2 instantiations of PingReply
System.Net.Ping (2)
System\Net\NetworkInformation\Ping.RawSocket.cs (2)
246reply = new PingReply(address, socketConfig.Options, status, roundTripTime, dataBuffer); 391return new PingReply(address ?? new IPAddress(0), null, status, rtt, Array.Empty<byte>());
56 references to PingReply
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Forms (1)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\Devices\Network.Ping.vb (1)
77Dim reply As NetInfoAlias.PingReply = pingMaker.Send(
netstandard (1)
netstandard.cs (1)
1224[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply))]
System (1)
src\libraries\shims\System\ref\System.cs (1)
716[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply))]
System.Net.Ping (53)
System\Net\NetworkInformation\Ping.cs (36)
180/// A <see cref="PingReply"/> object that provides information about the ICMP echo reply message, if one was received, 187public PingReply Send(string hostNameOrAddress) 204/// A <see cref="PingReply"/> object that provides information about the ICMP echo reply message, if one was received, 212public PingReply Send(string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout) 225/// A <see cref="PingReply"/> object that provides information about the ICMP echo reply message, if one was received, 232public PingReply Send(IPAddress address) 248/// A <see cref="PingReply"/> object that provides information about the ICMP echo reply message, if one was received, 256public PingReply Send(IPAddress address, int timeout) 277/// A <see cref="PingReply"/> object that provides information about the ICMP echo reply message, if one was received, 287public PingReply Send(string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer) 307/// A <see cref="PingReply"/> object that provides information about the ICMP echo reply message, if one was received, 317public PingReply Send(IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer) 341/// A <see cref="PingReply"/> object that provides information about the ICMP echo reply message, if one was received, 351public PingReply Send(string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options) 386/// A <see cref="PingReply"/> object that provides information about the ICMP echo reply message, if one was received, 396public PingReply Send(IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options) 437/// A <see cref="PingReply"/> object that provides information about the ICMP echo reply message, if one was received, 447public PingReply Send(IPAddress address, TimeSpan timeout, byte[]? buffer = null, PingOptions? options = null) => 469/// A <see cref="PingReply"/> object that provides information about the ICMP echo reply message, if one was received, 479public PingReply Send(string hostNameOrAddress, TimeSpan timeout, byte[]? buffer = null, 522private void TranslateTaskToEap(object? userToken, Task<PingReply> pingTask) 533public Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(IPAddress address) 538public Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(string hostNameOrAddress) 543public Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(IPAddress address, int timeout) 548public Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout) 553public Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer) 558public Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer) 563public Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options) 583public Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(IPAddress address, TimeSpan timeout, byte[]? buffer = null, PingOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) 588private Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(IPAddress address, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 603public Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options) 626public Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(string hostNameOrAddress, TimeSpan timeout, byte[]? buffer = null, PingOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) 631private Task<PingReply> SendPingAsync(string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 686private PingReply GetAddressAndSend(string hostNameOrAddress, int timeout, byte[] buffer, PingOptions? options) 704private async Task<PingReply> SendPingAsyncInternal<TArg>( 721Task<PingReply> pingTask = SendPingAsyncCore(address, buffer, timeout, options);
System\Net\NetworkInformation\Ping.PingUtility.cs (5)
51private PingReply SendWithPingUtility(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions? options) 74private async Task<PingReply> SendWithPingUtilityAsync(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions? options) 108private static PingReply ParsePingUtilityOutput(IPAddress address, int exitCode, string stdout) 114if (TryParseTtlExceeded(stdout, out PingReply? reply)) 128private static bool TryParseTtlExceeded(string stdout, out PingReply? reply)
System\Net\NetworkInformation\Ping.RawSocket.cs (7)
128[NotNullWhen(true)] out PingReply? reply) 250private static unsafe PingReply SendIcmpEchoRequestOverRawSocket(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions? options) 275if (TryGetPingReply(socketConfig, receiveBuffer, bytesReceived, startingTimestamp, ref ipHeaderLength, out PingReply? reply)) 300private static PingReply CreatePingReplyForUnreachableHost(IPAddress address, Socket socket) 322private async Task<PingReply> SendIcmpEchoRequestOverRawSocketAsync(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions? options) 360if (TryGetPingReply(socketConfig, receiveBuffer, bytesReceived, startingTimestamp, ref ipHeaderLength, out PingReply? reply)) 387private static PingReply CreatePingReply(IPStatus status, IPAddress? address = null, long rtt = 0)
System\Net\NetworkInformation\Ping.Unix.cs (3)
22private PingReply SendPingCore(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions? options) 24PingReply reply = RawSocketPermissions.CanUseRawSockets(address.AddressFamily) ? 30private Task<PingReply> SendPingAsyncCore(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions? options)
System\Net\NetworkInformation\PingCompletedEventArgs.cs (2)
12internal PingCompletedEventArgs(PingReply? reply, Exception? error, bool cancelled, object? userToken) : base(error, cancelled, userToken) 17public PingReply? Reply { get; }