// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Formats.Nrbf;
using System.Private.Windows.BinaryFormat;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Text.Json;
namespace System.Private.Windows.Nrbf;
internal static class SerializationRecordExtensions
/// <inheritdoc cref="DecodeNrbf(Stream, out IReadOnlyDictionary{SerializationRecordId, SerializationRecord})"/>
internal static SerializationRecord DecodeNrbf(this Stream stream) => stream.DecodeNrbf(out _);
/// <summary>
/// Decodes a NRBF stream, converting any exceptions to <see cref="SerializationException"/>.
/// </summary>
internal static SerializationRecord DecodeNrbf(this Stream stream, out IReadOnlyDictionary<SerializationRecordId, SerializationRecord> recordMap)
return NrbfDecoder.Decode(stream, out recordMap, leaveOpen: true);
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is ArgumentException or InvalidCastException or ArithmeticException or IOException or TargetInvocationException)
// Make the exception easier to catch, but retain the original stack trace.
throw ex.ConvertToSerializationException();
/// <summary>
/// Deserializes the <see cref="SerializationRecord"/> to an object.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("Ultimately calls resolver for type names in the data.")]
public static object? Deserialize(
this SerializationRecord rootRecord,
IReadOnlyDictionary<SerializationRecordId, SerializationRecord> recordMap,
ITypeResolver typeResolver)
DeserializationOptions options = new()
TypeResolver = typeResolver
return Deserializer.Deserialize(rootRecord.Id, recordMap, options);
catch (SerializationException ex)
throw ExceptionDispatchInfo.SetRemoteStackTrace(
new NotSupportedException(ex.Message, ex), ex.StackTrace ?? string.Empty);
internal delegate bool TryGetDelegate(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value);
internal static bool TryGet(TryGetDelegate get, SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return get(record, out value);
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is KeyNotFoundException or InvalidCastException)
// This should only really happen with corrupted data.
value = default;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a <see cref="Point"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetPoint(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return TryGet(Get, record, out value);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
value = default;
if (record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.TypeNameMatches(typeof(Point))
|| !classInfo.HasMember("x")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("y"))
return false;
value = new Point(classInfo.GetInt32("x"), classInfo.GetInt32("y"));
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a <see cref="Size"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetSize(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return TryGet(Get, record, out value);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
value = default;
if (record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.TypeNameMatches(typeof(Size))
|| !classInfo.HasMember("height")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("width"))
return false;
value = new Size(classInfo.GetInt32("width"), classInfo.GetInt32("height"));
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a <see cref="Rectangle"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetRectangle(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return TryGet(Get, record, out value);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
value = default;
if (record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.TypeNameMatches(typeof(Rectangle))
|| !classInfo.HasMember("x")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("y")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("width")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("height"))
return false;
value = new Rectangle(
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a <see cref="PointF"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetPointF(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return TryGet(Get, record, out value);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
value = default;
if (record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.TypeNameMatches(typeof(PointF))
|| !classInfo.HasMember("x")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("y"))
return false;
value = new PointF(classInfo.GetSingle("x"), classInfo.GetSingle("y"));
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a <see cref="SizeF"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetSizeF(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return TryGet(Get, record, out value);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
value = default;
if (record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.TypeNameMatches(typeof(SizeF))
|| !classInfo.HasMember("height")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("width"))
return false;
value = new SizeF(classInfo.GetSingle("width"), classInfo.GetSingle("height"));
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a <see cref="RectangleF"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetRectangleF(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return TryGet(Get, record, out value);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
value = default;
if (record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.TypeNameMatches(typeof(RectangleF))
|| !classInfo.HasMember("x")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("y")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("width")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("height"))
return false;
value = new RectangleF(
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a <see cref="Color"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetColor(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return TryGet(Get, record, out value);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
value = default;
if (record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.TypeNameMatches(typeof(Color))
|| !classInfo.HasMember("name")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("value")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("knownColor")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("state"))
return false;
ConstructorInfo? ctor = typeof(Color).GetConstructor(
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, [typeof(long), typeof(short), typeof(string), typeof(KnownColor)]);
if (ctor is null)
return false;
value = ctor.Invoke([
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a primitive type or string.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if this represented a primitive type or string.</returns>
public static bool TryGetPrimitiveType(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return TryGet(Get, record, out value);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
if (record.RecordType is SerializationRecordType.BinaryObjectString)
value = ((PrimitiveTypeRecord<string>)record).Value;
return true;
else if (record.RecordType is SerializationRecordType.MemberPrimitiveTyped)
value = GetMemberPrimitiveTypedValue(record);
return true;
value = null;
return false;
internal static object GetMemberPrimitiveTypedValue(this SerializationRecord record)
Debug.Assert(record.RecordType is SerializationRecordType.MemberPrimitiveTyped);
return ((PrimitiveTypeRecord)record).Value;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a <see cref="List{T}"/> of <see cref="PrimitiveType"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetPrimitiveList(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? list)
return TryGet(Get, record, out list);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? list)
list = null;
if (record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.HasMember("_items")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("_size")
|| classInfo.GetRawValue("_size") is not int size
|| !classInfo.TypeName.IsConstructedGenericType
|| classInfo.TypeName.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Name != typeof(List<>).Name
|| classInfo.TypeName.GetGenericArguments().Length != 1
|| classInfo.GetRawValue("_items") is not ArrayRecord arrayRecord
|| !IsPrimitiveArrayRecord(arrayRecord))
return false;
// BinaryFormatter serializes the entire backing array, so we need to trim it down to the size of the list.
list = arrayRecord switch
SZArrayRecord<string> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<bool> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<byte> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<sbyte> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<char> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<short> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<ushort> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<int> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<uint> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<long> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<ulong> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<float> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<double> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<decimal> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<TimeSpan> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
SZArrayRecord<DateTime> ar => ar.GetArray().CreateTrimmedList(size),
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException()
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a <see cref="ArrayList"/> of <see cref="PrimitiveType"/> values.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetPrimitiveArrayList(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return TryGet(Get, record, out value);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
value = null;
if (record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.TypeNameMatches(typeof(ArrayList))
|| !classInfo.HasMember("_items")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("_size")
|| classInfo.GetRawValue("_size") is not int size
|| classInfo.GetRawValue("_items") is not SZArrayRecord<SerializationRecord> arrayRecord
|| size > arrayRecord.Length)
return false;
ArrayList arrayList = new(size);
SerializationRecord?[] array = arrayRecord.GetArray();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
SerializationRecord? elementRecord = array[i];
if (elementRecord is null)
else if (elementRecord is PrimitiveTypeRecord primitiveTypeRecord)
// It was a complex type (represented as a ClassRecord or an ArrayRecord)
return false;
value = arrayList;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as an <see cref="Array"/> of primitive types.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetPrimitiveArray(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
return TryGet(Get, record, out value);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
if (!IsPrimitiveArrayRecord(record))
value = null;
return false;
value = record switch
SZArrayRecord<string> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<bool> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<byte> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<sbyte> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<char> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<short> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<ushort> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<int> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<uint> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<long> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<ulong> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<float> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<double> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<decimal> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<TimeSpan> ar => ar.GetArray(),
SZArrayRecord<DateTime> ar => ar.GetArray(),
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException()
return value is not null;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a binary formatted <see cref="Hashtable"/> of <see cref="PrimitiveType"/> keys and values.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetPrimitiveHashtable(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Hashtable? hashtable)
bool success = record.TryGetPrimitiveHashtable(out object? value);
hashtable = (Hashtable?)value;
return success;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a binary formatted <see cref="Hashtable"/> of <see cref="PrimitiveType"/> keys and values.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetPrimitiveHashtable(this SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? hashtable)
return TryGet(Get, record, out hashtable);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? hashtable)
hashtable = null;
if (record.RecordType != SerializationRecordType.SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes
|| record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.TypeNameMatches(typeof(Hashtable))
|| !classInfo.HasMember("Keys")
|| !classInfo.HasMember("Values")
// Note that hashtables with custom comparers and/or hash code providers will have non null Comparer
|| classInfo.GetSerializationRecord("Comparer") is not null
|| classInfo.GetSerializationRecord("Keys") is not SZArrayRecord<SerializationRecord?> keysRecord
|| classInfo.GetSerializationRecord("Values") is not SZArrayRecord<SerializationRecord?> valuesRecord
|| keysRecord.Length != valuesRecord.Length)
return false;
Hashtable temp = new(keysRecord.Length);
SerializationRecord?[] keys = keysRecord.GetArray();
SerializationRecord?[] values = valuesRecord.GetArray();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
SerializationRecord? key = keys[i];
SerializationRecord? value = values[i];
if (key is null || key is not PrimitiveTypeRecord primitiveKey)
return false;
if (value is null)
temp[primitiveKey.Value] = null; // null values are allowed
else if (value is PrimitiveTypeRecord primitiveValue)
temp[primitiveKey.Value] = primitiveValue.Value;
// It was a complex type (represented as a ClassRecord or an ArrayRecord)
return false;
hashtable = temp;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get this object as a binary formatted <see cref="NotSupportedException"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetNotSupportedException(
this SerializationRecord record,
out object? exception)
return TryGet(Get, record, out exception);
static bool Get(SerializationRecord record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out object? exception)
exception = null;
if (record is not ClassRecord classInfo
|| !classInfo.TypeNameMatches(typeof(NotSupportedException)))
return false;
exception = new NotSupportedException(classInfo.GetString("Message"));
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Try to get a supported .NET type object (not WinForms) that has no <see cref="TypeConverter"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetFrameworkObject(
this SerializationRecord record,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value)
=> record.TryGetPrimitiveType(out value)
|| record.TryGetPrimitiveList(out value)
|| record.TryGetPrimitiveArray(out value)
|| record.TryGetPrimitiveArrayList(out value)
|| record.TryGetPrimitiveHashtable(out value)
|| record.TryGetRectangleF(out value)
|| record.TryGetPointF(out value)
|| record.TryGetNotSupportedException(out value);
/// <summary>
/// Try to get a supported System.Drawing.Primitives object that has a <see cref="TypeConverter"/>.
/// This method is used for Clipboard payload deserialization. ResX deserialization uses <see cref="TypeConverter"/>s for these types.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryGetDrawingPrimitivesObject(
this SerializationRecord record,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out object? value) =>
record.TryGetPoint(out value)
|| record.TryGetSize(out value)
|| record.TryGetSizeF(out value)
|| record.TryGetRectangle(out value)
|| record.TryGetColor(out value);
private static bool IsPrimitiveArrayRecord(SerializationRecord serializationRecord) =>
serializationRecord.RecordType is SerializationRecordType.ArraySingleString or SerializationRecordType.ArraySinglePrimitive;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to deserialize this object if it was serialized as JSON.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="object">
/// When <see langword="true"/> is returned, this will be the deserialized object or <see langword="default"/>
/// if is was a JSON serialized type and the type did not match.
/// </param>
/// <exception cref="SerializationException">
/// If the data was supposed to be our <see cref="JsonData{T}"/>, but was serialized incorrectly.
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">If an exception occurred while JSON deserializing.</exception>
/// <devdoc>
/// We don't try to resolve all types in the graph of a type when deserializing JSON as the default options
/// should not present the same risks as BinaryFormatter deserialization. JSON binding is just for the root
/// type.
/// </devdoc>
internal static (bool isJsonData, bool isValidType) TryGetObjectFromJson<T>(
this SerializationRecord record,
ITypeResolver resolver,
out T? @object)
@object = default;
if (record.TypeName.AssemblyName?.FullName != IJsonData.CustomAssemblyName)
// The data was not serialized as JSON.
return (isJsonData: false, isValidType: false);
if (record is not ClassRecord types
|| types.GetRawValue("<JsonBytes>k__BackingField") is not SZArrayRecord<byte> byteData
|| types.GetRawValue("<InnerTypeAssemblyQualifiedName>k__BackingField") is not string assemblyQualifiedTypeName
|| !TypeName.TryParse(assemblyQualifiedTypeName, out TypeName? typeName))
// This is supposed to be JsonData, but somehow the binary formatted data is corrupt.
throw new SerializationException(SR.ClipboardOrDragDrop_JsonDeserializationFailed);
Type? boundType = resolver.BindToType(typeName);
if (!boundType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(T)))
// Not the type the caller asked for.
return (isJsonData: true, isValidType: false);
if (boundType == typeof(object))
// Special case for deserializing to object. JsonSerializer.Deserializer<object> gives back a JsonElement.
// We want to do this for the untyped APIs as downlevel apps would be able to read the object via
// GetData (via the IObjectReference behavior in BinaryFormatter). Preventing it here would be difficult
// to explain. Doing this also facilitates moving to the typed APIs for existing data that is JSON
// serializable. You can simply switch to SerializeAsJson and know existing consumers will not be broken.
boundType = Type.GetType(
throwOnError: false);
// Fall back to just the full name.
boundType ??= Type.GetType(
throwOnError: true);
// Let the original exception bubble up if deserialization fails.
if (boundType is not null)
Utf8JsonReader reader = new(byteData.GetArray());
@object = (T?)JsonSerializer.Deserialize(ref reader, boundType);
return (isJsonData: true, isValidType: @object is not null);