3 instantiations of PICTDESC
System.Private.Windows.Core (3)
Windows\Win32\System\Ole\PICTDESC.cs (3)
13PICTDESC desc = new() 25PICTDESC desc = new() 46PICTDESC desc = new()
14 references to PICTDESC
System.Private.Windows.Core (14)
Windows\Win32\System\Ole\IPicture.cs (4)
20PICTDESC desc = PICTDESC.FromImage(image); 35PICTDESC desc = PICTDESC.FromIcon(icon, copy);
Windows\Win32\System\Ole\IPictureDisp.cs (2)
19PICTDESC desc = PICTDESC.FromImage(image);
Windows\Win32\System\Ole\PICTDESC.cs (8)
11public static PICTDESC FromBitmap(IPointer<GpBitmap> bitmap, HPALETTE paletteHandle = default) 13PICTDESC desc = new() 23public static PICTDESC FromIcon(IIcon icon, bool copy) 25PICTDESC desc = new() 44public static PICTDESC FromMetafile(IPointer<GpMetafile> metafile) 46PICTDESC desc = new() 56/// Create a <see cref="PICTDESC"/> struct describing the given <paramref name="image"/>. 59public static PICTDESC FromImage(IImage image) => image switch