// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
namespace System.Numerics.Tensors
public static partial class TensorPrimitives
/// <summary>Computes the element-wise sine of the value in the specified tensor.</summary>
/// <param name="x">The tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <param name="destination">The destination tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Destination is too short.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="x"/> and <paramref name="destination"/> reference overlapping memory locations and do not begin at the same location.</exception>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This method effectively computes <c><paramref name="destination" />[i] = <typeparamref name="T"/>.Sin(<paramref name="x" />[i])</c>.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The angles in x must be in radians. Use <see cref="M:System.Single.DegreesToRadians(System.Single)"/> or multiply by <typeparamref name="T"/>.Pi/180 to convert degrees to radians.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This method may call into the underlying C runtime or employ instructions specific to the current architecture. Exact results may differ between different
/// operating systems or architectures.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static void Sin<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T> x, Span<T> destination)
where T : ITrigonometricFunctions<T> =>
InvokeSpanIntoSpan<T, SinOperator<T>>(x, destination);
/// <summary>T.Sin(x)</summary>
internal readonly struct SinOperator<T> : IUnaryOperator<T, T>
where T : ITrigonometricFunctions<T>
// This code is based on `vrs4_sin` and `vrd2_sin` from amd/aocl-libm-ose
// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
// See THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT for the full license text
// Implementation notes from amd/aocl-libm-ose:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Convert given x into the form
// |x| = N * pi + f where N is an integer and f lies in [-pi/2,pi/2]
// N is obtained by : N = round(x/pi)
// f is obtained by : f = abs(x)-N*pi
// sin(x) = sin(N * pi + f) = sin(N * pi)*cos(f) + cos(N*pi)*sin(f)
// sin(x) = sign(x)*sin(f)*(-1)**N
// The term sin(f) can be approximated by using a polynomial
public static bool Vectorizable => (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
|| (typeof(T) == typeof(double));
public static T Invoke(T x) => T.Sin(x);
public static Vector128<T> Invoke(Vector128<T> x)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
return Vector128.Sin(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(float));
return Vector128.Sin(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
return SinOperatorSingle.Invoke(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(double));
return SinOperatorDouble.Invoke(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
public static Vector256<T> Invoke(Vector256<T> x)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
return Vector256.Sin(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(float));
return Vector256.Sin(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
return SinOperatorSingle.Invoke(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(double));
return SinOperatorDouble.Invoke(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
public static Vector512<T> Invoke(Vector512<T> x)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(double))
return Vector512.Sin(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(float));
return Vector512.Sin(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
return SinOperatorSingle.Invoke(x.AsSingle()).As<float, T>();
Debug.Assert(typeof(T) == typeof(double));
return SinOperatorDouble.Invoke(x.AsDouble()).As<double, T>();
// These are still used by SinPiOperator
private readonly struct SinOperatorSingle
internal const uint MaxVectorizedValue = 0x49800000u;
internal const uint SignMask = 0x7FFFFFFFu;
private readonly struct SinOperatorDouble
internal const ulong SignMask = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFul;
internal const ulong MaxVectorizedValue = 0x4160000000000000ul;
/// <summary>float.Sin(x)</summary>
private readonly struct SinOperatorSingle : IUnaryOperator<float, float>
internal const uint MaxVectorizedValue = 0x49800000u;
internal const uint SignMask = 0x7FFFFFFFu;
private const float AlmHuge = 1.2582912e7f;
private const float Pi_Tail1 = 8.742278e-8f;
private const float Pi_Tail2 = 3.430249e-15f;
private const float C1 = -0.16666657f;
private const float C2 = 0.0083330255f;
private const float C3 = -1.980742e-4f;
private const float C4 = 2.6019031e-6f;
public static bool Vectorizable => true;
public static float Invoke(float x) => float.Sin(x);
public static Vector128<float> Invoke(Vector128<float> x)
Vector128<float> uxMasked = Vector128.Abs(x);
if (Vector128.GreaterThanAny(uxMasked.AsUInt32(), Vector128.Create(MaxVectorizedValue)))
return ApplyScalar<SinOperatorSingle>(x);
Vector128<float> almHuge = Vector128.Create(AlmHuge);
Vector128<float> dn = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(uxMasked, Vector128.Create(1 / float.Pi), almHuge);
Vector128<uint> odd = dn.AsUInt32() << 31;
dn -= almHuge;
Vector128<float> f = uxMasked;
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(dn, Vector128.Create(-float.Pi), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(dn, Vector128.Create(Pi_Tail1), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(dn, Vector128.Create(Pi_Tail2), f);
Vector128<float> f2 = f * f;
Vector128<float> f4 = f2 * f2;
Vector128<float> a0 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(Vector128.Create(C2), f2, Vector128.Create(C1));
Vector128<float> a1 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(a0, f2, Vector128<float>.One);
Vector128<float> a2 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(Vector128.Create(C3), f2, Vector128.Create(C4) * f4);
Vector128<float> a3 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(a2, f4, a1);
Vector128<float> poly = f * a3;
return (poly.AsUInt32() ^ (x.AsUInt32() & Vector128.Create(~SignMask)) ^ odd).AsSingle();
public static Vector256<float> Invoke(Vector256<float> x)
Vector256<float> uxMasked = Vector256.Abs(x);
if (Vector256.GreaterThanAny(uxMasked.AsUInt32(), Vector256.Create(MaxVectorizedValue)))
return ApplyScalar<SinOperatorSingle>(x);
Vector256<float> almHuge = Vector256.Create(AlmHuge);
Vector256<float> dn = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(uxMasked, Vector256.Create(1 / float.Pi), almHuge);
Vector256<uint> odd = dn.AsUInt32() << 31;
dn -= almHuge;
Vector256<float> f = uxMasked;
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(dn, Vector256.Create(-float.Pi), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(dn, Vector256.Create(Pi_Tail1), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(dn, Vector256.Create(Pi_Tail2), f);
Vector256<float> f2 = f * f;
Vector256<float> f4 = f2 * f2;
Vector256<float> a0 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(Vector256.Create(C2), f2, Vector256.Create(C1));
Vector256<float> a1 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(a0, f2, Vector256<float>.One);
Vector256<float> a2 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(Vector256.Create(C3), f2, Vector256.Create(C4) * f4);
Vector256<float> a3 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(a2, f4, a1);
Vector256<float> poly = f * a3;
return (poly.AsUInt32() ^ (x.AsUInt32() & Vector256.Create(~SignMask)) ^ odd).AsSingle();
public static Vector512<float> Invoke(Vector512<float> x)
Vector512<float> uxMasked = Vector512.Abs(x);
if (Vector512.GreaterThanAny(uxMasked.AsUInt32(), Vector512.Create(MaxVectorizedValue)))
return ApplyScalar<SinOperatorSingle>(x);
Vector512<float> almHuge = Vector512.Create(AlmHuge);
Vector512<float> dn = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(uxMasked, Vector512.Create(1 / float.Pi), almHuge);
Vector512<uint> odd = dn.AsUInt32() << 31;
dn -= almHuge;
Vector512<float> f = uxMasked;
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(dn, Vector512.Create(-float.Pi), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(dn, Vector512.Create(Pi_Tail1), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(dn, Vector512.Create(Pi_Tail2), f);
Vector512<float> f2 = f * f;
Vector512<float> f4 = f2 * f2;
Vector512<float> a0 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(Vector512.Create(C2), f2, Vector512.Create(C1));
Vector512<float> a1 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(a0, f2, Vector512<float>.One);
Vector512<float> a2 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(Vector512.Create(C3), f2, Vector512.Create(C4) * f4);
Vector512<float> a3 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<float>.Invoke(a2, f4, a1);
Vector512<float> poly = f * a3;
return (poly.AsUInt32() ^ (x.AsUInt32() & Vector512.Create(~SignMask)) ^ odd).AsSingle();
/// <summary>double.Sin(x)</summary>
private readonly struct SinOperatorDouble : IUnaryOperator<double, double>
internal const ulong SignMask = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFul;
internal const ulong MaxVectorizedValue = 0x4160000000000000ul;
private const double AlmHuge = 6.755399441055744e15;
private const double Pi_Tail1 = 1.224646799147353e-16;
private const double Pi_Tail2 = 2.165713347843828e-32;
private const double C0 = -0.16666666666666666;
private const double C2 = 0.008333333333333165;
private const double C4 = -1.984126984120184e-4;
private const double C6 = 2.7557319210152756e-6;
private const double C8 = -2.5052106798274583e-8;
private const double C10 = 1.605893649037159e-10;
private const double C12 = -7.642917806891047e-13;
private const double C14 = 2.7204790957888847e-15;
public static bool Vectorizable => true;
public static double Invoke(double x) => double.Sin(x);
public static Vector128<double> Invoke(Vector128<double> x)
Vector128<double> uxMasked = Vector128.Abs(x);
if (Vector128.GreaterThanAny(uxMasked.AsUInt64(), Vector128.Create(MaxVectorizedValue)))
return ApplyScalar<SinOperatorDouble>(x);
// dn = |x| * (1 / π)
Vector128<double> almHuge = Vector128.Create(AlmHuge);
Vector128<double> dn = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(uxMasked, Vector128.Create(1 / double.Pi), almHuge);
Vector128<ulong> odd = dn.AsUInt64() << 63;
dn -= almHuge;
// f = |x| - (dn * π)
Vector128<double> f = uxMasked;
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(dn, Vector128.Create(-double.Pi), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(dn, Vector128.Create(-Pi_Tail1), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(dn, Vector128.Create(-Pi_Tail2), f);
Vector128<double> f2 = f * f;
Vector128<double> f4 = f2 * f2;
Vector128<double> f6 = f4 * f2;
Vector128<double> f10 = f6 * f4;
Vector128<double> f14 = f10 * f4;
Vector128<double> a1 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector128.Create(C2), f2, Vector128.Create(C0));
Vector128<double> a2 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector128.Create(C6), f2, Vector128.Create(C4));
Vector128<double> a3 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector128.Create(C10), f2, Vector128.Create(C8));
Vector128<double> a4 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector128.Create(C14), f2, Vector128.Create(C12));
Vector128<double> b1 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(a1, f2, a2 * f6);
Vector128<double> b2 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(f10, a3, f14 * a4);
Vector128<double> poly = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(f, b1 + b2, f);
return (poly.AsUInt64() ^ (x.AsUInt64() & Vector128.Create(~SignMask)) ^ odd).AsDouble();
public static Vector256<double> Invoke(Vector256<double> x)
Vector256<double> uxMasked = Vector256.Abs(x);
if (Vector256.GreaterThanAny(uxMasked.AsUInt64(), Vector256.Create(MaxVectorizedValue)))
return ApplyScalar<SinOperatorDouble>(x);
// dn = |x| * (1 / π)
Vector256<double> almHuge = Vector256.Create(AlmHuge);
Vector256<double> dn = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(uxMasked, Vector256.Create(1 / double.Pi), almHuge);
Vector256<ulong> odd = dn.AsUInt64() << 63;
dn -= almHuge;
// f = |x| - (dn * π)
Vector256<double> f = uxMasked;
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(dn, Vector256.Create(-double.Pi), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(dn, Vector256.Create(-Pi_Tail1), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(dn, Vector256.Create(-Pi_Tail2), f);
Vector256<double> f2 = f * f;
Vector256<double> f4 = f2 * f2;
Vector256<double> f6 = f4 * f2;
Vector256<double> f10 = f6 * f4;
Vector256<double> f14 = f10 * f4;
Vector256<double> a1 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector256.Create(C2), f2, Vector256.Create(C0));
Vector256<double> a2 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector256.Create(C6), f2, Vector256.Create(C4));
Vector256<double> a3 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector256.Create(C10), f2, Vector256.Create(C8));
Vector256<double> a4 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector256.Create(C14), f2, Vector256.Create(C12));
Vector256<double> b1 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(a1, f2, a2 * f6);
Vector256<double> b2 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(f10, a3, f14 * a4);
Vector256<double> poly = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(f, b1 + b2, f);
return (poly.AsUInt64() ^ (x.AsUInt64() & Vector256.Create(~SignMask)) ^ odd).AsDouble();
public static Vector512<double> Invoke(Vector512<double> x)
Vector512<double> uxMasked = Vector512.Abs(x);
if (Vector512.GreaterThanAny(uxMasked.AsUInt64(), Vector512.Create(MaxVectorizedValue)))
return ApplyScalar<SinOperatorDouble>(x);
// dn = |x| * (1 / π)
Vector512<double> almHuge = Vector512.Create(AlmHuge);
Vector512<double> dn = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(uxMasked, Vector512.Create(1 / double.Pi), almHuge);
Vector512<ulong> odd = dn.AsUInt64() << 63;
dn -= almHuge;
// f = |x| - (dn * π)
Vector512<double> f = uxMasked;
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(dn, Vector512.Create(-double.Pi), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(dn, Vector512.Create(-Pi_Tail1), f);
f = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(dn, Vector512.Create(-Pi_Tail2), f);
Vector512<double> f2 = f * f;
Vector512<double> f4 = f2 * f2;
Vector512<double> f6 = f4 * f2;
Vector512<double> f10 = f6 * f4;
Vector512<double> f14 = f10 * f4;
Vector512<double> a1 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector512.Create(C2), f2, Vector512.Create(C0));
Vector512<double> a2 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector512.Create(C6), f2, Vector512.Create(C4));
Vector512<double> a3 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector512.Create(C10), f2, Vector512.Create(C8));
Vector512<double> a4 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(Vector512.Create(C14), f2, Vector512.Create(C12));
Vector512<double> b1 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(a1, f2, a2 * f6);
Vector512<double> b2 = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(f10, a3, f14 * a4);
Vector512<double> poly = MultiplyAddEstimateOperator<double>.Invoke(f, b1 + b2, f);
return (poly.AsUInt64() ^ (x.AsUInt64() & Vector512.Create(~SignMask)) ^ odd).AsDouble();