// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
namespace System
public partial class String
internal static extern string FastAllocateString(int length);
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "String_Intern")]
private static partial void Intern(StringHandleOnStack src);
public static string Intern(string str)
Intern(new StringHandleOnStack(ref str!));
return str!;
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "String_IsInterned")]
private static partial void IsInterned(StringHandleOnStack src);
public static string? IsInterned(string str)
IsInterned(new StringHandleOnStack(ref str!));
return str;
// Copies the source String (byte buffer) to the destination IntPtr memory allocated with len bytes.
// Used by ilmarshalers.cpp
internal static unsafe void InternalCopy(string src, IntPtr dest, int len)
if (len != 0)
SpanHelpers.Memmove(ref *(byte*)dest, ref src.GetRawStringDataAsUInt8(), (nuint)len);
internal unsafe int GetBytesFromEncoding(byte* pbNativeBuffer, int cbNativeBuffer, Encoding encoding)
// encoding == Encoding.UTF8
fixed (char* pwzChar = &_firstChar)
return encoding.GetBytes(pwzChar, Length, pbNativeBuffer, cbNativeBuffer);