2 instantiations of ARGB
System.Private.Windows.Core (2)
Windows\Win32\Graphics\Gdi\ARGB.cs (2)
42public static implicit operator ARGB(in Color color) => new((uint)color.ToArgb()); 43public static implicit operator ARGB(uint color) => new(color);
12 references to ARGB
System.Private.Windows.Core (12)
Windows\Win32\Graphics\Gdi\ARGB.cs (6)
42public static implicit operator ARGB(in Color color) => new((uint)color.ToArgb()); 43public static implicit operator ARGB(uint color) => new(color); 44public static implicit operator Color(ARGB argb) => Color.FromArgb((int)argb.Value); 45public static implicit operator uint(ARGB argb) => argb.Value; 47public static Color[] ToColorArray(params ReadOnlySpan<ARGB> argbColors) 60ref Unsafe.As<uint, ARGB>(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(argbColors)),
Windows\Win32\Graphics\Gdi\ArgbBuffer.cs (6)
10/// Buffer for <see cref="ARGB"/> values. Uses the stack for buffer sizes up to 16. Use in a <see langword="using"/> 20private BufferScope<ARGB> _bufferScope; 26_bufferScope = new BufferScope<ARGB>(new Span<ARGB>(s, StackSpace), length); 39ref Unsafe.As<ARGB, uint>(ref _bufferScope.GetPinnableReference()); 41public readonly Color[] ToColorArray(int length) => ARGB.ToColorArray(_bufferScope[..length]);