// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Formats.Nrbf;
using System.Private.Windows.BinaryFormat;
using System.Private.Windows.Nrbf;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
namespace System.Private.Windows.Ole;
internal static class BinaryFormatUtilities<TNrbfSerializer> where TNrbfSerializer : INrbfSerializer
internal static void WriteObjectToStream(MemoryStream stream, object data, bool restrictSerialization)
long position = stream.Position;
if (TNrbfSerializer.TryWriteObject(stream, data))
catch (Exception ex) when (!ex.IsCriticalException())
// Being extra cautious here, but the Try method above should never throw in normal circumstances.
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected exception writing binary formatted data. {ex.Message}");
if (restrictSerialization)
throw new SerializationException(string.Format(SR.UnexpectedTypeForClipboardFormat, data.GetType().FullName));
// This check is to help in trimming scenarios with a trim warning on a call to
// BinaryFormatter.Serialize(), which has a RequiresUnreferencedCode annotation.
// If the flag is false, the trimmer will not generate a warning, since BinaryFormatter.Serialize(),
// will not be called,
// If the flag is true, the trimmer will generate a warning for calling a method that has a
// RequiresUnreferencedCode annotation.
if (!FeatureSwitches.EnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterInNativeObjectSerialization)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.BinaryFormatterNotSupported);
if (!CoreAppContextSwitches.ClipboardDragDropEnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterSerialization)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.BinaryFormatter_NotSupported_InClipboardOrDragDrop);
stream.Position = position;
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0011 // Type or member is obsolete
new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(stream, data);
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0011
internal static object? ReadObjectFromStream<T>(MemoryStream stream, ref readonly DataRequest request)
long startPosition = stream.Position;
SerializationRecord? record;
SerializationBinder binder = new TypeBinder<TNrbfSerializer>(typeof(T), in request);
IReadOnlyDictionary<SerializationRecordId, SerializationRecord> recordMap;
record = stream.DecodeNrbf(out recordMap);
catch (Exception ex) when (!ex.IsCriticalException())
// Couldn't parse for some reason, let BinaryFormatter handle the legacy invocation.
// The typed APIs can't compare the specified type when the root record is not available.
if (request.UntypedRequest && CoreAppContextSwitches.ClipboardDragDropEnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterSerialization)
stream.Position = startPosition;
return ReadObjectWithBinaryFormatter<T>(stream, binder);
// For example offset arrays throw from the decoder -
// https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.array.createinstance?#system-array-createinstance(system-type-system-int32()-system-int32())
if (ex is NotSupportedException)
throw ExceptionDispatchInfo.SetRemoteStackTrace(
new NotSupportedException(ex.Message, ex), ex.StackTrace ?? string.Empty);
// For the new TryGet APIs, ensure that the stream contains the requested type,
// or type that can be assigned to the requested type.
Type type = typeof(T);
if (!request.UntypedRequest && !type.MatchExceptAssemblyVersion(record.TypeName))
if (record.TryGetObjectFromJson<T>((ITypeResolver)binder, out object? data))
return data;
if (!TypeNameIsAssignableToType(record.TypeName, type, (ITypeResolver)binder))
// If clipboard contains an exception from SetData, we will get its message and throw.
if (record.TypeName.FullName == typeof(NotSupportedException).FullName
&& record.TryGetNotSupportedException(out object? @object)
&& @object is NotSupportedException exception)
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(SR.NotSupportedExceptionOnClipboard, exception.Message));
return null;
if (TNrbfSerializer.TryGetObject(record, out object? value))
return value;
if (!CoreAppContextSwitches.ClipboardDragDropEnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterSerialization)
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(
// NRBF deserializer avoids some known BinaryFormatter issues:
// 1. Doesn't allow arrays that have a non-zero base index (can't create these in C# or VB)
// 2. Only allows IObjectReference types that contain primitives (to avoid observable cycle
// dependencies to indeterminate state)
// But it usually requires a resolver. Resolver is not available in the legacy mode,
// so we will fall back to BinaryFormatter in that case.
if (CoreAppContextSwitches.ClipboardDragDropEnableNrbfSerialization)
return record.Deserialize(recordMap, (ITypeResolver)binder);
catch (Exception ex) when (!ex.IsCriticalException() && request.UntypedRequest)
stream.Position = startPosition;
return ReadObjectWithBinaryFormatter<T>(stream, binder);
internal static object? ReadRestrictedObjectFromStream<T>(
MemoryStream stream,
ref readonly DataRequest request)
SerializationRecord? record;
record = stream.DecodeNrbf();
catch (Exception ex) when (!ex.IsCriticalException())
throw new RestrictedTypeDeserializationException(SR.UnexpectedClipboardType);
// For the new TryGet APIs, ensure that the stream contains the requested type,
// or type that can be assigned to the requested type.
Type type = typeof(T);
if (!request.UntypedRequest && !type.MatchExceptAssemblyVersion(record.TypeName))
if (!TypeNameIsAssignableToType(record.TypeName, type, new TypeBinder<TNrbfSerializer>(type, in request)))
// If clipboard contains an exception from SetData, we will get its message and throw.
if (record.TypeName.FullName == typeof(NotSupportedException).FullName
&& record.TryGetNotSupportedException(out object? @object)
&& @object is NotSupportedException exception)
throw new NotSupportedException(exception.Message);
return null;
return TNrbfSerializer.TryGetObject(record, out object? value)
? value
: throw new RestrictedTypeDeserializationException(SR.UnexpectedClipboardType);
private static bool TypeNameIsAssignableToType(TypeName typeName, Type type, ITypeResolver resolver)
return resolver.BindToType(typeName)?.IsAssignableTo(type) == true;
catch (Exception ex) when (!ex.IsCriticalException())
// Clipboard contains a wrong type, we want the typed API to return false to the caller.
return false;
private static object? ReadObjectWithBinaryFormatter<T>(MemoryStream stream, SerializationBinder binder)
// This check is to help in trimming scenarios with a trim warning on a call to BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(),
// which has a RequiresUnreferencedCode annotation.
// If the flag is false, the trimmer will not generate a warning, since BinaryFormatter.Deserialize() will not be called,
// If the flag is true, the trimmer will generate a warning for calling a method that has a RequiresUnreferencedCode annotation.
if (!FeatureSwitches.EnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterInNativeObjectSerialization)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.BinaryFormatterNotSupported);
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0011, SYSLIB0050 // Type or member is obsolete
#pragma warning disable CA2300 // Do not use insecure deserializer BinaryFormatter
#pragma warning disable CA2302 // Ensure BinaryFormatter.Binder is set before calling BinaryFormatter.Deserialize
// cs/dangerous-binary-deserialization
#pragma warning disable IL2026 // Members annotated with 'RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute' require dynamic access otherwise can break functionality when trimming application code
return new BinaryFormatter()
Binder = binder,
AssemblyFormat = FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple
}.Deserialize(stream); // CodeQL[SM03722] : BinaryFormatter is intended to be used as a fallback for unsupported types. Users must explicitly opt into this behavior.
#pragma warning restore IL2026
#pragma warning restore CA2300
#pragma warning restore CA2302
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0050, SYSLIB0011