// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Net.NetworkInformation
public partial class Ping
private const int IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes = 8;
private const int MinIpHeaderLengthInBytes = 20;
private const int MaxIpHeaderLengthInBytes = 60;
private const int IpV6HeaderLengthInBytes = 40;
private static readonly ushort DontFragment = OperatingSystem.IsFreeBSD() ? (ushort)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)0x4000) : (ushort)0x4000;
private static unsafe SocketConfig GetSocketConfig(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions? options)
// Use a random value as the identifier. This doesn't need to be perfectly random
// or very unpredictable, rather just good enough to avoid unexpected conflicts.
ushort id = (ushort)Random.Shared.Next(ushort.MaxValue + 1);
IpHeader iph = default;
bool ipv4 = address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork;
bool sendIpHeader = ipv4 && options != null && SendIpHeader;
int totalLength = 0;
if (sendIpHeader)
iph.VersionAndLength = 0x45;
totalLength = sizeof(IpHeader) + checked(sizeof(IcmpHeader) + buffer.Length);
// On OSX this strangely must be host byte order.
iph.TotalLength = OperatingSystem.IsFreeBSD() ? (ushort)IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((short)totalLength) : (ushort)totalLength;
iph.Protocol = 1; // ICMP
iph.Ttl = (byte)options!.Ttl;
iph.Flags = (ushort)(options.DontFragment ? DontFragment : 0);
#pragma warning disable 618
iph.DestinationAddress = (uint)address.Address;
#pragma warning restore 618
// No need to fill in SourceAddress or checksum.
// If left blank, kernel will fill it in - at least on OSX.
return new SocketConfig(
new IPEndPoint(address, 0), timeout, options,
ipv4, ipv4 ? ProtocolType.Icmp : ProtocolType.IcmpV6, id,
CreateSendMessageBuffer(iph, new IcmpHeader()
Type = ipv4 ? (byte)IcmpV4MessageType.EchoRequest : (byte)IcmpV6MessageType.EchoRequest,
Identifier = id,
}, buffer, totalLength));
private static Socket GetRawSocket(SocketConfig socketConfig)
IPEndPoint ep = (IPEndPoint)socketConfig.EndPoint;
AddressFamily addrFamily = ep.Address.AddressFamily;
SocketType socketType = RawSocketPermissions.CanUseRawSockets(addrFamily) ?
SocketType.Raw :
SocketType.Dgram; // macOS/iOS has ability to send ICMP echo without RAW
Socket socket = new Socket(addrFamily, socketType, socketConfig.ProtocolType);
socket.ReceiveTimeout = socketConfig.Timeout;
socket.SendTimeout = socketConfig.Timeout;
if (addrFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 && !SupportsDualMode)
socket.DualMode = false;
if (socketConfig.Options != null)
if (socketConfig.Options.Ttl > 0)
socket.Ttl = (short)socketConfig.Options.Ttl;
if (addrFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
if (SendIpHeader)
// some platforms like OSX don't support DontFragment so we construct IP header instead.
socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.HeaderIncluded, 1);
socket.DontFragment = socketConfig.Options.DontFragment;
#pragma warning disable 618
// Disable warning about obsolete property. We could use GetAddressBytes but that allocates.
// IPv4 multicast address starts with 1110 bits so mask rest and test if we get correct value e.g. 0xe0.
bool ipv4 = addrFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork;
if (NeedsConnect && !ep.Address.IsIPv6Multicast && !(ipv4 && (ep.Address.Address & 0xf0) == 0xe0))
// If it is not multicast, use Connect to scope responses only to the target address.
int opt = 1;
if (ipv4)
// setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVERR, &value, sizeof(int))
socket.SetRawSocketOption(0, 11, new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(&opt, sizeof(int)));
// setsockopt(fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_RECVERR, &value, sizeof(int))
socket.SetRawSocketOption(41, 25, new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(&opt, sizeof(int)));
#pragma warning restore 618
return socket;
private static bool TryGetPingReply(
SocketConfig socketConfig, byte[] receiveBuffer, int bytesReceived, long startingTimestamp, ref int ipHeaderLength,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out PingReply? reply)
byte type, code;
reply = null;
if (socketConfig.IsIpv4)
// Determine actual size of IP header
byte ihl = (byte)(receiveBuffer[0] & 0x0f); // Internet Header Length
ipHeaderLength = 4 * ihl;
if (bytesReceived - ipHeaderLength < IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes)
return false; // Not enough bytes to reconstruct actual IP header + ICMP header.
int icmpHeaderOffset = ipHeaderLength;
int dataOffset = ipHeaderLength + IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes;
// Skip IP header.
IcmpHeader receivedHeader = MemoryMarshal.Read<IcmpHeader>(receiveBuffer.AsSpan(icmpHeaderOffset));
ushort identifier;
type = receivedHeader.Type;
code = receivedHeader.Code;
// Validate the ICMP header and get the identifier
if (socketConfig.IsIpv4)
if (type == (byte)IcmpV4MessageType.EchoReply)
// Reply packet has the identifier in the ICMP header.
identifier = receivedHeader.Identifier;
else if (type == (byte)IcmpV4MessageType.DestinationUnreachable ||
type == (byte)IcmpV4MessageType.TimeExceeded ||
type == (byte)IcmpV4MessageType.ParameterProblemBadIPHeader ||
type == (byte)IcmpV4MessageType.SourceQuench ||
type == (byte)IcmpV4MessageType.RedirectMessage)
// Original IP+ICMP request is in the payload. Read the ICMP header from
// the payload to get identifier.
if (dataOffset + MinIpHeaderLengthInBytes + IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes > bytesReceived)
return false;
byte ihl = (byte)(receiveBuffer[dataOffset] & 0x0f); // Internet Header Length
int payloadIpHeaderLength = 4 * ihl;
if (bytesReceived - dataOffset - payloadIpHeaderLength < IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes)
return false; // Not enough bytes to reconstruct actual IP header + ICMP header.
IcmpHeader originalRequestHeader = MemoryMarshal.Read<IcmpHeader>(receiveBuffer.AsSpan(dataOffset + payloadIpHeaderLength));
identifier = originalRequestHeader.Identifier;
// Update the date offset to point past the payload IP+ICMP headers. While the specification
// doesn't indicate there should be any additional data the reality is that we often get the
// original packet data back.
dataOffset += payloadIpHeaderLength + IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes;
return false;
if (type == (byte)IcmpV6MessageType.EchoReply)
// Reply packet has the identifier in the ICMP header.
identifier = receivedHeader.Identifier;
else if (type == (byte)IcmpV6MessageType.DestinationUnreachable ||
type == (byte)IcmpV6MessageType.TimeExceeded ||
type == (byte)IcmpV6MessageType.ParameterProblem ||
type == (byte)IcmpV6MessageType.PacketTooBig)
// Original IP+ICMP request is in the payload. Read the ICMP header from
// the payload to get identifier.
if (bytesReceived - dataOffset < IpV6HeaderLengthInBytes + IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes)
return false; // Not enough bytes to reconstruct actual IP header + ICMP header.
IcmpHeader originalRequestHeader = MemoryMarshal.Read<IcmpHeader>(receiveBuffer.AsSpan(dataOffset + IpV6HeaderLengthInBytes));
identifier = originalRequestHeader.Identifier;
// Update the date offset to point past the payload IP+ICMP headers. While the specification
// doesn't indicate there should be any additional data the reality is that we often get the
// original packet data back.
dataOffset += IpV6HeaderLengthInBytes + IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes;
return false;
if (socketConfig.Identifier != identifier)
return false;
long roundTripTime = (long)Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(startingTimestamp).TotalMilliseconds;
// We want to return a buffer with the actual data we sent out, not including the header data.
byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[bytesReceived - dataOffset];
Buffer.BlockCopy(receiveBuffer, dataOffset, dataBuffer, 0, dataBuffer.Length);
IPStatus status = socketConfig.IsIpv4
? IcmpV4MessageConstants.MapV4TypeToIPStatus(type, code)
: IcmpV6MessageConstants.MapV6TypeToIPStatus(type, code);
IPAddress address = ((IPEndPoint)socketConfig.EndPoint).Address;
reply = new PingReply(address, socketConfig.Options, status, roundTripTime, dataBuffer);
return true;
private static unsafe PingReply SendIcmpEchoRequestOverRawSocket(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions? options)
SocketConfig socketConfig = GetSocketConfig(address, buffer, timeout, options);
using (Socket socket = GetRawSocket(socketConfig))
int ipHeaderLength = socketConfig.IsIpv4 ? MinIpHeaderLengthInBytes : 0;
socket.SendTo(socketConfig.SendBuffer, SocketFlags.None, socketConfig.EndPoint);
byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[2 * (MaxIpHeaderLengthInBytes + IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes) + buffer.Length];
// Read from the socket in a loop. We may receive messages that are not echo replies, or that are not in response
// to the echo request we just sent. We need to filter such messages out, and continue reading until our timeout.
// For example, when pinging the local host, we need to filter out our own echo requests that the socket reads.
long startingTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
while (Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(startingTimestamp).TotalMilliseconds < timeout)
int bytesReceived = socket.ReceiveFrom(receiveBuffer, SocketFlags.None, ref socketConfig.EndPoint);
if (bytesReceived - ipHeaderLength < IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes)
continue; // Not enough bytes to reconstruct IP header + ICMP header.
if (TryGetPingReply(socketConfig, receiveBuffer, bytesReceived, startingTimestamp, ref ipHeaderLength, out PingReply? reply))
return reply;
catch (SocketException ex) when (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut)
catch (SocketException ex) when (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.MessageSize)
return CreatePingReply(IPStatus.PacketTooBig);
catch (SocketException ex) when (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.HostUnreachable)
// This happens on Linux where we explicitly subscribed to error messages
// We should be able to get more info by getting extended socket error from error queue.
return CreatePingReplyForUnreachableHost(address, socket);
// We have exceeded our timeout duration, and no reply has been received.
return CreatePingReply(IPStatus.TimedOut);
private static PingReply CreatePingReplyForUnreachableHost(IPAddress address, Socket socket)
Span<byte> socketAddress = stackalloc byte[SocketAddress.GetMaximumAddressSize(address.AddressFamily)];
Interop.Sys.MessageHeader header = default;
SocketError result;
fixed (byte* sockAddr = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(socketAddress))
header.SocketAddress = sockAddr;
header.SocketAddressLen = socketAddress.Length;
result = Interop.Sys.ReceiveSocketError(socket.SafeHandle, &header);
if (result == SocketError.Success && header.SocketAddressLen > 0)
return CreatePingReply(IPStatus.TtlExpired, IPEndPointExtensions.GetIPAddress(socketAddress.Slice(0, header.SocketAddressLen)));
return CreatePingReply(IPStatus.TimedOut);
private async Task<PingReply> SendIcmpEchoRequestOverRawSocketAsync(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions? options)
SocketConfig socketConfig = GetSocketConfig(address, buffer, timeout, options);
using Socket socket = GetRawSocket(socketConfig);
int ipHeaderLength = socketConfig.IsIpv4 ? MinIpHeaderLengthInBytes : 0;
CancellationToken timeoutOrCancellationToken = _timeoutOrCancellationSource!.Token;
await socket.SendToAsync(
byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[2 * (MaxIpHeaderLengthInBytes + IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes) + buffer.Length];
// Read from the socket in a loop. We may receive messages that are not echo replies, or that are not in response
// to the echo request we just sent. We need to filter such messages out, and continue reading until our timeout.
// For example, when pinging the local host, we need to filter out our own echo requests that the socket reads.
long startingTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
while (true)
SocketReceiveFromResult receiveResult = await socket.ReceiveFromAsync(
int bytesReceived = receiveResult.ReceivedBytes;
if (bytesReceived - ipHeaderLength < IcmpHeaderLengthInBytes)
continue; // Not enough bytes to reconstruct IP header + ICMP header.
if (TryGetPingReply(socketConfig, receiveBuffer, bytesReceived, startingTimestamp, ref ipHeaderLength, out PingReply? reply))
return reply;
catch (SocketException ex) when (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut)
catch (SocketException ex) when (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.MessageSize)
return CreatePingReply(IPStatus.PacketTooBig);
catch (OperationCanceledException) when (!_canceled)
catch (SocketException ex) when (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.HostUnreachable)
// This happens on Linux where we explicitly subscribed to error messages
// We should be able to get more info by getting extended socket error from error queue.
return CreatePingReplyForUnreachableHost(address, socket);
// We have exceeded our timeout duration, and no reply has been received.
return CreatePingReply(IPStatus.TimedOut);
private static PingReply CreatePingReply(IPStatus status, IPAddress? address = null, long rtt = 0)
// Documentation indicates that you should only pay attention to the IPStatus value when
// its value is not "Success", but the rest of these values match that of the Windows implementation.
return new PingReply(address ?? new IPAddress(0), null, status, rtt, Array.Empty<byte>());
static Ping()
Debug.Assert(Marshal.SizeOf<IcmpHeader>() == 8, "The size of an ICMP Header must be 8 bytes.");
internal struct IpHeader
internal byte VersionAndLength;
internal byte Tos;
internal ushort TotalLength;
internal ushort Identifier;
internal ushort Flags;
internal byte Ttl;
internal byte Protocol;
internal ushort HeaderChecksum;
internal uint SourceAddress;
internal uint DestinationAddress;
// Must be 8 bytes total.
internal struct IcmpHeader
public byte Type;
public byte Code;
public ushort HeaderChecksum;
public ushort Identifier;
public ushort SequenceNumber;
// Since this is private should be safe to trust that the calling code
// will behave. To get a little performance boost raw fields are exposed
// and no validation is performed.
private sealed class SocketConfig
public SocketConfig(EndPoint endPoint, int timeout, PingOptions? options, bool isIPv4, ProtocolType protocolType, ushort id, byte[] sendBuffer)
EndPoint = endPoint;
Timeout = timeout;
Options = options;
IsIpv4 = isIPv4;
ProtocolType = protocolType;
Identifier = id;
SendBuffer = sendBuffer;
public EndPoint EndPoint;
public readonly int Timeout;
public readonly PingOptions? Options;
public readonly ushort Identifier;
public readonly bool IsIpv4;
public readonly ProtocolType ProtocolType;
public readonly byte[] SendBuffer;
private static unsafe byte[] CreateSendMessageBuffer(IpHeader ipHeader, IcmpHeader icmpHeader, byte[] payload, int totalLength = 0)
int icmpHeaderSize = sizeof(IcmpHeader);
int offset = 0;
int packetSize = totalLength != 0 ? totalLength : checked(icmpHeaderSize + payload.Length);
byte[] result = new byte[packetSize];
if (totalLength != 0)
int ipHeaderSize = sizeof(IpHeader);
new Span<byte>(&ipHeader, sizeof(IpHeader)).CopyTo(result);
offset = ipHeaderSize;
//byte[] result = new byte[headerSize + payload.Length];
Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(&icmpHeader), result, offset, icmpHeaderSize);
payload.CopyTo(result, offset + icmpHeaderSize);
// offset now still points to beginning of ICMP header.
ushort checksum = ComputeBufferChecksum(result.AsSpan(offset));
// Jam the checksum into the buffer.
result[offset + 2] = (byte)(checksum >> 8);
result[offset + 3] = (byte)(checksum & (0xFF));
return result;
private static ushort ComputeBufferChecksum(ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer)
// This is using the "deferred carries" approach outlined in RFC 1071.
uint sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i += 2)
// Combine each pair of bytes into a 16-bit number and add it to the sum
ushort element0 = (ushort)((buffer[i] << 8) & 0xFF00);
ushort element1 = (i + 1 < buffer.Length)
? (ushort)(buffer[i + 1] & 0x00FF)
: (ushort)0; // If there's an odd number of bytes, pad by one octet of zeros.
ushort combined = (ushort)(element0 | element1);
sum += (uint)combined;
// Add back the "carry bits" which have risen to the upper 16 bits of the sum.
while ((sum >> 16) != 0)
var partialSum = sum & 0xFFFF;
var carries = sum >> 16;
sum = partialSum + carries;
return unchecked((ushort)~sum);