// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Sources;
namespace System.IO.Pipelines
/// <summary>The default <see cref="System.IO.Pipelines.PipeWriter" /> and <see cref="System.IO.Pipelines.PipeReader" /> implementation.</summary>
public sealed partial class Pipe
private static readonly Action<object?> s_signalReaderAwaitable = state => ((Pipe)state!).ReaderCancellationRequested();
private static readonly Action<object?> s_signalWriterAwaitable = state => ((Pipe)state!).WriterCancellationRequested();
private static readonly Action<object?> s_invokeCompletionCallbacks = state => ((PipeCompletionCallbacks)state!).Execute();
// These callbacks all point to the same methods but are different delegate types
private static readonly ContextCallback s_executionContextRawCallback = ExecuteWithoutExecutionContext!;
private static readonly SendOrPostCallback s_syncContextExecutionContextCallback = ExecuteWithExecutionContext!;
private static readonly SendOrPostCallback s_syncContextExecuteWithoutExecutionContextCallback = ExecuteWithoutExecutionContext!;
private static readonly Action<object?> s_scheduleWithExecutionContextCallback = ExecuteWithExecutionContext!;
// Mutable struct! Don't make this readonly
private BufferSegmentStack _bufferSegmentPool;
private readonly DefaultPipeReader _reader;
private readonly DefaultPipeWriter _writer;
// The options instance
private readonly PipeOptions _options;
private readonly object _sync = new object();
// Computed state from the options instance
private bool UseSynchronizationContext => _options.UseSynchronizationContext;
private int MinimumSegmentSize => _options.MinimumSegmentSize;
private long PauseWriterThreshold => _options.PauseWriterThreshold;
private long ResumeWriterThreshold => _options.ResumeWriterThreshold;
private PipeScheduler ReaderScheduler => _options.ReaderScheduler;
private PipeScheduler WriterScheduler => _options.WriterScheduler;
// This sync objects protects the shared state between the writer and reader (most of this class)
private object SyncObj => _sync;
// The number of bytes flushed but not consumed by the reader
private long _unconsumedBytes;
// The number of bytes written but not flushed
private long _unflushedBytes;
private PipeAwaitable _readerAwaitable;
private PipeAwaitable _writerAwaitable;
private PipeCompletion _writerCompletion;
private PipeCompletion _readerCompletion;
// Stores the last examined position, used to calculate how many bytes were to release
// for back pressure management
private long _lastExaminedIndex = -1;
// The read head which is the start of the PipeReader's consumed bytes
private BufferSegment? _readHead;
private int _readHeadIndex;
private bool _disposed;
// The extent of the bytes available to the PipeReader to consume
private BufferSegment? _readTail;
private int _readTailIndex;
private int _minimumReadBytes;
// The write head which is the extent of the PipeWriter's written bytes
private BufferSegment? _writingHead;
private Memory<byte> _writingHeadMemory;
private int _writingHeadBytesBuffered;
// Determines what current operation is in flight (reading/writing)
private PipeOperationState _operationState;
internal long Length => _unconsumedBytes;
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="System.IO.Pipelines.Pipe" /> class using <see cref="System.IO.Pipelines.PipeOptions.Default" /> as options.</summary>
public Pipe() : this(PipeOptions.Default)
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="System.IO.Pipelines.Pipe" /> class with the specified options.</summary>
/// <param name="options">The set of options for this pipe.</param>
public Pipe(PipeOptions options)
if (options == null)
_bufferSegmentPool = new BufferSegmentStack(options.InitialSegmentPoolSize);
_operationState = default;
_readerCompletion = default;
_writerCompletion = default;
_options = options;
_readerAwaitable = new PipeAwaitable(completed: false, UseSynchronizationContext);
_writerAwaitable = new PipeAwaitable(completed: true, UseSynchronizationContext);
_reader = new DefaultPipeReader(this);
_writer = new DefaultPipeWriter(this);
private void ResetState()
_readerAwaitable = new PipeAwaitable(completed: false, UseSynchronizationContext);
_writerAwaitable = new PipeAwaitable(completed: true, UseSynchronizationContext);
_readTailIndex = 0;
_readHeadIndex = 0;
_lastExaminedIndex = -1;
_unflushedBytes = 0;
_unconsumedBytes = 0;
internal Memory<byte> GetMemory(int sizeHint)
if (_writerCompletion.IsCompleted)
if (sizeHint < 0)
return _writingHeadMemory;
internal Span<byte> GetSpan(int sizeHint)
if (_writerCompletion.IsCompleted)
if (sizeHint < 0)
return _writingHeadMemory.Span;
private void AllocateWriteHeadIfNeeded(int sizeHint)
// If writing is currently active and enough space, don't need to take the lock to just set WritingActive.
// IsWritingActive is needed to prevent the reader releasing the writers memory when it fully consumes currently written.
if (!_operationState.IsWritingActive ||
_writingHeadMemory.Length == 0 || _writingHeadMemory.Length < sizeHint)
private void AllocateWriteHeadSynchronized(int sizeHint)
lock (SyncObj)
if (_writingHead == null)
// We need to allocate memory to write since nobody has written before
BufferSegment newSegment = AllocateSegment(sizeHint);
// Set all the pointers
_writingHead = _readHead = _readTail = newSegment;
_lastExaminedIndex = 0;
int bytesLeftInBuffer = _writingHeadMemory.Length;
if (bytesLeftInBuffer == 0 || bytesLeftInBuffer < sizeHint)
if (_writingHeadBytesBuffered > 0)
// Flush buffered data to the segment
_writingHead.End += _writingHeadBytesBuffered;
_writingHeadBytesBuffered = 0;
if (_writingHead.Length == 0)
// If we got here that means Advance was called with 0 bytes or GetMemory was called again without any writes occurring
// And, the newly requested memory size is greater than our unused segments internal memory buffer
// So we should reuse the BufferSegment and replace the memory it's holding, this way ReadAsync will not receive a buffer with one segment being empty
RentMemory(_writingHead, sizeHint);
BufferSegment newSegment = AllocateSegment(sizeHint);
_writingHead = newSegment;
private BufferSegment AllocateSegment(int sizeHint)
BufferSegment newSegment = CreateSegmentUnsynchronized();
RentMemory(newSegment, sizeHint);
return newSegment;
private void RentMemory(BufferSegment segment, int sizeHint)
// Segment should be new or reset, otherwise a memory leak could occur
Debug.Assert(segment.MemoryOwner is null);
Debug.Assert(sizeHint >= 0);
MemoryPool<byte>? pool = null;
int maxSize = -1;
if (!_options.IsDefaultSharedMemoryPool)
pool = _options.Pool;
maxSize = pool.MaxBufferSize;
if (sizeHint <= maxSize)
// Use the specified pool as it fits. Specified pool is not null as maxSize == -1 if _pool is null.
segment.SetOwnedMemory(pool!.Rent(GetSegmentSize(sizeHint, maxSize)));
// Use the array pool
int sizeToRequest = GetSegmentSize(sizeHint);
_writingHeadMemory = segment.AvailableMemory;
private int GetSegmentSize(int sizeHint, int maxBufferSize = int.MaxValue)
// First we need to handle case where hint is smaller than minimum segment size
sizeHint = Math.Max(MinimumSegmentSize, sizeHint);
// After that adjust it to fit into pools max buffer size
int adjustedToMaximumSize = Math.Min(maxBufferSize, sizeHint);
return adjustedToMaximumSize;
private BufferSegment CreateSegmentUnsynchronized()
if (_bufferSegmentPool.TryPop(out BufferSegment? segment))
return segment;
return new BufferSegment();
private void ReturnSegmentUnsynchronized(BufferSegment segment)
Debug.Assert(segment != _readHead, "Returning _readHead segment that's in use!");
Debug.Assert(segment != _readTail, "Returning _readTail segment that's in use!");
Debug.Assert(segment != _writingHead, "Returning _writingHead segment that's in use!");
if (_bufferSegmentPool.Count < _options.MaxSegmentPoolSize)
internal bool CommitUnsynchronized()
if (_unflushedBytes == 0)
// Nothing written to commit
return false;
// Update the writing head
Debug.Assert(_writingHead != null);
_writingHead.End += _writingHeadBytesBuffered;
// Always move the read tail to the write head
_readTail = _writingHead;
_readTailIndex = _writingHead.End;
long oldLength = _unconsumedBytes;
_unconsumedBytes += _unflushedBytes;
bool resumeReader = true;
if (_unconsumedBytes < _minimumReadBytes)
// Don't yield the reader if we haven't written enough
resumeReader = false;
// We only apply back pressure if the reader isn't paused. This is important
// because if it is blocked then this could cause a deadlock (if resumeReader is false).
// If we are resuming the reader, then we can look at the pause threshold to know
// if we should pause the writer.
else if (PauseWriterThreshold > 0 &&
oldLength < PauseWriterThreshold &&
_unconsumedBytes >= PauseWriterThreshold &&
_unflushedBytes = 0;
_writingHeadBytesBuffered = 0;
return resumeReader;
internal void Advance(int bytes)
lock (SyncObj)
if ((uint)bytes > (uint)_writingHeadMemory.Length)
// If the reader is completed we no-op Advance but leave GetMemory and FlushAsync alone
if (_readerCompletion.IsCompleted)
private void AdvanceCore(int bytesWritten)
_unflushedBytes += bytesWritten;
_writingHeadBytesBuffered += bytesWritten;
_writingHeadMemory = _writingHeadMemory.Slice(bytesWritten);
internal ValueTask<FlushResult> FlushAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
return new ValueTask<FlushResult>(Task.FromCanceled<FlushResult>(cancellationToken));
CompletionData completionData;
ValueTask<FlushResult> result;
lock (SyncObj)
PrepareFlushUnsynchronized(out completionData, out result, cancellationToken);
TrySchedule(ReaderScheduler, completionData);
return result;
private void PrepareFlushUnsynchronized(out CompletionData completionData, out ValueTask<FlushResult> result, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var completeReader = CommitUnsynchronized();
// AttachToken before completing reader awaiter in case cancellationToken is already completed
_writerAwaitable.BeginOperation(cancellationToken, s_signalWriterAwaitable, this);
// If the writer is completed (which it will be most of the time) then return a completed ValueTask
if (_writerAwaitable.IsCompleted)
FlushResult flushResult = default;
GetFlushResult(ref flushResult);
result = new ValueTask<FlushResult>(flushResult);
// Otherwise it's async
result = new ValueTask<FlushResult>(_writer, token: 0);
// Complete reader only if new data was pushed into the pipe
// Avoid throwing in between completing the reader and scheduling the callback
// if the intent is to allow pipe to continue reading the data
if (completeReader)
_readerAwaitable.Complete(out completionData);
completionData = default;
// I couldn't find a way for flush to induce backpressure deadlock
// if it always adds new data to pipe and wakes up the reader but assert anyway
Debug.Assert(_writerAwaitable.IsCompleted || _readerAwaitable.IsCompleted);
internal void CompleteWriter(Exception? exception)
CompletionData completionData;
PipeCompletionCallbacks? completionCallbacks;
bool readerCompleted;
lock (SyncObj)
// Commit any pending buffers
completionCallbacks = _writerCompletion.TryComplete(exception);
_readerAwaitable.Complete(out completionData);
readerCompleted = _readerCompletion.IsCompleted;
if (readerCompleted)
if (completionCallbacks != null)
ScheduleCallbacks(ReaderScheduler, completionCallbacks);
TrySchedule(ReaderScheduler, completionData);
internal void AdvanceReader(in SequencePosition consumed)
AdvanceReader(consumed, consumed);
internal void AdvanceReader(in SequencePosition consumed, in SequencePosition examined)
// If the reader is completed
if (_readerCompletion.IsCompleted)
AdvanceReader((BufferSegment?)consumed.GetObject(), consumed.GetInteger(), (BufferSegment?)examined.GetObject(), examined.GetInteger());
private void AdvanceReader(BufferSegment? consumedSegment, int consumedIndex, BufferSegment? examinedSegment, int examinedIndex)
// Throw if examined < consumed
if (consumedSegment != null && examinedSegment != null && BufferSegment.GetLength(consumedSegment, consumedIndex, examinedSegment, examinedIndex) < 0)
BufferSegment? returnStart = null;
BufferSegment? returnEnd = null;
CompletionData completionData = default;
lock (SyncObj)
var examinedEverything = false;
if (examinedSegment == _readTail)
examinedEverything = examinedIndex == _readTailIndex;
if (examinedSegment != null && _lastExaminedIndex >= 0)
// This can be negative resulting in _unconsumedBytes increasing, this should be safe because we've already checked that
// examined >= consumed above, so we can't get into a state where we un-examine too much
long examinedBytes = BufferSegment.GetLength(_lastExaminedIndex, examinedSegment, examinedIndex);
long oldLength = _unconsumedBytes;
_unconsumedBytes -= examinedBytes;
// Store the absolute position
_lastExaminedIndex = examinedSegment.RunningIndex + examinedIndex;
Debug.Assert(_unconsumedBytes >= 0, "Length has gone negative");
Debug.Assert(ResumeWriterThreshold >= 1, "ResumeWriterThreshold is less than 1");
if (oldLength >= ResumeWriterThreshold &&
_unconsumedBytes < ResumeWriterThreshold)
// Should only release backpressure if we made forward progress
Debug.Assert(examinedBytes > 0);
_writerAwaitable.Complete(out completionData);
if (consumedSegment != null)
if (_readHead == null)
returnStart = _readHead;
returnEnd = consumedSegment;
void MoveReturnEndToNextBlock()
BufferSegment? nextBlock = returnEnd!.NextSegment;
if (_readTail == returnEnd)
_readTail = nextBlock;
_readTailIndex = 0;
_readHead = nextBlock;
_readHeadIndex = 0;
returnEnd = nextBlock;
if (consumedIndex == returnEnd.Length)
// If the writing head isn't block we're about to return, then we can move to the next one
// and return this block safely
if (_writingHead != returnEnd)
// If the writing head is the same as the block to be returned, then we need to make sure
// there's no pending write and that there's no buffered data for the writing head
else if (_writingHeadBytesBuffered == 0 && !_operationState.IsWritingActive)
// Reset the writing head to null if it's the return block and we've consumed everything
_writingHead = null;
_writingHeadMemory = default;
_readHead = consumedSegment;
_readHeadIndex = consumedIndex;
_readHead = consumedSegment;
_readHeadIndex = consumedIndex;
// We reset the awaitable to not completed if we've examined everything the producer produced so far
// but only if writer is not completed yet
if (examinedEverything && !_writerCompletion.IsCompleted)
Debug.Assert(_writerAwaitable.IsCompleted, "PipeWriter.FlushAsync isn't completed and will deadlock");
while (returnStart != null && returnStart != returnEnd)
BufferSegment? next = returnStart.NextSegment;
returnStart = next;
TrySchedule(WriterScheduler, completionData);
internal void CompleteReader(Exception? exception)
PipeCompletionCallbacks? completionCallbacks;
CompletionData completionData;
bool writerCompleted;
lock (SyncObj)
// If we're reading, treat clean up that state before continuting
if (_operationState.IsReadingActive)
// REVIEW: We should consider cleaning up all of the allocated memory
// on the reader side now.
completionCallbacks = _readerCompletion.TryComplete(exception);
_writerAwaitable.Complete(out completionData);
writerCompleted = _writerCompletion.IsCompleted;
if (writerCompleted)
if (completionCallbacks != null)
ScheduleCallbacks(WriterScheduler, completionCallbacks);
TrySchedule(WriterScheduler, completionData);
internal void OnWriterCompleted(Action<Exception?, object?> callback, object? state)
if (callback is null)
PipeCompletionCallbacks? completionCallbacks;
lock (SyncObj)
completionCallbacks = _writerCompletion.AddCallback(callback, state);
if (completionCallbacks != null)
ScheduleCallbacks(ReaderScheduler, completionCallbacks);
internal void CancelPendingRead()
CompletionData completionData;
lock (SyncObj)
_readerAwaitable.Cancel(out completionData);
TrySchedule(ReaderScheduler, completionData);
internal void CancelPendingFlush()
CompletionData completionData;
lock (SyncObj)
_writerAwaitable.Cancel(out completionData);
TrySchedule(WriterScheduler, completionData);
internal void OnReaderCompleted(Action<Exception?, object?> callback, object? state)
if (callback is null)
PipeCompletionCallbacks? completionCallbacks;
lock (SyncObj)
completionCallbacks = _readerCompletion.AddCallback(callback, state);
if (completionCallbacks != null)
ScheduleCallbacks(WriterScheduler, completionCallbacks);
internal ValueTask<ReadResult> ReadAtLeastAsync(int minimumBytes, CancellationToken token)
if (_readerCompletion.IsCompleted)
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
return new ValueTask<ReadResult>(Task.FromCanceled<ReadResult>(token));
CompletionData completionData = default;
ValueTask<ReadResult> result;
lock (SyncObj)
_readerAwaitable.BeginOperation(token, s_signalReaderAwaitable, this);
// If the awaitable is already complete then return the value result directly
if (_readerAwaitable.IsCompleted)
GetReadResult(out ReadResult readResult);
// Short circuit if we have the data or if we enter another terminal state
if (_unconsumedBytes >= minimumBytes || readResult.IsCanceled || readResult.IsCompleted)
return new ValueTask<ReadResult>(readResult);
// We don't have enough data so we need to reset the reader awaitable
// We also need to flip the reading state off
// Begin read again to wire up cancellation token
_readerAwaitable.BeginOperation(token, s_signalReaderAwaitable, this);
// If the writer is currently paused and we are about the wait for more data then this would deadlock.
// The writer is paused at the pause threshold but the reader needs a minimum amount in order to make progress.
// We resume the writer so that we can unblock this read.
if (!_writerAwaitable.IsCompleted)
_writerAwaitable.Complete(out completionData);
// Set the minimum read bytes if we need to wait
_minimumReadBytes = minimumBytes;
// Otherwise it's async
result = new ValueTask<ReadResult>(_reader, token: 0);
TrySchedule(WriterScheduler, in completionData);
return result;
internal ValueTask<ReadResult> ReadAsync(CancellationToken token)
if (_readerCompletion.IsCompleted)
if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
return new ValueTask<ReadResult>(Task.FromCanceled<ReadResult>(token));
ValueTask<ReadResult> result;
lock (SyncObj)
_readerAwaitable.BeginOperation(token, s_signalReaderAwaitable, this);
// If the awaitable is already complete then return the value result directly
if (_readerAwaitable.IsCompleted)
GetReadResult(out ReadResult readResult);
result = new ValueTask<ReadResult>(readResult);
// Otherwise it's async
result = new ValueTask<ReadResult>(_reader, token: 0);
return result;
internal bool TryRead(out ReadResult result)
lock (SyncObj)
if (_readerCompletion.IsCompleted)
if (_unconsumedBytes > 0 || _readerAwaitable.IsCompleted)
GetReadResult(out result);
return true;
if (_readerAwaitable.IsRunning)
result = default;
return false;
private static void ScheduleCallbacks(PipeScheduler scheduler, PipeCompletionCallbacks completionCallbacks)
Debug.Assert(completionCallbacks != null);
scheduler.UnsafeSchedule(s_invokeCompletionCallbacks, completionCallbacks);
private static void TrySchedule(PipeScheduler scheduler, in CompletionData completionData)
Action<object?> completion = completionData.Completion;
// Nothing to do
if (completion is null)
// Ultimately, we need to call either
// 1. The sync context with a delegate
// 2. The scheduler with a delegate
// That delegate and state will either be the action passed in directly
// or it will be that specified delegate wrapped in ExecutionContext.Run
if (completionData.SynchronizationContext is null && completionData.ExecutionContext is null)
// Common fast-path
scheduler.UnsafeSchedule(completion, completionData.CompletionState);
ScheduleWithContext(scheduler, in completionData);
private static void ScheduleWithContext(PipeScheduler scheduler, in CompletionData completionData)
Debug.Assert(completionData.SynchronizationContext != null || completionData.ExecutionContext != null);
if (completionData.SynchronizationContext is null)
// We also have to run on the specified execution context so run the scheduler and execute the
// delegate on the execution context
scheduler.UnsafeSchedule(s_scheduleWithExecutionContextCallback, completionData);
if (completionData.ExecutionContext is null)
// We need to box the struct here since there's no generic overload for state
completionData.SynchronizationContext.Post(s_syncContextExecuteWithoutExecutionContextCallback, completionData);
// We need to execute the callback with the execution context
completionData.SynchronizationContext.Post(s_syncContextExecutionContextCallback, completionData);
private static void ExecuteWithoutExecutionContext(object state)
CompletionData completionData = (CompletionData)state;
private static void ExecuteWithExecutionContext(object state)
CompletionData completionData = (CompletionData)state;
Debug.Assert(completionData.ExecutionContext != null);
ExecutionContext.Run(completionData.ExecutionContext, s_executionContextRawCallback, state);
private void CompletePipe()
lock (SyncObj)
if (_disposed)
_disposed = true;
// Return all segments
// if _readHead is null we need to try return _commitHead
// because there might be a block allocated for writing
BufferSegment? segment = _readHead ?? _readTail;
while (segment != null)
BufferSegment returnSegment = segment;
segment = segment.NextSegment;
_writingHead = null;
_writingHeadMemory = default;
_readHead = null;
_readTail = null;
_lastExaminedIndex = -1;
internal ValueTaskSourceStatus GetReadAsyncStatus()
if (_readerAwaitable.IsCompleted)
if (_writerCompletion.IsFaulted)
return ValueTaskSourceStatus.Faulted;
return ValueTaskSourceStatus.Succeeded;
return ValueTaskSourceStatus.Pending;
internal void OnReadAsyncCompleted(Action<object?> continuation, object? state, ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags flags)
CompletionData completionData;
bool doubleCompletion;
lock (SyncObj)
_readerAwaitable.OnCompleted(continuation, state, flags, out completionData, out doubleCompletion);
if (doubleCompletion)
TrySchedule(ReaderScheduler, completionData);
internal ReadResult GetReadAsyncResult()
ReadResult result;
CancellationTokenRegistration cancellationTokenRegistration = default;
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default;
lock (SyncObj)
if (!_readerAwaitable.IsCompleted)
cancellationTokenRegistration = _readerAwaitable.ReleaseCancellationTokenRegistration(out cancellationToken);
GetReadResult(out result);
if (result.IsCanceled)
return result;
private void GetReadResult(out ReadResult result)
bool isCompleted = _writerCompletion.IsCompletedOrThrow();
bool isCanceled = _readerAwaitable.ObserveCancellation();
// No need to read end if there is no head
BufferSegment? head = _readHead;
if (head != null)
Debug.Assert(_readTail != null);
// Reading commit head shared with writer
var readOnlySequence = new ReadOnlySequence<byte>(head, _readHeadIndex, _readTail, _readTailIndex);
result = new ReadResult(readOnlySequence, isCanceled, isCompleted);
result = new ReadResult(default, isCanceled, isCompleted);
if (isCanceled)
// Reset the minimum read bytes when read yields
_minimumReadBytes = 0;
internal ValueTaskSourceStatus GetFlushAsyncStatus()
if (_writerAwaitable.IsCompleted)
if (_readerCompletion.IsFaulted)
return ValueTaskSourceStatus.Faulted;
return ValueTaskSourceStatus.Succeeded;
return ValueTaskSourceStatus.Pending;
internal FlushResult GetFlushAsyncResult()
FlushResult result = default;
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default;
CancellationTokenRegistration cancellationTokenRegistration = default;
lock (SyncObj)
if (!_writerAwaitable.IsCompleted)
GetFlushResult(ref result);
cancellationTokenRegistration = _writerAwaitable.ReleaseCancellationTokenRegistration(out cancellationToken);
return result;
internal long GetUnflushedBytes() => _unflushedBytes;
private void GetFlushResult(ref FlushResult result)
// Change the state from to be canceled -> observed
if (_writerAwaitable.ObserveCancellation())
result._resultFlags |= ResultFlags.Canceled;
if (_readerCompletion.IsCompletedOrThrow())
result._resultFlags |= ResultFlags.Completed;
internal ValueTask<FlushResult> WriteAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> source, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (_writerCompletion.IsCompleted)
if (_readerCompletion.IsCompletedOrThrow())
return new ValueTask<FlushResult>(new FlushResult(isCanceled: false, isCompleted: true));
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
return new ValueTask<FlushResult>(Task.FromCanceled<FlushResult>(cancellationToken));
CompletionData completionData;
ValueTask<FlushResult> result;
lock (SyncObj)
// Allocate whatever the pool gives us so we can write, this also marks the
// state as writing
if (source.Length <= _writingHeadMemory.Length)
// This is the multi segment copy
PrepareFlushUnsynchronized(out completionData, out result, cancellationToken);
TrySchedule(ReaderScheduler, completionData);
return result;
private void WriteMultiSegment(ReadOnlySpan<byte> source)
Debug.Assert(_writingHead != null);
Span<byte> destination = _writingHeadMemory.Span;
while (true)
int writable = Math.Min(destination.Length, source.Length);
source.Slice(0, writable).CopyTo(destination);
source = source.Slice(writable);
if (source.Length == 0)
// We filled the segment
_writingHead.End += _writingHeadBytesBuffered;
_writingHeadBytesBuffered = 0;
// This is optimized to use pooled memory. That's why we pass 0 instead of
// source.Length
BufferSegment newSegment = AllocateSegment(0);
_writingHead = newSegment;
destination = _writingHeadMemory.Span;
internal void OnFlushAsyncCompleted(Action<object?> continuation, object? state, ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags flags)
CompletionData completionData;
bool doubleCompletion;
lock (SyncObj)
_writerAwaitable.OnCompleted(continuation, state, flags, out completionData, out doubleCompletion);
if (doubleCompletion)
TrySchedule(WriterScheduler, completionData);
private void ReaderCancellationRequested()
CompletionData completionData;
lock (SyncObj)
_readerAwaitable.CancellationTokenFired(out completionData);
TrySchedule(ReaderScheduler, completionData);
private void WriterCancellationRequested()
CompletionData completionData;
lock (SyncObj)
_writerAwaitable.CancellationTokenFired(out completionData);
TrySchedule(WriterScheduler, completionData);
/// <summary>Gets the <see cref="System.IO.Pipelines.PipeReader" /> for this pipe.</summary>
/// <value>A <see cref="System.IO.Pipelines.PipeReader" /> instance for this pipe.</value>
public PipeReader Reader => _reader;
/// <summary>Gets the <see cref="System.IO.Pipelines.PipeWriter" /> for this pipe.</summary>
/// <value>A <see cref="System.IO.Pipelines.PipeWriter" /> instance for this pipe.</value>
public PipeWriter Writer => _writer;
/// <summary>Resets the pipe.</summary>
public void Reset()
lock (SyncObj)
if (!_disposed)
_disposed = false;