File: System\Linq\Expressions\MethodCallExpression.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Linq.Expressions\src\System.Linq.Expressions.csproj (System.Linq.Expressions)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Dynamic.Utils;
using System.Reflection;
namespace System.Linq.Expressions
    /// <summary>
    /// Represents a call to either static or an instance method.
    /// </summary>
    public class MethodCallExpression : Expression, IArgumentProvider
        internal MethodCallExpression(MethodInfo method)
            Method = method;
        internal virtual Expression? GetInstance() => null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the node type of this <see cref="Expression"/>. (Inherited from <see cref="Expression"/>.)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="ExpressionType"/> that represents this expression.</returns>
        public sealed override ExpressionType NodeType => ExpressionType.Call;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the static type of the expression that this <see cref="Expression"/> represents. (Inherited from <see cref="Expression"/>.)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="System.Type"/> that represents the static type of the expression.</returns>
        public sealed override Type Type => Method.ReturnType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the <see cref="MethodInfo"/> for the method to be called.
        /// </summary>
        public MethodInfo Method { get; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the instance
        /// for instance method calls or null for static method calls.
        /// </summary>
        public Expression? Object => GetInstance();
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a collection of expressions that represent arguments to the method call.
        /// </summary>
        public ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> Arguments => GetOrMakeArguments();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new expression that is like this one, but using the
        /// supplied children. If all of the children are the same, it will
        /// return this expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="object">The <see cref="Object"/> property of the result.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">The <see cref="Arguments"/> property of the result.</param>
        /// <returns>This expression if no children changed, or an expression with the updated children.</returns>
        public MethodCallExpression Update(Expression? @object, IEnumerable<Expression>? arguments)
            if (@object == Object)
                // Ensure arguments is safe to enumerate twice.
                // (If this means a second call to ToReadOnly it will return quickly).
                ICollection<Expression>? args;
                if (arguments == null)
                    args = null;
                    args = arguments as ICollection<Expression>;
                    if (args == null)
                        arguments = args = arguments.ToReadOnly();
                if (SameArguments(args))
                    return this;
            return Call(@object, Method, arguments);
        [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage(Justification = "Unreachable")]
        internal virtual bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments)
            throw ContractUtils.Unreachable;
        [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage(Justification = "Unreachable")]
        internal virtual ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            throw ContractUtils.Unreachable;
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispatches to the specific visit method for this node type.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal override Expression Accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor)
            return visitor.VisitMethodCall(this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new MethodCallExpression replacing the existing instance/args with the
        /// newly provided instance and args.    Arguments can be null to use the existing
        /// arguments.
        /// This helper is provided to allow re-writing of nodes to not depend on the specific optimized
        /// subclass of MethodCallExpression which is being used.
        /// </summary>
        [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage(Justification = "Unreachable")]
        internal virtual MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            throw ContractUtils.Unreachable;
        #region IArgumentProvider Members
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the argument expression with the specified <paramref name="index"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the argument expression to get.</param>
        /// <returns>The expression representing the argument at the specified <paramref name="index"/>.</returns>
        [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage(Justification = "Unreachable")]
        public virtual Expression GetArgument(int index)
            throw ContractUtils.Unreachable;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the number of argument expressions of the node.
        /// </summary>
        [ExcludeFromCodeCoverage(Justification = "Unreachable")]
        public virtual int ArgumentCount
            get { throw ContractUtils.Unreachable; }
    #region Specialized Subclasses
    internal class InstanceMethodCallExpression : MethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private readonly Expression _instance;
        public InstanceMethodCallExpression(MethodInfo method, Expression instance)
            : base(method)
            Debug.Assert(instance != null);
            _instance = instance;
        internal override Expression GetInstance() => _instance;
    internal sealed class MethodCallExpressionN : MethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private IReadOnlyList<Expression> _arguments;
        public MethodCallExpressionN(MethodInfo method, IReadOnlyList<Expression> args)
            : base(method)
            _arguments = args;
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index) => _arguments[index];
        public override int ArgumentCount => _arguments.Count;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ExpressionUtils.ReturnReadOnly(ref _arguments);
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments) =>
            ExpressionUtils.SameElements(arguments, _arguments);
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression? instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance == null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == _arguments.Count);
            return Expression.Call(Method, args ?? _arguments);
    internal sealed class InstanceMethodCallExpressionN : InstanceMethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private IReadOnlyList<Expression> _arguments;
        public InstanceMethodCallExpressionN(MethodInfo method, Expression instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression> args)
            : base(method, instance)
            _arguments = args;
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index) => _arguments[index];
        public override int ArgumentCount => _arguments.Count;
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments) =>
            ExpressionUtils.SameElements(arguments, _arguments);
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ExpressionUtils.ReturnReadOnly(ref _arguments);
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance != null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == _arguments.Count);
            return Expression.Call(instance, Method, args ?? _arguments);
    internal sealed class MethodCallExpression0 : MethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        public MethodCallExpression0(MethodInfo method)
            : base(method)
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
        public override int ArgumentCount => 0;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ReadOnlyCollection<Expression>.Empty;
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments) =>
            arguments == null || arguments.Count == 0;
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression? instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance == null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == 0);
            return Expression.Call(Method);
    internal sealed class MethodCallExpression1 : MethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private object _arg0;       // storage for the 1st argument or a read-only collection.  See IArgumentProvider
        public MethodCallExpression1(MethodInfo method, Expression arg0)
            : base(method)
            _arg0 = arg0;
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index) =>
            index switch
                0 => ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0),
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)),
        public override int ArgumentCount => 1;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ExpressionUtils.ReturnReadOnly(this, ref _arg0);
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments)
            if (arguments != null && arguments.Count == 1)
                using (IEnumerator<Expression> en = arguments.GetEnumerator())
                    return en.Current == ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0);
            return false;
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression? instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance == null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == 1);
            if (args != null)
                return Expression.Call(Method, args[0]);
            return Expression.Call(Method, ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0));
    internal sealed class MethodCallExpression2 : MethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private object _arg0;               // storage for the 1st argument or a read-only collection.  See IArgumentProvider
        private readonly Expression _arg1;  // storage for the 2nd arg
        public MethodCallExpression2(MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1)
            : base(method)
            _arg0 = arg0;
            _arg1 = arg1;
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index)
            return index switch
                0 => ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0),
                1 => _arg1,
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)),
        public override int ArgumentCount => 2;
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments)
            if (arguments != null && arguments.Count == 2)
                if (_arg0 is ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> alreadyCollection)
                    return ExpressionUtils.SameElements(arguments, alreadyCollection);
                using (IEnumerator<Expression> en = arguments.GetEnumerator())
                    if (en.Current == _arg0)
                        return en.Current == _arg1;
            return false;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ExpressionUtils.ReturnReadOnly(this, ref _arg0);
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression? instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance == null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == 2);
            if (args != null)
                return Expression.Call(Method, args[0], args[1]);
            return Expression.Call(Method, ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0), _arg1);
    internal sealed class MethodCallExpression3 : MethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private object _arg0;           // storage for the 1st argument or a read-only collection.  See IArgumentProvider
        private readonly Expression _arg1, _arg2; // storage for the 2nd - 3rd args.
        public MethodCallExpression3(MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
            : base(method)
            _arg0 = arg0;
            _arg1 = arg1;
            _arg2 = arg2;
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index)
            return index switch
                0 => ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0),
                1 => _arg1,
                2 => _arg2,
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)),
        public override int ArgumentCount => 3;
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments)
            if (arguments != null && arguments.Count == 3)
                if (_arg0 is ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> alreadyCollection)
                    return ExpressionUtils.SameElements(arguments, alreadyCollection);
                using (IEnumerator<Expression> en = arguments.GetEnumerator())
                    if (en.Current == _arg0)
                        if (en.Current == _arg1)
                            return en.Current == _arg2;
            return false;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ExpressionUtils.ReturnReadOnly(this, ref _arg0);
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression? instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance == null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == 3);
            if (args != null)
                return Expression.Call(Method, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
            return Expression.Call(Method, ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0), _arg1, _arg2);
    internal sealed class MethodCallExpression4 : MethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private object _arg0;               // storage for the 1st argument or a read-only collection.  See IArgumentProvider
        private readonly Expression _arg1, _arg2, _arg3;  // storage for the 2nd - 4th args.
        public MethodCallExpression4(MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3)
            : base(method)
            _arg0 = arg0;
            _arg1 = arg1;
            _arg2 = arg2;
            _arg3 = arg3;
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index)
            return index switch
                0 => ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0),
                1 => _arg1,
                2 => _arg2,
                3 => _arg3,
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)),
        public override int ArgumentCount => 4;
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments)
            if (arguments != null && arguments.Count == 4)
                if (_arg0 is ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> alreadyCollection)
                    return ExpressionUtils.SameElements(arguments, alreadyCollection);
                using (IEnumerator<Expression> en = arguments.GetEnumerator())
                    if (en.Current == _arg0)
                        if (en.Current == _arg1)
                            if (en.Current == _arg2)
                                return en.Current == _arg3;
            return false;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ExpressionUtils.ReturnReadOnly(this, ref _arg0);
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression? instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance == null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == 4);
            if (args != null)
                return Expression.Call(Method, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
            return Expression.Call(Method, ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0), _arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
    internal sealed class MethodCallExpression5 : MethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private object _arg0;           // storage for the 1st argument or a read-only collection.  See IArgumentProvider
        private readonly Expression _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4;   // storage for the 2nd - 5th args.
        public MethodCallExpression5(MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3, Expression arg4)
            : base(method)
            _arg0 = arg0;
            _arg1 = arg1;
            _arg2 = arg2;
            _arg3 = arg3;
            _arg4 = arg4;
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index)
            return index switch
                0 => ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0),
                1 => _arg1,
                2 => _arg2,
                3 => _arg3,
                4 => _arg4,
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)),
        public override int ArgumentCount => 5;
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments)
            if (arguments != null && arguments.Count == 5)
                if (_arg0 is ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> alreadyCollection)
                    return ExpressionUtils.SameElements(arguments, alreadyCollection);
                using (IEnumerator<Expression> en = arguments.GetEnumerator())
                    if (en.Current == _arg0)
                        if (en.Current == _arg1)
                            if (en.Current == _arg2)
                                if (en.Current == _arg3)
                                    return en.Current == _arg4;
            return false;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ExpressionUtils.ReturnReadOnly(this, ref _arg0);
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression? instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance == null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == 5);
            if (args != null)
                return Expression.Call(Method, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
            return Expression.Call(Method, ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0), _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4);
    internal sealed class InstanceMethodCallExpression0 : InstanceMethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        public InstanceMethodCallExpression0(MethodInfo method, Expression instance)
            : base(method, instance)
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
        public override int ArgumentCount => 0;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ReadOnlyCollection<Expression>.Empty;
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments) =>
            arguments == null || arguments.Count == 0;
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance != null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == 0);
            return Expression.Call(instance, Method);
    internal sealed class InstanceMethodCallExpression1 : InstanceMethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private object _arg0;                // storage for the 1st argument or a read-only collection.  See IArgumentProvider
        public InstanceMethodCallExpression1(MethodInfo method, Expression instance, Expression arg0)
            : base(method, instance)
            _arg0 = arg0;
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index)
            return index switch
                0 => ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0),
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)),
        public override int ArgumentCount => 1;
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments)
            if (arguments != null && arguments.Count == 1)
                using (IEnumerator<Expression> en = arguments.GetEnumerator())
                    return en.Current == ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0);
            return false;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ExpressionUtils.ReturnReadOnly(this, ref _arg0);
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance != null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == 1);
            if (args != null)
                return Expression.Call(instance, Method, args[0]);
            return Expression.Call(instance, Method, ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0));
    internal sealed class InstanceMethodCallExpression2 : InstanceMethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private object _arg0;                // storage for the 1st argument or a read-only collection.  See IArgumentProvider
        private readonly Expression _arg1;   // storage for the 2nd argument
        public InstanceMethodCallExpression2(MethodInfo method, Expression instance, Expression arg0, Expression arg1)
            : base(method, instance)
            _arg0 = arg0;
            _arg1 = arg1;
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index)
            return index switch
                0 => ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0),
                1 => _arg1,
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)),
        public override int ArgumentCount => 2;
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments)
            if (arguments != null && arguments.Count == 2)
                if (_arg0 is ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> alreadyCollection)
                    return ExpressionUtils.SameElements(arguments, alreadyCollection);
                using (IEnumerator<Expression> en = arguments.GetEnumerator())
                    if (en.Current == _arg0)
                        return en.Current == _arg1;
            return false;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ExpressionUtils.ReturnReadOnly(this, ref _arg0);
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance != null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == 2);
            if (args != null)
                return Expression.Call(instance, Method, args[0], args[1]);
            return Expression.Call(instance, Method, ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0), _arg1);
    internal sealed class InstanceMethodCallExpression3 : InstanceMethodCallExpression, IArgumentProvider
        private object _arg0;                       // storage for the 1st argument or a read-only collection.  See IArgumentProvider
        private readonly Expression _arg1, _arg2;   // storage for the 2nd - 3rd argument
        public InstanceMethodCallExpression3(MethodInfo method, Expression instance, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
            : base(method, instance)
            _arg0 = arg0;
            _arg1 = arg1;
            _arg2 = arg2;
        public override Expression GetArgument(int index)
            return index switch
                0 => ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0),
                1 => _arg1,
                2 => _arg2,
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index)),
        public override int ArgumentCount => 3;
        internal override bool SameArguments(ICollection<Expression>? arguments)
            if (arguments != null && arguments.Count == 3)
                if (_arg0 is ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> alreadyCollection)
                    return ExpressionUtils.SameElements(arguments, alreadyCollection);
                using (IEnumerator<Expression> en = arguments.GetEnumerator())
                    if (en.Current == _arg0)
                        if (en.Current == _arg1)
                            return en.Current == _arg2;
            return false;
        internal override ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> GetOrMakeArguments()
            return ExpressionUtils.ReturnReadOnly(this, ref _arg0);
        internal override MethodCallExpression Rewrite(Expression instance, IReadOnlyList<Expression>? args)
            Debug.Assert(instance != null);
            Debug.Assert(args == null || args.Count == 3);
            if (args != null)
                return Expression.Call(instance, Method, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
            return Expression.Call(instance, Method, ExpressionUtils.ReturnObject<Expression>(_arg0), _arg1, _arg2);
    public partial class Expression
        #region Call
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a static method that takes no arguments.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        /// <param name="method">A <see cref="MethodInfo"/> to set the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> property equal to.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="method"/> is null.</exception>
        internal static MethodCallExpression Call(MethodInfo method)
            // NB: Keeping this method as internal to avoid public API changes; it's internal for MethodCallExpression0.Rewrite.
            ParameterInfo[] pis = ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(null, method);
            ValidateArgumentCount(method, ExpressionType.Call, 0, pis);
            return new MethodCallExpression0(method);
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a static method that takes one argument.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        /// <param name="method">A <see cref="MethodInfo"/> to set the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> property equal to.</param>
        /// <param name="arg0">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the first argument.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="method"/> is null.</exception>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(MethodInfo method, Expression arg0)
            ParameterInfo[] pis = ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(null, method);
            ValidateArgumentCount(method, ExpressionType.Call, 1, pis);
            arg0 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg0, pis[0], nameof(method), nameof(arg0));
            return new MethodCallExpression1(method, arg0);
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a static method that takes two arguments.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        /// <param name="method">A <see cref="MethodInfo"/> to set the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> property equal to.</param>
        /// <param name="arg0">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the first argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg1">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the second argument.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="method"/> is null.</exception>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1)
            ParameterInfo[] pis = ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(null, method);
            ValidateArgumentCount(method, ExpressionType.Call, 2, pis);
            arg0 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg0, pis[0], nameof(method), nameof(arg0));
            arg1 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg1, pis[1], nameof(method), nameof(arg1));
            return new MethodCallExpression2(method, arg0, arg1);
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a static method that takes three arguments.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        /// <param name="method">A <see cref="MethodInfo"/> to set the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> property equal to.</param>
        /// <param name="arg0">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the first argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg1">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the second argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg2">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the third argument.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="method"/> is null.</exception>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
            ParameterInfo[] pis = ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(null, method);
            ValidateArgumentCount(method, ExpressionType.Call, 3, pis);
            arg0 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg0, pis[0], nameof(method), nameof(arg0));
            arg1 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg1, pis[1], nameof(method), nameof(arg1));
            arg2 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg2, pis[2], nameof(method), nameof(arg2));
            return new MethodCallExpression3(method, arg0, arg1, arg2);
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a static method that takes four arguments.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        /// <param name="method">A <see cref="MethodInfo"/> to set the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> property equal to.</param>
        /// <param name="arg0">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the first argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg1">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the second argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg2">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the third argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg3">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the fourth argument.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="method"/> is null.</exception>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3)
            ParameterInfo[] pis = ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(null, method);
            ValidateArgumentCount(method, ExpressionType.Call, 4, pis);
            arg0 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg0, pis[0], nameof(method), nameof(arg0));
            arg1 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg1, pis[1], nameof(method), nameof(arg1));
            arg2 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg2, pis[2], nameof(method), nameof(arg2));
            arg3 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg3, pis[3], nameof(method), nameof(arg3));
            return new MethodCallExpression4(method, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a static method that takes five arguments.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        /// <param name="method">A <see cref="MethodInfo"/> to set the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> property equal to.</param>
        /// <param name="arg0">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the first argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg1">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the second argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg2">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the third argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg3">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the fourth argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg4">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the fifth argument.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="method"/> is null.</exception>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2, Expression arg3, Expression arg4)
            ParameterInfo[] pis = ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(null, method);
            ValidateArgumentCount(method, ExpressionType.Call, 5, pis);
            arg0 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg0, pis[0], nameof(method), nameof(arg0));
            arg1 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg1, pis[1], nameof(method), nameof(arg1));
            arg2 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg2, pis[2], nameof(method), nameof(arg2));
            arg3 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg3, pis[3], nameof(method), nameof(arg3));
            arg4 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg4, pis[4], nameof(method), nameof(arg4));
            return new MethodCallExpression5(method, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a static (Shared in Visual Basic) method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">The <see cref="MethodInfo"/> that represents the target method.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">The array of one or more of <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the call arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(MethodInfo method, params Expression[]? arguments)
            return Call(null, method, arguments);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a static (Shared in Visual Basic) method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">The <see cref="MethodInfo"/> that represents the target method.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">A collection of <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the call arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(MethodInfo method, IEnumerable<Expression>? arguments)
            return Call(null, method, arguments);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a method that takes no arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">An <see cref="Expression"/> that specifies the instance for an instance call. (pass null for a static (Shared in Visual Basic) method).</param>
        /// <param name="method">The <see cref="MethodInfo"/> that represents the target method.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(Expression? instance, MethodInfo method)
            ParameterInfo[] pis = ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(instance, method);
            ValidateArgumentCount(method, ExpressionType.Call, 0, pis);
            if (instance != null)
                return new InstanceMethodCallExpression0(method, instance);
            return new MethodCallExpression0(method);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a method call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">An <see cref="Expression"/> that specifies the instance for an instance call. (pass null for a static (Shared in Visual Basic) method).</param>
        /// <param name="method">The <see cref="MethodInfo"/> that represents the target method.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">An array of one or more of <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the call arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, params Expression[]? arguments)
            return Call(instance, method, (IEnumerable<Expression>?)arguments);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a method that takes one argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">An <see cref="Expression"/> that specifies the instance for an instance call. (pass null for a static (Shared in Visual Basic) method).</param>
        /// <param name="method">The <see cref="MethodInfo"/> that represents the target method.</param>
        /// <param name="arg0">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the first argument.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        internal static MethodCallExpression Call(Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, Expression arg0)
            // COMPAT: This method is marked as non-public to ensure compile-time compatibility for Expression.Call(e, m, null).
            ParameterInfo[] pis = ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(instance, method);
            ValidateArgumentCount(method, ExpressionType.Call, 1, pis);
            arg0 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg0, pis[0], nameof(method), nameof(arg0));
            if (instance != null)
                return new InstanceMethodCallExpression1(method, instance, arg0);
            return new MethodCallExpression1(method, arg0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a method that takes two arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">An <see cref="Expression"/> that specifies the instance for an instance call. (pass null for a static (Shared in Visual Basic) method).</param>
        /// <param name="method">The <see cref="MethodInfo"/> that represents the target method.</param>
        /// <param name="arg0">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the first argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg1">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the second argument.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1)
            ParameterInfo[] pis = ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(instance, method);
            ValidateArgumentCount(method, ExpressionType.Call, 2, pis);
            arg0 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg0, pis[0], nameof(method), nameof(arg0));
            arg1 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg1, pis[1], nameof(method), nameof(arg1));
            if (instance != null)
                return new InstanceMethodCallExpression2(method, instance, arg0, arg1);
            return new MethodCallExpression2(method, arg0, arg1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a method that takes three arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">An <see cref="Expression"/> that specifies the instance for an instance call. (pass null for a static (Shared in Visual Basic) method).</param>
        /// <param name="method">The <see cref="MethodInfo"/> that represents the target method.</param>
        /// <param name="arg0">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the first argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg1">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the second argument.</param>
        /// <param name="arg2">The <see cref="Expression"/> that represents the third argument.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, Expression arg0, Expression arg1, Expression arg2)
            ParameterInfo[] pis = ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(instance, method);
            ValidateArgumentCount(method, ExpressionType.Call, 3, pis);
            arg0 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg0, pis[0], nameof(method), nameof(arg0));
            arg1 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg1, pis[1], nameof(method), nameof(arg1));
            arg2 = ValidateOneArgument(method, ExpressionType.Call, arg2, pis[2], nameof(method), nameof(arg2));
            if (instance != null)
                return new InstanceMethodCallExpression3(method, instance, arg0, arg1, arg2);
            return new MethodCallExpression3(method, arg0, arg1, arg2);
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to an instance method by calling the appropriate factory method.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/>, the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> property equal to <paramref name="instance"/>, <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> set to the <see cref="MethodInfo"/> that represents the specified instance method, and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Arguments"/> set to the specified arguments.</returns>
        /// <param name="instance">An <see cref="Expression"/> whose <see cref="Type"/> property value will be searched for a specific method.</param>
        /// <param name="methodName">The name of the method.</param>
        /// <param name="typeArguments">
        ///An array of <see cref="Type"/> objects that specify the type parameters of the generic method.
        ///This argument should be null when <paramref name="methodName"/> specifies a non-generic method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="arguments">An array of <see cref="Expression"/> objects that represents the arguments to the method.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="instance"/> or <paramref name="methodName"/> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">No method whose name is <paramref name="methodName"/>, whose type parameters match <paramref name="typeArguments"/>, and whose parameter types match <paramref name="arguments"/> is found in <paramref name="instance"/>.Type or its base types.-or-More than one method whose name is <paramref name="methodName"/>, whose type parameters match <paramref name="typeArguments"/>, and whose parameter types match <paramref name="arguments"/> is found in <paramref name="instance"/>.Type or its base types.</exception>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(Expression instance, string methodName, Type[]? typeArguments, params Expression[]? arguments)
            arguments ??= Array.Empty<Expression>();
            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;
            return Expression.Call(instance, FindMethod(instance.Type, methodName, typeArguments, arguments, flags)!, arguments);
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a call to a static (Shared in Visual Basic) method by calling the appropriate factory method.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/>, the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> property set to the <see cref="MethodInfo"/> that represents the specified static (Shared in Visual Basic) method, and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Arguments"/> property set to the specified arguments.</returns>
        /// <param name="type">The <see cref="Type"/> that specifies the type that contains the specified static (Shared in Visual Basic) method.</param>
        /// <param name="methodName">The name of the method.</param>
        /// <param name="typeArguments">
        ///An array of <see cref="Type"/> objects that specify the type parameters of the generic method.
        ///This argument should be null when <paramref name="methodName"/> specifies a non-generic method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="arguments">An array of <see cref="Expression"/> objects that represent the arguments to the method.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="type"/> or <paramref name="methodName"/> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">No method whose name is <paramref name="methodName"/>, whose type parameters match <paramref name="typeArguments"/>, and whose parameter types match <paramref name="arguments"/> is found in <paramref name="type"/> or its base types.-or-More than one method whose name is <paramref name="methodName"/>, whose type parameters match <paramref name="typeArguments"/>, and whose parameter types match <paramref name="arguments"/> is found in <paramref name="type"/> or its base types.</exception>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(
            [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicMethods)] Type type,
            string methodName,
            Type[]? typeArguments,
            params Expression[]? arguments)
            arguments ??= Array.Empty<Expression>();
            const BindingFlags Flags = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy;
            return Expression.Call(null, FindMethod(type, methodName, typeArguments, arguments, Flags)!, arguments);
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents a method call.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/>, <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/>, and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Arguments"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        /// <param name="instance">An <see cref="Expression"/> to set the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> property equal to (pass null for a static (Shared in Visual Basic) method).</param>
        /// <param name="method">A <see cref="MethodInfo"/> to set the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Method"/> property equal to.</param>
        /// <param name="arguments">An <see cref="IEnumerable{Expression}"/> that contains <see cref="Expression"/> objects to use to populate the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Arguments"/> collection.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="method"/> is null.-or-<paramref name="instance"/> is null and <paramref name="method"/> represents an instance method.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="instance"/>.Type is not assignable to the declaring type of the method represented by <paramref name="method"/>.-or-The number of elements in <paramref name="arguments"/> does not equal the number of parameters for the method represented by <paramref name="method"/>.-or-One or more of the elements of <paramref name="arguments"/> is not assignable to the corresponding parameter for the method represented by <paramref name="method"/>.</exception>
        public static MethodCallExpression Call(Expression? instance, MethodInfo method, IEnumerable<Expression>? arguments)
            IReadOnlyList<Expression> argumentList = arguments as IReadOnlyList<Expression> ?? arguments.ToReadOnly();
            int argCount = argumentList.Count;
            switch (argCount)
                case 0:
                    return Call(instance, method);
                case 1:
                    return Call(instance, method, argumentList[0]);
                case 2:
                    return Call(instance, method, argumentList[0], argumentList[1]);
                case 3:
                    return Call(instance, method, argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2]);
            if (instance == null)
                switch (argCount)
                    case 4:
                        return Call(method, argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2], argumentList[3]);
                    case 5:
                        return Call(method, argumentList[0], argumentList[1], argumentList[2], argumentList[3], argumentList[4]);
            // If this has resulted in a duplicate call to ToReadOnly (any case except arguments being
            // a large IReadOnlyList that is not TrueReadOnlyCollection) it will return argumentList
            // back again quickly.
            ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> argList = argumentList.ToReadOnly();
            ValidateMethodInfo(method, nameof(method));
            ValidateStaticOrInstanceMethod(instance, method);
            ValidateArgumentTypes(method, ExpressionType.Call, ref argList, nameof(method));
            if (instance == null)
                return new MethodCallExpressionN(method, argList);
                return new InstanceMethodCallExpressionN(method, instance, argList);
        private static ParameterInfo[] ValidateMethodAndGetParameters(Expression? instance, MethodInfo method)
            ValidateMethodInfo(method, nameof(method));
            ValidateStaticOrInstanceMethod(instance, method);
            return GetParametersForValidation(method, ExpressionType.Call);
        private static void ValidateStaticOrInstanceMethod(Expression? instance, MethodInfo method)
            if (method.IsStatic)
                if (instance != null) throw Error.OnlyStaticMethodsHaveNullInstance();
                if (instance == null) throw Error.OnlyStaticMethodsHaveNullInstance();
                ExpressionUtils.RequiresCanRead(instance, nameof(instance));
                ValidateCallInstanceType(instance.Type, method);
        private static void ValidateCallInstanceType(Type instanceType, MethodInfo method)
            if (!TypeUtils.IsValidInstanceType(method, instanceType))
                throw Error.InstanceAndMethodTypeMismatch(method, method.DeclaringType, instanceType);
        private static void ValidateArgumentTypes(MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind, ref ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> arguments, string methodParamName)
            ExpressionUtils.ValidateArgumentTypes(method, nodeKind, ref arguments, methodParamName);
        private static ParameterInfo[] GetParametersForValidation(MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind)
            return ExpressionUtils.GetParametersForValidation(method, nodeKind);
        private static void ValidateArgumentCount(MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind, int count, ParameterInfo[] pis)
            ExpressionUtils.ValidateArgumentCount(method, nodeKind, count, pis);
        private static Expression ValidateOneArgument(MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind, Expression arg, ParameterInfo pi, string methodParamName, string argumentParamName)
            return ExpressionUtils.ValidateOneArgument(method, nodeKind, arg, pi, methodParamName, argumentParamName);
        // Attempts to auto-quote the expression tree. Returns true if it succeeded, false otherwise.
        private static bool TryQuote(Type parameterType, ref Expression argument)
            return ExpressionUtils.TryQuote(parameterType, ref argument);
        private static MethodInfo? FindMethod(
            [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicMethods)] Type type,
            string methodName,
            Type[]? typeArgs,
            Expression[] args,
            BindingFlags flags)
            int count = 0;
            MethodInfo? method = null;
            foreach (MethodInfo mi in type.GetMethods(flags))
                if (mi.Name.Equals(methodName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    MethodInfo? moo = ApplyTypeArgs(mi, typeArgs);
                    if (moo != null && IsCompatible(moo, args))
                        // favor public over non-public methods
                        if (method == null || (!method.IsPublic && moo.IsPublic))
                            method = moo;
                            count = 1;
                        // only count it as additional method if they both public or both non-public
                        else if (method.IsPublic == moo.IsPublic)
            if (count == 0)
                if (typeArgs != null && typeArgs.Length > 0)
                    throw Error.GenericMethodWithArgsDoesNotExistOnType(methodName, type);
                    throw Error.MethodWithArgsDoesNotExistOnType(methodName, type);
            if (count > 1)
                throw Error.MethodWithMoreThanOneMatch(methodName, type);
            return method;
        private static bool IsCompatible(MethodBase m, Expression[] arguments)
            ParameterInfo[] parms = m.GetParametersCached();
            if (parms.Length != arguments.Length)
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                Expression arg = arguments[i];
                ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(arg, nameof(arguments));
                Type argType = arg.Type;
                Type pType = parms[i].ParameterType;
                if (pType.IsByRef)
                    pType = pType.GetElementType()!;
                if (!TypeUtils.AreReferenceAssignable(pType, argType) &&
                    !(TypeUtils.IsSameOrSubclass(typeof(LambdaExpression), pType) && pType.IsAssignableFrom(arg.GetType())))
                    return false;
            return true;
        private static MethodInfo? ApplyTypeArgs(MethodInfo m, Type[]? typeArgs)
            if (typeArgs == null || typeArgs.Length == 0)
                if (!m.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                    return m;
                if (m.IsGenericMethodDefinition && m.GetGenericArguments().Length == typeArgs.Length)
                    return m.MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs);
            return null;
        #region ArrayIndex
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents applying an array index operator to a multi-dimensional array.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="BinaryExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.ArrayIndex"/> and the <see cref="BinaryExpression.Left"/> and <see cref="BinaryExpression.Right"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        /// <param name="array">An array of <see cref="Expression"/> instances - indexes for the array index operation.</param>
        /// <param name="indexes">An array that contains <see cref="Expression"/> objects to use to populate the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Arguments"/> collection.</param>
        public static MethodCallExpression ArrayIndex(Expression array, params Expression[] indexes)
            return ArrayIndex(array, (IEnumerable<Expression>)indexes);
        /// <summary>Creates a <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that represents applying an array index operator to an array of rank more than one.</summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MethodCallExpression"/> that has the <see cref="NodeType"/> property equal to <see cref="ExpressionType.Call"/> and the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> and <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Arguments"/> properties set to the specified values.</returns>
        /// <param name="array">An <see cref="Expression"/> to set the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Object"/> property equal to.</param>
        /// <param name="indexes">An <see cref="IEnumerable{T}"/> that contains <see cref="Expression"/> objects to use to populate the <see cref="MethodCallExpression.Arguments"/> collection.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// <paramref name="array"/> or <paramref name="indexes"/> is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        /// <paramref name="array"/>.Type does not represent an array type.-or-The rank of <paramref name="array"/>.Type does not match the number of elements in <paramref name="indexes"/>.-or-The <see cref="Expression.Type"/> property of one or more elements of <paramref name="indexes"/> does not represent the <see cref="int"/> type.</exception>
        public static MethodCallExpression ArrayIndex(Expression array, IEnumerable<Expression> indexes)
            ExpressionUtils.RequiresCanRead(array, nameof(array), -1);
            Type arrayType = array.Type;
            if (!arrayType.IsArray)
                throw Error.ArgumentMustBeArray(nameof(array));
            ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> indexList = indexes.ToReadOnly();
            if (arrayType.GetArrayRank() != indexList.Count)
                throw Error.IncorrectNumberOfIndexes();
            for (int i = 0, n = indexList.Count; i < n; i++)
                Expression e = indexList[i];
                ExpressionUtils.RequiresCanRead(e, nameof(indexes), i);
                if (e.Type != typeof(int))
                    throw Error.ArgumentMustBeArrayIndexType(nameof(indexes), i);
            MethodInfo mi = TypeUtils.GetArrayGetMethod(array.Type);
            return Call(array, mi, indexList);