1 instantiation of GotoExpression
System.Linq.Expressions (1)
System\Linq\Expressions\GotoExpression.cs (1)
336return new GotoExpression(kind, target, value, type);
118 references to GotoExpression
netstandard (1)
netstandard.cs (1)
1000[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpression))]
System.Core (1)
System.Core.cs (1)
138[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpression))]
System.Linq.Expressions (115)
System\Linq\Expressions\Compiler\LambdaCompiler.ControlFlow.cs (2)
95var node = (GotoExpression)expr;
System\Linq\Expressions\Compiler\LambdaCompiler.Statements.cs (4)
46var g = next as GotoExpression; 462var jump = @case.Body as GotoExpression;
System\Linq\Expressions\Compiler\StackSpiller.cs (2)
855var node = (GotoExpression)expr;
System\Linq\Expressions\DebugViewWriter.cs (1)
1002protected internal override Expression VisitGoto(GotoExpression node)
System\Linq\Expressions\Expression.DebuggerProxy.cs (2)
145private readonly GotoExpression _node; 147public GotoExpressionProxy(GotoExpression node)
System\Linq\Expressions\ExpressionStringBuilder.cs (1)
685protected internal override Expression VisitGoto(GotoExpression node)
System\Linq\Expressions\ExpressionVisitor.cs (2)
286/// Visits the children of the <see cref="GotoExpression"/>. 291protected internal virtual Expression VisitGoto(GotoExpression node)
System\Linq\Expressions\GotoExpression.cs (97)
10/// Specifies what kind of jump this <see cref="GotoExpression"/> represents. 15/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> that represents a jump to some location. 19/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> that represents a return statement. 23/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> that represents a break statement. 27/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> that represents a continue statement. 90public GotoExpression Update(LabelTarget target, Expression? value) 103/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a break statement. 105/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 107/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Break"/>, 108/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, and a null value to be passed to the target label upon jumping. 110public static GotoExpression Break(LabelTarget target) 116/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a break statement. The value passed to the label upon jumping can be specified. 118/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 121/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Break"/>, 122/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 125public static GotoExpression Break(LabelTarget target, Expression? value) 131/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a break statement with the specified type. 133/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 136/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Break"/>, 137/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 140public static GotoExpression Break(LabelTarget target, Type type) 146/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a break statement with the specified type. 149/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 153/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Break"/>, 154/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 158public static GotoExpression Break(LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type) 164/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a continue statement. 166/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 168/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Continue"/>, 169/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 172public static GotoExpression Continue(LabelTarget target) 178/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a continue statement with the specified type. 180/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 183/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Continue"/>, 184/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 188public static GotoExpression Continue(LabelTarget target, Type type) 194/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a return statement. 196/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 198/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Return"/>, 199/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 202public static GotoExpression Return(LabelTarget target) 208/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a return statement with the specified type. 210/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 213/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Return"/>, 214/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 218public static GotoExpression Return(LabelTarget target, Type type) 224/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a return statement. The value passed to the label upon jumping can be specified. 226/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 229/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Return"/>, 230/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 233public static GotoExpression Return(LabelTarget target, Expression? value) 239/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a return statement with the specified type. 242/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 246/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Return"/>, 247/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 251public static GotoExpression Return(LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type) 257/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a goto. 259/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 261/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Goto"/>, 262/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to the specified value, 265public static GotoExpression Goto(LabelTarget target) 271/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a goto with the specified type. 273/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 276/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Goto"/>, 277/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to the specified value, 281public static GotoExpression Goto(LabelTarget target, Type type) 287/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a goto. The value passed to the label upon jumping can be specified. 289/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 292/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Goto"/>, 293/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 296public static GotoExpression Goto(LabelTarget target, Expression? value) 302/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a goto with the specified type. 305/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 309/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <see cref="GotoExpressionKind.Goto"/>, 310/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 314public static GotoExpression Goto(LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type) 320/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a jump of the specified <see cref="GotoExpressionKind"/>. 323/// <param name="kind">The <see cref="GotoExpressionKind"/> of the <see cref="GotoExpression"/>.</param> 324/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 328/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <paramref name="kind"/>, 329/// the <see cref="GotoExpression.Target"/> property set to <paramref name="target"/>, 333public static GotoExpression MakeGoto(GotoExpressionKind kind, LabelTarget target, Expression? value, Type type)
System\Linq\Expressions\Interpreter\LightCompiler.cs (2)
1766var node = (GotoExpression)expr;
System\Linq\Expressions\LabelExpression.cs (1)
11/// <see cref="GotoExpression"/>. Otherwise, it gets the value in <see cref="DefaultValue"/>. If the
System\Linq\Expressions\LabelTarget.cs (1)
9/// Used to denote the target of a <see cref="GotoExpression"/>.
System.Linq.Queryable (1)
System\Linq\EnumerableRewriter.cs (1)
407protected override Expression VisitGoto(GotoExpression node)