// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Net
internal static class IPAddressParser
internal const int MaxIPv4StringLength = 15; // 4 numbers separated by 3 periods, with up to 3 digits per number
internal const int MaxIPv6StringLength = 65;
public static unsafe bool IsValid<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> ipSpan)
where TChar : unmanaged, IBinaryInteger<TChar>
fixed (TChar* ipStringPtr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(ipSpan))
if (ipSpan.Contains(TChar.CreateTruncating(':')))
return IPv6AddressHelper.IsValidStrict(ipStringPtr, 0, ipSpan.Length);
int end = ipSpan.Length;
long address = IPv4AddressHelper.ParseNonCanonical(ipStringPtr, 0, ref end, notImplicitFile: true);
return address != IPv4AddressHelper.Invalid && end == ipSpan.Length;
internal static IPAddress? Parse<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> ipSpan, bool tryParse)
where TChar : unmanaged, IBinaryInteger<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(byte) || typeof(TChar) == typeof(char));
if (ipSpan.Contains(TChar.CreateTruncating(':')))
// The address is parsed as IPv6 if and only if it contains a colon. This is valid because
// we don't support/parse a port specification at the end of an IPv4 address.
Span<ushort> numbers = stackalloc ushort[IPAddressParserStatics.IPv6AddressShorts];
if (TryParseIPv6(ipSpan, numbers, IPAddressParserStatics.IPv6AddressShorts, out uint scope))
return new IPAddress(numbers, scope);
else if (TryParseIpv4(ipSpan, out long address))
return new IPAddress(address);
if (tryParse)
return null;
throw new FormatException(SR.dns_bad_ip_address, new SocketException(SocketError.InvalidArgument));
private static unsafe bool TryParseIpv4<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> ipSpan, out long address)
where TChar : unmanaged, IBinaryInteger<TChar>
int end = ipSpan.Length;
long tmpAddr;
fixed (TChar* ipStringPtr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(ipSpan))
tmpAddr = IPv4AddressHelper.ParseNonCanonical(ipStringPtr, 0, ref end, notImplicitFile: true);
if (tmpAddr != IPv4AddressHelper.Invalid && end == ipSpan.Length)
// IPv4AddressHelper.ParseNonCanonical returns the bytes in host order.
// Convert to network order and return success.
address = (uint)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(unchecked((int)tmpAddr));
return true;
// Failed to parse the address.
address = 0;
return false;
private static unsafe bool TryParseIPv6<TChar>(ReadOnlySpan<TChar> ipSpan, Span<ushort> numbers, int numbersLength, out uint scope)
where TChar : unmanaged, IBinaryInteger<TChar>
Debug.Assert(typeof(TChar) == typeof(char) || typeof(TChar) == typeof(byte));
Debug.Assert(numbersLength >= IPAddressParserStatics.IPv6AddressShorts);
fixed (TChar* ipStringPtr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(ipSpan))
if (!IPv6AddressHelper.IsValidStrict(ipStringPtr, 0, ipSpan.Length))
scope = 0;
return false;
IPv6AddressHelper.Parse(ipSpan, numbers, out ReadOnlySpan<TChar> scopeIdSpan);
if (scopeIdSpan.Length > 1)
bool parsedNumericScope;
scopeIdSpan = scopeIdSpan.Slice(1);
// scopeId is a numeric value
if (typeof(TChar) == typeof(byte))
ReadOnlySpan<byte> castScopeIdSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, byte>(scopeIdSpan);
parsedNumericScope = uint.TryParse(castScopeIdSpan, NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out scope);
ReadOnlySpan<char> castScopeIdSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<TChar, char>(scopeIdSpan);
parsedNumericScope = uint.TryParse(castScopeIdSpan, NumberStyles.None, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out scope);
if (parsedNumericScope)
return true;
uint interfaceIndex = InterfaceInfoPal.InterfaceNameToIndex(scopeIdSpan);
if (interfaceIndex > 0)
scope = interfaceIndex;
return true; // scopeId is a known interface name
// scopeId is an unknown interface name
// scopeId is not presented
scope = 0;
return true;
internal static int FormatIPv4Address<TChar>(uint address, Span<TChar> addressString)
where TChar : unmanaged, IBinaryInteger<TChar>
address = (uint)IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(unchecked((int)address));
int pos = FormatByte(address >> 24, addressString);
addressString[pos++] = TChar.CreateTruncating('.');
pos += FormatByte(address >> 16, addressString.Slice(pos));
addressString[pos++] = TChar.CreateTruncating('.');
pos += FormatByte(address >> 8, addressString.Slice(pos));
addressString[pos++] = TChar.CreateTruncating('.');
pos += FormatByte(address, addressString.Slice(pos));
return pos;
static int FormatByte(uint number, Span<TChar> addressString)
number &= 0xFF;
if (number >= 10)
uint hundreds, tens;
if (number >= 100)
(uint hundredsAndTens, number) = Math.DivRem(number, 10);
(hundreds, tens) = Math.DivRem(hundredsAndTens, 10);
addressString[2] = TChar.CreateTruncating('0' + number);
addressString[1] = TChar.CreateTruncating('0' + tens);
addressString[0] = TChar.CreateTruncating('0' + hundreds);
return 3;
(tens, number) = Math.DivRem(number, 10);
addressString[1] = TChar.CreateTruncating('0' + number);
addressString[0] = TChar.CreateTruncating('0' + tens);
return 2;
addressString[0] = TChar.CreateTruncating('0' + number);
return 1;
internal static int FormatIPv6Address<TChar>(ushort[] address, uint scopeId, Span<TChar> destination)
where TChar : unmanaged, IBinaryInteger<TChar>
int pos = 0;
if (IPv6AddressHelper.ShouldHaveIpv4Embedded(address))
// We need to treat the last 2 ushorts as a 4-byte IPv4 address,
// so output the first 6 ushorts normally, followed by the IPv4 address.
AppendSections(address.AsSpan(0, 6), destination, ref pos);
if (destination[pos - 1] != TChar.CreateTruncating(':'))
destination[pos++] = TChar.CreateTruncating(':');
pos += FormatIPv4Address(ExtractIPv4Address(address), destination.Slice(pos));
// No IPv4 address. Output all 8 sections as part of the IPv6 address
// with normal formatting rules.
AppendSections(address.AsSpan(0, 8), destination, ref pos);
// If there's a scope ID, append it.
if (scopeId != 0)
destination[pos++] = TChar.CreateTruncating('%');
// TODO https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/84527: Use UInt32 TryFormat for both char and byte once IUtf8SpanFormattable implementation exists
Span<TChar> chars = stackalloc TChar[10];
int bytesPos = 10;
(scopeId, uint digit) = Math.DivRem(scopeId, 10);
chars[--bytesPos] = TChar.CreateTruncating('0' + digit);
while (scopeId != 0);
Span<TChar> used = chars.Slice(bytesPos);
pos += used.Length;
return pos;
// Appends each of the numbers in address in indexed range [fromInclusive, toExclusive),
// while also replacing the longest sequence of 0s found in that range with "::", as long
// as the sequence is more than one 0.
static void AppendSections(ReadOnlySpan<ushort> address, Span<TChar> destination, ref int offset)
// Find the longest sequence of zeros to be combined into a "::"
(int zeroStart, int zeroEnd) = IPv6AddressHelper.FindCompressionRange(address);
bool needsColon = false;
// Handle a zero sequence if there is one
if (zeroStart >= 0)
// Output all of the numbers before the zero sequence
for (int i = 0; i < zeroStart; i++)
if (needsColon)
destination[offset++] = TChar.CreateTruncating(':');
needsColon = true;
AppendHex(address[i], destination, ref offset);
// Output the zero sequence if there is one
destination[offset++] = TChar.CreateTruncating(':');
destination[offset++] = TChar.CreateTruncating(':');
needsColon = false;
// Output everything after the zero sequence
for (int i = zeroEnd; i < address.Length; i++)
if (needsColon)
destination[offset++] = TChar.CreateTruncating(':');
needsColon = true;
AppendHex(address[i], destination, ref offset);
// Appends a number as hexadecimal (without the leading "0x")
static void AppendHex(ushort value, Span<TChar> destination, ref int offset)
if ((value & 0xFFF0) != 0)
if ((value & 0xFF00) != 0)
if ((value & 0xF000) != 0)
destination[offset++] = TChar.CreateTruncating(HexConverter.ToCharLower(value >> 12));
destination[offset++] = TChar.CreateTruncating(HexConverter.ToCharLower(value >> 8));
destination[offset++] = TChar.CreateTruncating(HexConverter.ToCharLower(value >> 4));
destination[offset++] = TChar.CreateTruncating(HexConverter.ToCharLower(value));
/// <summary>Extracts the IPv4 address from the end of the IPv6 address byte array.</summary>
private static uint ExtractIPv4Address(ushort[] address)
uint ipv4address = (uint)address[6] << 16 | address[7];
return (uint)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(unchecked((int)ipv4address));