File: src\libraries\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\Globalization\DateTimeParse.cs
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Project: src\src\coreclr\System.Private.CoreLib\System.Private.CoreLib.csproj (System.Private.CoreLib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
namespace System
    internal static class DateTimeParse
        internal const int MaxDateTimeNumberDigits = 8;
        internal const char TimeDelimiter = ':';
        internal const char TimeFractionDelimiterComma = ',';
        internal const char TimeFractionDelimiterDot = '.';
        internal static DateTime ParseExact(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, ReadOnlySpan<char> format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style)
            DateTimeResult result = default; // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            if (TryParseExact(s, format, dtfi, style, ref result))
                return result.parsedDate;
                throw GetDateTimeParseException(ref result);
        internal static DateTime ParseExact(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, ReadOnlySpan<char> format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out TimeSpan offset)
            DateTimeResult result = default; // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            result.flags |= ParseFlags.CaptureOffset;
            if (TryParseExact(s, format, dtfi, style, ref result))
                offset = result.timeZoneOffset;
                return result.parsedDate;
                throw GetDateTimeParseException(ref result);
        internal static bool TryParseExact(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, ReadOnlySpan<char> format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime result)
            DateTimeResult resultData = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            if (TryParseExact(s, format, dtfi, style, ref resultData))
                result = resultData.parsedDate;
                return true;
            result = DateTime.MinValue;
            return false;
        internal static bool TryParseExact(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, ReadOnlySpan<char> format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime result, out TimeSpan offset)
            DateTimeResult resultData = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            resultData.flags |= ParseFlags.CaptureOffset;
            if (TryParseExact(s, format, dtfi, style, ref resultData))
                result = resultData.parsedDate;
                offset = resultData.timeZoneOffset;
                return true;
            result = DateTime.MinValue;
            offset = TimeSpan.Zero;
            return false;
        internal static bool TryParseExact(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, ReadOnlySpan<char> format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            if (s.Length == 0)
                return false;
            if (format.Length == 0)
                return false;
            Debug.Assert(dtfi != null, "dtfi == null");
            return DoStrictParse(s, format, style, dtfi, ref result);
        internal static DateTime ParseExactMultiple(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, string[] formats,
                                                DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style)
            DateTimeResult result = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            if (TryParseExactMultiple(s, formats, dtfi, style, ref result))
                return result.parsedDate;
                throw GetDateTimeParseException(ref result);
        internal static DateTime ParseExactMultiple(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, string[] formats,
                                                DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out TimeSpan offset)
            DateTimeResult result = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            result.flags |= ParseFlags.CaptureOffset;
            if (TryParseExactMultiple(s, formats, dtfi, style, ref result))
                offset = result.timeZoneOffset;
                return result.parsedDate;
                throw GetDateTimeParseException(ref result);
        internal static bool TryParseExactMultiple(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, string?[]? formats,
                                                   DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime result, out TimeSpan offset)
            DateTimeResult resultData = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            resultData.flags |= ParseFlags.CaptureOffset;
            if (TryParseExactMultiple(s, formats, dtfi, style, ref resultData))
                result = resultData.parsedDate;
                offset = resultData.timeZoneOffset;
                return true;
            result = DateTime.MinValue;
            offset = TimeSpan.Zero;
            return false;
        internal static bool TryParseExactMultiple(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, string?[]? formats,
                                                   DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, out DateTime result)
            DateTimeResult resultData = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            if (TryParseExactMultiple(s, formats, dtfi, style, ref resultData))
                result = resultData.parsedDate;
                return true;
            result = DateTime.MinValue;
            return false;
        internal static bool TryParseExactMultiple(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, string?[]? formats,
                                                DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style, scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            if (formats == null)
                return false;
            if (s.Length == 0)
                return false;
            if (formats.Length == 0)
                return false;
            Debug.Assert(dtfi != null, "dtfi == null");
            // Do a loop through the provided formats and see if we can parse successfully in
            // one of the formats.
            for (int i = 0; i < formats.Length; i++)
                string? format = formats[i];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
                    return false;
                // Create a new result each time to ensure the runs are independent. Carry through
                // flags from the caller and return the result.
                DateTimeResult innerResult = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
                innerResult.flags = result.flags;
                if (TryParseExact(s, format, dtfi, style, ref innerResult))
                    result.parsedDate = innerResult.parsedDate;
                    result.timeZoneOffset = innerResult.timeZoneOffset;
                    return true;
            return false;
        // Date Token Types
        // Following is the set of tokens that can be generated from a date
        // string. Notice that the legal set of trailing separators have been
        // folded in with the date number, and month name tokens. This set
        // of tokens is chosen to reduce the number of date parse states.
        internal enum DTT : int
            End = 0,    // '\0'
            NumEnd = 1,    // Num[ ]*[\0]
            NumAmpm = 2,    // Num[ ]+AmPm
            NumSpace = 3,    // Num[ ]+^[Dsep|Tsep|'0\']
            NumDatesep = 4,    // Num[ ]*Dsep
            NumTimesep = 5,    // Num[ ]*Tsep
            MonthEnd = 6,    // Month[ ]*'\0'
            MonthSpace = 7,    // Month[ ]+^[Dsep|Tsep|'\0']
            MonthDatesep = 8,    // Month[ ]*Dsep
            NumDatesuff = 9,    // Month[ ]*DSuff
            NumTimesuff = 10,   // Month[ ]*TSuff
            DayOfWeek = 11,   // Day of week name
            YearSpace = 12,   // Year+^[Dsep|Tsep|'0\']
            YearDateSep = 13,  // Year+Dsep
            YearEnd = 14,  // Year+['\0']
            TimeZone = 15,  // timezone name
            Era = 16,  // era name
            NumUTCTimeMark = 17,      // Num + 'Z'
            // When you add a new token which will be in the
            // state table, add it after NumLocalTimeMark.
            Unk = 18,   // unknown
            NumLocalTimeMark = 19,    // Num + 'T'
            Max = 20,   // marker
        internal enum TM
            NotSet = -1,
            AM = 0,
            PM = 1,
        // DateTime parsing state enumeration (DS.*)
        internal enum DS
            BEGIN = 0,
            N = 1,        // have one number
            NN = 2,        // have two numbers
            // The following are known to be part of a date
            D_Nd = 3,        // date string: have number followed by date separator
            D_NN = 4,        // date string: have two numbers
            D_NNd = 5,        // date string: have two numbers followed by date separator
            D_M = 6,        // date string: have a month
            D_MN = 7,        // date string: have a month and a number
            D_NM = 8,        // date string: have a number and a month
            D_MNd = 9,        // date string: have a month and number followed by date separator
            D_NDS = 10,       // date string: have one number followed a date suffix.
            D_Y = 11,        // date string: have a year.
            D_YN = 12,        // date string: have a year and a number
            D_YNd = 13,        // date string: have a year and a number and a date separator
            D_YM = 14,        // date string: have a year and a month
            D_YMd = 15,        // date string: have a year and a month and a date separator
            D_S = 16,       // have numbers followed by a date suffix.
            T_S = 17,       // have numbers followed by a time suffix.
            // The following are known to be part of a time
            T_Nt = 18,          // have num followed by time separator
            T_NNt = 19,       // have two numbers followed by time separator
            ERROR = 20,
            // The following are terminal states. These all have an action
            // associated with them; and transition back to BEGIN.
            DX_NN = 21,       // day from two numbers
            DX_NNN = 22,       // day from three numbers
            DX_MN = 23,       // day from month and one number
            DX_NM = 24,       // day from month and one number
            DX_MNN = 25,       // day from month and two numbers
            DX_DS = 26,       // a set of date suffixed numbers.
            DX_DSN = 27,       // day from date suffixes and one number.
            DX_NDS = 28,       // day from one number and date suffixes .
            DX_NNDS = 29,       // day from one number and date suffixes .
            DX_YNN = 30,       // date string: have a year and two number
            DX_YMN = 31,       // date string: have a year, a month, and a number.
            DX_YN = 32,       // date string: have a year and one number
            DX_YM = 33,       // date string: have a year, a month.
            TX_N = 34,       // time from one number (must have ampm)
            TX_NN = 35,       // time from two numbers
            TX_NNN = 36,       // time from three numbers
            TX_TS = 37,       // a set of time suffixed numbers.
            DX_NNY = 38,
        // NOTE: The following state machine table is dependent on the order of the
        // DS and DTT enumerations.
        // For each non terminal state, the following table defines the next state
        // for each given date token type.
        // End        NumEnd      NumAmPm     NumSpace    NumDaySep   NumTimesep  MonthEnd    MonthSpace  MonthDSep   NumDateSuff NumTimeSuff     DayOfWeek     YearSpace   YearDateSep YearEnd     TimeZone   Era         UTCTimeMark
        private static readonly DS[][] s_dateParsingStates = {
// DS.BEGIN                                                                             // DS.BEGIN
new DS[] { DS.BEGIN,  DS.ERROR,   DS.TX_N,    DS.N,       DS.D_Nd,    DS.T_Nt,    DS.ERROR,   DS.D_M,     DS.D_M,     DS.D_S,     DS.T_S,         DS.BEGIN,     DS.D_Y,     DS.D_Y,     DS.ERROR,   DS.BEGIN,  DS.BEGIN,    DS.ERROR },
// DS.N                                                                                 // DS.N
new DS[] { DS.ERROR,  DS.DX_NN,   DS.TX_NN,   DS.NN,      DS.D_NNd,   DS.ERROR,   DS.DX_NM,   DS.D_NM,    DS.D_MNd,   DS.D_NDS,   DS.ERROR,       DS.N,         DS.D_YN,    DS.D_YNd,   DS.DX_YN,   DS.N,      DS.N,        DS.ERROR },
// DS.NN                                                                                // DS.NN
new DS[] { DS.DX_NN,  DS.DX_NNN,  DS.TX_NNN,  DS.DX_NNN,  DS.ERROR,   DS.T_Nt,    DS.DX_MNN,  DS.DX_MNN,  DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.T_S,         DS.NN,        DS.DX_NNY,  DS.ERROR,   DS.DX_NNY,  DS.NN,     DS.NN,       DS.ERROR },
// DS.D_Nd                                                                              // DS.D_Nd
new DS[] { DS.ERROR,  DS.DX_NN,   DS.ERROR,   DS.D_NN,    DS.D_NNd,   DS.ERROR,   DS.DX_NM,   DS.D_MN,    DS.D_MNd,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,       DS.D_Nd,      DS.D_YN,    DS.D_YNd,   DS.DX_YN,   DS.ERROR,  DS.D_Nd,     DS.ERROR },
// DS.D_NN                                                                              // DS.D_NN
new DS[] { DS.DX_NN,  DS.DX_NNN,  DS.TX_N,    DS.DX_NNN,  DS.ERROR,   DS.T_Nt,    DS.DX_MNN,  DS.DX_MNN,  DS.ERROR,   DS.DX_DS,   DS.T_S,         DS.D_NN,     DS.DX_NNY,   DS.ERROR,   DS.DX_NNY,  DS.ERROR,  DS.D_NN,     DS.ERROR },
// DS.D_NNd                                                                             // DS.D_NNd
// DS.D_M                                                                               // DS.D_M
new DS[] { DS.ERROR,  DS.DX_MN,   DS.ERROR,   DS.D_MN,    DS.D_MNd,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,       DS.D_M,       DS.D_YM,    DS.D_YMd,   DS.DX_YM,   DS.ERROR,  DS.D_M,      DS.ERROR },
// DS.D_MN                                                                              // DS.D_MN
// DS.D_NM                                                                              // DS.D_NM
// DS.D_MNd                                                                             // DS.D_MNd
// DS.D_NDS,                                                                            // DS.D_NDS,
// DS.D_Y                                                                               // DS.D_Y
new DS[] { DS.ERROR,  DS.DX_YN,   DS.ERROR,   DS.D_YN,    DS.D_YNd,   DS.ERROR,   DS.DX_YM,   DS.D_YM,    DS.D_YMd,   DS.D_YM,    DS.ERROR,       DS.D_Y,       DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.D_Y,     DS.ERROR },
// DS.D_YN                                                                              // DS.D_YN
// DS.D_YNd                                                                             // DS.D_YNd
// DS.D_YM                                                                              // DS.D_YM
// DS.D_YMd                                                                             // DS.D_YMd
// DS.D_S                                                                               // DS.D_S
new DS[] { DS.DX_DS,  DS.DX_DSN,  DS.TX_N,    DS.T_Nt,    DS.ERROR,   DS.T_Nt,    DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.D_S,     DS.T_S,         DS.D_S,       DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.D_S,     DS.ERROR },
// DS.T_S                                                                               // DS.T_S
new DS[] { DS.TX_TS,  DS.TX_TS,   DS.TX_TS,   DS.T_Nt,    DS.D_Nd,    DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.D_S,     DS.T_S,         DS.T_S,       DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.T_S,     DS.T_S,     DS.ERROR },
// DS.T_Nt                                                                              // DS.T_Nt
new DS[] { DS.ERROR,  DS.TX_NN,   DS.TX_NN,   DS.TX_NN,   DS.ERROR,   DS.T_NNt,   DS.DX_NM,   DS.D_NM,    DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.T_S,         DS.ERROR,     DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.ERROR,   DS.T_Nt,    DS.T_Nt,    DS.TX_NN },
// DS.T_NNt                                                                             // DS.T_NNt
        // End        NumEnd      NumAmPm     NumSpace    NumDaySep   NumTimesep  MonthEnd    MonthSpace  MonthDSep   NumDateSuff NumTimeSuff     DayOfWeek     YearSpace   YearDateSep YearEnd     TimeZone    Era        UTCMark
        internal const string GMTName = "GMT";
        internal const string ZuluName = "Z";
        // Search from the index of str at str.Index to see if the target string exists in the str.
        private static bool MatchWord(ref __DTString str, string target)
            if (target.Length > (str.Value.Length - str.Index))
                return false;
            if (str.CompareInfo.Compare(str.Value.Slice(str.Index, target.Length), target, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) != 0)
                return false;
            int nextCharIndex = str.Index + target.Length;
            if (nextCharIndex < str.Value.Length)
                char nextCh = str.Value[nextCharIndex];
                if (char.IsLetter(nextCh))
                    return false;
            str.Index = nextCharIndex;
            if (str.Index < str.Length)
                str.m_current = str.Value[str.Index];
            return true;
        // Check the word at the current index to see if it matches GMT name or Zulu name.
        private static bool GetTimeZoneName(ref __DTString str)
            if (MatchWord(ref str, GMTName))
                return true;
            if (MatchWord(ref str, ZuluName))
                return true;
            return false;
        **Action: Starting at the str.Index, which should be a decimal symbol.
        ** if the current character is a digit, parse the remaining
        **      numbers as fraction.  For example, if the sub-string starting at str.Index is "123", then
        **      the method will return 0.123
        **Returns:      The fraction number.
        **      str the parsing string
        private static bool ParseFraction(ref __DTString str, out double result)
            result = 0;
            double decimalBase = 0.1;
            int digits = 0;
            char ch;
            while (str.GetNext() && char.IsAsciiDigit(ch = str.m_current))
                result += (ch - '0') * decimalBase;
                decimalBase *= 0.1;
            return digits > 0;
        **Action: Parse the timezone offset in the following format:
        **          "+8", "+08", "+0800", "+0800"
        **        This method is used by DateTime.Parse().
        **Returns:      The TimeZone offset.
        **      str the parsing string
        **      FormatException if invalid timezone format is found.
        private static bool ParseTimeZone(ref __DTString str, scoped ref TimeSpan result)
            // The hour/minute offset for timezone.
            int hourOffset;
            int minuteOffset = 0;
            // Consume the +/- character that has already been read
            DTSubString sub = str.GetSubString();
            if (sub.length != 1)
                return false;
            char offsetChar = sub[0];
            if (offsetChar != '+' && offsetChar != '-')
                return false;
            sub = str.GetSubString();
            if (sub.type != DTSubStringType.Number)
                return false;
            int value = sub.value;
            int length = sub.length;
            if (length == 1 || length == 2)
                // Parsing "+8" or "+08"
                hourOffset = value;
                // See if we have minutes
                sub = str.GetSubString();
                if (sub.length == 1 && sub[0] == TimeDelimiter)
                    // Parsing "+8:00" or "+08:00"
                    sub = str.GetSubString();
                    if (sub.type != DTSubStringType.Number || sub.length < 1 || sub.length > 2)
                        return false;
                    minuteOffset = sub.value;
            else if (length == 3 || length == 4)
                // Parsing "+800" or "+0800"
                hourOffset = value / 100;
                minuteOffset = value % 100;
                // Wrong number of digits
                return false;
            Debug.Assert(hourOffset >= 0 && hourOffset <= 99, "hourOffset >= 0 && hourOffset <= 99");
            Debug.Assert(minuteOffset >= 0 && minuteOffset <= 99, "minuteOffset >= 0 && minuteOffset <= 99");
            if (minuteOffset < 0 || minuteOffset >= 60)
                return false;
            result = new TimeSpan(hourOffset, minuteOffset, 0);
            if (offsetChar == '-')
                result = result.Negate();
            return true;
        // This is the helper function to handle timezone in string in the format like +/-0800
        private static bool HandleTimeZone(ref __DTString str, scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            if (str.Index < str.Length - 1)
                char nextCh = str.Value[str.Index];
                // Skip whitespace, but don't update the index unless we find a time zone marker
                int whitespaceCount = 0;
                while (char.IsWhiteSpace(nextCh) && str.Index + whitespaceCount < str.Length - 1)
                    nextCh = str.Value[str.Index + whitespaceCount];
                if (nextCh == '+' || nextCh == '-')
                    str.Index += whitespaceCount;
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) != 0)
                        // Should not have two timezone offsets.
                        return false;
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                    if (!ParseTimeZone(ref str, ref result.timeZoneOffset))
                        return false;
            return true;
        // This is the lexer. Check the character at the current index, and put the found token in dtok and
        // some raw date/time information in raw.
        private static bool Lex(DS dps, ref __DTString str, scoped ref DateTimeToken dtok, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, scoped ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles)
            int indexBeforeSeparator;
            char charBeforeSeparator;
            TokenType sep;
            dtok.dtt = DTT.Unk;     // Assume the token is unknown.
            str.GetRegularToken(out TokenType tokenType, out int tokenValue, dtfi);
            if (s_tracingEnabled)
                Trace($"Lex({Hex(str.Value)})\tpos:{str.Index}({Hex(str.m_current)}), {tokenType}, DS.{dps}");
#endif // _LOGGING
            // Look at the regular token.
            switch (tokenType)
                case TokenType.NumberToken:
                case TokenType.YearNumberToken:
                    if (raw.numCount == 3 || tokenValue == -1)
                        LexTraceExit("0010", dps);
                        return false;
                    // This is a digit.
                    // If the previous parsing state is DS.T_NNt (like 12:01), and we got another number,
                    // so we will have a terminal state DS.TX_NNN (like 12:01:02).
                    // If the previous parsing state is DS.T_Nt (like 12:), and we got another number,
                    // so we will have a terminal state DS.TX_NN (like 12:01).
                    // Look ahead to see if the following character is a decimal point or timezone offset.
                    // This enables us to parse time in the forms of:
                    //  "11:22:33.1234" or "11:22:33-08".
                    if (dps == DS.T_NNt)
                        if (str.Index < str.Length - 1)
                            char nextCh = str.Value[str.Index];
                            if ((nextCh == TimeFractionDelimiterDot)
                                || (nextCh == TimeFractionDelimiterComma))
                                // While ParseFraction can fail, it just means that there were no digits after
                                // the dot. In this case ParseFraction just removes the dot. This is actually
                                // valid for cultures like Albanian, that join the time marker to the time with
                                // with a dot: e.g. "9:03.MD"
                                ParseFraction(ref str, out raw.fraction);
                    if (dps == DS.T_NNt || dps == DS.T_Nt)
                        if (str.Index < str.Length - 1)
                            if (!HandleTimeZone(ref str, ref result))
                                LexTraceExit("0020 (value like \"12:01\" or \"12:\" followed by a non-TZ number", dps);
                                return false;
                    dtok.num = tokenValue;
                    if (tokenType == TokenType.YearNumberToken)
                        if (raw.year == -1)
                            raw.year = tokenValue;
                            // If we have number which has 3 or more digits (like "001" or "0001"),
                            // we assume this number is a year. Save the current raw.numCount in
                            // raw.year.
                            switch (sep = str.GetSeparatorToken(dtfi, out indexBeforeSeparator, out charBeforeSeparator))
                                case TokenType.SEP_End:
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.YearEnd;
                                case TokenType.SEP_Am:
                                case TokenType.SEP_Pm:
                                    if (raw.timeMark == TM.NotSet)
                                        raw.timeMark = (sep == TokenType.SEP_Am ? TM.AM : TM.PM);
                                        dtok.dtt = DTT.YearSpace;
                                        LexTraceExit("0030 (TM.AM/TM.PM Happened more than 1x)", dps);
                                case TokenType.SEP_Space:
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.YearSpace;
                                case TokenType.SEP_Date:
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.YearDateSep;
                                case TokenType.SEP_Time:
                                    if (!raw.hasSameDateAndTimeSeparators)
                                        LexTraceExit("0040 (Invalid separator after number)", dps);
                                        return false;
                                    // we have the date and time separators are same and getting a year number, then change the token to YearDateSep as
                                    // we are sure we are not parsing time.
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.YearDateSep;
                                case TokenType.SEP_DateOrOffset:
                                    // The separator is either a date separator or the start of a time zone offset. If the token will complete the date then
                                    // process just the number and roll back the index so that the outer loop can attempt to parse the time zone offset.
                                    if ((s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)DTT.YearDateSep] == DS.ERROR)
                                        && (s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)DTT.YearSpace] > DS.ERROR))
                                        str.Index = indexBeforeSeparator;
                                        str.m_current = charBeforeSeparator;
                                        dtok.dtt = DTT.YearSpace;
                                        dtok.dtt = DTT.YearDateSep;
                                case TokenType.SEP_YearSuff:
                                case TokenType.SEP_MonthSuff:
                                case TokenType.SEP_DaySuff:
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.NumDatesuff;
                                    dtok.suffix = sep;
                                case TokenType.SEP_HourSuff:
                                case TokenType.SEP_MinuteSuff:
                                case TokenType.SEP_SecondSuff:
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.NumTimesuff;
                                    dtok.suffix = sep;
                                    // Invalid separator after number number.
                                    LexTraceExit("0040 (Invalid separator after number)", dps);
                                    return false;
                            // Found the token already. Return now.
                            LexTraceExit("0050 (success)", dps);
                            return true;
                        LexTraceExit("0060", dps);
                        return false;
                    switch (sep = str.GetSeparatorToken(dtfi, out indexBeforeSeparator, out charBeforeSeparator))
                        // Note here we check if the numCount is less than three.
                        // When we have more than three numbers, it will be caught as error in the state machine.
                        case TokenType.SEP_End:
                            dtok.dtt = DTT.NumEnd;
                        case TokenType.SEP_Am:
                        case TokenType.SEP_Pm:
                            if (raw.timeMark == TM.NotSet)
                                raw.timeMark = (sep == TokenType.SEP_Am ? TM.AM : TM.PM);
                                dtok.dtt = DTT.NumAmpm;
                                // Fix AM/PM parsing case, e.g. "1/10 5 AM"
                                if (dps == DS.D_NN)
                                    if (!ProcessTerminalState(DS.DX_NN, ref result, ref styles, ref raw, dtfi))
                                        return false;
                            if (dps == DS.T_NNt || dps == DS.T_Nt)
                                if (!HandleTimeZone(ref str, ref result))
                                    LexTraceExit("0070 (HandleTimeZone returned false)", dps);
                                    return false;
                        case TokenType.SEP_Space:
                            dtok.dtt = DTT.NumSpace;
                        case TokenType.SEP_Date:
                            dtok.dtt = DTT.NumDatesep;
                        case TokenType.SEP_DateOrOffset:
                            // The separator is either a date separator or the start of a time zone offset. If the token will complete the date then
                            // process just the number and roll back the index so that the outer loop can attempt to parse the time zone offset.
                            if ((s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)DTT.NumDatesep] == DS.ERROR)
                                && (s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)DTT.NumSpace] > DS.ERROR))
                                str.Index = indexBeforeSeparator;
                                str.m_current = charBeforeSeparator;
                                dtok.dtt = DTT.NumSpace;
                                dtok.dtt = DTT.NumDatesep;
                        case TokenType.SEP_Time:
                            if (raw.hasSameDateAndTimeSeparators &&
                                (dps == DS.D_Y || dps == DS.D_YN || dps == DS.D_YNd || dps == DS.D_YM || dps == DS.D_YMd))
                                // we are parsing a date and we have the time separator same as date separator, so we mark the token as date separator
                                dtok.dtt = DTT.NumDatesep;
                            dtok.dtt = DTT.NumTimesep;
                        case TokenType.SEP_YearSuff:
                                dtok.num = dtfi.Calendar.ToFourDigitYear(tokenValue);
                            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                                LexTraceExit("0075 (Calendar.ToFourDigitYear failed)", dps);
                                return false;
                            dtok.dtt = DTT.NumDatesuff;
                            dtok.suffix = sep;
                        case TokenType.SEP_MonthSuff:
                        case TokenType.SEP_DaySuff:
                            dtok.dtt = DTT.NumDatesuff;
                            dtok.suffix = sep;
                        case TokenType.SEP_HourSuff:
                        case TokenType.SEP_MinuteSuff:
                        case TokenType.SEP_SecondSuff:
                            dtok.dtt = DTT.NumTimesuff;
                            dtok.suffix = sep;
                        case TokenType.SEP_LocalTimeMark:
                            dtok.dtt = DTT.NumLocalTimeMark;
                            // Invalid separator after number number.
                            LexTraceExit("0080", dps);
                            return false;
                case TokenType.HebrewNumber:
                    if (tokenValue >= 100)
                        // This is a year number
                        if (raw.year == -1)
                            raw.year = tokenValue;
                            // If we have number which has 3 or more digits (like "001" or "0001"),
                            // we assume this number is a year. Save the current raw.numCount in
                            // raw.year.
                            switch (sep = str.GetSeparatorToken(dtfi, out indexBeforeSeparator, out charBeforeSeparator))
                                case TokenType.SEP_End:
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.YearEnd;
                                case TokenType.SEP_Space:
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.YearSpace;
                                case TokenType.SEP_DateOrOffset:
                                    // The separator is either a date separator or the start of a time zone offset. If the token will complete the date then
                                    // process just the number and roll back the index so that the outer loop can attempt to parse the time zone offset.
                                    if (s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)DTT.YearSpace] > DS.ERROR)
                                        str.Index = indexBeforeSeparator;
                                        str.m_current = charBeforeSeparator;
                                        dtok.dtt = DTT.YearSpace;
                                    goto default;
                                    // Invalid separator after number number.
                                    LexTraceExit("0090", dps);
                                    return false;
                            // Invalid separator after number number.
                            LexTraceExit("0100", dps);
                            return false;
                        // This is a day number
                        dtok.num = tokenValue;
                        switch (sep = str.GetSeparatorToken(dtfi, out indexBeforeSeparator, out charBeforeSeparator))
                            // Note here we check if the numCount is less than three.
                            // When we have more than three numbers, it will be caught as error in the state machine.
                            case TokenType.SEP_End:
                                dtok.dtt = DTT.NumEnd;
                            case TokenType.SEP_Space:
                            case TokenType.SEP_Date:
                                dtok.dtt = DTT.NumDatesep;
                            case TokenType.SEP_DateOrOffset:
                                // The separator is either a date separator or the start of a time zone offset. If the token will complete the date then
                                // process just the number and roll back the index so that the outer loop can attempt to parse the time zone offset.
                                if ((s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)DTT.NumDatesep] == DS.ERROR)
                                    && (s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)DTT.NumSpace] > DS.ERROR))
                                    str.Index = indexBeforeSeparator;
                                    str.m_current = charBeforeSeparator;
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.NumSpace;
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.NumDatesep;
                                // Invalid separator after number number.
                                LexTraceExit("0110", dps);
                                return false;
                case TokenType.DayOfWeekToken:
                    if (raw.dayOfWeek == -1)
                        // This is a day of week name.
                        raw.dayOfWeek = tokenValue;
                        dtok.dtt = DTT.DayOfWeek;
                        LexTraceExit("0120 (DayOfWeek seen more than 1x)", dps);
                        return false;
                case TokenType.MonthToken:
                    if (raw.month == -1)
                        // This is a month name
                        switch (sep = str.GetSeparatorToken(dtfi, out indexBeforeSeparator, out charBeforeSeparator))
                            case TokenType.SEP_End:
                                dtok.dtt = DTT.MonthEnd;
                            case TokenType.SEP_Space:
                                dtok.dtt = DTT.MonthSpace;
                            case TokenType.SEP_Date:
                                dtok.dtt = DTT.MonthDatesep;
                            case TokenType.SEP_Time:
                                if (!raw.hasSameDateAndTimeSeparators)
                                    LexTraceExit("0130 (Invalid separator after month name)", dps);
                                    return false;
                                // we have the date and time separators are same and getting a Month name, then change the token to MonthDatesep as
                                // we are sure we are not parsing time.
                                dtok.dtt = DTT.MonthDatesep;
                            case TokenType.SEP_DateOrOffset:
                                // The separator is either a date separator or the start of a time zone offset. If the token will complete the date then
                                // process just the number and roll back the index so that the outer loop can attempt to parse the time zone offset.
                                if ((s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)DTT.MonthDatesep] == DS.ERROR)
                                    && (s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)DTT.MonthSpace] > DS.ERROR))
                                    str.Index = indexBeforeSeparator;
                                    str.m_current = charBeforeSeparator;
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.MonthSpace;
                                    dtok.dtt = DTT.MonthDatesep;
                                // Invalid separator after month name
                                LexTraceExit("0130 (Invalid separator after month name)", dps);
                                return false;
                        raw.month = tokenValue;
                        LexTraceExit("0140 (MonthToken seen more than 1x)", dps);
                        return false;
                case TokenType.EraToken:
                    if (result.era != -1)
                        result.era = tokenValue;
                        dtok.dtt = DTT.Era;
                        LexTraceExit("0150 (EraToken seen when result.era already set)", dps);
                        return false;
                case TokenType.JapaneseEraToken:
                    if (GlobalizationMode.Invariant)
                        Debug.Fail("Should never be reached");
                        return false;
                    // Special case for Japanese.  We allow Japanese era name to be used even if the calendar is not Japanese Calendar.
                    result.calendar = JapaneseCalendar.GetDefaultInstance();
                    dtfi = DateTimeFormatInfo.GetJapaneseCalendarDTFI();
                    if (result.era != -1)
                        result.era = tokenValue;
                        dtok.dtt = DTT.Era;
                        LexTraceExit("0160 (JapaneseEraToken seen when result.era already set)", dps);
                        return false;
                case TokenType.TEraToken:
                    if (GlobalizationMode.Invariant)
                        Debug.Fail("Should never be reached");
                        return false;
                    result.calendar = TaiwanCalendar.GetDefaultInstance();
                    dtfi = DateTimeFormatInfo.GetTaiwanCalendarDTFI();
                    if (result.era != -1)
                        result.era = tokenValue;
                        dtok.dtt = DTT.Era;
                        LexTraceExit("0170 (TEraToken seen when result.era already set)", dps);
                        return false;
                case TokenType.TimeZoneToken:
                    // This is a timezone designator
                    // NOTENOTE : for now, we only support "GMT" and "Z" (for Zulu time).
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) != 0)
                        // Should not have two timezone offsets.
                        LexTraceExit("0180 (seen GMT or Z more than 1x)", dps);
                        return false;
                    dtok.dtt = DTT.TimeZone;
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                    result.timeZoneOffset = new TimeSpan(0);
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUtc;
                case TokenType.EndOfString:
                    dtok.dtt = DTT.End;
                case TokenType.DateWordToken:
                case TokenType.IgnorableSymbol:
                    // Date words and ignorable symbols can just be skipped over
                case TokenType.Am:
                case TokenType.Pm:
                    if (raw.timeMark == TM.NotSet)
                        raw.timeMark = (TM)tokenValue;
                        LexTraceExit("0190 (AM/PM timeMark already set)", dps);
                        return false;
                case TokenType.UnknownToken:
                    if (char.IsLetter(str.m_current))
                        result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_UnknownDateTimeWord, str.Index);
                        LexTraceExit("0200", dps);
                        return false;
                    if ((str.m_current == '-' || str.m_current == '+') && ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) == 0))
                        int originalIndex = str.Index;
                        if (ParseTimeZone(ref str, ref result.timeZoneOffset))
                            result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                            LexTraceExit("0220 (success)", dps);
                            return true;
                            // Time zone parse attempt failed. Fall through to punctuation handling.
                            str.Index = originalIndex;
                    // Visual Basic implements string to date conversions on top of DateTime.Parse:
                    //   CDate("#10/10/95#")
                    if (VerifyValidPunctuation(ref str))
                        LexTraceExit("0230 (success)", dps);
                        return true;
                    LexTraceExit("0240", dps);
                    return false;
            LexTraceExit("0250 (success)", dps);
            return true;
        private static bool VerifyValidPunctuation(ref __DTString str)
            // Compatibility Behavior. Allow trailing nulls and surrounding hashes
            char ch = str.Value[str.Index];
            if (ch == '#')
                bool foundStart = false;
                bool foundEnd = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                    ch = str.Value[i];
                    if (ch == '#')
                        if (foundStart)
                            if (foundEnd)
                                // Having more than two hashes is invalid
                                return false;
                                foundEnd = true;
                            foundStart = true;
                    else if (ch == '\0')
                        // Allow nulls only at the end
                        if (!foundEnd)
                            return false;
                    else if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(ch))
                        // Anything other than whitespace outside hashes is invalid
                        if (!foundStart || foundEnd)
                            return false;
                if (!foundEnd)
                    // The has was un-paired
                    return false;
                // Valid Hash usage: eat the hash and continue.
                return true;
            else if (ch == '\0')
                // Nulls are only valid if they are the only trailing character
                if (str.Value.Slice(str.Index + 1).ContainsAnyExcept('\0'))
                    return false;
                // Move to the end of the string
                str.Index = str.Length;
                return true;
            return false;
        private const int ORDER_YMD = 0;     // The order of date is Year/Month/Day.
        private const int ORDER_MDY = 1;     // The order of date is Month/Day/Year.
        private const int ORDER_DMY = 2;     // The order of date is Day/Month/Year.
        private const int ORDER_YDM = 3;     // The order of date is Year/Day/Month
        private const int ORDER_YM = 4;     // Year/Month order.
        private const int ORDER_MY = 5;     // Month/Year order.
        private const int ORDER_MD = 6;     // Month/Day order.
        private const int ORDER_DM = 7;     // Day/Month order.
        // Decide the year/month/day order from the datePattern.
        // Return 0 for YMD, 1 for MDY, 2 for DMY, otherwise -1.
        private static bool GetYearMonthDayOrder(string datePattern, out int order)
            int yearOrder = -1;
            int monthOrder = -1;
            int dayOrder = -1;
            int orderCount = 0;
            bool inQuote = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < datePattern.Length && orderCount < 3; i++)
                char ch = datePattern[i];
                if (ch == '\\' || ch == '%')
                    continue;  // Skip next character that is escaped by this backslash
                if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"')
                    inQuote = !inQuote;
                if (!inQuote)
                    if (ch == 'y')
                        yearOrder = orderCount++;
                        // Skip all year pattern charaters.
                        for (; i + 1 < datePattern.Length && datePattern[i + 1] == 'y'; i++)
                            // Do nothing here.
                    else if (ch == 'M')
                        monthOrder = orderCount++;
                        // Skip all month pattern characters.
                        for (; i + 1 < datePattern.Length && datePattern[i + 1] == 'M'; i++)
                            // Do nothing here.
                    else if (ch == 'd')
                        int patternCount = 1;
                        // Skip all day pattern characters.
                        for (; i + 1 < datePattern.Length && datePattern[i + 1] == 'd'; i++)
                        // Make sure this is not "ddd" or "dddd", which means day of week.
                        if (patternCount <= 2)
                            dayOrder = orderCount++;
            if (yearOrder == 0 && monthOrder == 1 && dayOrder == 2)
                order = ORDER_YMD;
                return true;
            if (monthOrder == 0 && dayOrder == 1 && yearOrder == 2)
                order = ORDER_MDY;
                return true;
            if (dayOrder == 0 && monthOrder == 1 && yearOrder == 2)
                order = ORDER_DMY;
                return true;
            if (yearOrder == 0 && dayOrder == 1 && monthOrder == 2)
                order = ORDER_YDM;
                return true;
            order = -1;
            return false;
        // Decide the year/month order from the pattern.
        // Return 0 for YM, 1 for MY, otherwise -1.
        private static bool GetYearMonthOrder(string pattern, out int order)
            int yearOrder = -1;
            int monthOrder = -1;
            int orderCount = 0;
            bool inQuote = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < pattern.Length && orderCount < 2; i++)
                char ch = pattern[i];
                if (ch == '\\' || ch == '%')
                    continue;  // Skip next character that is escaped by this backslash
                if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"')
                    inQuote = !inQuote;
                if (!inQuote)
                    if (ch == 'y')
                        yearOrder = orderCount++;
                        // Skip all year pattern charaters.
                        for (; i + 1 < pattern.Length && pattern[i + 1] == 'y'; i++)
                    else if (ch == 'M')
                        monthOrder = orderCount++;
                        // Skip all month pattern characters.
                        for (; i + 1 < pattern.Length && pattern[i + 1] == 'M'; i++)
            if (yearOrder == 0 && monthOrder == 1)
                order = ORDER_YM;
                return true;
            if (monthOrder == 0 && yearOrder == 1)
                order = ORDER_MY;
                return true;
            order = -1;
            return false;
        // Decide the month/day order from the pattern.
        // Return 0 for MD, 1 for DM, otherwise -1.
        private static bool GetMonthDayOrder(string pattern, out int order)
            int monthOrder = -1;
            int dayOrder = -1;
            int orderCount = 0;
            bool inQuote = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < pattern.Length && orderCount < 2; i++)
                char ch = pattern[i];
                if (ch == '\\' || ch == '%')
                    continue;  // Skip next character that is escaped by this backslash
                if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"')
                    inQuote = !inQuote;
                if (!inQuote)
                    if (ch == 'd')
                        int patternCount = 1;
                        // Skip all day pattern charaters.
                        for (; i + 1 < pattern.Length && pattern[i + 1] == 'd'; i++)
                        // Make sure this is not "ddd" or "dddd", which means day of week.
                        if (patternCount <= 2)
                            dayOrder = orderCount++;
                    else if (ch == 'M')
                        monthOrder = orderCount++;
                        // Skip all month pattern characters.
                        for (; i + 1 < pattern.Length && pattern[i + 1] == 'M'; i++)
            if (monthOrder == 0 && dayOrder == 1)
                order = ORDER_MD;
                return true;
            if (dayOrder == 0 && monthOrder == 1)
                order = ORDER_DM;
                return true;
            order = -1;
            return false;
        // Adjust the two-digit year if necessary.
        private static bool TryAdjustYear(ref DateTimeResult result, int year, out int adjustedYear)
            if (year < 100)
                    // the Calendar classes need some real work.  Many of the calendars that throw
                    // don't implement a fast/non-allocating (and non-throwing) IsValid{Year|Day|Month} method.
                    // we are making a targeted try/catch fix in the in-place release but will revisit this code
                    // in the next side-by-side release.
                    year = result.calendar.ToFourDigitYear(year);
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    adjustedYear = -1;
                    return false;
            adjustedYear = year;
            return true;
        private static bool SetDateYMD(ref DateTimeResult result, int year, int month, int day)
            // Note, longer term these checks should be done at the end of the parse. This current
            // way of checking creates order dependence with parsing the era name.
            if (result.calendar.IsValidDay(year, month, day, result.era))
                result.SetDate(year, month, day);                           // YMD
                return true;
            return false;
        private static bool SetDateMDY(ref DateTimeResult result, int month, int day, int year)
            return SetDateYMD(ref result, year, month, day);
        private static bool SetDateDMY(ref DateTimeResult result, int day, int month, int year)
            return SetDateYMD(ref result, year, month, day);
        private static bool SetDateYDM(ref DateTimeResult result, int year, int day, int month)
            return SetDateYMD(ref result, year, month, day);
        private static void GetDefaultYear(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeStyles styles)
            result.Year = result.calendar.GetYear(GetDateTimeNow(ref result, ref styles));
            result.flags |= ParseFlags.YearDefault;
        // Processing teriminal case: DS.DX_NN
        private static bool GetDayOfNN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeStyles styles, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDate) != 0)
                // Multiple dates in the input string
                return false;
            int n1 = raw.GetNumber(0);
            int n2 = raw.GetNumber(1);
            GetDefaultYear(ref result, ref styles);
            if (!GetMonthDayOrder(dtfi.MonthDayPattern, out int order))
                result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern, dtfi.MonthDayPattern);
                return false;
            if (order == ORDER_MD)
                if (SetDateYMD(ref result, result.Year, n1, n2))                           // MD
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
                // ORDER_DM
                if (SetDateYMD(ref result, result.Year, n2, n1))                           // DM
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
            return false;
        // Processing teriminal case: DS.DX_NNN
        private static bool GetDayOfNNN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDate) != 0)
                // Multiple dates in the input string
                return false;
            int n1 = raw.GetNumber(0);
            int n2 = raw.GetNumber(1);
            int n3 = raw.GetNumber(2);
            if (!GetYearMonthDayOrder(dtfi.ShortDatePattern, out int order))
                result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern, dtfi.ShortDatePattern);
                return false;
            int year;
            if (order == ORDER_YMD)
                if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, n1, out year) && SetDateYMD(ref result, year, n2, n3))         // YMD
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
            else if (order == ORDER_MDY)
                if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, n3, out year) && SetDateMDY(ref result, n1, n2, year))         // MDY
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
            else if (order == ORDER_DMY)
                if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, n3, out year) && SetDateDMY(ref result, n1, n2, year))         // DMY
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
            else if (order == ORDER_YDM)
                if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, n1, out year) && SetDateYDM(ref result, year, n2, n3))         // YDM
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
            return false;
        private static bool GetDayOfMN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeStyles styles, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDate) != 0)
                // Multiple dates in the input string
                return false;
            // The interpretation is based on the MonthDayPattern and YearMonthPattern
            //    MonthDayPattern   YearMonthPattern  Interpretation
            //    ---------------   ----------------  ---------------
            //    MMMM dd           MMMM yyyy         Day
            //    MMMM dd           yyyy MMMM         Day
            //    dd MMMM           MMMM yyyy         Year
            //    dd MMMM           yyyy MMMM         Day
            // In the first and last cases, it could be either or neither, but a day is a better default interpretation
            // than a 2 digit year.
            if (!GetMonthDayOrder(dtfi.MonthDayPattern, out int monthDayOrder))
                result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern, dtfi.MonthDayPattern);
                return false;
            if (monthDayOrder == ORDER_DM)
                if (!GetYearMonthOrder(dtfi.YearMonthPattern, out int yearMonthOrder))
                    result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern, dtfi.YearMonthPattern);
                    return false;
                if (yearMonthOrder == ORDER_MY)
                    if (!TryAdjustYear(ref result, raw.GetNumber(0), out int year) || !SetDateYMD(ref result, year, raw.month, 1))
                        return false;
                    return true;
            GetDefaultYear(ref result, ref styles);
            if (!SetDateYMD(ref result, result.Year, raw.month, raw.GetNumber(0)))
                return false;
            return true;
        //  Actions:
        //  Deal with the terminal state for Hebrew Month/Day pattern
        private static bool GetHebrewDayOfNM(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            if (!GetMonthDayOrder(dtfi.MonthDayPattern, out int monthDayOrder))
                result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern, dtfi.MonthDayPattern);
                return false;
            result.Month = raw.month;
            if (monthDayOrder == ORDER_DM || monthDayOrder == ORDER_MD)
                if (result.calendar.IsValidDay(result.Year, result.Month, raw.GetNumber(0), result.era))
                    result.Day = raw.GetNumber(0);
                    return true;
            return false;
        private static bool GetDayOfNM(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeStyles styles, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDate) != 0)
                // Multiple dates in the input string
                return false;
            // The interpretation is based on the MonthDayPattern and YearMonthPattern
            //    MonthDayPattern   YearMonthPattern  Interpretation
            //    ---------------   ----------------  ---------------
            //    MMMM dd           MMMM yyyy         Day
            //    MMMM dd           yyyy MMMM         Year
            //    dd MMMM           MMMM yyyy         Day
            //    dd MMMM           yyyy MMMM         Day
            // In the first and last cases, it could be either or neither, but a day is a better default interpretation
            // than a 2 digit year.
            if (!GetMonthDayOrder(dtfi.MonthDayPattern, out int monthDayOrder))
                result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern, dtfi.MonthDayPattern);
                return false;
            if (monthDayOrder == ORDER_MD)
                if (!GetYearMonthOrder(dtfi.YearMonthPattern, out int yearMonthOrder))
                    result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern, dtfi.YearMonthPattern);
                    return false;
                if (yearMonthOrder == ORDER_YM)
                    if (!TryAdjustYear(ref result, raw.GetNumber(0), out int year) || !SetDateYMD(ref result, year, raw.month, 1))
                        return false;
                    return true;
            GetDefaultYear(ref result, ref styles);
            if (!SetDateYMD(ref result, result.Year, raw.month, raw.GetNumber(0)))
                return false;
            return true;
        private static bool GetDayOfMNN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDate) != 0)
                // Multiple dates in the input string
                return false;
            int n1 = raw.GetNumber(0);
            int n2 = raw.GetNumber(1);
            if (!GetYearMonthDayOrder(dtfi.ShortDatePattern, out int order))
                result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern, dtfi.ShortDatePattern);
                return false;
            int year;
            if (order == ORDER_MDY)
                if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, n2, out year) && result.calendar.IsValidDay(year, raw.month, n1, result.era))
                    result.SetDate(year, raw.month, n1);      // MDY
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
                else if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, n1, out year) && result.calendar.IsValidDay(year, raw.month, n2, result.era))
                    result.SetDate(year, raw.month, n2);      // YMD
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
            else if (order == ORDER_YMD)
                if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, n1, out year) && result.calendar.IsValidDay(year, raw.month, n2, result.era))
                    result.SetDate(year, raw.month, n2);      // YMD
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
                else if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, n2, out year) && result.calendar.IsValidDay(year, raw.month, n1, result.era))
                    result.SetDate(year, raw.month, n1);      // DMY
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
            else if (order == ORDER_DMY)
                if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, n2, out year) && result.calendar.IsValidDay(year, raw.month, n1, result.era))
                    result.SetDate(year, raw.month, n1);      // DMY
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
                else if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, n1, out year) && result.calendar.IsValidDay(year, raw.month, n2, result.era))
                    result.SetDate(year, raw.month, n2);      // YMD
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true;
            return false;
        private static bool GetDayOfYNN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDate) != 0)
                // Multiple dates in the input string
                return false;
            int n1 = raw.GetNumber(0);
            int n2 = raw.GetNumber(1);
            string pattern = dtfi.ShortDatePattern;
            // For compatibility, don't throw if we can't determine the order, but default to YMD instead
            if (GetYearMonthDayOrder(pattern, out int order) && order == ORDER_YDM)
                if (SetDateYMD(ref result, raw.year, n2, n1))
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true; // Year + DM
                if (SetDateYMD(ref result, raw.year, n1, n2))
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true; // Year + MD
            return false;
        private static bool GetDayOfNNY(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDate) != 0)
                // Multiple dates in the input string
                return false;
            int n1 = raw.GetNumber(0);
            int n2 = raw.GetNumber(1);
            if (!GetYearMonthDayOrder(dtfi.ShortDatePattern, out int order))
                result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern, dtfi.ShortDatePattern);
                return false;
            if (order == ORDER_MDY || order == ORDER_YMD)
                if (SetDateYMD(ref result, raw.year, n1, n2))
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true; // MD + Year
                // if we are parsing the datetime string with custom format then the CultureInfo format `order`
                // does not matter and DM + Year is also possible for NNY
                if (GlobalizationMode.Hybrid && SetDateYDM(ref result, raw.year, n1, n2))
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true; // DM + Year
                if (SetDateYDM(ref result, raw.year, n1, n2))
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true; // DM + Year
                if (GlobalizationMode.Hybrid && SetDateYMD(ref result, raw.year, n1, n2))
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                    return true; // MD + Year
            return false;
        private static bool GetDayOfYMN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDate) != 0)
                // Multiple dates in the input string
                return false;
            if (SetDateYMD(ref result, raw.year, raw.month, raw.GetNumber(0)))
                result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                return true;
            return false;
        private static bool GetDayOfYN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDate) != 0)
                // Multiple dates in the input string
                return false;
            if (SetDateYMD(ref result, raw.year, raw.GetNumber(0), 1))
                result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                return true;
            return false;
        private static bool GetDayOfYM(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDate) != 0)
                // Multiple dates in the input string
                return false;
            if (SetDateYMD(ref result, raw.year, raw.month, 1))
                result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDate;
                return true;
            return false;
        private static void AdjustTimeMark(DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
            // Specail case for culture which uses AM as empty string.
            // E.g. af-ZA (0x0436)
            //    S1159                  \x0000
            //    S2359                  nm
            // In this case, if we are parsing a string like "2005/09/14 12:23", we will assume this is in AM.
            if (raw.timeMark == TM.NotSet)
                if (dtfi.AMDesignator != null && dtfi.PMDesignator != null)
                    if (dtfi.AMDesignator.Length == 0 && dtfi.PMDesignator.Length != 0)
                        raw.timeMark = TM.AM;
                    if (dtfi.PMDesignator.Length == 0 && dtfi.AMDesignator.Length != 0)
                        raw.timeMark = TM.PM;
        // Adjust hour according to the time mark.
        private static bool AdjustHour(ref int hour, TM timeMark)
            if (timeMark != TM.NotSet)
                if (timeMark == TM.AM)
                    if (hour < 0 || hour > 12)
                        return false;
                    hour = (hour == 12) ? 0 : hour;
                    if (hour < 0 || hour > 23)
                        return false;
                    if (hour < 12)
                        hour += 12;
            return true;
        private static bool GetTimeOfN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveTime) != 0)
                // Multiple times in the input string
                return false;
            // In this case, we need a time mark. Check if so.
            if (raw.timeMark == TM.NotSet)
                return false;
            result.Hour = raw.GetNumber(0);
            result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveTime;
            return true;
        private static bool GetTimeOfNN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
            Debug.Assert(raw.numCount >= 2, "raw.numCount >= 2");
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveTime) != 0)
                // Multiple times in the input string
                return false;
            result.Hour = raw.GetNumber(0);
            result.Minute = raw.GetNumber(1);
            result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveTime;
            return true;
        private static bool GetTimeOfNNN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveTime) != 0)
                // Multiple times in the input string
                return false;
            Debug.Assert(raw.numCount >= 3, "raw.numCount >= 3");
            result.Hour = raw.GetNumber(0);
            result.Minute = raw.GetNumber(1);
            result.Second = raw.GetNumber(2);
            result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveTime;
            return true;
        // Processing terminal state: A Date suffix followed by one number.
        private static bool GetDateOfDSN(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
            if (raw.numCount != 1 || result.Day != -1)
                return false;
            result.Day = raw.GetNumber(0);
            return true;
        private static bool GetDateOfNDS(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw)
            if (result.Month == -1)
                // Should have a month suffix
                return false;
            if (result.Year != -1)
                // Already has a year suffix
                return false;
            if (!TryAdjustYear(ref result, raw.GetNumber(0), out result.Year))
                // the year value is out of range
                return false;
            result.Day = 1;
            return true;
        private static bool GetDateOfNNDS(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            // For partial CJK Dates, the only valid formats are with a specified year, followed by two numbers, which
            // will be the Month and Day, and with a specified Month, when the numbers are either the year and day or
            // day and year, depending on the short date pattern.
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveYear) != 0)
                if (((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveMonth) == 0) && ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDay) == 0))
                    if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, raw.year, out result.Year) && SetDateYMD(ref result, result.Year, raw.GetNumber(0), raw.GetNumber(1)))
                        return true;
            else if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveMonth) != 0)
                if (((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveYear) == 0) && ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDay) == 0))
                    if (!GetYearMonthDayOrder(dtfi.ShortDatePattern, out int order))
                        result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern, dtfi.ShortDatePattern);
                        return false;
                    int year;
                    if (order == ORDER_YMD)
                        if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, raw.GetNumber(0), out year) && SetDateYMD(ref result, year, result.Month, raw.GetNumber(1)))
                            return true;
                        if (TryAdjustYear(ref result, raw.GetNumber(1), out year) && SetDateYMD(ref result, year, result.Month, raw.GetNumber(0)))
                            return true;
            return false;
        // A date suffix is found, use this method to put the number into the result.
        private static bool ProcessDateTimeSuffix(ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, scoped ref DateTimeToken dtok)
            switch (dtok.suffix)
                case TokenType.SEP_YearSuff:
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveYear) != 0)
                        return false;
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveYear;
                    result.Year = raw.year = dtok.num;
                case TokenType.SEP_MonthSuff:
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveMonth) != 0)
                        return false;
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveMonth;
                    result.Month = raw.month = dtok.num;
                case TokenType.SEP_DaySuff:
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveDay) != 0)
                        return false;
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveDay;
                    result.Day = dtok.num;
                case TokenType.SEP_HourSuff:
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveHour) != 0)
                        return false;
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveHour;
                    result.Hour = dtok.num;
                case TokenType.SEP_MinuteSuff:
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveMinute) != 0)
                        return false;
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveMinute;
                    result.Minute = dtok.num;
                case TokenType.SEP_SecondSuff:
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.HaveSecond) != 0)
                        return false;
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.HaveSecond;
                    result.Second = dtok.num;
            return true;
        // Actions:
        // This is used by DateTime.Parse().
        // Process the terminal state for the Hebrew calendar parsing.
        internal static bool ProcessHebrewTerminalState(DS dps, scoped ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeStyles styles, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            // The following are accepted terminal state for Hebrew date.
            switch (dps)
                case DS.DX_MNN:
                    // Deal with the default long/short date format when the year number is ambiguous (i.e. year < 100).
                    raw.year = raw.GetNumber(1);
                    if (!dtfi.YearMonthAdjustment(ref raw.year, ref raw.month, true))
                        return false;
                    if (!GetDayOfMNN(ref result, ref raw, dtfi))
                        return false;
                case DS.DX_YMN:
                    // Deal with the default long/short date format when the year number is NOT ambiguous (i.e. year >= 100).
                    if (!dtfi.YearMonthAdjustment(ref raw.year, ref raw.month, true))
                        return false;
                    if (!GetDayOfYMN(ref result, ref raw))
                        return false;
                case DS.DX_NNY:
                    // When formatting, we only format up to the hundred digit of the Hebrew year, although Hebrew year is now over 5000.
                    // E.g. if the year is 5763, we only format as 763. so we do the reverse when parsing.
                    if (raw.year < 1000)
                        raw.year += 5000;
                    if (!GetDayOfNNY(ref result, ref raw, dtfi))
                        return false;
                    if (!dtfi.YearMonthAdjustment(ref result.Year, ref raw.month, true))
                        return false;
                case DS.DX_NM:
                case DS.DX_MN:
                    // Deal with Month/Day pattern.
                    GetDefaultYear(ref result, ref styles);
                    if (!dtfi.YearMonthAdjustment(ref result.Year, ref raw.month, true))
                        return false;
                    if (!GetHebrewDayOfNM(ref result, ref raw, dtfi))
                        return false;
                case DS.DX_YM:
                    // Deal with Year/Month pattern.
                    if (!dtfi.YearMonthAdjustment(ref raw.year, ref raw.month, true))
                        return false;
                    if (!GetDayOfYM(ref result, ref raw))
                        return false;
                case DS.TX_N:
                    // Deal hour + AM/PM
                    if (!GetTimeOfN(ref result, ref raw))
                        return false;
                case DS.TX_NN:
                    if (!GetTimeOfNN(ref result, ref raw))
                        return false;
                case DS.TX_NNN:
                    if (!GetTimeOfNNN(ref result, ref raw))
                        return false;
                    return false;
            if (dps > DS.ERROR)
                // We have reached a terminal state. Reset the raw num count.
                raw.numCount = 0;
            return true;
        // A terminal state has been reached, call the appropriate function to fill in the parsing result.
        // Return true if the state is a terminal state.
        internal static bool ProcessTerminalState(DS dps, scoped ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeStyles styles, scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            bool passed = true;
            switch (dps)
                case DS.DX_NN:
                    passed = GetDayOfNN(ref result, ref styles, ref raw, dtfi);
                case DS.DX_NNN:
                    passed = GetDayOfNNN(ref result, ref raw, dtfi);
                case DS.DX_MN:
                    passed = GetDayOfMN(ref result, ref styles, ref raw, dtfi);
                case DS.DX_NM:
                    passed = GetDayOfNM(ref result, ref styles, ref raw, dtfi);
                case DS.DX_MNN:
                    passed = GetDayOfMNN(ref result, ref raw, dtfi);
                case DS.DX_DS:
                    // The result has got the correct value. No need to process.
                    passed = true;
                case DS.DX_YNN:
                    passed = GetDayOfYNN(ref result, ref raw, dtfi);
                case DS.DX_NNY:
                    passed = GetDayOfNNY(ref result, ref raw, dtfi);
                case DS.DX_YMN:
                    passed = GetDayOfYMN(ref result, ref raw);
                case DS.DX_YN:
                    passed = GetDayOfYN(ref result, ref raw);
                case DS.DX_YM:
                    passed = GetDayOfYM(ref result, ref raw);
                case DS.TX_N:
                    passed = GetTimeOfN(ref result, ref raw);
                case DS.TX_NN:
                    passed = GetTimeOfNN(ref result, ref raw);
                case DS.TX_NNN:
                    passed = GetTimeOfNNN(ref result, ref raw);
                case DS.TX_TS:
                    // The result has got the correct value. Nothing to do.
                    passed = true;
                case DS.DX_DSN:
                    passed = GetDateOfDSN(ref result, ref raw);
                case DS.DX_NDS:
                    passed = GetDateOfNDS(ref result, ref raw);
                case DS.DX_NNDS:
                    passed = GetDateOfNNDS(ref result, ref raw, dtfi);
            PTSTraceExit(dps, passed);
            if (!passed)
                return false;
            if (dps > DS.ERROR)
                // We have reached a terminal state. Reset the raw num count.
                raw.numCount = 0;
            return true;
        internal static DateTime Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles)
            DateTimeResult result = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            if (TryParse(s, dtfi, styles, ref result))
                return result.parsedDate;
                throw GetDateTimeParseException(ref result);
        internal static DateTime Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles, out TimeSpan offset)
            DateTimeResult result = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            result.flags |= ParseFlags.CaptureOffset;
            if (TryParse(s, dtfi, styles, ref result))
                offset = result.timeZoneOffset;
                return result.parsedDate;
                throw GetDateTimeParseException(ref result);
        internal static bool TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles, out DateTime result)
            DateTimeResult resultData = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            if (TryParse(s, dtfi, styles, ref resultData))
                result = resultData.parsedDate;
                return true;
            result = DateTime.MinValue;
            return false;
        internal static bool TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles, out DateTime result, out TimeSpan offset)
            DateTimeResult parseResult = default;       // The buffer to store the parsing result.
            parseResult.flags |= ParseFlags.CaptureOffset;
            if (TryParse(s, dtfi, styles, ref parseResult))
                result = parseResult.parsedDate;
                offset = parseResult.timeZoneOffset;
                return true;
            result = DateTime.MinValue;
            offset = TimeSpan.Zero;
            return false;
        // This is the real method to do the parsing work.
        internal static bool TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<char> s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles, scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            if (s.Length == 0)
                return false;
            Debug.Assert(dtfi != null, "dtfi == null");
            // First try the predefined format.
            DS dps = DS.BEGIN;     // Date Parsing State.
            bool reachTerminalState = false;
            DateTimeToken dtok = default;      // The buffer to store the parsing token.
            dtok.suffix = TokenType.SEP_Unk;
            DateTimeRawInfo raw = default;    // The buffer to store temporary parsing information.
                int* numberPointer = stackalloc int[3];
            raw.hasSameDateAndTimeSeparators = dtfi.DateSeparator.Equals(dtfi.TimeSeparator, StringComparison.Ordinal);
            result.calendar = dtfi.Calendar;
            result.era = Calendar.CurrentEra;
            // The string to be parsed. Use a __DTString wrapper so that we can trace the index which
            // indicates the beginning of next token.
            __DTString str = new __DTString(s, dtfi);
            // The following loop will break out when we reach the end of the str.
                // Call the lexer to get the next token.
                // If we find a era in Lex(), the era value will be in raw.era.
                if (!Lex(dps, ref str, ref dtok, ref raw, ref result, ref dtfi, styles))
                    TPTraceExit("0000", dps);
                    return false;
                // If the token is not unknown, process it.
                // Otherwise, just discard it.
                if (dtok.dtt != DTT.Unk)
                    // Check if we got any CJK Date/Time suffix.
                    // Since the Date/Time suffix tells us the number belongs to year/month/day/hour/minute/second,
                    // store the number in the appropriate field in the result.
                    if (dtok.suffix != TokenType.SEP_Unk)
                        if (!ProcessDateTimeSuffix(ref result, ref raw, ref dtok))
                            TPTraceExit("0010", dps);
                            return false;
                        dtok.suffix = TokenType.SEP_Unk;  // Reset suffix to SEP_Unk;
                    if (dtok.dtt == DTT.NumLocalTimeMark)
                        if (dps == DS.D_YNd || dps == DS.D_YN)
                            // Consider this as ISO 8601 format:
                            // "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"                 1999-10-31T02:00:00
                            TPTraceExit("0020", dps);
                            return ParseISO8601(ref raw, ref str, styles, ref result);
                            TPTraceExit("0030", dps);
                            return false;
                    if (raw.hasSameDateAndTimeSeparators)
                        if (dtok.dtt == DTT.YearEnd || dtok.dtt == DTT.YearSpace || dtok.dtt == DTT.YearDateSep)
                            // When time and date separators are same and we are hitting a year number while the first parsed part of the string was recognized
                            // as part of time (and not a date) DS.T_Nt, DS.T_NNt then change the state to be a date so we try to parse it as a date instead
                            if (dps == DS.T_Nt)
                                dps = DS.D_Nd;
                            if (dps == DS.T_NNt)
                                dps = DS.D_NNd;
                        bool atEnd = str.AtEnd();
                        if (s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)dtok.dtt] == DS.ERROR || atEnd)
                            switch (dtok.dtt)
                                // we have the case of Serbia have dates in forms 'd.M.yyyy.' so we can expect '.' after the date parts.
                                // changing the token to end with space instead of Date Separator will avoid failing the parsing.
                                case DTT.YearDateSep: dtok.dtt = atEnd ? DTT.YearEnd : DTT.YearSpace; break;
                                case DTT.NumDatesep: dtok.dtt = atEnd ? DTT.NumEnd : DTT.NumSpace; break;
                                case DTT.NumTimesep: dtok.dtt = atEnd ? DTT.NumEnd : DTT.NumSpace; break;
                                case DTT.MonthDatesep: dtok.dtt = atEnd ? DTT.MonthEnd : DTT.MonthSpace; break;
                    // Advance to the next state, and continue
                    dps = s_dateParsingStates[(int)dps][(int)dtok.dtt];
                    if (dps == DS.ERROR)
                        TPTraceExit("0040 (invalid state transition)", dps);
                        return false;
                    else if (dps > DS.ERROR)
                        if ((dtfi.FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseHebrewRule) != 0)
                            if (!ProcessHebrewTerminalState(dps, ref result, ref styles, ref raw, dtfi))
                                TPTraceExit("0050 (ProcessHebrewTerminalState)", dps);
                                return false;
                            if (!ProcessTerminalState(dps, ref result, ref styles, ref raw, dtfi))
                                TPTraceExit("0060 (ProcessTerminalState)", dps);
                                return false;
                        reachTerminalState = true;
                        // If we have reached a terminal state, start over from DS.BEGIN again.
                        // For example, when we parsed "1999-12-23 13:30", we will reach a terminal state at "1999-12-23",
                        // and we start over so we can continue to parse "12:30".
                        dps = DS.BEGIN;
            } while (dtok.dtt != DTT.End && dtok.dtt != DTT.NumEnd && dtok.dtt != DTT.MonthEnd);
            if (!reachTerminalState)
                TPTraceExit("0070 (did not reach terminal state)", dps);
                return false;
            AdjustTimeMark(dtfi, ref raw);
            if (!AdjustHour(ref result.Hour, raw.timeMark))
                TPTraceExit("0080 (AdjustHour)", dps);
                return false;
            // Check if the parsed string only contains hour/minute/second values.
            bool bTimeOnly = (result.Year == -1 && result.Month == -1 && result.Day == -1);
            // Check if any year/month/day is missing in the parsing string.
            // If yes, get the default value from today's date.
            if (!CheckDefaultDateTime(ref result, ref result.calendar, styles))
                TPTraceExit("0090 (failed to fill in missing year/month/day defaults)", dps);
                return false;
            if (!result.calendar.TryToDateTime(result.Year, result.Month, result.Day,
                    result.Hour, result.Minute, result.Second, 0, result.era, out DateTime time))
                TPTraceExit("0100 (result.calendar.TryToDateTime)", dps);
                return false;
            if (raw.fraction > 0)
                if (!time.TryAddTicks((long)Math.Round(raw.fraction * Calendar.TicksPerSecond), out time))
                    TPTraceExit("0100 (time.TryAddTicks)", dps);
                    return false;
            // We have to check day of week before we adjust to the time zone.
            // Otherwise, the value of day of week may change after adjusting to the time zone.
            if (raw.dayOfWeek != -1)
                // Check if day of week is correct.
                if (raw.dayOfWeek != (int)result.calendar.GetDayOfWeek(time))
                    TPTraceExit("0110 (dayOfWeek check)", dps);
                    return false;
            result.parsedDate = time;
            if (!DetermineTimeZoneAdjustments(ref result, styles, bTimeOnly))
                TPTraceExit("0120 (DetermineTimeZoneAdjustments)", dps);
                return false;
            TPTraceExit("0130 (success)", dps);
            return true;
        // Handles time zone adjustments and sets DateTimeKind values as required by the styles
        private static bool DetermineTimeZoneAdjustments(ref DateTimeResult result, DateTimeStyles styles, bool bTimeOnly)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.CaptureOffset) != 0)
                // This is a DateTimeOffset parse, so the offset will actually be captured directly, and
                // no adjustment is required in most cases
                return DateTimeOffsetTimeZonePostProcessing(ref result, styles);
                long offsetTicks = result.timeZoneOffset.Ticks;
                // the DateTime offset must be within +- 14:00 hours.
                if (offsetTicks < DateTimeOffset.MinOffset || offsetTicks > DateTimeOffset.MaxOffset)
                    return false;
            // The flags AssumeUniveral and AssumeLocal only apply when the input does not have a time zone
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) == 0)
                // If AssumeLocal or AssumeLocal is used, there will always be a kind specified. As in the
                // case when a time zone is present, it will default to being local unless AdjustToUniversal
                // is present. These comparisons determine whether setting the kind is sufficient, or if a
                // time zone adjustment is required. For consistentcy with the rest of parsing, it is desirable
                // to fall through to the Adjust methods below, so that there is consist handling of boundary
                // cases like wrapping around on time-only dates and temporarily allowing an adjusted date
                // to exceed DateTime.MaxValue
                if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal) != 0)
                    if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal) != 0)
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                        result.timeZoneOffset = TimeZoneInfo.GetLocalUtcOffset(result.parsedDate, TimeZoneInfoOptions.NoThrowOnInvalidTime);
                        result.parsedDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(result.parsedDate, DateTimeKind.Local);
                        return true;
                else if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal) != 0)
                    if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal) != 0)
                        result.parsedDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(result.parsedDate, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                        return true;
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                        result.timeZoneOffset = TimeSpan.Zero;
                    // No time zone and no Assume flags, so DateTimeKind.Unspecified is fine
                    Debug.Assert(result.parsedDate.Kind == DateTimeKind.Unspecified, "result.parsedDate.Kind == DateTimeKind.Unspecified");
                    return true;
            if (((styles & DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind) != 0) && ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUtc) != 0))
                result.parsedDate = DateTime.SpecifyKind(result.parsedDate, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                return true;
            if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal) != 0)
                return AdjustTimeZoneToUniversal(ref result);
            return AdjustTimeZoneToLocal(ref result, bTimeOnly);
        // Apply validation and adjustments specific to DateTimeOffset
        private static bool DateTimeOffsetTimeZonePostProcessing(ref DateTimeResult result, DateTimeStyles styles)
            // For DateTimeOffset, default to the Utc or Local offset when an offset was not specified by
            // the input string.
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) == 0)
                if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal) != 0)
                    // AssumeUniversal causes the offset to default to zero (0)
                    result.timeZoneOffset = TimeSpan.Zero;
                    // AssumeLocal causes the offset to default to Local.  This flag is on by default for DateTimeOffset.
                    result.timeZoneOffset = TimeZoneInfo.GetLocalUtcOffset(result.parsedDate, TimeZoneInfoOptions.NoThrowOnInvalidTime);
            long offsetTicks = result.timeZoneOffset.Ticks;
            // there should be no overflow, because the offset can be no more than -+100 hours and the date already
            // fits within a DateTime.
            long utcTicks = result.parsedDate.Ticks - offsetTicks;
            // For DateTimeOffset, both the parsed time and the corresponding UTC value must be within the boundaries
            // of a DateTime instance.
            if (utcTicks < DateTime.MinTicks || utcTicks > DateTime.MaxTicks)
                return false;
            // the offset must be within +- 14:00 hours.
            if (offsetTicks < DateTimeOffset.MinOffset || offsetTicks > DateTimeOffset.MaxOffset)
                return false;
            // DateTimeOffset should still honor the AdjustToUniversal flag for consistency with DateTime. It means you
            // want to return an adjusted UTC value, so store the utcTicks in the DateTime and set the offset to zero
            if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal) != 0)
                if (((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) == 0) && ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal) == 0))
                    // Handle the special case where the timeZoneOffset was defaulted to Local
                    bool toUtcResult = AdjustTimeZoneToUniversal(ref result);
                    result.timeZoneOffset = TimeSpan.Zero;
                    return toUtcResult;
                // The constructor should always succeed because of the range check earlier in the function
                // Although it is UTC, internally DateTimeOffset does not use this flag
                result.parsedDate = new DateTime(utcTicks, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                result.timeZoneOffset = TimeSpan.Zero;
            return true;
        // Adjust the specified time to universal time based on the supplied timezone.
        // E.g. when parsing "2001/06/08 14:00-07:00",
        // the time is 2001/06/08 14:00, and timeZoneOffset = -07:00.
        // The result will be "2001/06/08 21:00"
        private static bool AdjustTimeZoneToUniversal(ref DateTimeResult result)
            long resultTicks = result.parsedDate.Ticks;
            resultTicks -= result.timeZoneOffset.Ticks;
            if (resultTicks < 0)
                resultTicks += Calendar.TicksPerDay;
            if (resultTicks < DateTime.MinTicks || resultTicks > DateTime.MaxTicks)
                return false;
            result.parsedDate = new DateTime(resultTicks, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            return true;
        // Adjust the specified time to universal time based on the supplied timezone,
        // and then convert to local time.
        // E.g. when parsing "2001/06/08 14:00-04:00", and local timezone is GMT-7.
        // the time is 2001/06/08 14:00, and timeZoneOffset = -05:00.
        // The result will be "2001/06/08 11:00"
        private static bool AdjustTimeZoneToLocal(ref DateTimeResult result, bool bTimeOnly)
            long resultTicks = result.parsedDate.Ticks;
            // Convert to local ticks
            TimeZoneInfo tz = TimeZoneInfo.Local;
            bool isAmbiguousLocalDst = false;
            if (resultTicks < Calendar.TicksPerDay)
                // This is time of day.
                // Adjust timezone.
                resultTicks -= result.timeZoneOffset.Ticks;
                // If the time is time of day, use the current timezone offset.
                resultTicks += tz.GetUtcOffset(bTimeOnly ? DateTime.Now : result.parsedDate, TimeZoneInfoOptions.NoThrowOnInvalidTime).Ticks;
                if (resultTicks < 0)
                    resultTicks += Calendar.TicksPerDay;
                // Adjust timezone to GMT.
                resultTicks -= result.timeZoneOffset.Ticks;
                if (resultTicks < DateTime.MinTicks || resultTicks > DateTime.MaxTicks)
                    // If the result ticks is greater than DateTime.MaxValue, we can not create a DateTime from this ticks.
                    // In this case, keep using the old code.
                    resultTicks += tz.GetUtcOffset(result.parsedDate, TimeZoneInfoOptions.NoThrowOnInvalidTime).Ticks;
                    // Convert the GMT time to local time.
                    DateTime utcDt = new DateTime(resultTicks, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                    resultTicks += TimeZoneInfo.GetUtcOffsetFromUtc(utcDt, TimeZoneInfo.Local, out _, out isAmbiguousLocalDst).Ticks;
            if (resultTicks < DateTime.MinTicks || resultTicks > DateTime.MaxTicks)
                result.parsedDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                return false;
            result.parsedDate = new DateTime(resultTicks, DateTimeKind.Local, isAmbiguousLocalDst);
            return true;
        // Parse the ISO8601 format string found during Parse();
        private static bool ParseISO8601(scoped ref DateTimeRawInfo raw, ref __DTString str, DateTimeStyles styles, scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            int second = 0;
            double partSecond = 0;
            if (!ParseDigits(ref str, 2, out int hour))
                return false;
            if (!str.Match(TimeDelimiter))
                return false;
            if (!ParseDigits(ref str, 2, out int minute))
                return false;
            if (str.Match(TimeDelimiter))
                if (!ParseDigits(ref str, 2, out second))
                    return false;
                if ((str.Match(TimeFractionDelimiterDot))
                    || (str.Match(TimeFractionDelimiterComma)))
                    if (!ParseFraction(ref str, out partSecond))
                        return false;
            if (str.GetNext())
                char ch = str.GetChar();
                if (ch == '+' || ch == '-')
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                    if (!ParseTimeZone(ref str, ref result.timeZoneOffset))
                        return false;
                else if (ch == 'Z' || ch == 'z')
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                    result.timeZoneOffset = TimeSpan.Zero;
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUtc;
                if (str.Match('#'))
                    if (!VerifyValidPunctuation(ref str))
                        return false;
                if (str.Match('\0'))
                    if (!VerifyValidPunctuation(ref str))
                        return false;
                if (str.GetNext())
                    // If this is true, there were non-white space characters remaining in the DateTime
                    return false;
            Calendar calendar = GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance();
            if (!calendar.TryToDateTime(raw.year, raw.GetNumber(0), raw.GetNumber(1),
                    hour, minute, second, 0, result.era, out DateTime time))
                return false;
            if (!time.TryAddTicks((long)Math.Round(partSecond * Calendar.TicksPerSecond), out time))
                return false;
            result.parsedDate = time;
            return DetermineTimeZoneAdjustments(ref result, styles, false);
        // Actions:
        //    Parse the current word as a Hebrew number.
        //      This is used by DateTime.ParseExact().
        internal static bool MatchHebrewDigits(ref __DTString str, out int number)
            number = 0;
            // Create a context object so that we can parse the Hebrew number text character by character.
            HebrewNumberParsingContext context = new HebrewNumberParsingContext(0);
            // Set this to ContinueParsing so that we will run the following while loop in the first time.
            HebrewNumberParsingState state = HebrewNumberParsingState.ContinueParsing;
            while (state == HebrewNumberParsingState.ContinueParsing && str.GetNext())
                state = HebrewNumber.ParseByChar(str.GetChar(), ref context);
            if (state == HebrewNumberParsingState.FoundEndOfHebrewNumber)
                // If we have reached a terminal state, update the result and returns.
                number = context.result;
                return true;
            // If we run out of the character before reaching FoundEndOfHebrewNumber, or
            // the state is InvalidHebrewNumber or ContinueParsing, we fail to match a Hebrew number.
            // Return an error.
            return false;
        **Action: Parse the number string in __DTString that are formatted using
        **        the following patterns:
        **        "0", "00", and "000..0"
        **Returns: the integer value
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString.  The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **Exceptions: FormatException if error in parsing number.
        internal static bool ParseDigits(ref __DTString str, int digitLen, out int result)
            if (digitLen == 1)
                // 1 really means 1 or 2 for this call
                return ParseDigits(ref str, 1, 2, out result);
                return ParseDigits(ref str, digitLen, digitLen, out result);
        internal static bool ParseDigits(ref __DTString str, int minDigitLen, int maxDigitLen, out int result)
            Debug.Assert(minDigitLen > 0, "minDigitLen > 0");
            Debug.Assert(maxDigitLen < 9, "maxDigitLen < 9");
            Debug.Assert(minDigitLen <= maxDigitLen, "minDigitLen <= maxDigitLen");
            int localResult = 0;
            int startingIndex = str.Index;
            int tokenLength = 0;
            while (tokenLength < maxDigitLen)
                if (!str.GetNextDigit())
                localResult = localResult * 10 + str.GetDigit();
            result = localResult;
            if (tokenLength < minDigitLen)
                str.Index = startingIndex;
                return false;
            return true;
        **Action: Parse the number string in __DTString that are formatted using
        **        the following patterns:
        **        "0", "00", and "000..0"
        **Returns: the fraction value
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString.  The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **Exceptions: FormatException if error in parsing number.
        private static bool ParseFractionExact(ref __DTString str, int maxDigitLen, scoped ref double result)
            Debug.Assert(maxDigitLen <= DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits);
            if (!str.GetNextDigit())
                return false;
            result = str.GetDigit();
            int digitLen = 1;
            for (; digitLen < maxDigitLen; digitLen++)
                if (!str.GetNextDigit())
                result = result * 10 + str.GetDigit();
            result /= TimeSpanParse.Pow10UpToMaxFractionDigits(digitLen);
            return digitLen == maxDigitLen;
        **Action: Parse a positive or a negative sign.
        **Returns:      true if positive sign. false if negative sign.
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString. The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **Exceptions:   FormatException if end of string is encountered or a sign
        **              symbol is not found.
        private static bool ParseSign(ref __DTString str, scoped ref bool result)
            if (!str.GetNext())
                // A sign symbol ('+' or '-') is expected. However, end of string is encountered.
                return false;
            char ch = str.GetChar();
            if (ch == '+')
                result = true;
                return true;
            else if (ch == '-')
                result = false;
                return true;
            // A sign symbol ('+' or '-') is expected.
            return false;
        **Action: Parse the string formatted using "z", "zz", "zzz" in DateTime.Format().
        **Returns: the TimeSpan for the parsed timezone offset.
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString.  The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **              len: the repeated number of the "z"
        **Exceptions: FormatException if errors in parsing.
        private static bool ParseTimeZoneOffset(ref __DTString str, int len, scoped ref TimeSpan result)
            bool isPositive = true;
            int hourOffset;
            int minuteOffset = 0;
            switch (len)
                case 1:
                case 2:
                    if (!ParseSign(ref str, ref isPositive))
                        return false;
                    if (!ParseDigits(ref str, len, out hourOffset))
                        return false;
                    if (!ParseSign(ref str, ref isPositive))
                        return false;
                    // Parsing 1 digit will actually parse 1 or 2.
                    if (!ParseDigits(ref str, 1, out hourOffset))
                        return false;
                    // ':' is optional.
                    if (str.Match(":"))
                        // Found ':'
                        if (!ParseDigits(ref str, 2, out minuteOffset))
                            return false;
                        // Since we can not match ':', put the char back.
                        if (!ParseDigits(ref str, 2, out minuteOffset))
                            return false;
            if (minuteOffset < 0 || minuteOffset >= 60)
                return false;
            result = (new TimeSpan(hourOffset, minuteOffset, 0));
            if (!isPositive)
                result = result.Negate();
            return true;
        **Action: Parse the abbreviated month name from string starting at str.Index.
        **Returns: A value from 1 to 12 for the first month to the twelfth month.
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString.  The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **Exceptions: FormatException if an abbreviated month name can not be found.
        private static bool MatchAbbreviatedMonthName(ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, scoped ref int result)
            int maxMatchStrLen = 0;
            result = -1;
            if (str.GetNext())
                if (ReferenceEquals(dtfi, DateTimeFormat.InvariantFormatInfo))
                    // Invariant data. Do a fast lookup on the known abbreviated month names.
                    ReadOnlySpan<char> span = str.Value.Slice(str.Index);
                    if (span.Length >= 3)
                        uint m0 = span[0], m1 = span[1], m2 = span[2];
                        if ((m0 | m1 | m2) <= 0x7F)
                            // Combine all the characters into a single uint, lowercased.
                            maxMatchStrLen = 3; // assume we'll successfully match
                            switch ((m0 << 16) | (m1 << 8) | m2 | 0x202020)
                                case 0x6a616e: /* 'jan' */ result = 1; break;
                                case 0x666562: /* 'feb' */ result = 2; break;
                                case 0x6d6172: /* 'mar' */ result = 3; break;
                                case 0x617072: /* 'apr' */ result = 4; break;
                                case 0x6d6179: /* 'may' */ result = 5; break;
                                case 0x6a756e: /* 'jun' */ result = 6; break;
                                case 0x6a756c: /* 'jul' */ result = 7; break;
                                case 0x617567: /* 'aug' */ result = 8; break;
                                case 0x736570: /* 'sep' */ result = 9; break;
                                case 0x6f6374: /* 'oct' */ result = 10; break;
                                case 0x6e6f76: /* 'nov' */ result = 11; break;
                                case 0x646563: /* 'dec' */ result = 12; break;
                                default: maxMatchStrLen = 0; break; // undo match assumption
                    // Scan the month names (note that some calendars has 13 months) and find
                    // the matching month name which has the max string length.
                    // We need to do this because some cultures which have abbreviated
                    // month names with the same prefix (e.g. "vi-VN" culture has those conflicts "Thg1", "Thg10", "Thg11")
                    int monthsInYear = (dtfi.GetAbbreviatedMonthName(13).Length == 0 ? 12 : 13);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= monthsInYear; i++)
                        string searchStr = dtfi.GetAbbreviatedMonthName(i);
                        int matchStrLen = searchStr.Length;
                        if (dtfi.HasSpacesInMonthNames
                                ? str.MatchSpecifiedWords(searchStr, false, ref matchStrLen)
                                : str.MatchSpecifiedWord(searchStr))
                            if (matchStrLen > maxMatchStrLen)
                                maxMatchStrLen = matchStrLen;
                                result = i;
                // Search genitive form.
                if ((dtfi.FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseGenitiveMonth) != 0)
                    int tempResult = str.MatchLongestWords(dtfi.InternalGetGenitiveMonthNames(abbreviated: true), ref maxMatchStrLen);
                    // We found a longer match in the genitive month name.  Use this as the result.
                    // tempResult + 1 should be the month value.
                    if (tempResult >= 0)
                        result = tempResult + 1;
                // Search leap year form.
                if ((dtfi.FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseLeapYearMonth) != 0)
                    int tempResult = str.MatchLongestWords(dtfi.InternalGetLeapYearMonthNames(), ref maxMatchStrLen);
                    // We found a longer match in the leap year month name.  Use this as the result.
                    // The result from MatchLongestWords is 0 ~ length of word array.
                    // So we increment the result by one to become the month value.
                    if (tempResult >= 0)
                        result = tempResult + 1;
            if (result > 0)
                str.Index += (maxMatchStrLen - 1);
                return true;
            return false;
        **Action: Parse the month name from string starting at str.Index.
        **Returns: A value from 1 to 12 indicating the first month to the twelfth month.
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString.  The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **Exceptions: FormatException if a month name can not be found.
        private static bool MatchMonthName(ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, scoped ref int result)
            int maxMatchStrLen = 0;
            result = -1;
            if (str.GetNext())
                if (ReferenceEquals(dtfi, DateTimeFormat.InvariantFormatInfo))
                    // Invariant data. Do a fast lookup on the known month names.
                    ReadOnlySpan<char> span = str.Value.Slice(str.Index);
                    if (span.Length >= 3)
                        uint m0 = span[0], m1 = span[1], m2 = span[2];
                        if ((m0 | m1 | m2) <= 0x7F)
                            // Combine all the characters into a single uint, lowercased.
                            switch ((m0 << 16) | (m1 << 8) | m2 | 0x202020)
                                case 0x6a616e: /* 'jan' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "January", 1, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x666562: /* 'feb' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "February", 2, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x6d6172: /* 'mar' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "March", 3, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x617072: /* 'apr' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "April", 4, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x6d6179: /* 'may' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "May", 5, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x6a756e: /* 'jun' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "June", 6, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x6a756c: /* 'jul' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "July", 7, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x617567: /* 'aug' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "August", 8, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x736570: /* 'sep' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "September", 9, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x6f6374: /* 'oct' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "October", 10, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x6e6f76: /* 'nov' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "November", 11, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x646563: /* 'dec' */ SetIfStartsWith(span, "December", 12, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                    // Scan the month names (note that some calendars has 13 months) and find
                    // the matching month name which has the max string length.
                    // We need to do this because some cultures (e.g. "vi-VN") which have
                    // month names with the same prefix.
                    int monthsInYear = (dtfi.GetMonthName(13).Length == 0 ? 12 : 13);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= monthsInYear; i++)
                        string searchStr = dtfi.GetMonthName(i);
                        int matchStrLen = searchStr.Length;
                        if (dtfi.HasSpacesInMonthNames
                                ? str.MatchSpecifiedWords(searchStr, false, ref matchStrLen)
                                : str.MatchSpecifiedWord(searchStr))
                            if (matchStrLen > maxMatchStrLen)
                                maxMatchStrLen = matchStrLen;
                                result = i;
                // Search genitive form.
                if ((dtfi.FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseGenitiveMonth) != 0)
                    int tempResult = str.MatchLongestWords(dtfi.InternalGetGenitiveMonthNames(abbreviated: false), ref maxMatchStrLen);
                    // We found a longer match in the genitive month name.  Use this as the result.
                    // The result from MatchLongestWords is 0 ~ length of word array.
                    // So we increment the result by one to become the month value.
                    if (tempResult >= 0)
                        result = tempResult + 1;
                // Search leap year form.
                if ((dtfi.FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseLeapYearMonth) != 0)
                    int tempResult = str.MatchLongestWords(dtfi.InternalGetLeapYearMonthNames(), ref maxMatchStrLen);
                    // We found a longer match in the leap year month name.  Use this as the result.
                    // The result from MatchLongestWords is 0 ~ length of word array.
                    // So we increment the result by one to become the month value.
                    if (tempResult >= 0)
                        result = tempResult + 1;
            if (result > 0)
                str.Index += (maxMatchStrLen - 1);
                return true;
            return false;
        **Action: Parse the abbreviated day of week name from string starting at str.Index.
        **Returns: A value from 0 to 6 indicating Sunday to Saturday.
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString.  The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **Exceptions: FormatException if a abbreviated day of week name can not be found.
        private static bool MatchAbbreviatedDayName(ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, scoped ref int result)
            int maxMatchStrLen = 0;
            result = -1;
            if (str.GetNext())
                if (ReferenceEquals(dtfi, DateTimeFormat.InvariantFormatInfo))
                    // Invariant data. Do a fast lookup on the known abbreviated day names.
                    ReadOnlySpan<char> span = str.Value.Slice(str.Index);
                    if (span.Length >= 3)
                        uint d0 = span[0], d1 = span[1], d2 = span[2];
                        if ((d0 | d1 | d2) <= 0x7F)
                            // Combine all the characters into a single uint, lowercased.
                            maxMatchStrLen = 3; // assume we'll successfully match
                            switch ((d0 << 16) | (d1 << 8) | d2 | 0x202020)
                                case 0x73756E /* 'sun' */: result = 0; break;
                                case 0x6d6f6e /* 'mon' */: result = 1; break;
                                case 0x747565 /* 'tue' */: result = 2; break;
                                case 0x776564 /* 'wed' */: result = 3; break;
                                case 0x746875 /* 'thu' */: result = 4; break;
                                case 0x667269 /* 'fri' */: result = 5; break;
                                case 0x736174 /* 'sat' */: result = 6; break;
                                default: maxMatchStrLen = 0; break; // undo match assumption
                    for (DayOfWeek i = DayOfWeek.Sunday; i <= DayOfWeek.Saturday; i++)
                        string searchStr = dtfi.GetAbbreviatedDayName(i);
                        int matchStrLen = searchStr.Length;
                        if (dtfi.HasSpacesInDayNames
                                ? str.MatchSpecifiedWords(searchStr, false, ref matchStrLen)
                                : str.MatchSpecifiedWord(searchStr))
                            if (matchStrLen > maxMatchStrLen)
                                maxMatchStrLen = matchStrLen;
                                result = (int)i;
            if (result >= 0)
                str.Index += maxMatchStrLen - 1;
                return true;
            return false;
        **Action: Parse the day of week name from string starting at str.Index.
        **Returns: A value from 0 to 6 indicating Sunday to Saturday.
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString.  The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **Exceptions: FormatException if a day of week name can not be found.
        private static bool MatchDayName(ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, scoped ref int result)
            // Turkish (tr-TR) got day names with the same prefix.
            int maxMatchStrLen = 0;
            result = -1;
            if (str.GetNext())
                if (ReferenceEquals(dtfi, DateTimeFormat.InvariantFormatInfo))
                    // Invariant data. Do a fast lookup on the known day names.
                    ReadOnlySpan<char> span = str.Value.Slice(str.Index);
                    if (span.Length >= 3)
                        uint d0 = span[0], d1 = span[1], d2 = span[2];
                        if ((d0 | d1 | d2) <= 0x7F)
                            // Combine all the characters into a single uint, lowercased.
                            switch ((d0 << 16) | (d1 << 8) | d2 | 0x202020)
                                case 0x73756E /* 'sun' */: SetIfStartsWith(span, "Sunday", 0, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x6d6f6e /* 'mon' */: SetIfStartsWith(span, "Monday", 1, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x747565 /* 'tue' */: SetIfStartsWith(span, "Tuesday", 2, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x776564 /* 'wed' */: SetIfStartsWith(span, "Wednesday", 3, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x746875 /* 'thu' */: SetIfStartsWith(span, "Thursday", 4, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x667269 /* 'fri' */: SetIfStartsWith(span, "Friday", 5, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                                case 0x736174 /* 'sat' */: SetIfStartsWith(span, "Saturday", 6, ref result, ref maxMatchStrLen); break;
                    for (DayOfWeek i = DayOfWeek.Sunday; i <= DayOfWeek.Saturday; i++)
                        string searchStr = dtfi.GetDayName(i);
                        int matchStrLen = searchStr.Length;
                        if (dtfi.HasSpacesInDayNames
                                ? str.MatchSpecifiedWords(searchStr, false, ref matchStrLen)
                                : str.MatchSpecifiedWord(searchStr))
                            if (matchStrLen > maxMatchStrLen)
                                maxMatchStrLen = matchStrLen;
                                result = (int)i;
            if (result >= 0)
                str.Index += maxMatchStrLen - 1;
                return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets <paramref name="result"/> to <paramref name="matchResult"/> and <paramref name="maxMatchStrLen"/> to <paramref name="match"/>'s Length
        /// if <paramref name="span"/> starts with <paramref name="match"/> with an ordinal ignore-case comparison.
        /// </summary>
        [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] // exposes StartsWith to constant `match`
        private static void SetIfStartsWith(ReadOnlySpan<char> span, [ConstantExpected] string match, int matchResult, scoped ref int result, ref int maxMatchStrLen)
            if (span.StartsWith(match, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                result = matchResult;
                maxMatchStrLen = match.Length;
        **Action: Parse era name from string starting at str.Index.
        **Returns: An era value.
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString.  The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **Exceptions: FormatException if an era name can not be found.
        private static bool MatchEraName(ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, scoped ref int result)
            if (str.GetNext())
                int[] eras = dtfi.Calendar.Eras;
                if (eras != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < eras.Length; i++)
                        string searchStr = dtfi.GetEraName(eras[i]);
                        if (str.MatchSpecifiedWord(searchStr))
                            str.Index += (searchStr.Length - 1);
                            result = eras[i];
                            return true;
                        searchStr = dtfi.GetAbbreviatedEraName(eras[i]);
                        if (str.MatchSpecifiedWord(searchStr))
                            str.Index += (searchStr.Length - 1);
                            result = eras[i];
                            return true;
            return false;
        **Action: Parse the time mark (AM/PM) from string starting at str.Index.
        **Returns: TM_AM or TM_PM.
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString.  The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **Exceptions: FormatException if a time mark can not be found.
        private static bool MatchTimeMark(ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, scoped ref TM result)
            result = TM.NotSet;
            // In some cultures have empty strings in AM/PM mark. E.g. af-ZA (0x0436), the AM mark is "", and PM mark is "nm".
            if (dtfi.AMDesignator.Length == 0)
                result = TM.AM;
            if (dtfi.PMDesignator.Length == 0)
                result = TM.PM;
            if (str.GetNext())
                string searchStr = dtfi.AMDesignator;
                if (searchStr.Length > 0)
                    if (str.MatchSpecifiedWord(searchStr))
                        // Found an AM timemark with length > 0.
                        str.Index += (searchStr.Length - 1);
                        result = TM.AM;
                        return true;
                searchStr = dtfi.PMDesignator;
                if (searchStr.Length > 0)
                    if (str.MatchSpecifiedWord(searchStr))
                        // Found a PM timemark with length > 0.
                        str.Index += (searchStr.Length - 1);
                        result = TM.PM;
                        return true;
                str.Index--; // Undo the GetNext call.
            if (result != TM.NotSet)
                // If one of the AM/PM marks is empty string, return the result.
                return true;
            return false;
        **Action: Parse the abbreviated time mark (AM/PM) from string starting at str.Index.
        **Returns: TM_AM or TM_PM.
        **Arguments:    str: a __DTString.  The parsing will start from the
        **              next character after str.Index.
        **Exceptions: FormatException if a abbreviated time mark can not be found.
        private static bool MatchAbbreviatedTimeMark(ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, scoped ref TM result)
            // NOTENOTE : the assumption here is that abbreviated time mark is the first
            // character of the AM/PM designator.  If this invariant changes, we have to
            // change the code below.
            if (str.GetNext())
                string amDesignator = dtfi.AMDesignator;
                if (amDesignator.Length > 0 && str.GetChar() == amDesignator[0])
                    result = TM.AM;
                    return true;
                string pmDesignator = dtfi.PMDesignator;
                if (pmDesignator.Length > 0 && str.GetChar() == pmDesignator[0])
                    result = TM.PM;
                    return true;
            return false;
        **Action: Check if currentValue is initialized.  If not, return the newValue.
        **        If yes, check if the current value is equal to newValue.  Return false
        **        if they are not equal.  This is used to check the case like "d" and "dd" are both
        **        used to format a string.
        **Returns: the correct value for currentValue.
        private static bool CheckNewValue(scoped ref int currentValue, int newValue, char patternChar, scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            if (currentValue == -1)
                currentValue = newValue;
                return true;
                if (newValue != currentValue)
                    result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_RepeatDateTimePattern, patternChar);
                    return false;
            return true;
        private static DateTime GetDateTimeNow(scoped ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref DateTimeStyles styles)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.CaptureOffset) != 0)
                if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) != 0)
                    // use the supplied offset to calculate 'Now'
                    return new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + result.timeZoneOffset.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
                else if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal) != 0)
                    // assume the offset is Utc
                    return DateTime.UtcNow;
            // assume the offset is Local
            return DateTime.Now;
        private static bool CheckDefaultDateTime(scoped ref DateTimeResult result, scoped ref Calendar cal, DateTimeStyles styles)
            if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.CaptureOffset) != 0)
                // DateTimeOffset.Parse should allow dates without a year, but only if there is also no time zone marker;
                // e.g. "May 1 5pm" is OK, but "May 1 5pm -08:30" is not.  This is somewhat pragmatic, since we would
                // have to rearchitect parsing completely to allow this one case to correctly handle things like leap
                // years and leap months.  Is an extremely corner case, and DateTime is basically incorrect in that
                // case today.
                // values like "11:00Z" or "11:00 -3:00" are also acceptable
                // if ((month or day is set) and (year is not set and time zone is set))
                if (((result.Month != -1) || (result.Day != -1))
                    && ((result.Year == -1 || ((result.flags & ParseFlags.YearDefault) != 0)) && (result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) != 0))
                    return false;
            if ((result.Year == -1) || (result.Month == -1) || (result.Day == -1))
                The following table describes the behaviors of getting the default value
                when a certain year/month/day values are missing.
                An "X" means that the value exists.  And "--" means that value is missing.
                Year    Month   Day =>  ResultYear  ResultMonth     ResultDay       Note
                X       X       X       Parsed year Parsed month    Parsed day
                X       X       --      Parsed Year Parsed month    First day       If we have year and month, assume the first day of that month.
                X       --      X       Parsed year First month     Parsed day      If the month is missing, assume first month of that year.
                X       --      --      Parsed year First month     First day       If we have only the year, assume the first day of that year.
                --      X       X       CurrentYear Parsed month    Parsed day      If the year is missing, assume the current year.
                --      X       --      CurrentYear Parsed month    First day       If we have only a month value, assume the current year and current day.
                --      --      X       CurrentYear First month     Parsed day      If we have only a day value, assume current year and first month.
                --      --      --      CurrentYear Current month   Current day     So this means that if the date string only contains time, you will get current date.
                DateTime now = GetDateTimeNow(ref result, ref styles);
                if (result.Month == -1 && result.Day == -1)
                    if (result.Year == -1)
                        if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault) != 0)
                            // If there is no year/month/day values, and NoCurrentDateDefault flag is used,
                            // set the year/month/day value to the beginning year/month/day of DateTime().
                            // Note we should be using Gregorian for the year/month/day.
                            cal = GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance();
                            result.Year = result.Month = result.Day = 1;
                            // Year/Month/Day are all missing.
                            result.Year = cal.GetYear(now);
                            result.Month = cal.GetMonth(now);
                            result.Day = cal.GetDayOfMonth(now);
                        // Month/Day are both missing.
                        result.Month = 1;
                        result.Day = 1;
                    if (result.Year == -1)
                        result.Year = cal.GetYear(now);
                    if (result.Month == -1)
                        result.Month = 1;
                    if (result.Day == -1)
                        result.Day = 1;
            // Set Hour/Minute/Second to zero if these value are not in str.
            if (result.Hour == -1) result.Hour = 0;
            if (result.Minute == -1) result.Minute = 0;
            if (result.Second == -1) result.Second = 0;
            if (result.era == -1) result.era = Calendar.CurrentEra;
            return true;
        // Expand a pre-defined format string (like "D" for long date) to the real format that
        // we are going to use in the date time parsing.
        // This method also set the dtfi according/parseInfo to some special pre-defined
        // formats.
        private static string ExpandPredefinedFormat(char format, scoped ref DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, scoped ref ParsingInfo parseInfo, scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            // Check the format to see if we need to override the dtfi to be InvariantInfo,
            // and see if we need to set up the userUniversalTime flag.
            switch (format)
                case 's':       // Sortable format (in local time)
                case 'o':
                case 'O':       // Round Trip Format
                    parseInfo.calendar = GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance();
                    dtfi = DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
                case 'r':
                case 'R':       // RFC 1123 Standard.  (in Universal time)
                    parseInfo.calendar = GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance();
                    dtfi = DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.CaptureOffset) != 0)
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.Rfc1123Pattern;
                case 'u':       // Universal time format in sortable format.
                    parseInfo.calendar = GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance();
                    dtfi = DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo;
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.CaptureOffset) != 0)
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.UtcSortPattern;
                case 'U':       // Universal time format with culture-dependent format.
                    parseInfo.calendar = GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance();
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                    result.timeZoneOffset = new TimeSpan(0);
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUtc;
                    if (dtfi.Calendar.GetType() != typeof(GregorianCalendar))
                        dtfi = (DateTimeFormatInfo)dtfi.Clone();
                        dtfi.Calendar = GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance();
            // Expand the pre-defined format character to the real format from DateTimeFormatInfo.
            return DateTimeFormat.ExpandStandardFormatToCustomPattern(format, dtfi);
        private static bool ParseJapaneseEraStart(ref __DTString str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            // ParseJapaneseEraStart will be called when parsing the year number. We can have dates which not listing
            // the year as a number and listing it as JapaneseEraStart symbol (which means year 1).
            // This will be legitimate date to recognize.
            if (LocalAppContextSwitches.EnforceLegacyJapaneseDateParsing || dtfi.Calendar.ID != CalendarId.JAPAN || !str.GetNext())
                return false;
            if (str.m_current != DateTimeFormatInfo.JapaneseEraStart[0])
                return false;
            return true;
        // Given a specified format character, parse and update the parsing result.
        private static bool ParseByFormat(
            ref __DTString str,
            ref __DTString format,
            scoped ref ParsingInfo parseInfo,
            DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi,
            scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            int tokenLen;
            int tempYear = 0, tempMonth = 0, tempDay = 0, tempDayOfWeek = 0, tempHour = 0, tempMinute = 0, tempSecond = 0;
            double tempFraction = 0;
            TM tempTimeMark = 0;
            char ch = format.GetChar();
            switch (ch)
                case 'y':
                    tokenLen = format.GetRepeatCount();
                    bool parseResult;
                    if (ParseJapaneseEraStart(ref str, dtfi))
                        tempYear = 1;
                        parseResult = true;
                    else if (dtfi.HasForceTwoDigitYears)
                        parseResult = ParseDigits(ref str, 1, 4, out tempYear);
                        if (tokenLen <= 2)
                            parseInfo.fUseTwoDigitYear = true;
                        parseResult = ParseDigits(ref str, tokenLen, out tempYear);
                    if (!parseResult && parseInfo.fUseHebrewNumberParser)
                        parseResult = MatchHebrewDigits(ref str, out tempYear);
                    if (!parseResult)
                        return false;
                    if (!CheckNewValue(ref result.Year, tempYear, ch, ref result))
                        return false;
                case 'M':
                    tokenLen = format.GetRepeatCount();
                    if (tokenLen <= 2)
                        if (!ParseDigits(ref str, tokenLen, out tempMonth))
                            if (!parseInfo.fUseHebrewNumberParser ||
                                !MatchHebrewDigits(ref str, out tempMonth))
                                return false;
                        if (tokenLen == 3)
                            if (!MatchAbbreviatedMonthName(ref str, dtfi, ref tempMonth))
                                return false;
                            if (!MatchMonthName(ref str, dtfi, ref tempMonth))
                                return false;
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.ParsedMonthName;
                    if (!CheckNewValue(ref result.Month, tempMonth, ch, ref result))
                        return false;
                case 'd':
                    // Day & Day of week
                    tokenLen = format.GetRepeatCount();
                    if (tokenLen <= 2)
                        // "d" & "dd"
                        if (!ParseDigits(ref str, tokenLen, out tempDay))
                            if (!parseInfo.fUseHebrewNumberParser ||
                                !MatchHebrewDigits(ref str, out tempDay))
                                return false;
                        if (!CheckNewValue(ref result.Day, tempDay, ch, ref result))
                            return false;
                        if (tokenLen == 3)
                            // "ddd"
                            if (!MatchAbbreviatedDayName(ref str, dtfi, ref tempDayOfWeek))
                                return false;
                            // "dddd*"
                            if (!MatchDayName(ref str, dtfi, ref tempDayOfWeek))
                                return false;
                        if (!CheckNewValue(ref parseInfo.dayOfWeek, tempDayOfWeek, ch, ref result))
                            return false;
                case 'g':
                    _ = format.GetRepeatCount();
                    // Put the era value in result.era.
                    if (!MatchEraName(ref str, dtfi, ref result.era))
                        return false;
                case 'h':
                    parseInfo.fUseHour12 = true;
                    tokenLen = format.GetRepeatCount();
                    if (!ParseDigits(ref str, tokenLen < 2 ? 1 : 2, out tempHour))
                        return false;
                    if (!CheckNewValue(ref result.Hour, tempHour, ch, ref result))
                        return false;
                case 'H':
                    tokenLen = format.GetRepeatCount();
                    if (!ParseDigits(ref str, tokenLen < 2 ? 1 : 2, out tempHour))
                        return false;
                    if (!CheckNewValue(ref result.Hour, tempHour, ch, ref result))
                        return false;
                case 'm':
                    tokenLen = format.GetRepeatCount();
                    if (!ParseDigits(ref str, tokenLen < 2 ? 1 : 2, out tempMinute))
                        return false;
                    if (!CheckNewValue(ref result.Minute, tempMinute, ch, ref result))
                        return false;
                case 's':
                    tokenLen = format.GetRepeatCount();
                    if (!ParseDigits(ref str, tokenLen < 2 ? 1 : 2, out tempSecond))
                        return false;
                    if (!CheckNewValue(ref result.Second, tempSecond, ch, ref result))
                        return false;
                case 'f':
                case 'F':
                    tokenLen = format.GetRepeatCount();
                    if (tokenLen <= DateTimeFormat.MaxSecondsFractionDigits)
                        if (!ParseFractionExact(ref str, tokenLen, ref tempFraction))
                            if (ch == 'f')
                                return false;
                        if (result.fraction < 0)
                            result.fraction = tempFraction;
                            if (tempFraction != result.fraction)
                                result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_RepeatDateTimePattern, ch);
                                return false;
                        return false;
                case 't':
                    // AM/PM designator
                    tokenLen = format.GetRepeatCount();
                    if (tokenLen == 1)
                        if (!MatchAbbreviatedTimeMark(ref str, dtfi, ref tempTimeMark))
                            return false;
                        if (!MatchTimeMark(ref str, dtfi, ref tempTimeMark))
                            return false;
                    if (parseInfo.timeMark == TM.NotSet)
                        parseInfo.timeMark = tempTimeMark;
                        if (parseInfo.timeMark != tempTimeMark)
                            result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_RepeatDateTimePattern, ch);
                            return false;
                case 'z':
                    // timezone offset
                    tokenLen = format.GetRepeatCount();
                        TimeSpan tempTimeZoneOffset = new TimeSpan(0);
                        if (!ParseTimeZoneOffset(ref str, tokenLen, ref tempTimeZoneOffset))
                            return false;
                        if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) != 0 && tempTimeZoneOffset != result.timeZoneOffset)
                            result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_RepeatDateTimePattern, 'z');
                            return false;
                        result.timeZoneOffset = tempTimeZoneOffset;
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                case 'Z':
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) != 0 && result.timeZoneOffset != TimeSpan.Zero)
                        result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_RepeatDateTimePattern, 'Z');
                        return false;
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                    result.timeZoneOffset = new TimeSpan(0);
                    result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUtc;
                    // The updating of the indexes is to reflect that ParseExact MatchXXX methods assume that
                    // they need to increment the index and Parse GetXXX do not. Since we are calling a Parse
                    // method from inside ParseExact we need to adjust this. Long term, we should try to
                    // eliminate this discrepancy.
                    if (!GetTimeZoneName(ref str))
                        return false;
                case 'K':
                    // This should parse either as a blank, the 'Z' character or a local offset like "-07:00"
                    if (str.Match('Z'))
                        if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) != 0 && result.timeZoneOffset != TimeSpan.Zero)
                            result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_RepeatDateTimePattern, 'K');
                            return false;
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                        result.timeZoneOffset = new TimeSpan(0);
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUtc;
                    else if (str.Match('+') || str.Match('-'))
                        str.Index--; // Put the character back for the parser
                        TimeSpan tempTimeZoneOffset = new TimeSpan(0);
                        if (!ParseTimeZoneOffset(ref str, 3, ref tempTimeZoneOffset))
                            return false;
                        if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed) != 0 && tempTimeZoneOffset != result.timeZoneOffset)
                            result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_RepeatDateTimePattern, 'K');
                            return false;
                        result.timeZoneOffset = tempTimeZoneOffset;
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                    // Otherwise it is unspecified and we consume no characters
                case ':':
                    // We match the separator in time pattern with the character in the time string if both equal to ':' or the date separator is matching the characters in the date string
                    // We have to exclude the case when the time separator is more than one character and starts with ':' something like "::" for instance.
                    if (((dtfi.TimeSeparator.Length > 1 && dtfi.TimeSeparator[0] == ':') || !str.Match(':')) &&
                        // A time separator is expected.
                        return false;
                case '/':
                    // We match the separator in date pattern with the character in the date string if both equal to '/' or the date separator is matching the characters in the date string
                    // We have to exclude the case when the date separator is more than one character and starts with '/' something like "//" for instance.
                    if (((dtfi.DateSeparator.Length > 1 && dtfi.DateSeparator[0] == '/') || !str.Match('/')) &&
                        // A date separator is expected.
                        return false;
                case '\"':
                case '\'':
                    var enquotedString = new ValueStringBuilder(stackalloc char[128]);
                    // Use ParseQuoteString so that we can handle escape characters within the quoted string.
                    if (!TryParseQuoteString(format.Value, format.Index, ref enquotedString, out tokenLen))
                        result.SetFailure(ParseFailureKind.Format_BadQuote, ch);
                        return false;
                    format.Index += tokenLen - 1;
                    // Some cultures uses space in the quoted string.  E.g. Spanish has long date format as:
                    // "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy".  When inner spaces flag is set, we should skip whitespaces if there is space
                    // in the quoted string.
                    ReadOnlySpan<char> quotedSpan = enquotedString.AsSpan();
                    for (int i = 0; i < quotedSpan.Length; i++)
                        if (parseInfo.fAllowInnerWhite && char.IsWhiteSpace(quotedSpan[i]))
                        else if (!str.Match(quotedSpan[i]))
                            // Can not find the matching quoted string.
                            return false;
                    // The "r" and "u" formats incorrectly quoted 'GMT' and 'Z', respectively.  We cannot
                    // correct this mistake for DateTime.ParseExact for compatibility reasons, but we can
                    // fix it for DateTimeOffset.ParseExact as DateTimeOffset has not been publicly released
                    // with this issue.
                    if ((result.flags & ParseFlags.CaptureOffset) != 0)
                        if (((result.flags & ParseFlags.Rfc1123Pattern) != 0 && quotedSpan.SequenceEqual(GMTName)) ||
                            ((result.flags & ParseFlags.UtcSortPattern) != 0 && quotedSpan.SequenceEqual(ZuluName)))
                            result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                            result.timeZoneOffset = TimeSpan.Zero;
                case '%':
                    // Skip this so we can get to the next pattern character.
                    // Used in case like "%d", "%y"
                    // Make sure the next character is not a '%' again.
                    if (format.Index >= format.Value.Length - 1 || format.Value[format.Index + 1] == '%')
                        return false;
                case '\\':
                    // Escape character. For example, "\d".
                    // Get the next character in format, and see if we can
                    // find a match in str.
                    if (format.GetNext())
                        if (!str.Match(format.GetChar()))
                            // Can not find a match for the escaped character.
                            return false;
                        return false;
                case '.':
                    if (!str.Match(ch))
                        if (format.GetNext())
                            // If we encounter the pattern ".F", and the dot is not present, it is an optional
                            // second fraction and we can skip this format.
                            if (format.Match('F'))
                        return false;
                    if (parseInfo.fAllowInnerWhite && char.IsWhiteSpace(ch))
                        // Skip whitespaces if AllowInnerWhite.
                        // Do nothing here.
                    else if (format.MatchSpecifiedWord(GMTName))
                        format.Index += (GMTName.Length - 1);
                        // Found GMT string in format.  This means the DateTime string
                        // is in GMT timezone.
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                        result.timeZoneOffset = TimeSpan.Zero;
                        if (!str.Match(GMTName))
                            return false;
                    else if (!str.Match(ch))
                        if (parseInfo.fAllowTrailingWhite && char.IsWhiteSpace(ch))
                            if (format.GetNext())
                                if (ParseByFormat(ref str, ref format, ref parseInfo, dtfi, ref result))
                                    return true;
                        // ch is expected.
                        return false;
                    // Found a match.
            } // switch
            return true;
        // The pos should point to a quote character. This method will
        // get the string enclosed by the quote character.
        internal static bool TryParseQuoteString(ReadOnlySpan<char> format, int pos, ref ValueStringBuilder result, out int returnValue)
            // NOTE: pos will be the index of the quote character in the 'format' string.
            int beginPos = pos;
            char quoteChar = format[pos++]; // Get the character used to quote the following string.
            bool foundQuote = false;
            while ((uint)pos < (uint)format.Length)
                char ch = format[pos++];
                if (ch == quoteChar)
                    foundQuote = true;
                else if (ch == '\\')
                    // The following are used to support escaped character.
                    // Escaped character is also supported in the quoted string.
                    // Therefore, someone can use a format like "'minute:' mm\"" to display:
                    //  minute: 45"
                    // because the second double quote is escaped.
                    if ((uint)pos < (uint)format.Length)
                        // This means that '\' is at the end of the formatting string.
                        returnValue = 0;
                        return false;
            if (!foundQuote)
                // Here we can't find the matching quote.
                returnValue = 0;
                return false;
            // Return the character count including the begin/end quote characters and enclosed string.
            returnValue = (pos - beginPos);
            return true;
        **Action: Do DateTime parsing using the format in formatParam.
        **Returns: The parsed DateTime.
        **  When the following general formats are used, InvariantInfo is used in dtfi:
        **      'r', 'R', 's'.
        **  When the following general formats are used, the time is assumed to be in Universal time.
        **  Only GregorianCalendar is supported for now.
        **  Only support GMT timezone.
        private static bool DoStrictParse(
            ReadOnlySpan<char> s,
            ReadOnlySpan<char> formatParam,
            DateTimeStyles styles,
            DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi,
            scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            var parseInfo = new ParsingInfo(dtfi.Calendar);
            parseInfo.fAllowInnerWhite = ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AllowInnerWhite) != 0);
            parseInfo.fAllowTrailingWhite = ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AllowTrailingWhite) != 0);
            if (formatParam.Length == 1)
                char formatParamChar = formatParam[0];
                // Fast-paths for common and important formats/configurations.
                if (styles == DateTimeStyles.None)
                    switch (formatParamChar | 0x20)
                        case 'r':
                            return TryParseFormatR(s, ref result);
                        case 'o':
                            return TryParseFormatO(s, ref result);
                if (((result.flags & ParseFlags.CaptureOffset) != 0) && formatParamChar == 'U')
                    // The 'U' format is not allowed for DateTimeOffset
                    return false;
                formatParam = ExpandPredefinedFormat(formatParamChar, ref dtfi, ref parseInfo, ref result);
            result.calendar = parseInfo.calendar;
            parseInfo.fUseHebrewNumberParser = parseInfo.calendar.ID == CalendarId.HEBREW;
            // Reset these values to negative one so that we could throw exception
            // if we have parsed every item twice.
            result.Hour = result.Minute = result.Second = -1;
            __DTString format = new __DTString(formatParam, dtfi, false);
            __DTString str = new __DTString(s, dtfi, false);
            if (parseInfo.fAllowTrailingWhite)
                // Trim trailing spaces if AllowTrailingWhite.
            if ((styles & DateTimeStyles.AllowLeadingWhite) != 0)
            // Scan every character in format and match the pattern in str.
            while (format.GetNext())
                // We trim inner spaces here, so that we will not eat trailing spaces when
                // AllowTrailingWhite is not used.
                if (parseInfo.fAllowInnerWhite)
                if (!ParseByFormat(ref str, ref format, ref parseInfo, dtfi, ref result))
                    return false;
            if (str.Index < str.Value.Length - 1)
                // There are still remaining character in str.
                return false;
            if (parseInfo.fUseTwoDigitYear && ((dtfi.FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseHebrewRule) == 0))
                // A two digit year value is expected. Check if the parsed year value is valid.
                if (result.Year >= 100)
                    return false;
                    result.Year = parseInfo.calendar.ToFourDigitYear(result.Year);
                catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                    return false;
            if (parseInfo.fUseHour12)
                if (parseInfo.timeMark == TM.NotSet)
                    // hh is used, but no AM/PM designator is specified.
                    // Assume the time is AM.
                    // Don't throw exceptions in here because it is very confusing for the caller.
                    // I always got confused myself when I use "hh:mm:ss" to parse a time string,
                    // and ParseExact() throws on me (because I didn't use the 24-hour clock 'HH').
                    parseInfo.timeMark = TM.AM;
                if (result.Hour > 12)
                    // AM/PM is used, but the value for HH is too big.
                    return false;
                if (parseInfo.timeMark == TM.AM)
                    if (result.Hour == 12)
                        result.Hour = 0;
                    result.Hour = (result.Hour == 12) ? 12 : result.Hour + 12;
                // Military (24-hour time) mode
                // AM cannot be set with a 24-hour time like 17:15.
                // PM cannot be set with a 24-hour time like 03:15.
                if ((parseInfo.timeMark == TM.AM && result.Hour >= 12)
                    || (parseInfo.timeMark == TM.PM && result.Hour < 12))
                    return false;
            // Check if the parsed string only contains hour/minute/second values.
            bool bTimeOnly = (result.Year == -1 && result.Month == -1 && result.Day == -1);
            if (!CheckDefaultDateTime(ref result, ref parseInfo.calendar, styles))
                return false;
            if (!bTimeOnly && dtfi.HasYearMonthAdjustment)
                if (!dtfi.YearMonthAdjustment(ref result.Year, ref result.Month, (result.flags & ParseFlags.ParsedMonthName) != 0))
                    return false;
            if (!parseInfo.calendar.TryToDateTime(result.Year, result.Month, result.Day,
                    result.Hour, result.Minute, result.Second, 0, result.era, out result.parsedDate))
                return false;
            if (result.fraction > 0)
                if (!result.parsedDate.TryAddTicks((long)Math.Round(result.fraction * Calendar.TicksPerSecond), out result.parsedDate))
                    return false;
            // We have to check day of week before we adjust to the time zone.
            // It is because the value of day of week may change after adjusting
            // to the time zone.
            if (parseInfo.dayOfWeek != -1)
                // Check if day of week is correct.
                if (parseInfo.dayOfWeek != (int)parseInfo.calendar.GetDayOfWeek(result.parsedDate))
                    return false;
            return DetermineTimeZoneAdjustments(ref result, styles, bTimeOnly);
        private static bool TryParseFormatR(ReadOnlySpan<char> source, scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            // Example:
            // Tue, 03 Jan 2017 08:08:05 GMT
            // The format is exactly 29 characters.
            if (source.Length != 29)
                return false;
            // Parse the three-letter day of week.  Any casing is valid.
            DayOfWeek dayOfWeek;
                uint dow0 = source[0], dow1 = source[1], dow2 = source[2], comma = source[3];
                if ((dow0 | dow1 | dow2 | comma) > 0x7F)
                    return false;
                uint dowString = (dow0 << 24) | (dow1 << 16) | (dow2 << 8) | comma | 0x20202000;
                switch (dowString)
                    case 0x73756E2c /* 'sun,' */: dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday; break;
                    case 0x6d6f6e2c /* 'mon,' */: dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday; break;
                    case 0x7475652c /* 'tue,' */: dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Tuesday; break;
                    case 0x7765642c /* 'wed,' */: dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Wednesday; break;
                    case 0x7468752c /* 'thu,' */: dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Thursday; break;
                    case 0x6672692c /* 'fri,' */: dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday; break;
                    case 0x7361742c /* 'sat,' */: dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday; break;
                        return false;
            if (source[4] != ' ')
                return false;
            // Parse the two digit day.
            int day;
                uint digit1 = (uint)(source[5] - '0'), digit2 = (uint)(source[6] - '0');
                if (digit1 > 9 || digit2 > 9)
                    return false;
                day = (int)(digit1 * 10 + digit2);
            if (source[7] != ' ')
                return false;
            // Parse the three letter month (followed by a space). Any casing is valid.
            int month;
                uint m0 = source[8], m1 = source[9], m2 = source[10], space = source[11];
                if ((m0 | m1 | m2 | space) > 0x7F)
                    return false;
                switch ((m0 << 24) | (m1 << 16) | (m2 << 8) | space | 0x20202000)
                    case 0x6a616e20: /* 'jan ' */ month = 1; break;
                    case 0x66656220: /* 'feb ' */ month = 2; break;
                    case 0x6d617220: /* 'mar ' */ month = 3; break;
                    case 0x61707220: /* 'apr ' */ month = 4; break;
                    case 0x6d617920: /* 'may ' */ month = 5; break;
                    case 0x6a756e20: /* 'jun ' */ month = 6; break;
                    case 0x6a756c20: /* 'jul ' */ month = 7; break;
                    case 0x61756720: /* 'aug ' */ month = 8; break;
                    case 0x73657020: /* 'sep ' */ month = 9; break;
                    case 0x6f637420: /* 'oct ' */ month = 10; break;
                    case 0x6e6f7620: /* 'nov ' */ month = 11; break;
                    case 0x64656320: /* 'dec ' */ month = 12; break;
                        return false;
            // Parse the four-digit year.
            int year;
                uint y1 = (uint)(source[12] - '0'), y2 = (uint)(source[13] - '0'), y3 = (uint)(source[14] - '0'), y4 = (uint)(source[15] - '0');
                if (y1 > 9 || y2 > 9 || y3 > 9 || y4 > 9)
                    return false;
                year = (int)(y1 * 1000 + y2 * 100 + y3 * 10 + y4);
            if (source[16] != ' ')
                return false;
            // Parse the two digit hour.
            int hour;
                uint h1 = (uint)(source[17] - '0'), h2 = (uint)(source[18] - '0');
                if (h1 > 9 || h2 > 9)
                    return false;
                hour = (int)(h1 * 10 + h2);
            if (source[19] != ':')
                return false;
            // Parse the two-digit minute.
            int minute;
                uint m1 = (uint)(source[20] - '0');
                uint m2 = (uint)(source[21] - '0');
                if (m1 > 9 || m2 > 9)
                    return false;
                minute = (int)(m1 * 10 + m2);
            if (source[22] != ':')
                return false;
            // Parse the two-digit second.
            int second;
                uint s1 = (uint)(source[23] - '0'), s2 = (uint)(source[24] - '0');
                if (s1 > 9 || s2 > 9)
                    return false;
                second = (int)(s1 * 10 + s2);
            // Parse " GMT".  It must be upper case.
            if (source[25] != ' ' || source[26] != 'G' || source[27] != 'M' || source[28] != 'T')
                return false;
            // Validate that the parsed date is valid.
            if (!DateTime.TryCreate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, out result.parsedDate))
                return false;
            // And validate that the parsed day of week matches what the calendar said it should be.
            if (dayOfWeek != result.parsedDate.DayOfWeek)
                return false;
            return true;
        private static bool TryParseFormatO(ReadOnlySpan<char> source, scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            // Examples:
            // 2017-06-12T05:30:45.7680000        (interpreted as local time wrt to current time zone)
            // 2017-06-12T05:30:45.7680000Z       (Z is short for "+00:00" but also distinguishes DateTimeKind.Utc from DateTimeKind.Local)
            // 2017-06-12T05:30:45.7680000-7:00   (special-case of one-digit offset hour)
            // 2017-06-12T05:30:45.7680000-07:00
            if (source.Length < 27 ||
                source[4] != '-' ||
                source[7] != '-' ||
                source[10] != 'T' ||
                source[13] != ':' ||
                source[16] != ':' ||
                source[19] != '.')
                return false;
            int year;
                uint y1 = (uint)(source[0] - '0'), y2 = (uint)(source[1] - '0'), y3 = (uint)(source[2] - '0'), y4 = (uint)(source[3] - '0');
                if (y1 > 9 || y2 > 9 || y3 > 9 || y4 > 9)
                    return false;
                year = (int)(y1 * 1000 + y2 * 100 + y3 * 10 + y4);
            int month;
                uint m1 = (uint)(source[5] - '0'), m2 = (uint)(source[6] - '0');
                if (m1 > 9 || m2 > 9)
                    return false;
                month = (int)(m1 * 10 + m2);
            int day;
                uint d1 = (uint)(source[8] - '0'), d2 = (uint)(source[9] - '0');
                if (d1 > 9 || d2 > 9)
                    return false;
                day = (int)(d1 * 10 + d2);
            int hour;
                uint h1 = (uint)(source[11] - '0'), h2 = (uint)(source[12] - '0');
                if (h1 > 9 || h2 > 9)
                    return false;
                hour = (int)(h1 * 10 + h2);
            int minute;
                uint m1 = (uint)(source[14] - '0'), m2 = (uint)(source[15] - '0');
                if (m1 > 9 || m2 > 9)
                    return false;
                minute = (int)(m1 * 10 + m2);
            int second;
                uint s1 = (uint)(source[17] - '0'), s2 = (uint)(source[18] - '0');
                if (s1 > 9 || s2 > 9)
                    return false;
                second = (int)(s1 * 10 + s2);
            double fraction;
                uint f1 = (uint)(source[20] - '0');
                uint f2 = (uint)(source[21] - '0');
                uint f3 = (uint)(source[22] - '0');
                uint f4 = (uint)(source[23] - '0');
                uint f5 = (uint)(source[24] - '0');
                uint f6 = (uint)(source[25] - '0');
                uint f7 = (uint)(source[26] - '0');
                if (f1 > 9 || f2 > 9 || f3 > 9 || f4 > 9 || f5 > 9 || f6 > 9 || f7 > 9)
                    return false;
                fraction = (f1 * 1000000 + f2 * 100000 + f3 * 10000 + f4 * 1000 + f5 * 100 + f6 * 10 + f7) / 10000000.0;
            if (!DateTime.TryCreate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, out DateTime dateTime))
                return false;
            if (!dateTime.TryAddTicks((long)Math.Round(fraction * Calendar.TicksPerSecond), out result.parsedDate))
                return false;
            if (source.Length > 27)
                char offsetChar = source[27];
                switch (offsetChar)
                    case 'Z':
                        if (source.Length != 28)
                            return false;
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed | ParseFlags.TimeZoneUtc;
                    case '+':
                    case '-':
                        int offsetHours, colonIndex;
                        if (source.Length == 33)
                            uint oh1 = (uint)(source[28] - '0'), oh2 = (uint)(source[29] - '0');
                            if (oh1 > 9 || oh2 > 9)
                                return false;
                            offsetHours = (int)(oh1 * 10 + oh2);
                            colonIndex = 30;
                        else if (source.Length == 32) // special-case allowed for compat: only one offset hour digit
                            offsetHours = source[28] - '0';
                            if ((uint)offsetHours > 9)
                                return false;
                            colonIndex = 29;
                            return false;
                        if (source[colonIndex] != ':')
                            return false;
                        int offsetMinutes;
                            uint om1 = (uint)(source[colonIndex + 1] - '0'), om2 = (uint)(source[colonIndex + 2] - '0');
                            if (om1 > 9 || om2 > 9)
                                return false;
                            offsetMinutes = (int)(om1 * 10 + om2);
                        result.flags |= ParseFlags.TimeZoneUsed;
                        result.timeZoneOffset = new TimeSpan(offsetHours, offsetMinutes, 0);
                        if (offsetChar == '-')
                            result.timeZoneOffset = result.timeZoneOffset.Negate();
                        return false;
            return DetermineTimeZoneAdjustments(ref result, DateTimeStyles.None, bTimeOnly: false);
        private static Exception GetDateTimeParseException(scoped ref DateTimeResult result)
            switch (result.failure)
                case ParseFailureKind.ArgumentNull_String:
                    return new ArgumentNullException("formats", SR.ArgumentNull_String);
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDatePattern:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_BadDatePattern, new string(result.failureSpanArgument)));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDateTime:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_BadDateTime, new string(result.failureSpanArgument)));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDateTimeCalendar:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_BadDateTimeCalendar, new string(result.failureSpanArgument), result.calendar));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDayOfWeek:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_BadDayOfWeek, new string(result.failureSpanArgument)));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_BadFormatSpecifier:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_BadFormatSpecifier, new string(result.failureSpanArgument)));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_BadQuote:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_BadQuote, (char)result.failureIntArgument));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_DateOutOfRange:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_DateOutOfRange, new string(result.failureSpanArgument)));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_MissingIncompleteDate:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_MissingIncompleteDate, new string(result.failureSpanArgument)));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_NoFormatSpecifier:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format_NoFormatSpecifier);
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_OffsetOutOfRange:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_OffsetOutOfRange, new string(result.failureSpanArgument)));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_RepeatDateTimePattern:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_RepeatDateTimePattern, (char)result.failureIntArgument));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_UnknownDateTimeWord:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_UnknownDateTimeWord, new string(result.failureSpanArgument), result.failureIntArgument));
                case ParseFailureKind.Format_UTCOutOfRange:
                    return new FormatException(SR.Format(SR.Format_UTCOutOfRange, new string(result.failureSpanArgument)));
                    Debug.Fail("Unknown DateTimeParseFailure: " + result.failure.ToString());
                    return null!;
        private static void LexTraceExit(string message, DS dps)
            if (!s_tracingEnabled)
            Trace($"Lex return {message}, DS.{dps}");
#endif // _LOGGING
        private static void PTSTraceExit(DS dps, bool passed)
            if (!s_tracingEnabled)
            Trace($"ProcessTerminalState {(passed ? "passed" : "failed")} @ DS.{dps}");
#endif // _LOGGING
        private static void TPTraceExit(string message, DS dps)
            if (!s_tracingEnabled)
            Trace($"TryParse return {message}, DS.{dps}");
#endif // _LOGGING
        private static void DTFITrace(DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            if (!s_tracingEnabled)
            Trace("DateTimeFormatInfo Properties");
            Trace($" NativeCalendarName {Hex(dtfi.NativeCalendarName)}");
            Trace($"       AMDesignator {Hex(dtfi.AMDesignator)}");
            Trace($"       PMDesignator {Hex(dtfi.PMDesignator)}");
            Trace($"      TimeSeparator {Hex(dtfi.TimeSeparator)}");
            Trace($"      AbbrvDayNames {Hex(dtfi.AbbreviatedDayNames)}");
            Trace($"   ShortestDayNames {Hex(dtfi.ShortestDayNames)}");
            Trace($"           DayNames {Hex(dtfi.DayNames)}");
            Trace($"    AbbrvMonthNames {Hex(dtfi.AbbreviatedMonthNames)}");
            Trace($"         MonthNames {Hex(dtfi.MonthNames)}");
            Trace($" AbbrvMonthGenNames {Hex(dtfi.AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames)}");
            Trace($"      MonthGenNames {Hex(dtfi.MonthGenitiveNames)}");
#endif // _LOGGING
        // return a string in the form: "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
        private static string Hex(string[] strs)
            if (strs == null || strs.Length == 0)
                return string.Empty;
            if (strs.Length == 1)
                return Hex(strs[0]);
            const int MaxLineLength = 55;
            const int NewLinePadding = 20;
            // invariant: strs.Length >= 2
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
            int curLineLength = buffer.Length;
            string s;
            for (int i = 1; i < strs.Length - 1; i++)
                s = Hex(strs[i]);
                if (s.Length > MaxLineLength || (curLineLength + s.Length + 2) > MaxLineLength)
                    buffer.Append(' ', NewLinePadding);
                    curLineLength = 0;
                    buffer.Append(", ");
                    curLineLength += 2;
                curLineLength += s.Length;
            s = Hex(strs[strs.Length - 1]);
            if (s.Length > MaxLineLength || (curLineLength + s.Length + 6) > MaxLineLength)
                buffer.Append(' ', NewLinePadding);
                buffer.Append(' ');
            return buffer.ToString();
        // return a string in the form: "Sun"
        private static string Hex(string str) => Hex((ReadOnlySpan<char>)str);
        private static string Hex(ReadOnlySpan<char> str)
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                if (str[i] <= '\x007f')
            return buffer.ToString();
        // return an unicode escaped string form of char c
        private static string Hex(char c)
            if (c <= '\x007f')
                return c.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                return "\\u" + ((int)c).ToString("x4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
#pragma warning disable IDE0060
        private static void Trace(string s)
#pragma warning restore IDE0060
        // for testing; do not make this readonly
        private static bool s_tracingEnabled;
#endif // _LOGGING
    // This is a string parsing helper which wraps a String object.
    // It has a Index property which tracks
    // the current parsing pointer of the string.
    internal ref struct __DTString
        internal const char RightToLeftMark = '\u200F';
        // Value property: stores the real string to be parsed.
        internal ReadOnlySpan<char> Value;
        // Index property: points to the character that we are currently parsing.
        internal int Index;
        // The length of Value string.
        internal int Length => Value.Length;
        // The current character to be looked at.
        internal char m_current;
        private readonly CompareInfo m_info;
        // Flag to indicate if we encouter an digit, we should check for token or not.
        // In some cultures, such as mn-MN, it uses "\x0031\x00a0\x0434\x04af\x0433\x044d\x044d\x0440\x00a0\x0441\x0430\x0440" in month names.
        private readonly bool m_checkDigitToken;
        internal __DTString(ReadOnlySpan<char> str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, bool checkDigitToken) : this(str, dtfi)
            m_checkDigitToken = checkDigitToken;
        internal __DTString(ReadOnlySpan<char> str, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            Debug.Assert(dtfi != null, "Expected non-null DateTimeFormatInfo");
            Index = -1;
            Value = str;
            m_current = '\0';
            m_info = dtfi.CompareInfo;
            m_checkDigitToken = ((dtfi.FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseDigitPrefixInTokens) != 0);
        internal CompareInfo CompareInfo => m_info;
        // Advance the Index.
        // Return true if Index is NOT at the end of the string.
        // Typical usage:
        // while (str.GetNext())
        // {
        //     char ch = str.GetChar()
        // }
        internal bool GetNext()
            if (Index < Length)
                m_current = Value[Index];
                return true;
            return false;
        internal bool AtEnd()
            return Index < Length ? false : true;
        internal bool Advance(int count)
            Debug.Assert(Index + count <= Length, "__DTString::Advance: Index + count <= len");
            Index += count;
            if (Index < Length)
                m_current = Value[Index];
                return true;
            return false;
        // Used by DateTime.Parse() to get the next token.
        internal void GetRegularToken(out TokenType tokenType, out int tokenValue, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi)
            tokenValue = 0;
            if (Index >= Length)
                tokenType = TokenType.EndOfString;
            if (char.IsAsciiDigit(m_current))
                // This is a digit.
                tokenValue = m_current - '0';
                int value;
                int start = Index;
                // Collect other digits.
                while (++Index < Length)
                    m_current = Value[Index];
                    value = m_current - '0';
                    if (value >= 0 && value <= 9)
                        tokenValue = tokenValue * 10 + value;
                if (Index - start > DateTimeParse.MaxDateTimeNumberDigits)
                    tokenType = TokenType.NumberToken;
                    tokenValue = -1;
                else if (Index - start < 3)
                    tokenType = TokenType.NumberToken;
                    // If there are more than 3 digits, assume that it's a year value.
                    tokenType = TokenType.YearNumberToken;
                if (m_checkDigitToken)
                    int save = Index;
                    char saveCh = m_current;
                    // Re-scan using the staring Index to see if this is a token.
                    Index = start;  // To include the first digit.
                    m_current = Value[Index];
                    // This DTFI has tokens starting with digits.
                    // E.g. mn-MN has month name like "\x0031\x00a0\x0434\x04af\x0433\x044d\x044d\x0440\x00a0\x0441\x0430\x0440"
                    if (dtfi.Tokenize(TokenType.RegularTokenMask, out TokenType tempType, out int tempValue, ref this))
                        tokenType = tempType;
                        tokenValue = tempValue;
                        // This is a token, so the Index has been advanced properly in DTFI.Tokenizer().
                        // Use the number token value.
                        // Restore the index.
                        Index = save;
                        m_current = saveCh;
            else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(m_current))
                // Just skip to the next character.
                while (++Index < Length)
                    m_current = Value[Index];
                    if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(m_current))
                        goto Start;
                // We have reached the end of string.
                tokenType = TokenType.EndOfString;
                dtfi.Tokenize(TokenType.RegularTokenMask, out tokenType, out tokenValue, ref this);
        internal TokenType GetSeparatorToken(DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, out int indexBeforeSeparator, out char charBeforeSeparator)
            indexBeforeSeparator = Index;
            charBeforeSeparator = m_current;
            TokenType tokenType;
            if (!SkipWhiteSpaceAndRtlMarkCurrent())
                // Reach the end of the string.
                return TokenType.SEP_End;
            if (!char.IsAsciiDigit(m_current))
                // Not a digit.  Tokenize it.
                bool found = dtfi.Tokenize(TokenType.SeparatorTokenMask, out tokenType, out _, ref this);
                if (!found)
                    tokenType = TokenType.SEP_Space;
                // Do nothing here.  If we see a number, it will not be a separator. There is no need wasting time trying to find the
                // separator token.
                tokenType = TokenType.SEP_Space;
            return tokenType;
        internal bool MatchSpecifiedWord(string target) =>
            Index + target.Length <= Length &&
            m_info.Compare(Value.Slice(Index, target.Length), target, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0;
        internal bool MatchSpecifiedWords(string target, bool checkWordBoundary, scoped ref int matchLength)
            int valueRemaining = Value.Length - Index;
            matchLength = target.Length;
            if (matchLength > valueRemaining || m_info.Compare(Value.Slice(Index, matchLength), target, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) != 0)
                // Check word by word
                int targetPosition = 0;                 // Where we are in the target string
                int thisPosition = Index;         // Where we are in this string
                int wsIndex = target.AsSpan(targetPosition).IndexOfAny("\u0020\u00A0\u202F");
                if (wsIndex < 0)
                    return false;
                wsIndex += targetPosition;
                while (true)
                    int segmentLength = wsIndex - targetPosition;
                    if (thisPosition >= Value.Length - segmentLength)
                    { // Subtraction to prevent overflow.
                        return false;
                    if (segmentLength == 0)
                        // If segmentLength == 0, it means that we have leading space in the target string.
                        // In that case, skip the leading spaces in the target and this string.
                        // Make sure we also have whitespace in the input string
                        if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[thisPosition + segmentLength]))
                            return false;
                        if (m_info.CompareOptionIgnoreCase(Value.Slice(thisPosition, segmentLength), target.AsSpan(targetPosition, segmentLength)) != 0)
                            return false;
                        // Advance the input string
                        thisPosition = thisPosition + segmentLength + 1;
                    // Advance our target string
                    targetPosition = wsIndex + 1;
                    // Skip past multiple whitespace
                    while (thisPosition < Value.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[thisPosition]))
                    wsIndex = target.AsSpan(targetPosition).IndexOfAny("\u0020\u00A0\u202F");
                    if (wsIndex < 0)
                    wsIndex += targetPosition;
                // now check the last segment;
                if (targetPosition < target.Length)
                    int segmentLength = target.Length - targetPosition;
                    if (thisPosition > Value.Length - segmentLength)
                        return false;
                    if (m_info.CompareOptionIgnoreCase(Value.Slice(thisPosition, segmentLength), target.AsSpan(targetPosition, segmentLength)) != 0)
                        return false;
            if (checkWordBoundary)
                int nextCharIndex = Index + matchLength;
                if (nextCharIndex < Value.Length)
                    if (char.IsLetter(Value[nextCharIndex]))
                        return false;
            return true;
        // Check to see if the string starting from Index is a prefix of
        // str.
        // If a match is found, true value is returned and Index is updated to the next character to be parsed.
        // Otherwise, Index is unchanged.
        internal bool Match(string str)
            if (++Index < Length && Value.Slice(Index).StartsWith(str))
                // Update the Index to the end of the matching string.
                // So the following GetNext()/Match() operation will get
                // the next character to be parsed.
                Index += (str.Length - 1);
                return true;
            return false;
        internal bool Match(char ch)
            if (++Index >= Length)
                return false;
            if ((Value[Index] == ch) ||
                (ch == ' ' && IsSpaceReplacingChar(Value[Index])))
                m_current = ch;
                return true;
            return false;
        private static bool IsSpaceReplacingChar(char c) => c == '\u00a0' || c == '\u202f';
        //  Actions: From the current position, try matching the longest word in the specified string array.
        //      E.g. words[] = {"AB", "ABC", "ABCD"}, if the current position points to a substring like "ABC DEF",
        //          MatchLongestWords(words, ref MaxMatchStrLen) will return 1 (the index), and maxMatchLen will be 3.
        //  Returns:
        //      The index that contains the longest word to match
        //  Arguments:
        //      words   The string array that contains words to search.
        //      maxMatchStrLen  [in/out] the initialized maximum length.  This parameter can be used to
        //          find the longest match in two string arrays.
        internal int MatchLongestWords(string[] words, scoped ref int maxMatchStrLen)
            int result = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                string word = words[i];
                int matchLength = word.Length;
                if (MatchSpecifiedWords(word, false, ref matchLength))
                    if (matchLength > maxMatchStrLen)
                        maxMatchStrLen = matchLength;
                        result = i;
            return result;
        // Get the number of repeat character after the current character.
        // For a string "hh:mm:ss" at Index of 3. GetRepeatCount() = 2, and Index
        // will point to the second ':'.
        internal int GetRepeatCount()
            char repeatChar = Value[Index];
            int pos = Index + 1;
            while ((pos < Length) && (Value[pos] == repeatChar))
            int repeatCount = (pos - Index);
            // Update the Index to the end of the repeated characters.
            // So the following GetNext() operation will get
            // the next character to be parsed.
            Index = pos - 1;
            return repeatCount;
        // Return false when end of string is encountered or a non-digit character is found.
        internal bool GetNextDigit() =>
            ++Index < Length &&
        // Get the current character.
        internal char GetChar()
            Debug.Assert(Index >= 0 && Index < Length, "Index >= 0 && Index < len");
            return Value[Index];
        // Convert the current character to a digit, and return it.
        internal int GetDigit()
            Debug.Assert(Index >= 0 && Index < Length, "Index >= 0 && Index < len");
            Debug.Assert(char.IsAsciiDigit(Value[Index]), "IsDigit(Value[Index])");
            return Value[Index] - '0';
        // Eat White Space ahead of the current position
        // Return false if end of string is encountered.
        internal void SkipWhiteSpaces()
            // Look ahead to see if the next character
            // is a whitespace.
            while (Index + 1 < Length)
                char ch = Value[Index + 1];
                if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(ch))
        // Skip white spaces and right-to-left Mark from the current position
        // U+200F is the Unicode right-to-left mark. In some Bidi cultures, this mark gets inserted inside the formatted date or time to have the output displayed in the correct layout.
        // This mark does not affect the date or the time component values. Ignoring this mark during parsing wouldn't affect the result but will avoid having the parsing fail.
        // Return false if end of string is encountered.
        internal bool SkipWhiteSpaceAndRtlMarkCurrent()
            if (Index >= Length)
                return false;
            if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(m_current) && m_current != RightToLeftMark)
                return true;
            while (++Index < Length)
                m_current = Value[Index];
                if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(m_current) && m_current != RightToLeftMark)
                    return true;
                // Nothing here.
            return false;
        internal void TrimTail()
            int i = Length - 1;
            while (i >= 0 && char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[i]))
            Value = Value.Slice(0, i + 1);
        // Trim the trailing spaces within a quoted string.
        // Call this after TrimTail() is done.
        internal void RemoveTrailingInQuoteSpaces()
            int i = Length - 1;
            if (i <= 1)
            char ch = Value[i];
            // Check if the last character is a quote.
            if (ch == '\'' || ch == '\"')
                if (char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[i - 1]))
                    while (i >= 1 && char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[i - 1]))
                    Span<char> result = new char[i + 1];
                    result[i] = ch;
                    Value.Slice(0, i).CopyTo(result);
                    Value = result;
        // Trim the leading spaces within a quoted string.
        // Call this after the leading spaces before quoted string are trimmed.
        internal void RemoveLeadingInQuoteSpaces()
            if (Length <= 2)
            int i = 0;
            char ch = Value[i];
            // Check if the last character is a quote.
            if (ch == '\'' || ch == '\"')
                while ((i + 1) < Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(Value[i + 1]))
                if (i != 0)
                    Span<char> result = new char[Value.Length - i];
                    result[0] = ch;
                    Value.Slice(i + 1).CopyTo(result.Slice(1));
                    Value = result;
        internal DTSubString GetSubString()
            DTSubString sub = default;
            sub.index = Index;
            sub.s = Value;
            while (Index + sub.length < Length)
                DTSubStringType currentType;
                char ch = Value[Index + sub.length];
                currentType = char.IsAsciiDigit(ch) ? DTSubStringType.Number : DTSubStringType.Other;
                if (sub.length == 0)
                    sub.type = currentType;
                else if (sub.type != currentType)
                if (currentType == DTSubStringType.Number)
                    // Incorporate the number into the value
                    // Limit the digits to prevent overflow
                    if (sub.length > DateTimeParse.MaxDateTimeNumberDigits)
                        sub.type = DTSubStringType.Invalid;
                        return sub;
                    int number = ch - '0';
                    Debug.Assert(number >= 0 && number <= 9, "number >= 0 && number <= 9");
                    sub.value = sub.value * 10 + number;
                    // For non numbers, just return this length 1 token. This should be expanded
                    // to more types of thing if this parsing approach is used for things other
                    // than numbers and single characters
            if (sub.length == 0)
                sub.type = DTSubStringType.End;
                return sub;
            return sub;
        internal void ConsumeSubString(DTSubString sub)
            Debug.Assert(sub.index == Index, "sub.index == Index");
            Debug.Assert(sub.index + sub.length <= Length, "sub.index + sub.length <= len");
            Index = sub.index + sub.length;
            if (Index < Length)
                m_current = Value[Index];
    internal enum DTSubStringType
        Unknown = 0,
        Invalid = 1,
        Number = 2,
        End = 3,
        Other = 4,
    internal ref struct DTSubString
        internal ReadOnlySpan<char> s;
        internal int index;
        internal int length;
        internal DTSubStringType type;
        internal int value;
        internal char this[int relativeIndex] => s[index + relativeIndex];
    // The buffer to store the parsing token.
    struct DateTimeToken
        internal DateTimeParse.DTT dtt;    // Store the token
        internal TokenType suffix; // Store the CJK Year/Month/Day suffix (if any)
        internal int num;    // Store the number that we are parsing (if any)
    // The buffer to store temporary parsing information.
    internal unsafe struct DateTimeRawInfo
        private int* num;
        internal int numCount;
        internal int month;
        internal int year;
        internal int dayOfWeek;
        internal int era;
        internal DateTimeParse.TM timeMark;
        internal double fraction;
        internal bool hasSameDateAndTimeSeparators;
        internal void Init(int* numberBuffer)
            month = -1;
            year = -1;
            dayOfWeek = -1;
            era = -1;
            timeMark = DateTimeParse.TM.NotSet;
            fraction = -1;
            num = numberBuffer;
        internal void AddNumber(int value)
            num[numCount++] = value;
        internal int GetNumber(int index)
            return num[index];
    internal enum ParseFailureKind
        Format_DateTimeOnlyContainsNoneDateParts,  // DateOnly and TimeOnly specific value. Unrelated date parts when parsing DateOnly or Unrelated time parts when parsing TimeOnly
    internal enum ParseFlags
        HaveYear = 0x00000001,
        HaveMonth = 0x00000002,
        HaveDay = 0x00000004,
        HaveHour = 0x00000008,
        HaveMinute = 0x00000010,
        HaveSecond = 0x00000020,
        HaveTime = 0x00000040,
        HaveDate = 0x00000080,
        TimeZoneUsed = 0x00000100,
        TimeZoneUtc = 0x00000200,
        ParsedMonthName = 0x00000400,
        CaptureOffset = 0x00000800,
        YearDefault = 0x00001000,
        Rfc1123Pattern = 0x00002000,
        UtcSortPattern = 0x00004000,
    // This will store the result of the parsing.  And it will be eventually
    // used to construct a DateTime instance.
    internal ref struct DateTimeResult
        internal int Year;
        internal int Month;
        internal int Day;
        // Set time default to 00:00:00.
        internal int Hour;
        internal int Minute;
        internal int Second;
        internal double fraction;
        internal int era;
        internal ParseFlags flags;
        internal TimeSpan timeZoneOffset;
        internal Calendar calendar;
        internal DateTime parsedDate;
        internal ParseFailureKind failure;
        internal ReadOnlySpan<char> failureSpanArgument; // initially the original date time string, but may be overwritten
        internal int failureIntArgument;
        internal void Init(ReadOnlySpan<char> originalDateTimeString)
            this.failureSpanArgument = originalDateTimeString;
            Year = -1;
            Month = -1;
            Day = -1;
            fraction = -1;
            era = -1;
        internal void SetDate(int year, int month, int day)
            Year = year;
            Month = month;
            Day = day;
        internal void SetBadFormatSpecifierFailure()
        internal void SetBadFormatSpecifierFailure(ReadOnlySpan<char> failedFormatSpecifier)
            this.failure = ParseFailureKind.Format_BadFormatSpecifier;
            this.failureSpanArgument = failedFormatSpecifier;
        internal void SetBadDateTimeFailure()
            this.failure = ParseFailureKind.Format_BadDateTime;
        internal void SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure)
            this.failure = failure;
        internal void SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, string failureStringArgument)
            this.failure = failure;
            this.failureSpanArgument = failureStringArgument;
        internal void SetFailure(ParseFailureKind failure, int failureIntArgument)
            this.failure = failure;
            this.failureIntArgument = failureIntArgument;
    // This is the helper data structure used in ParseExact().
    internal struct ParsingInfo
        internal Calendar calendar;
        internal int dayOfWeek;
        internal DateTimeParse.TM timeMark;
        internal bool fUseHour12;
        internal bool fUseTwoDigitYear;
        internal bool fAllowInnerWhite;
        internal bool fAllowTrailingWhite;
        internal bool fUseHebrewNumberParser;
        public ParsingInfo(Calendar calendar)
            this.calendar = calendar;
            dayOfWeek = -1;
            timeMark = DateTimeParse.TM.NotSet;
    // The type of token that will be returned by DateTimeFormatInfo.Tokenize().
    internal enum TokenType
        // The valid token should start from 1.
        // Regular tokens. The range is from 0x00 ~ 0xff.
        NumberToken = 1,    // The number.  E.g. "12"
        YearNumberToken = 2,    // The number which is considered as year number, which has 3 or more digits.  E.g. "2003"
        Am = 3,    // AM timemark. E.g. "AM"
        Pm = 4,    // PM timemark. E.g. "PM"
        MonthToken = 5,    // A word (or words) that represents a month name.  E.g. "March"
        EndOfString = 6,    // End of string
        DayOfWeekToken = 7,    // A word (or words) that represents a day of week name.  E.g. "Monday" or "Mon"
        TimeZoneToken = 8,    // A word that represents a timezone name. E.g. "GMT"
        EraToken = 9,    // A word that represents a era name. E.g. "A.D."
        DateWordToken = 10,   // A word that can appear in a DateTime string, but serves no parsing semantics.  E.g. "de" in Spanish culture.
        UnknownToken = 11,   // An unknown word, which signals an error in parsing.
        HebrewNumber = 12,   // A number that is composed of Hebrew text.  Hebrew calendar uses Hebrew digits for year values, month values, and day values.
        JapaneseEraToken = 13,   // Era name for JapaneseCalendar
        TEraToken = 14,   // Era name for TaiwanCalendar
        IgnorableSymbol = 15,   // A separator like "," that is equivalent to whitespace
        // Separator tokens.
        SEP_Unk = 0x100,         // Unknown separator.
        SEP_End = 0x200,    // The end of the parsing string.
        SEP_Space = 0x300,    // Whitespace (including comma).
        SEP_Am = 0x400,    // AM timemark. E.g. "AM"
        SEP_Pm = 0x500,    // PM timemark. E.g. "PM"
        SEP_Date = 0x600,    // date separator. E.g. "/"
        SEP_Time = 0x700,    // time separator. E.g. ":"
        SEP_YearSuff = 0x800,    // Chinese/Japanese/Korean year suffix.
        SEP_MonthSuff = 0x900,    // Chinese/Japanese/Korean month suffix.
        SEP_DaySuff = 0xa00,    // Chinese/Japanese/Korean day suffix.
        SEP_HourSuff = 0xb00,   // Chinese/Japanese/Korean hour suffix.
        SEP_MinuteSuff = 0xc00,   // Chinese/Japanese/Korean minute suffix.
        SEP_SecondSuff = 0xd00,   // Chinese/Japanese/Korean second suffix.
        SEP_LocalTimeMark = 0xe00,   // 'T', used in ISO 8601 format.
        SEP_DateOrOffset = 0xf00,   // '-' which could be a date separator or start of a time zone offset
        RegularTokenMask = 0x00ff,
        SeparatorTokenMask = 0xff00,