File: System\Linq\Expressions\Compiler\LambdaCompiler.Address.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Linq.Expressions\src\System.Linq.Expressions.csproj (System.Linq.Expressions)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Dynamic.Utils;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
namespace System.Linq.Expressions.Compiler
    internal sealed partial class LambdaCompiler
        private void EmitAddress(Expression node, Type type)
            EmitAddress(node, type, CompilationFlags.EmitExpressionStart);
        // We don't want "ref" parameters to modify values of expressions
        // except where it would in IL: locals, args, fields, and array elements
        // (Unbox is an exception, it's intended to emit a ref to the original
        // boxed value)
        private void EmitAddress(Expression node, Type type, CompilationFlags flags)
            Debug.Assert(node != null);
            bool emitStart = (flags & CompilationFlags.EmitExpressionStartMask) == CompilationFlags.EmitExpressionStart;
            CompilationFlags startEmitted = emitStart ? EmitExpressionStart(node) : CompilationFlags.EmitNoExpressionStart;
            switch (node.NodeType)
                    EmitExpressionAddress(node, type);
                case ExpressionType.ArrayIndex:
                    AddressOf((BinaryExpression)node, type);
                case ExpressionType.Parameter:
                    AddressOf((ParameterExpression)node, type);
                case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
                    AddressOf((MemberExpression)node, type);
                case ExpressionType.Unbox:
                    AddressOf((UnaryExpression)node, type);
                case ExpressionType.Call:
                    AddressOf((MethodCallExpression)node, type);
                case ExpressionType.Index:
                    AddressOf((IndexExpression)node, type);
            if (emitStart)
        private void AddressOf(BinaryExpression node, Type type)
            Debug.Assert(node.NodeType == ExpressionType.ArrayIndex && node.Method == null);
            if (TypeUtils.AreEquivalent(type, node.Type))
                Debug.Assert(node.Right.Type == typeof(int));
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelema, node.Type);
                EmitExpressionAddress(node, type);
        private void AddressOf(ParameterExpression node, Type type)
            if (TypeUtils.AreEquivalent(type, node.Type))
                if (node.IsByRef)
                // NB: Stack spilling can generate ref locals.
                if (node.Type.IsByRef && node.Type.GetElementType() == type)
                    EmitExpressionAddress(node, type);
        private void AddressOf(MemberExpression node, Type type)
            if (TypeUtils.AreEquivalent(type, node.Type))
                // emit "this", if any
                Type? objectType = null;
                if (node.Expression != null)
                    EmitInstance(node.Expression, out objectType);
                EmitMemberAddress(node.Member, objectType);
                EmitExpressionAddress(node, type);
        // assumes the instance is already on the stack
        private void EmitMemberAddress(MemberInfo member, Type? objectType)
            FieldInfo? field = member as FieldInfo;
            if (field is not null)
                // Verifiable code may not take the address of an init-only field.
                // If we are asked to do so then get the value out of the field, stuff it
                // into a local of the same type, and then take the address of the local.
                // Typically this is what we want to do anyway; if we are saying
                // for a static value-typed field bar then we don't need
                // the address of field bar to do the call.  The address of a local which
                // has the same value as bar is sufficient.
                // The C# compiler will not compile a lambda expression tree
                // which writes to the address of an init-only field. But one could
                // probably use the expression tree API to build such an expression.
                // (When compiled, such an expression would fail silently.)  It might
                // be worth it to add checking to the expression tree API to ensure
                // that it is illegal to attempt to write to an init-only field,
                // the same way that it is illegal to write to a read-only property.
                // The same goes for literal fields.
                if (!field.IsLiteral && !field.IsInitOnly)
            EmitMemberGet(member, objectType);
            LocalBuilder temp = GetLocal(GetMemberType(member));
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, temp);
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, temp);
        private void AddressOf(MethodCallExpression node, Type type)
            // An array index of a multi-dimensional array is represented by a call to Array.Get,
            // rather than having its own array-access node. This means that when we are trying to
            // get the address of a member of a multi-dimensional array, we'll be trying to
            // get the address of a Get method, and it will fail to do so. Instead, detect
            // this situation and replace it with a call to the Address method.
            if (!node.Method.IsStatic &&
                node.Object!.Type.IsArray &&
                node.Method == TypeUtils.GetArrayGetMethod(node.Object.Type))
                MethodInfo mi = TypeUtils.GetArrayAddressMethod(node.Object.Type);
                EmitMethodCall(node.Object, mi, node);
                EmitExpressionAddress(node, type);
        private void AddressOf(IndexExpression node, Type type)
            if (!TypeUtils.AreEquivalent(type, node.Type) || node.Indexer != null)
                EmitExpressionAddress(node, type);
            if (node.ArgumentCount == 1)
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldelema, node.Type);
                MethodInfo address = TypeUtils.GetArrayAddressMethod(node.Object!.Type);
                EmitMethodCall(node.Object, address, node);
        private void AddressOf(UnaryExpression node, Type type)
            Debug.Assert(node.NodeType == ExpressionType.Unbox);
            // Unbox leaves a pointer to the boxed value on the stack
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox, type);
        private void EmitExpressionAddress(Expression node, Type type)
            Debug.Assert(TypeUtils.AreReferenceAssignable(type, node.Type));
            EmitExpression(node, CompilationFlags.EmitAsNoTail | CompilationFlags.EmitNoExpressionStart);
            LocalBuilder tmp = GetLocal(type);
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, tmp);
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, tmp);
        // Emits the address of the expression, returning the write back if necessary
        // For properties, we want to write back into the property if it's
        // passed byref.
        private WriteBack? EmitAddressWriteBack(Expression node, Type type)
            CompilationFlags startEmitted = EmitExpressionStart(node);
            WriteBack? result = null;
            if (TypeUtils.AreEquivalent(type, node.Type))
                switch (node.NodeType)
                    case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
                        result = AddressOfWriteBack((MemberExpression)node);
                    case ExpressionType.Index:
                        result = AddressOfWriteBack((IndexExpression)node);
            if (result == null)
                EmitAddress(node, type, CompilationFlags.EmitAsNoTail | CompilationFlags.EmitNoExpressionStart);
            return result;
        private WriteBack? AddressOfWriteBack(MemberExpression node)
            var property = node.Member as PropertyInfo;
            if (property is null || !property.CanWrite)
                return null;
            return AddressOfWriteBackCore(node); // avoids closure allocation
        private WriteBack AddressOfWriteBackCore(MemberExpression node)
            // emit instance, if any
            LocalBuilder? instanceLocal = null;
            Type? instanceType = null;
            if (node.Expression != null)
                EmitInstance(node.Expression, out instanceType);
                // store in local
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, instanceLocal = GetInstanceLocal(instanceType));
            PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo)node.Member;
            // emit the get
            EmitCall(instanceType, pi.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true)!);
            // emit the address of the value
            LocalBuilder valueLocal = GetLocal(node.Type);
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, valueLocal);
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, valueLocal);
            // Set the property after the method call
            // don't re-evaluate anything
            return @this =>
                if (instanceLocal != null)
                    @this._ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, instanceLocal);
                @this._ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, valueLocal);
                @this.EmitCall(instanceLocal?.LocalType, pi.GetSetMethod(nonPublic: true)!);
        private WriteBack? AddressOfWriteBack(IndexExpression node)
            if (node.Indexer == null || !node.Indexer.CanWrite)
                return null;
            return AddressOfWriteBackCore(node); // avoids closure allocation
        private WriteBack AddressOfWriteBackCore(IndexExpression node)
            // emit instance, if any
            LocalBuilder? instanceLocal = null;
            Type? instanceType = null;
            if (node.Object != null)
                EmitInstance(node.Object, out instanceType);
                // store in local
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, instanceLocal = GetInstanceLocal(instanceType));
            // Emit indexes. We don't allow byref args, so no need to worry
            // about write-backs or EmitAddress
            int n = node.ArgumentCount;
            var args = new LocalBuilder[n];
            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                Expression arg = node.GetArgument(i);
                LocalBuilder argLocal = GetLocal(arg.Type);
                _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, argLocal);
                args[i] = argLocal;
            // emit the get
            EmitGetIndexCall(node, instanceType);
            // emit the address of the value
            LocalBuilder valueLocal = GetLocal(node.Type);
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, valueLocal);
            _ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca, valueLocal);
            // Set the property after the method call
            // don't re-evaluate anything
            return @this =>
                if (instanceLocal != null)
                    @this._ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, instanceLocal);
                foreach (LocalBuilder arg in args)
                    @this._ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, arg);
                @this._ilg.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, valueLocal);
                @this.EmitSetIndexCall(node, instanceLocal?.LocalType);
        private LocalBuilder GetInstanceLocal(Type type)
            Type instanceLocalType = type.IsValueType ? type.MakeByRefType() : type;
            return GetLocal(instanceLocalType);