File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\Random.ImplBase.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace System
    public partial class Random
        /// <summary>Base type for all generator implementations that plug into the base Random.</summary>
        internal abstract class ImplBase
            public abstract double Sample();
            public abstract int Next();
            public abstract int Next(int maxValue);
            public abstract int Next(int minValue, int maxValue);
            public abstract long NextInt64();
            public abstract long NextInt64(long maxValue);
            public abstract long NextInt64(long minValue, long maxValue);
            public abstract float NextSingle();
            public abstract double NextDouble();
            public abstract void NextBytes(byte[] buffer);
            public abstract void NextBytes(Span<byte> buffer);
            // NextUInt32/64 algorithms based on and
            internal static uint NextUInt32(uint maxValue, XoshiroImpl xoshiro)
                ulong randomProduct = (ulong)maxValue * xoshiro.NextUInt32();
                uint lowPart = (uint)randomProduct;
                if (lowPart < maxValue)
                    uint remainder = (0u - maxValue) % maxValue;
                    while (lowPart < remainder)
                        randomProduct = (ulong)maxValue * xoshiro.NextUInt32();
                        lowPart = (uint)randomProduct;
                return (uint)(randomProduct >> 32);
            internal static ulong NextUInt64(ulong maxValue, XoshiroImpl xoshiro)
                ulong randomProduct = Math.BigMul(maxValue, xoshiro.NextUInt64(), out ulong lowPart);
                if (lowPart < maxValue)
                    ulong remainder = (0ul - maxValue) % maxValue;
                    while (lowPart < remainder)
                        randomProduct = Math.BigMul(maxValue, xoshiro.NextUInt64(), out lowPart);
                return randomProduct;