// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
namespace System.Numerics.Tensors
public static partial class TensorPrimitives
/// <summary>Searches for the index of the smallest number in the specified tensor.</summary>
/// <param name="x">The tensor, represented as a span.</param>
/// <returns>The index of the minimum element in <paramref name="x"/>, or -1 if <paramref name="x"/> is empty.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// The determination of the minimum element matches the IEEE 754:2019 `minimum` function. If any value equal to NaN
/// is present, the index of the first is returned. Negative 0 is considered smaller than positive 0.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This method may call into the underlying C runtime or employ instructions specific to the current architecture. Exact results may differ between different
/// operating systems or architectures.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static int IndexOfMin<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T> x)
where T : INumber<T> =>
IndexOfMinMaxCore<T, IndexOfMinOperator<T>>(x);
/// <summary>Returns the index of MathF.Min(x, y)</summary>
internal readonly struct IndexOfMinOperator<T> : IIndexOfOperator<T> where T : INumber<T>
public static void Invoke(ref Vector128<T> result, Vector128<T> current, ref Vector128<T> resultIndex, Vector128<T> currentIndex)
Vector128<T> useResult = Vector128.LessThan(result, current);
Vector128<T> equalMask = Vector128.Equals(result, current);
if (equalMask != Vector128<T>.Zero)
Vector128<T> lessThanIndexMask = IndexLessThan(resultIndex, currentIndex);
if (typeof(T) == typeof(float) || typeof(T) == typeof(double))
// bool useResult = equal && ((IsNegative(result) == IsNegative(current)) ? (resultIndex < currentIndex) : IsNegative(result));
Vector128<T> resultNegative = IsNegative(result);
Vector128<T> sameSign = Vector128.Equals(resultNegative.AsInt32(), IsNegative(current).AsInt32()).As<int, T>();
useResult |= equalMask & ElementWiseSelect(sameSign, lessThanIndexMask, resultNegative);
useResult |= equalMask & lessThanIndexMask;
result = ElementWiseSelect(useResult, result, current);
resultIndex = ElementWiseSelect(useResult, resultIndex, currentIndex);
public static void Invoke(ref Vector256<T> result, Vector256<T> current, ref Vector256<T> resultIndex, Vector256<T> currentIndex)
Vector256<T> useResult = Vector256.LessThan(result, current);
Vector256<T> equalMask = Vector256.Equals(result, current);
if (equalMask != Vector256<T>.Zero)
Vector256<T> lessThanIndexMask = IndexLessThan(resultIndex, currentIndex);
if (typeof(T) == typeof(float) || typeof(T) == typeof(double))
// bool useResult = equal && ((IsNegative(result) == IsNegative(current)) ? (resultIndex < currentIndex) : IsNegative(result));
Vector256<T> resultNegative = IsNegative(result);
Vector256<T> sameSign = Vector256.Equals(resultNegative.AsInt32(), IsNegative(current).AsInt32()).As<int, T>();
useResult |= equalMask & ElementWiseSelect(sameSign, lessThanIndexMask, resultNegative);
useResult |= equalMask & lessThanIndexMask;
result = ElementWiseSelect(useResult, result, current);
resultIndex = ElementWiseSelect(useResult, resultIndex, currentIndex);
public static void Invoke(ref Vector512<T> result, Vector512<T> current, ref Vector512<T> resultIndex, Vector512<T> currentIndex)
Vector512<T> useResult = Vector512.LessThan(result, current);
Vector512<T> equalMask = Vector512.Equals(result, current);
if (equalMask != Vector512<T>.Zero)
Vector512<T> lessThanIndexMask = IndexLessThan(resultIndex, currentIndex);
if (typeof(T) == typeof(float) || typeof(T) == typeof(double))
// bool useResult = equal && ((IsNegative(result) == IsNegative(current)) ? (resultIndex < currentIndex) : IsNegative(result));
Vector512<T> resultNegative = IsNegative(result);
Vector512<T> sameSign = Vector512.Equals(resultNegative.AsInt32(), IsNegative(current).AsInt32()).As<int, T>();
useResult |= equalMask & ElementWiseSelect(sameSign, lessThanIndexMask, resultNegative);
useResult |= equalMask & lessThanIndexMask;
result = ElementWiseSelect(useResult, result, current);
resultIndex = ElementWiseSelect(useResult, resultIndex, currentIndex);
public static int Invoke(ref T result, T current, int resultIndex, int currentIndex)
if (result == current)
bool currentNegative = IsNegative(current);
if ((IsNegative(result) == currentNegative) ? (currentIndex < resultIndex) : currentNegative)
result = current;
return currentIndex;
else if (current < result)
result = current;
return currentIndex;
return resultIndex;