File: Windows\Win32\System\Com\SAFEARRAY.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Private.Windows.Core\src\System.Private.Windows.Core.csproj (System.Private.Windows.Core)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Windows.Win32.System.Variant;
using static Windows.Win32.System.Com.ADVANCED_FEATURE_FLAGS;
using static Windows.Win32.System.Variant.VARENUM;
namespace Windows.Win32.System.Com;
internal unsafe partial struct SAFEARRAY
    /// <summary>
    ///  Gets the <see cref="SAFEARRAYBOUND"/> of the <paramref name="dimension"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public SAFEARRAYBOUND GetBounds(int dimension = 0)
        fixed (void* b = &rgsabound)
            return new ReadOnlySpan<SAFEARRAYBOUND>(b, cDims)[dimension];
    /// <summary>
    ///  Creates an empty one-dimensional SAFEARRAY of type <paramref name="arrayType"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public static SAFEARRAY* CreateEmpty(VARENUM arrayType)
        SAFEARRAYBOUND saBound = new()
            cElements = 0,
            lLbound = 0
        return PInvokeCore.SafeArrayCreate(arrayType, 1, &saBound);
    public VARENUM VarType
            // Match CLR behavior.
            if (hardwiredType == FADF_BSTR && cbElements == sizeof(char*))
                return VT_BSTR;
            else if (hardwiredType == FADF_UNKNOWN && cbElements == sizeof(IntPtr))
                return VT_UNKNOWN;
            else if (hardwiredType == FADF_DISPATCH && cbElements == sizeof(IntPtr))
                return VT_DISPATCH;
            else if (hardwiredType == FADF_VARIANT && cbElements == sizeof(VARIANT))
                return VT_VARIANT;
            // Call native API.
            VARENUM vt = VT_EMPTY;
            fixed (SAFEARRAY* pThis = &this)
                PInvokeCore.SafeArrayGetVartype(pThis, &vt).ThrowOnFailure();
                return vt;
    public T GetValue<T>(Span<int> indices)
        // SAFEARRAY is laid out in column-major order.
        // See
        int indicesIndex = 0;
        int c1 = indices[indicesIndex++];
        uint dimensionSize = 1;
        fixed (void* b = &rgsabound)
            ReadOnlySpan<SAFEARRAYBOUND> bounds = new(b, cDims);
            int boundIndex = cDims - 1;
            uint cell = 0;
            for (ushort dim = 1; dim < cDims; dim++)
                dimensionSize *= bounds[boundIndex--].cElements;
                int diff = (indices[indicesIndex++] - bounds[boundIndex].lLbound);
                cell += (uint)diff * dimensionSize;
            cell += (uint)(c1 - bounds[cDims - 1].lLbound);
            void* v = Unsafe.Add<T>(pvData, (int)cell);
            return Unsafe.AsRef<T>(v);