetBounds(i).cElements;
            bounds[counter] = psa->GetBounds(i).lLbound;
        return Array.CreateInstance(elementType, lengths, bounds);
    private static uint GetElementSizeForVarType(VARENUM vt)
        switch (vt)
            case VT_EMPTY:
            case VT_NULL:
            case VT_VOID:
                return 0;
            case VT_I1:
            case VT_UI1:
                return 1;
            case VT_I2:
            case VT_UI2:
            case VT_BOOL:
                return 2;
            case VT_I4:
            case VT_UI4:
            case VT_INT:
            case VT_UINT:
            case VT_R4:
            case VT_HRESULT:
            case VT_ERROR:
                return 4;
            case VT_I8:
            case VT_UI8:
            case VT_CY:
            case VT_R8:
            case VT_DATE:
                return 8;
            case VT_DECIMAL:
                return (uint)sizeof(DECIMAL);
            case VT_VARIANT:
                return (uint)sizeof(VARIANT);
            case VT_BSTR:
            case VT_LPSTR:
            case VT_LPWSTR:
            case VT_UNKNOWN:
            case VT_DISPATCH:
            case VT_USERDEFINED:
            case VT_CARRAY:
            case VT_SAFEARRAY:
            case VT_PTR:
                return (uint)IntPtr.Size;
                if ((vt & VT_ARRAY) != 0)
                    return (uint)sizeof(SAFEARRAY*);
                return 0;
    private static object ToVector(in CA ca, VARENUM vectorType)
        VARENUM vt = vectorType & ~VT_VECTOR;
        switch (vt)
            case VT_I1:
                return new Span<sbyte>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_UI1:
                return new Span<byte>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_I2:
                return new Span<short>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_UI2:
                return new Span<ushort>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_BOOL:
                    Span<VARIANT_BOOL> data = new(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems);
                    bool[] result = new bool[data.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        result[i] = data[i] != VARIANT_BOOL.VARIANT_FALSE;
                    return result;
            case VT_I4:
            case VT_INT: // Not explicitly mentioned in the docs but trivial to implement.
                return new Span<int>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_UI4:
            case VT_ERROR:
            case VT_UINT: // Not explicitly mentioned in the docs but trivial to implement.
                return new Span<uint>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_I8:
                return new Span<long>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_UI8:
                return new Span<ulong>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_R4:
                return new Span<float>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_R8:
                return new Span<double>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_CY:
                    Span<long> data = new(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems);
                    decimal[] result = new decimal[data.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        result[i] = decimal.FromOACurrency(data[i]);
                    return result;
            case VT_DATE:
                    Span<double> data = new(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems);
                    var result = new DateTime[data.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        result[i] = DateTime.FromOADate(data[i]);
                    return result;
            case VT_FILETIME:
                    var data = new Span<FILETIME>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems);
                    var result = new DateTime[data.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        result[i] = data[i].ToDateTime();
                    return result;
            case VT_CLSID:
                return new Span<Guid>(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems).ToArray();
            case VT_BSTR:
            case VT_LPWSTR:
                    Span<IntPtr> data = new(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems);
                    string?[] result = new string?[data.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        result[i] = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(data[i]);
                    return result;
            case VT_LPSTR:
                    Span<IntPtr> data = new(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems);
                    string?[] result = new string?[data.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        result[i] = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(data[i]);
                    return result;
            case VT_VARIANT:
                    Span<VARIANT> data = new(ca.pElems, (int)ca.cElems);
                    object?[] result = new object?[data.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        result[i] = data[i].ToObject();
                    return result;
            case VT_CF: // Not implemented.
            case VT_BSTR_BLOB: // System use only.
            default: // Documentation does not specify any other types that are supported.
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.COM2UnhandledVT, vt));
    private static Span<T> GetSpan<T>(Array array)
        => MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref Unsafe.AsRef<T>(Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(array, 0).ToPointer()), array.Length);
    public static explicit operator bool(VARIANT value)
        => value.vt == VT_BOOL ? != VARIANT_BOOL.VARIANT_FALSE : ThrowInvalidCast<bool>();
    public static explicit operator VARIANT(bool value)
        => value ? True : False;
    public static explicit operator short(VARIANT value)
        => value.vt == VT_I2 ? : ThrowInvalidCast<short>();
    public static explicit operator VARIANT(short value)
        => new()
            vt = VT_I2,
            data = new() { iVal = value }
    public static explicit operator int(VARIANT value)
        => value.vt is VT_I4 or VT_INT ? : ThrowInvalidCast<int>();
    public static explicit operator VARIANT(int value)
        => new()
            // Legacy marshalling uses VT_I4, not VT_INT
            vt = VT_I4,
            data = new() { intVal = value }
    public static explicit operator uint(VARIANT value)
        => value.vt is VT_UI4 or VT_UINT ? : ThrowInvalidCast<uint>();
    public static explicit operator VARIANT(uint value)
        => new()
            // Legacy marshalling uses VT_UI4, not VT_UINT
            vt = VT_UI4,
            data = new() { uintVal = value }
    public static explicit operator BSTR(VARIANT value)
        => value.vt == VT_BSTR ? : ThrowInvalidCast<BSTR>();
    public static explicit operator VARIANT(string value)
        => new()
            // Runtime marshalling converts strings to BSTR variants
            vt = VT_BSTR,
            data = new() { bstrVal = new(value) }
    public static explicit operator VARIANT(BSTR value)
        => new()
            vt = VT_BSTR,
            data = new() { bstrVal = value }
    public static explicit operator CY(VARIANT value)
        => value.vt == VT_CY ? : ThrowInvalidCast<CY>();
    public static explicit operator decimal(VARIANT value) => value.vt switch
        VT_DECIMAL => value.Anonymous.decVal.ToDecimal(),
        VT_CY => decimal.FromOACurrency(,
        _ => ThrowInvalidCast<decimal>(),
    public static explicit operator VARIANT(IUnknown* value)
        => new()
            vt = VT_UNKNOWN,
            data = new() { punkVal = value }
    public static explicit operator IUnknown*(VARIANT value)
        => value.vt == VT_UNKNOWN ? : throw new InvalidCastException();
    public static explicit operator double(VARIANT value)
        => value.vt == VT_R8 ? : ThrowInvalidCast<double>();
    public static explicit operator VARIANT(double value)
        => new()
            vt = VT_R8,
            data = new() { dblVal = value }
    private static T ThrowInvalidCast<T>() => throw new InvalidCastException();
    /// <summary>
    ///  Converts the given object to <see cref="VARIANT"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public static VARIANT FromObject(object? value)
        if (value is null)
            return Empty;
        if (value is string stringValue)
            return (VARIANT)stringValue;
        else if (value is bool boolValue)
            return (VARIANT)boolValue;
        else if (value is short shortValue)
            return (VARIANT)shortValue;
        else if (value is int intValue)
            return (VARIANT)intValue;
        else if (value is uint uintValue)
            return (VARIANT)uintValue;
        else if (value is double doubleValue)
            return (VARIANT)doubleValue;
        // Need to fill out to match Marshal behavior so we can remove the call.
        VARIANT variant = default;
        Marshal.GetNativeVariantForObject(value, (nint)(void*)&variant);
        return variant;
    internal partial struct _Anonymous_e__Union
        internal partial struct _Anonymous_e__Struct
            internal partial struct _Anonymous_e__Union
                // Other data types amalgamated from PROPVARIANT
                public Guid* puuid;
                public FILETIME filetime;
                public CA ca;