// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public static partial class ControlPaint
/// <summary>
/// Logic copied from Windows sources to copy the lightening and darkening of colors.
/// </summary>
private readonly struct HLSColor : IEquatable<HLSColor>
private const int ShadowAdjustment = -333;
private const int HighlightAdjustment = 500;
private const int Range = 240;
private const int HLSMax = Range;
private const int RGBMax = 255;
private const int Undefined = HLSMax * 2 / 3;
private readonly int _hue;
private readonly int _saturation;
private readonly bool _isSystemColors_Control;
public HLSColor(Color color)
_isSystemColors_Control = color.ToKnownColor() == SystemColors.Control.ToKnownColor();
ARGB argb = color;
int r = argb.R;
int g = argb.G;
int b = argb.B;
int Rdelta, Gdelta, Bdelta; // intermediate value: % of spread from max
// calculate lightness
int max = Math.Max(Math.Max(r, g), b);
int min = Math.Min(Math.Min(r, g), b);
int sum = max + min;
Luminosity = ((sum * HLSMax) + RGBMax) / (2 * RGBMax);
int dif = max - min;
if (dif == 0)
// r=g=b --> achromatic case
_saturation = 0;
_hue = Undefined;
// chromatic case
_saturation = Luminosity <= (HLSMax / 2)
? ((dif * HLSMax) + (sum / 2)) / sum
: ((dif * HLSMax) + (2 * RGBMax - sum) / 2) / (2 * RGBMax - sum);
Rdelta = (((max - r) * (HLSMax / 6)) + (dif / 2)) / dif;
Gdelta = (((max - g) * (HLSMax / 6)) + (dif / 2)) / dif;
Bdelta = (((max - b) * (HLSMax / 6)) + (dif / 2)) / dif;
if (r == max)
_hue = Bdelta - Gdelta;
else if (g == max)
_hue = (HLSMax / 3) + Rdelta - Bdelta;
// B == cMax
_hue = (2 * HLSMax / 3) + Gdelta - Rdelta;
if (_hue < 0)
_hue += HLSMax;
if (_hue > HLSMax)
_hue -= HLSMax;
public int Luminosity { get; }
public Color Darker(float percDarker)
if (!_isSystemColors_Control)
int zeroLum = NewLuma(ShadowAdjustment, true);
return ColorFromHLS(_hue, zeroLum - (int)(zeroLum * percDarker), _saturation);
// With the usual color scheme, ControlDark/DarkDark is not exactly
// what we would otherwise calculate
if (percDarker == 0.0f)
return SystemColors.ControlDark;
else if (percDarker == 1.0f)
return SystemColors.ControlDarkDark;
ARGB dark = SystemColors.ControlDark;
ARGB darkDark = SystemColors.ControlDarkDark;
return Color.FromArgb(
(byte)(dark.R - (byte)((dark.R - darkDark.R) * percDarker)),
(byte)(dark.G - (byte)((dark.G - darkDark.G) * percDarker)),
(byte)(dark.B - (byte)((dark.B - darkDark.B) * percDarker)));
public override bool Equals(object? o)
if (o is not HLSColor hlsColor)
return false;
return Equals(hlsColor);
public bool Equals(HLSColor other)
return _hue == other._hue
&& _saturation == other._saturation
&& Luminosity == other.Luminosity
&& _isSystemColors_Control == other._isSystemColors_Control;
public static bool operator ==(HLSColor a, HLSColor b) => a.Equals(b);
public static bool operator !=(HLSColor a, HLSColor b) => !a.Equals(b);
public override int GetHashCode() => HashCode.Combine(_hue, _saturation, Luminosity);
public Color Lighter(float percentLighter)
if (_isSystemColors_Control)
// With the usual color scheme, ControlLight/LightLight is not exactly
// what we would otherwise calculate
if (percentLighter == 0.0f)
return SystemColors.ControlLight;
else if (percentLighter == 1.0f)
return SystemColors.ControlLightLight;
ARGB light = SystemColors.ControlLight;
ARGB lightLight = SystemColors.ControlLightLight;
return Color.FromArgb(
(byte)(light.R - (byte)((light.R - lightLight.R) * percentLighter)),
(byte)(light.G - (byte)((light.G - lightLight.G) * percentLighter)),
(byte)(light.B - (byte)((light.B - lightLight.B) * percentLighter)));
int zeroLum = Luminosity;
int oneLum = NewLuma(HighlightAdjustment, true);
return ColorFromHLS(_hue, zeroLum + (int)((oneLum - zeroLum) * percentLighter), _saturation);
private int NewLuma(int n, bool scale)
return NewLuma(Luminosity, n, scale);
private static int NewLuma(int luminosity, int n, bool scale)
if (n == 0)
return luminosity;
if (scale)
return n > 0
? (int)((luminosity * (1000 - n) + (Range + 1L) * n) / 1000)
: luminosity * (n + 1000) / 1000;
luminosity += (int)((long)n * Range / 1000);
if (luminosity < 0)
return 0;
else if (luminosity > HLSMax)
return HLSMax;
return luminosity;
private static Color ColorFromHLS(int hue, int luminosity, int saturation)
byte r, g, b;
int magic1, magic2;
if (saturation == 0)
// achromatic case
r = g = b = (byte)(luminosity * RGBMax / HLSMax);
if (hue != Undefined)
/* ERROR */
// chromatic case
if (luminosity <= (HLSMax / 2))
magic2 = ((luminosity * (HLSMax + saturation)) + (HLSMax / 2)) / HLSMax;
magic2 = luminosity + saturation - (((luminosity * saturation) + (HLSMax / 2)) / HLSMax);
magic1 = 2 * luminosity - magic2;
// get RGB, change units from HLSMax to RGBMax
r = (byte)((HueToRGB(magic1, magic2, hue + HLSMax / 3) * RGBMax + (HLSMax / 2)) / HLSMax);
g = (byte)((HueToRGB(magic1, magic2, hue) * RGBMax + (HLSMax / 2)) / HLSMax);
b = (byte)((HueToRGB(magic1, magic2, hue - HLSMax / 3) * RGBMax + (HLSMax / 2)) / HLSMax);
return Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
private static int HueToRGB(int n1, int n2, int hue)
// range check: note values passed add/subtract thirds of range
/* The following is redundant for WORD (unsigned int) */
if (hue < 0)
hue += HLSMax;
if (hue > HLSMax)
hue -= HLSMax;
// return r, g, or b value from this sector
if (hue < (HLSMax / 6))
return n1 + (((n2 - n1) * hue + (HLSMax / 12)) / (HLSMax / 6));
if (hue < (HLSMax / 2))
return n2;
if (hue < (HLSMax * 2 / 3))
return n1 + (((n2 - n1) * ((HLSMax * 2 / 3) - hue) + (HLSMax / 12)) / (HLSMax / 6));
return n1;