2 instantiations of CY
System.Private.Windows.Core (2)
Windows\Win32\System\Com\CY.cs (2)
18public static explicit operator CY(decimal value) => new() { int64 = decimal.ToOACurrency(value) }; 21public static explicit operator CY(float value) => new() { int64 = (long)(value * 10000) };
13 references to CY
System.Private.Windows.Core (13)
Windows\Win32\System\Com\CY.cs (11)
6internal partial struct CY : IEquatable<CY> 8public readonly bool Equals(CY other) => int64 == other.int64; 9public override readonly bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is CY cy && Equals(cy); 12public static bool operator ==(CY left, CY right) => left.Equals(right); 13public static bool operator !=(CY left, CY right) => !left.Equals(right); 17public static explicit operator decimal(CY value) => decimal.FromOACurrency(value.int64); 18public static explicit operator CY(decimal value) => new() { int64 = decimal.ToOACurrency(value) }; 20public static explicit operator float(CY value) => (float)(value.int64 / 10000f); 21public static explicit operator CY(float value) => new() { int64 = (long)(value * 10000) };
Windows\Win32\System\Variant\VARIANT.cs (2)
938public static explicit operator CY(VARIANT value) 939=> value.vt == VT_CY ? value.data.cyVal : ThrowInvalidCast<CY>();