File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\SpanHelpers.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
#pragma warning disable 8500 // sizeof of managed types
namespace System
    internal static partial class SpanHelpers
        public static unsafe void ClearWithReferences(ref IntPtr ip, nuint pointerSizeLength)
            Debug.Assert(Unsafe.IsOpportunisticallyAligned(ref ip, (uint)sizeof(IntPtr)), "Should've been aligned on natural word boundary.");
            // First write backward 8 natural words at a time.
            // Writing backward allows us to get away with only simple modifications to the
            // mov instruction's base and index registers between loop iterations.
            for (; pointerSizeLength >= 8; pointerSizeLength -= 8)
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -1) = default;
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -2) = default;
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -3) = default;
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -4) = default;
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -5) = default;
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -6) = default;
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -7) = default;
                Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -8) = default;
            Debug.Assert(pointerSizeLength <= 7);
            // The logic below works by trying to minimize the number of branches taken for any
            // given range of lengths. For example, the lengths [ 4 .. 7 ] are handled by a single
            // branch, [ 2 .. 3 ] are handled by a single branch, and [ 1 ] is handled by a single
            // branch.
            // We can write both forward and backward as a perf improvement. For example,
            // the lengths [ 4 .. 7 ] can be handled by zeroing out the first four natural
            // words and the last 3 natural words. In the best case (length = 7), there are
            // no overlapping writes. In the worst case (length = 4), there are three
            // overlapping writes near the middle of the buffer. In perf testing, the
            // penalty for performing duplicate writes is less expensive than the penalty
            // for complex branching.
            if (pointerSizeLength >= 4)
                goto Write4To7;
            else if (pointerSizeLength >= 2)
                goto Write2To3;
            else if (pointerSizeLength > 0)
                goto Write1;
                return; // nothing to write
            Debug.Assert(pointerSizeLength >= 4);
            // Write first four and last three.
            Unsafe.Add(ref ip, 2) = default;
            Unsafe.Add(ref ip, 3) = default;
            Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -3) = default;
            Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -2) = default;
            Debug.Assert(pointerSizeLength >= 2);
            // Write first two and last one.
            Unsafe.Add(ref ip, 1) = default;
            Unsafe.Add(ref Unsafe.Add(ref ip, (nint)pointerSizeLength), -1) = default;
            Debug.Assert(pointerSizeLength >= 1);
            // Write only element.
            ip = default;
        public static void Reverse(ref int buf, nuint length)
            Debug.Assert(length > 1);
            nint remainder = (nint)length;
            nint offset = 0;
            if (Vector512.IsHardwareAccelerated && remainder >= Vector512<int>.Count * 2)
                nint lastOffset = remainder - Vector512<int>.Count;
                    // Load in values from beginning and end of the array.
                    Vector512<int> tempFirst = Vector512.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    Vector512<int> tempLast = Vector512.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    // Shuffle to reverse each vector:
                    //     +---------------+
                    //     | A | B | C | D |
                    //     +---------------+
                    //          --->
                    //     +---------------+
                    //     | D | C | B | A |
                    //     +---------------+
                    tempFirst = Vector512.Shuffle(tempFirst, Vector512.Create(15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0));
                    tempLast = Vector512.Shuffle(tempLast, Vector512.Create(15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0));
                    // Store the reversed vectors
                    tempLast.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    tempFirst.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    offset += Vector512<int>.Count;
                    lastOffset -= Vector512<int>.Count;
                } while (lastOffset >= offset);
                remainder = lastOffset + Vector512<int>.Count - offset;
            else if (Avx2.IsSupported && remainder >= Vector256<int>.Count * 2)
                nint lastOffset = remainder - Vector256<int>.Count;
                    // Load the values into vectors
                    Vector256<int> tempFirst = Vector256.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    Vector256<int> tempLast = Vector256.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    // Permute to reverse each vector:
                    //     +-------------------------------+
                    //     | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
                    //     +-------------------------------+
                    //         --->
                    //     +-------------------------------+
                    //     | H | G | F | E | D | C | B | A |
                    //     +-------------------------------+
                    tempFirst = Avx2.PermuteVar8x32(tempFirst, Vector256.Create(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0));
                    tempLast = Avx2.PermuteVar8x32(tempLast, Vector256.Create(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0));
                    // Store the reversed vectors
                    tempLast.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    tempFirst.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    offset += Vector256<int>.Count;
                    lastOffset -= Vector256<int>.Count;
                } while (lastOffset >= offset);
                remainder = lastOffset + Vector256<int>.Count - offset;
            else if (Vector128.IsHardwareAccelerated && remainder >= Vector128<int>.Count * 2)
                nint lastOffset = remainder - Vector128<int>.Count;
                    // Load in values from beginning and end of the array.
                    Vector128<int> tempFirst = Vector128.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    Vector128<int> tempLast = Vector128.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    // Shuffle to reverse each vector:
                    //     +---------------+
                    //     | A | B | C | D |
                    //     +---------------+
                    //          --->
                    //     +---------------+
                    //     | D | C | B | A |
                    //     +---------------+
                    tempFirst = Vector128.Shuffle(tempFirst, Vector128.Create(3, 2, 1, 0));
                    tempLast = Vector128.Shuffle(tempLast, Vector128.Create(3, 2, 1, 0));
                    // Store the reversed vectors
                    tempLast.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    tempFirst.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    offset += Vector128<int>.Count;
                    lastOffset -= Vector128<int>.Count;
                } while (lastOffset >= offset);
                remainder = lastOffset + Vector128<int>.Count - offset;
            // Store any remaining values one-by-one
            if (remainder > 1)
                ReverseInner(ref Unsafe.Add(ref buf, offset), (nuint)remainder);
        public static void Reverse(ref long buf, nuint length)
            Debug.Assert(length > 1);
            nint remainder = (nint)length;
            nint offset = 0;
            if (Vector512.IsHardwareAccelerated && remainder >= Vector512<long>.Count * 2)
                nint lastOffset = remainder - Vector512<long>.Count;
                    // Load in values from beginning and end of the array.
                    Vector512<long> tempFirst = Vector512.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    Vector512<long> tempLast = Vector512.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    // Shuffle to reverse each vector:
                    //     +-------+
                    //     | A | B |
                    //     +-------+
                    //          --->
                    //     +-------+
                    //     | B | A |
                    //     +-------+
                    tempFirst = Vector512.Shuffle(tempFirst, Vector512.Create(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0));
                    tempLast = Vector512.Shuffle(tempLast, Vector512.Create(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0));
                    // Store the reversed vectors
                    tempLast.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    tempFirst.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    offset += Vector512<long>.Count;
                    lastOffset -= Vector512<long>.Count;
                } while (lastOffset >= offset);
                remainder = lastOffset + Vector512<long>.Count - offset;
            else if (Avx2.IsSupported && remainder >= Vector256<long>.Count * 2)
                nint lastOffset = remainder - Vector256<long>.Count;
                    // Load the values into vectors
                    Vector256<long> tempFirst = Vector256.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    Vector256<long> tempLast = Vector256.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    // Permute to reverse each vector:
                    //     +---------------+
                    //     | A | B | C | D |
                    //     +---------------+
                    //         --->
                    //     +---------------+
                    //     | D | C | B | A |
                    //     +---------------+
                    tempFirst = Avx2.Permute4x64(tempFirst, 0b00_01_10_11);
                    tempLast = Avx2.Permute4x64(tempLast, 0b00_01_10_11);
                    // Store the reversed vectors
                    tempLast.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    tempFirst.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    offset += Vector256<long>.Count;
                    lastOffset -= Vector256<long>.Count;
                } while (lastOffset >= offset);
                remainder = lastOffset + Vector256<long>.Count - offset;
            else if (Vector128.IsHardwareAccelerated && remainder >= Vector128<long>.Count * 2)
                nint lastOffset = remainder - Vector128<long>.Count;
                    // Load in values from beginning and end of the array.
                    Vector128<long> tempFirst = Vector128.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    Vector128<long> tempLast = Vector128.LoadUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    // Shuffle to reverse each vector:
                    //     +-------+
                    //     | A | B |
                    //     +-------+
                    //          --->
                    //     +-------+
                    //     | B | A |
                    //     +-------+
                    tempFirst = Vector128.Shuffle(tempFirst, Vector128.Create(1, 0));
                    tempLast = Vector128.Shuffle(tempLast, Vector128.Create(1, 0));
                    // Store the reversed vectors
                    tempLast.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)offset);
                    tempFirst.StoreUnsafe(ref buf, (nuint)lastOffset);
                    offset += Vector128<long>.Count;
                    lastOffset -= Vector128<long>.Count;
                } while (lastOffset >= offset);
                remainder = lastOffset + Vector128<long>.Count - offset;
            // Store any remaining values one-by-one
            if (remainder > 1)
                ReverseInner(ref Unsafe.Add(ref buf, offset), (nuint)remainder);
        public static unsafe void Reverse<T>(ref T elements, nuint length)
            Debug.Assert(length > 1);
            if (!RuntimeHelpers.IsReferenceOrContainsReferences<T>())
                if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(byte))
                    Reverse(ref Unsafe.As<T, byte>(ref elements), length);
                else if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(char))
                    Reverse(ref Unsafe.As<T, char>(ref elements), length);
                else if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(int))
                    Reverse(ref Unsafe.As<T, int>(ref elements), length);
                else if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(long))
                    Reverse(ref Unsafe.As<T, long>(ref elements), length);
            ReverseInner(ref elements, length);
        private static void ReverseInner<T>(ref T elements, nuint length)
            Debug.Assert(length > 1);
            ref T first = ref elements;
            ref T last = ref Unsafe.Subtract(ref Unsafe.Add(ref first, length), 1);
                T temp = first;
                first = last;
                last = temp;
                first = ref Unsafe.Add(ref first, 1);
                last = ref Unsafe.Subtract(ref last, 1);
            } while (Unsafe.IsAddressLessThan(ref first, ref last));