// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Text;
namespace System;
internal static class Types
public const string BooleanType = "System.Boolean";
public const string CharType = "System.Char";
public const string StringType = "System.String";
public const string SByteType = "System.SByte";
public const string ByteType = "System.Byte";
public const string Int16Type = "System.Int16";
public const string UInt16Type = "System.UInt16";
public const string Int32Type = "System.Int32";
public const string UInt32Type = "System.UInt32";
public const string Int64Type = "System.Int64";
public const string DecimalType = "System.Decimal";
public const string UInt64Type = "System.UInt64";
public const string SingleType = "System.Single";
public const string DoubleType = "System.Double";
public const string TimeSpanType = "System.TimeSpan";
public const string DateTimeType = "System.DateTime";
public const string IntPtrType = "System.IntPtr";
public const string UIntPtrType = "System.UIntPtr";
public const string HashtableType = "System.Collections.Hashtable";
public const string ArrayListType = "System.Collections.ArrayList";
public const string IDictionaryType = "System.Collections.IDictionary";
public const string ExceptionType = "System.Exception";
public const string NotSupportedExceptionType = "System.NotSupportedException";
internal const string ListName = "System.Collections.Generic.List`1";
public const string BitmapType = "System.Drawing.Bitmap";
public const string ColorType = "System.Drawing.Color";
public const string PointType = "System.Drawing.Point";
public const string PointFType = "System.Drawing.PointF";
public const string RectangleType = "System.Drawing.Rectangle";
public const string RectangleFType = "System.Drawing.RectangleF";
public const string SizeType = "System.Drawing.Size";
public const string SizeFType = "System.Drawing.SizeF";
/// <inheritdoc cref="TypeName.Parse(ReadOnlySpan{char}, TypeNameParseOptions?)"/>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This method allows efficient use of interpolated strings with
/// <see cref="TypeName.Parse(ReadOnlySpan{char}, TypeNameParseOptions?)"/>
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static TypeName ToTypeName(ref ValueStringBuilder builder)
using (builder)
return TypeName.Parse(builder.AsSpan());