// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Net;
namespace System.Net.Sockets
public enum SocketError : int
Success = 0,
SocketError = (-1),
Interrupted = (10000 + 4),
AccessDenied = (10000 + 13),
Fault = (10000 + 14),
InvalidArgument = (10000 + 22),
TooManyOpenSockets = (10000 + 24),
// Windows Sockets definitions of regular Berkeley error constants
WouldBlock = (10000 + 35),
InProgress = (10000 + 36),
AlreadyInProgress = (10000 + 37),
NotSocket = (10000 + 38),
DestinationAddressRequired = (10000 + 39),
MessageSize = (10000 + 40),
ProtocolType = (10000 + 41),
ProtocolOption = (10000 + 42),
ProtocolNotSupported = (10000 + 43),
SocketNotSupported = (10000 + 44),
OperationNotSupported = (10000 + 45),
ProtocolFamilyNotSupported = (10000 + 46),
AddressFamilyNotSupported = (10000 + 47),
AddressAlreadyInUse = (10000 + 48),
AddressNotAvailable = (10000 + 49),
NetworkDown = (10000 + 50),
NetworkUnreachable = (10000 + 51),
NetworkReset = (10000 + 52),
ConnectionAborted = (10000 + 53),
ConnectionReset = (10000 + 54),
NoBufferSpaceAvailable = (10000 + 55),
IsConnected = (10000 + 56),
NotConnected = (10000 + 57),
Shutdown = (10000 + 58),
TimedOut = (10000 + 60),
ConnectionRefused = (10000 + 61),
HostDown = (10000 + 64),
HostUnreachable = (10000 + 65),
ProcessLimit = (10000 + 67),
// Extended Windows Sockets error constant definitions
SystemNotReady = (10000 + 91),
VersionNotSupported = (10000 + 92),
NotInitialized = (10000 + 93),
Disconnecting = (10000 + 101),
TypeNotFound = (10000 + 109),
HostNotFound = (10000 + 1001),
TryAgain = (10000 + 1002),
NoRecovery = (10000 + 1003),
NoData = (10000 + 1004),
// OS dependent errors
IOPending = (int)Interop.Winsock.ERROR_IO_PENDING,
OperationAborted = (int)Interop.Winsock.ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED,