// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Private.Windows.BinaryFormat.Serializer;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
namespace System.Private.Windows.BinaryFormat;
/// <summary>
/// Writer that writes specific types in binary format without using the BinaryFormatter.
/// </summary>
internal static class BinaryFormatWriter
private static readonly string[] s_hashtableMemberNames =
"LoadFactor", "Version", "Comparer", "HashCodeProvider", "HashSize", "Keys", "Values"
private static readonly string[] s_notSupportedExceptionMemberNames =
"ClassName", "Message", "Data", "InnerException", "HelpURL", "StackTraceString", "RemoteStackTraceString",
"RemoteStackIndex", "ExceptionMethod", "HResult", "Source", "WatsonBuckets"
private static readonly string[] s_listMemberNames = ["_items", "_size", "_version"];
private static readonly string[] s_decimalMemberNames = ["flags", "hi", "lo", "mid"];
private static readonly string[] s_dateTimeMemberNames = ["ticks", "dateData"];
private static readonly string[] s_primitiveMemberName = ["m_value"];
private static readonly string[] s_pointMemberNames = ["x", "y"];
private static readonly string[] s_rectangleMemberNames = ["x", "y", "width", "height"];
private static readonly string[] s_sizeMemberNames = ["width", "height"];
private static readonly string[] s_colorMemberNames = ["name", "value", "knownColor", "state"];
private static readonly string[] s_valueName = ["value"];
private static readonly string[] s_ticksName = ["_ticks"];
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see langword="string"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteString(Stream stream, string value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new BinaryObjectString(1, value).Write(writer);
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see langword="decimal"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteDecimal(Stream stream, decimal value)
Span<int> ints = stackalloc int[4];
decimal.TryGetBits(value, ints, out _);
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(decimal).FullName!, s_decimalMemberNames),
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32)
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="DateTime"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteDateTime(Stream stream, DateTime value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
// We could use ISerializable here to get the data, but it is pretty
// heavy weight, and the internals of DateTime should never change.
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(DateTime).FullName!, s_dateTimeMemberNames),
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int64),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.UInt64)
Unsafe.As<DateTime, ulong>(ref value)).Write(writer);
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="TimeSpan"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteTimeSpan(Stream stream, TimeSpan value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(TimeSpan).FullName!, s_ticksName),
new MemberTypeInfo[] { new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int64) },
/// <summary>
/// Writes a nint in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteNativeInt(Stream stream, nint value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(nint).FullName!, s_valueName),
new MemberTypeInfo[] { new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int64) },
/// <summary>
/// Writes a nuint in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteNativeUInt(Stream stream, nuint value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(nuint).FullName!, s_valueName),
new MemberTypeInfo[] { new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.UInt64) },
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="Point"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WritePoint(Stream stream, Point value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new BinaryLibrary(2, Assemblies.SystemDrawing).Write(writer);
new ClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(Point).FullName!, s_pointMemberNames),
libraryId: 2,
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32)
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="Rectangle"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteRectangle(Stream stream, Rectangle value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new BinaryLibrary(2, Assemblies.SystemDrawing).Write(writer);
new ClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(Rectangle).FullName!, s_rectangleMemberNames),
libraryId: 2,
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32)
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="Size"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteSize(Stream stream, Size value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new BinaryLibrary(2, Assemblies.SystemDrawing).Write(writer);
new ClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(Size).FullName!, s_sizeMemberNames),
libraryId: 2,
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32)
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="PointF"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WritePointF(Stream stream, PointF value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new BinaryLibrary(2, Assemblies.SystemDrawing).Write(writer);
new ClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(PointF).FullName!, s_pointMemberNames),
libraryId: 2,
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Single),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Single)
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="RectangleF"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteRectangleF(Stream stream, RectangleF value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new BinaryLibrary(2, Assemblies.SystemDrawing).Write(writer);
new ClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(RectangleF).FullName!, s_rectangleMemberNames),
libraryId: 2,
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Single),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Single),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Single),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Single)
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="SizeF"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteSizeF(Stream stream, SizeF value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new BinaryLibrary(2, Assemblies.SystemDrawing).Write(writer);
new ClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(SizeF).FullName!, s_sizeMemberNames),
libraryId: 2,
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Single),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Single)
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="Color"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteColor(Stream stream, Color value)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new BinaryLibrary(2, Assemblies.SystemDrawing).Write(writer);
new ClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(Color).FullName!, s_colorMemberNames),
libraryId: 2,
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.String, null),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int64),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int16),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int16)
new List<object?>
typeof(Color).GetField("name", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)!.GetValue(value) is not string name ? null : new BinaryObjectString(2, name),
(long)typeof(Color).GetField("value", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)!.GetValue(value)!,
(short)typeof(Color).GetField("knownColor", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)!.GetValue(value)!,
(short)typeof(Color).GetField("state", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)!.GetValue(value)!
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to write a <see cref="PrimitiveType"/> value in binary format.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if successful.</returns>
public static bool TryWritePrimitive(Stream stream, object primitive)
=> TryWrite(WritePrimitive, stream, primitive);
/// <summary>
/// Writes a .NET primitive value in binary format.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// <paramref name="primitive"/> is not a a primitive value.
/// </exception>
public static void WritePrimitive(Stream stream, object primitive)
Type type = primitive.GetType();
PrimitiveType primitiveType = type.GetPrimitiveType();
if (primitiveType == default)
// These two are considered primitive by .NET but not the binary format spec
switch (primitive)
case nint nativeInt:
WriteNativeInt(stream, nativeInt);
case nuint nativeUint:
WriteNativeUInt(stream, nativeUint);
throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(primitive)} is not primitive.");
// These are handled differently from the rest of the primitive types when serialized on their own.
switch (primitiveType)
case PrimitiveType.String:
WriteString(stream, (string)primitive);
case PrimitiveType.Decimal:
WriteDecimal(stream, (decimal)primitive);
case PrimitiveType.DateTime:
WriteDateTime(stream, (DateTime)primitive);
case PrimitiveType.TimeSpan:
WriteTimeSpan(stream, (TimeSpan)primitive);
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, type.FullName!, s_primitiveMemberName),
new MemberTypeInfo[] { new(BinaryType.Primitive, primitiveType) },
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="List{String}"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteStringList(Stream stream, List<string> list)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(
$"System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[{Types.StringType}, {Assemblies.Mscorlib}]]",
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.StringArray, null),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32)
new MemberReference(2),
// _version doesn't matter
StringRecordsCollection strings = new(currentId: 3);
new ArraySingleString(2, new ListConverter<string, object?>(list, strings.GetStringRecord), strings).Write(writer);
/// <summary>
/// Writes a primitive list in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WritePrimitiveList<T>(Stream stream, List<T> list)
where T : unmanaged
PrimitiveType primitiveType = typeof(T).GetPrimitiveType();
if (primitiveType == default)
throw new NotSupportedException($"{nameof(T)} is not primitive.");
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(
$"System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[{typeof(T).FullName}, {Assemblies.Mscorlib}]]",
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.PrimitiveArray, primitiveType),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32)
new MemberReference(2),
// _version doesn't matter
new ArraySinglePrimitive<T>(2, list).Write(writer);
/// <summary>
/// Writes the given <paramref name="list"/> in binary format if supported.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryWritePrimitiveList(Stream stream, IList list)
Type type = list.GetType();
return type.IsGenericType
&& type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>)
&& TryWrite(Write, stream, list);
static bool Write(Stream stream, IList list)
switch (list)
case List<string> typedList:
WriteStringList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<int> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<byte> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<sbyte> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<short> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<ushort> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<uint> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<long> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<ulong> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<float> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<double> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<decimal> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<DateTime> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<TimeSpan> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<char> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
case List<bool> typedList:
WritePrimitiveList(stream, typedList);
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Writes the given <paramref name="list"/> in binary format if supported.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryWriteArrayList(Stream stream, ArrayList list)
return TryWrite(Write, stream, list);
static bool Write(Stream stream, ArrayList list)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, typeof(ArrayList).FullName!, s_listMemberNames),
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.ObjectArray, null),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32)
new MemberReference(2),
// _version doesn't matter
new ArraySingleObject(
ListConverter.GetPrimitiveConverter(list, new StringRecordsCollection(currentId: 3))).Write(writer);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Writes the given <paramref name="array"/> in binary format if supported.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryWriteArray(Stream stream, Array array)
return TryWrite(Write, stream, array);
static bool Write(Stream stream, Array array)
PrimitiveType primitiveType = array.GetType().GetElementType()!.GetPrimitiveType();
if (primitiveType == default)
return false;
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
if (primitiveType == PrimitiveType.String)
StringRecordsCollection strings = new(currentId: 2);
new ArraySingleString(1, ListConverter.GetPrimitiveConverter(array, strings), strings).Write(writer);
return true;
IWritableRecord record = primitiveType switch
PrimitiveType.Boolean => new ArraySinglePrimitive<bool>(
1, new ListConverter<object, bool>(array, o => (bool)o!)),
PrimitiveType.Char => new ArraySinglePrimitive<char>(
1, new ListConverter<object, char>(array, o => (char)o!)),
PrimitiveType.Byte => new ArraySinglePrimitive<byte>(
1, new ListConverter<object, byte>(array, o => (byte)o!)),
PrimitiveType.SByte => new ArraySinglePrimitive<sbyte>(
1, new ListConverter<object, sbyte>(array, o => (sbyte)o!)),
PrimitiveType.Int16 => new ArraySinglePrimitive<short>(
1, new ListConverter<object, short>(array, o => (short)o!)),
PrimitiveType.Int32 => new ArraySinglePrimitive<int>(
1, new ListConverter<object, int>(array, o => (int)o!)),
PrimitiveType.Int64 => new ArraySinglePrimitive<long>(
1, new ListConverter<object, long>(array, o => (long)o!)),
PrimitiveType.UInt16 => new ArraySinglePrimitive<ushort>(
1, new ListConverter<object, ushort>(array, o => (ushort)o!)),
PrimitiveType.UInt32 => new ArraySinglePrimitive<uint>(
1, new ListConverter<object, uint>(array, o => (uint)o!)),
PrimitiveType.UInt64 => new ArraySinglePrimitive<ulong>(
1, new ListConverter<object, ulong>(array, o => (ulong)o!)),
PrimitiveType.Single => new ArraySinglePrimitive<float>(
1, new ListConverter<object, float>(array, o => (float)o!)),
PrimitiveType.Double => new ArraySinglePrimitive<double>(
1, new ListConverter<object, double>(array, o => (double)o!)),
PrimitiveType.Decimal => new ArraySinglePrimitive<decimal>(
1, new ListConverter<object, decimal>(array, o => (decimal)o!)),
PrimitiveType.TimeSpan => new ArraySinglePrimitive<TimeSpan>(
1, new ListConverter<object, TimeSpan>(array, o => (TimeSpan)o!)),
PrimitiveType.DateTime => new ArraySinglePrimitive<DateTime>(
1, new ListConverter<object, DateTime>(array, o => (DateTime)o!)),
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException()
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Tries to write the given <paramref name="hashtable"/> if supported.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryWriteHashtable(Stream stream, Hashtable hashtable)
=> TryWrite(WritePrimitiveHashtable, stream, hashtable);
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="Hashtable"/> of primitive to primitive values to the given stream in binary format.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// Primitive types are anything in the <see cref="PrimitiveType"/> enum.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// <paramref name="hashtable"/> contained non-primitive values or a custom comparer or hash code provider.
/// </exception>
public static void WritePrimitiveHashtable(Stream stream, Hashtable hashtable)
// Get the ISerializable data from the hashtable. This way we don't have to worry about
// getting the LoadFactor, Version, etc. wrong.
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0050 // Type or member is obsolete
SerializationInfo info = new(typeof(Hashtable), FormatterConverterStub.Instance);
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0050
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0051 // Type or member is obsolete
hashtable.GetObjectData(info, default);
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0051
if (info.GetValue<object?>("Comparer") is not null
|| info.GetValue<object?>("HashCodeProvider") is not null)
throw new ArgumentException("Hashtable has custom Comparer or HashCodeProvider.", nameof(hashtable));
// Build up the key and value data
object[] keys = info.GetValue<object[]>("Keys")!;
object?[] values = info.GetValue<object?[]>("Values")!;
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, Types.HashtableType, s_hashtableMemberNames),
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Single),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.SystemClass, "System.Collections.IComparer"),
new(BinaryType.SystemClass, "System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider"),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.ObjectArray, null),
new(BinaryType.ObjectArray, null)
// No need to persist the comparer and hashcode provider
// MemberReference to Arrays here
new MemberReference(2),
new MemberReference(3)).Write(writer);
// 1, 2 and 3 are used for the class id and array ids.
StringRecordsCollection strings = new(currentId: 4);
new ArraySingleObject(2, ListConverter.GetPrimitiveConverter(keys, strings)).Write(writer);
new ArraySingleObject(3, ListConverter.GetPrimitiveConverter(values, strings)).Write(writer);
/// <summary>
/// Writes a <see cref="NotSupportedException"/> in binary format.
/// </summary>
public static void WriteNotSupportedException(Stream stream, NotSupportedException exception)
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
// We only serialize the message to avoid binary serialization risks.
new SystemClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, Types.NotSupportedExceptionType, s_notSupportedExceptionMemberNames),
new MemberTypeInfo[]
new(BinaryType.String, null),
new(BinaryType.String, null),
new(BinaryType.SystemClass, Types.IDictionaryType),
new(BinaryType.SystemClass, Types.ExceptionType),
new(BinaryType.String, null),
new(BinaryType.String, null),
new(BinaryType.String, null),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.String, null),
new(BinaryType.Primitive, PrimitiveType.Int32),
new(BinaryType.String, null),
new(BinaryType.PrimitiveArray, PrimitiveType.Byte)
new BinaryObjectString(2, Types.NotSupportedExceptionType),
new BinaryObjectString(3, exception.Message),
/// <summary>
/// Writes the given <paramref name="value"/> if supported.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryWriteFrameworkObject(Stream stream, object value)
return TryWrite(Write, stream, value);
static bool Write(Stream stream, object value)
Type type = value.GetType();
if (type.IsPrimitive)
WritePrimitive(stream, value);
return true;
switch (value)
case string stringValue:
WriteString(stream, stringValue);
return true;
case Array arrayValue:
return TryWriteArray(stream, arrayValue);
case decimal decimalValue:
WriteDecimal(stream, decimalValue);
return true;
case DateTime dateTime:
WriteDateTime(stream, dateTime);
return true;
case TimeSpan timeSpan:
WriteTimeSpan(stream, timeSpan);
return true;
case PointF point:
WritePointF(stream, point);
return true;
case RectangleF rectangle:
WriteRectangleF(stream, rectangle);
return true;
case Hashtable hashtable:
return TryWriteHashtable(stream, hashtable);
case ArrayList arrayList:
return TryWriteArrayList(stream, arrayList);
case NotSupportedException exception:
WriteNotSupportedException(stream, exception);
return true;
return type.IsGenericType
&& type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>)
&& TryWritePrimitiveList(stream, (IList)value);
/// <summary>
/// Writes the given <paramref name="value"/> to stream, only types that have TypeConverters are supported.
/// This function is needed for the Clipboard serialization as Clipboard is not using TypeConverters.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryWriteDrawingPrimitivesObject(Stream stream, object value)
return TryWrite(Write, stream, value);
static bool Write(Stream stream, object value)
switch (value)
case Point point:
WritePoint(stream, point);
return true;
case SizeF sizeF:
WriteSizeF(stream, sizeF);
return true;
case Size size:
WriteSize(stream, size);
return true;
case Rectangle rectangle:
WriteRectangle(stream, rectangle);
return true;
case Color color:
WriteColor(stream, color);
return true;
return false;
public static bool TryWriteJsonData(Stream stream, object value)
if (value is not IJsonData jsonData)
return false;
using BinaryFormatWriterScope writer = new(stream);
new BinaryLibrary(libraryId: 2, IJsonData.CustomAssemblyName).Write(writer);
new ClassWithMembersAndTypes(
new ClassInfo(1, $"{typeof(IJsonData).Namespace}.JsonData", [$"<{nameof(jsonData.JsonBytes)}>k__BackingField", $"<{nameof(jsonData.InnerTypeAssemblyQualifiedName)}>k__BackingField"]),
libraryId: 2,
new MemberTypeInfo[] { new(BinaryType.PrimitiveArray, PrimitiveType.Byte), new(BinaryType.String, null) },
new MemberReference(idRef: 3),
new BinaryObjectString(objectId: 4, jsonData.InnerTypeAssemblyQualifiedName)).Write(writer);
new ArraySinglePrimitive<byte>(objectId: 3, jsonData.JsonBytes).Write(writer);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Simple wrapper to ensure the <paramref name="stream"/> is reset to its original position if the
/// <paramref name="action"/> throws.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryWrite<T>(Action<Stream, T> action, Stream stream, T value)
=> TryWrite(
(s, o) => { action(s, o); return true; },
/// <summary>
/// Simple wrapper to ensure the <paramref name="stream"/> is reset to its original position if the
/// <paramref name="func"/> throws or returns <see langword="false"/>.
/// </summary>
public static bool TryWrite<T>(Func<Stream, T, bool> func, Stream stream, T value)
long position = stream.Position;
bool success;
success = func(stream, value);
catch (Exception ex) when (!ex.IsCriticalException())
Debug.WriteLine($"Failed to binary format: {ex.Message}");
Debug.Assert(ex is ArgumentException or SerializationException, "Unexpected write exception.");
success = false;
if (!success)
stream.Position = position;
return success;