13 references to HRGN
System.Private.Windows.Core (9)
Windows\Win32\Graphics\Gdi\GetDcScope.cs (3)
8/// <see cref="PInvokeCore.GetDCEx(HWND, HRGN, GET_DCX_FLAGS)"/>. Releases the <see cref="Gdi.HDC"/> (if any) 29/// Creates a <see cref="Gdi.HDC"/> using <see cref="PInvokeCore.GetDCEx(HWND, HRGN, GET_DCX_FLAGS)"/>. 40public GetDcScope(HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgnClip, GET_DCX_FLAGS flags)
Windows\Win32\Graphics\Gdi\RegionScope.cs (6)
23public HRGN Region { get; private set; } 38/// Creates a clipping region copy via <see cref="PInvokeCore.GetClipRgn(HDC, HRGN)"/> for the given device context. 43HRGN region = PInvokeCore.CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); 60/// Creates a region scope with the given <see cref="HRGN"/>. 62public RegionScope(HRGN region) => Region = region; 73public static implicit operator HRGN(RegionScope regionScope) => regionScope.Region;
System.Windows.Forms.Primitives (4)
Windows\Win32\PInvoke.InvalidateRgn.cs (1)
8/// <inheritdoc cref="InvalidateRgn(HWND, HRGN, BOOL)"/>
Windows\Win32\PInvoke.RedrawWindow.cs (1)
8/// <inheritdoc cref="RedrawWindow(HWND, RECT*, HRGN, REDRAW_WINDOW_FLAGS)"/>
Windows\Win32\PInvoke.ScrollWindowEx.cs (1)
8/// <inheritdoc cref="ScrollWindowEx(HWND, int, int, RECT*, RECT*, HRGN, RECT*, SCROLL_WINDOW_FLAGS)"/>
Windows\Win32\PInvoke.SetWindowRgn.cs (1)
8/// <inheritdoc cref="SetWindowRgn(HWND, HRGN, BOOL)"/>