// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System
internal sealed partial class RuntimeType
/// <summary>
/// A cache which allows optimizing <see cref="RuntimeHelpers.Box(ref byte, RuntimeTypeHandle)"/>.
/// </summary>
internal sealed unsafe partial class BoxCache : IGenericCacheEntry<BoxCache>
public static BoxCache Create(RuntimeType type) => new(type);
public void InitializeCompositeCache(CompositeCacheEntry compositeEntry) => compositeEntry._boxCache = this;
public static ref BoxCache? GetStorageRef(CompositeCacheEntry compositeEntry) => ref compositeEntry._boxCache;
// The managed calli to the newobj allocator, plus its first argument
private readonly delegate*<void*, object> _pfnAllocator;
private readonly void* _allocatorFirstArg;
private readonly int _nullableValueOffset;
private readonly uint _valueTypeSize;
private readonly MethodTable* _pMT;
private readonly RuntimeType _originalRuntimeType;
private BoxCache(RuntimeType rt)
Debug.Assert(rt != null);
_originalRuntimeType = rt;
TypeHandle handle = rt.GetNativeTypeHandle();
if (handle.IsTypeDesc)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_TypeNotSupported);
_pMT = handle.AsMethodTable();
// For value types, this is checked in GetBoxInfo,
// but for non-value types, we still need to check this case for consistent behavior.
if (_pMT->ContainsGenericVariables)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_TypeNotSupported);
if (_pMT->IsValueType)
GetBoxInfo(rt, out _pfnAllocator, out _allocatorFirstArg, out _nullableValueOffset, out _valueTypeSize);
internal object? Box(RuntimeType rt, ref byte data)
if (_originalRuntimeType != rt)
Debug.Fail("Caller passed the wrong RuntimeType to this routine."
+ Environment.NewLineConst + "Expected: " + (_originalRuntimeType ?? (object)"<null>")
+ Environment.NewLineConst + "Actual: " + (rt ?? (object)"<null>"));
if (_pfnAllocator == null)
// If the allocator is null, then we shouldn't allocate and make a copy,
// we should return the data as the object it currently is.
return Unsafe.As<byte, object>(ref data);
ref byte source = ref data;
byte maybeNullableHasValue = Unsafe.ReadUnaligned<byte>(ref source);
if (_nullableValueOffset != 0)
if (maybeNullableHasValue == 0)
return null;
source = ref Unsafe.Add(ref source, _nullableValueOffset);
object result = _pfnAllocator(_allocatorFirstArg);
if (_pMT->ContainsGCPointers)
Buffer.BulkMoveWithWriteBarrier(ref result.GetRawData(), ref source, _valueTypeSize);
SpanHelpers.Memmove(ref result.GetRawData(), ref source, _valueTypeSize);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Given a RuntimeType, returns information about how to box instances
/// of it via calli semantics.
/// </summary>
private static void GetBoxInfo(
RuntimeType rt,
out delegate*<void*, object> pfnAllocator,
out void* vAllocatorFirstArg,
out int nullableValueOffset,
out uint valueTypeSize)
Debug.Assert(rt != null);
delegate*<void*, object> pfnAllocatorTemp = default;
void* vAllocatorFirstArgTemp = default;
int nullableValueOffsetTemp = default;
uint valueTypeSizeTemp = default;
new QCallTypeHandle(ref rt),
&pfnAllocatorTemp, &vAllocatorFirstArgTemp,
&nullableValueOffsetTemp, &valueTypeSizeTemp);
pfnAllocator = pfnAllocatorTemp;
vAllocatorFirstArg = vAllocatorFirstArgTemp;
nullableValueOffset = nullableValueOffsetTemp;
valueTypeSize = valueTypeSizeTemp;
[LibraryImport(RuntimeHelpers.QCall, EntryPoint = "ReflectionInvocation_GetBoxInfo")]
private static partial void GetBoxInfo(
QCallTypeHandle type,
delegate*<void*, object>* ppfnAllocator,
void** pvAllocatorFirstArg,
int* pNullableValueOffset,
uint* pValueTypeSize);
internal object? Box(ref byte data)
return GetOrCreateCacheEntry<BoxCache>().Box(this, ref data);