File: System\Formats\Tar\PosixTarEntry.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Formats.Tar\src\System.Formats.Tar.csproj (System.Formats.Tar)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Formats.Tar
    /// <summary>
    /// Abstract class that represents a tar entry from an archive of a format that is based on the POSIX IEEE P1003.1 standard from 1988. This includes the formats <see cref="TarEntryFormat.Ustar"/> (represented by the <see cref="UstarTarEntry"/> class), <see cref="TarEntryFormat.Pax"/> (represented by the <see cref="PaxTarEntry"/> class) and <see cref="TarEntryFormat.Gnu"/> (represented by the <see cref="GnuTarEntry"/> class).
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Formats that implement the POSIX IEEE P1003.1 standard from 1988, support the following header fields: <c>devmajor</c>, <c>devminor</c>, <c>gname</c> and <c>uname</c>.
    /// Even though the <see cref="TarEntryFormat.Gnu"/> format is not POSIX compatible, it implements and supports the Unix-specific fields that were defined in that POSIX standard.</remarks>
    public abstract partial class PosixTarEntry : TarEntry
        // Constructor called when reading a TarEntry from a TarReader.
        internal PosixTarEntry(TarHeader header, TarReader readerOfOrigin, TarEntryFormat format)
            : base(header, readerOfOrigin, format)
        // Constructor called when the user creates a TarEntry instance from scratch.
        internal PosixTarEntry(TarEntryType entryType, string entryName, TarEntryFormat format, bool isGea)
            : base(entryType, entryName, format, isGea)
            _header._uName = string.Empty;
            _header._gName = string.Empty;
            _header._devMajor = 0;
            _header._devMinor = 0;
        // Constructor called when converting an entry to the selected format.
        internal PosixTarEntry(TarEntry other, TarEntryFormat format)
            : base(other, format)
            if (other is PosixTarEntry)
                Debug.Assert(other._header._uName != null);
                Debug.Assert(other._header._gName != null);
                _header._uName = other._header._uName;
                _header._gName = other._header._gName;
                _header._devMajor = other._header._devMajor;
                _header._devMinor = other._header._devMinor;
            _header._uName ??= string.Empty;
            _header._gName ??= string.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// When the current entry represents a character device or a block device, the major number identifies the driver associated with the device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Character and block devices are Unix-specific entry types.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The entry does not represent a block device or a character device.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The value is negative, or larger than 2097151.</exception>
        public int DeviceMajor
            get => _header._devMajor;
                if (_header._typeFlag is not TarEntryType.BlockDevice and not TarEntryType.CharacterDevice)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.TarEntryBlockOrCharacterExpected);
                ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(value, 0x1FFFFF); // 7777777 in octal
                _header._devMajor = value;
        /// <summary>
        /// When the current entry represents a character device or a block device, the minor number is used by the driver to distinguish individual devices it controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Character and block devices are Unix-specific entry types.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The entry does not represent a block device or a character device.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The value is negative, or larger than 2097151.</exception>
        public int DeviceMinor
            get => _header._devMinor;
                if (_header._typeFlag is not TarEntryType.BlockDevice and not TarEntryType.CharacterDevice)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.TarEntryBlockOrCharacterExpected);
                ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(value, 0x1FFFFF); // 7777777 in octal
                _header._devMinor = value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Represents the name of the group that owns this entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Cannot set a null group name.</exception>
        /// <remarks><see cref="GroupName"/> is only used in Unix platforms.</remarks>
        public string GroupName
            get => _header._gName ?? string.Empty;
                _header._gName = value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Represents the name of the user that owns this entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks><see cref="UserName"/> is only used in Unix platforms.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Cannot set a null user name.</exception>
        public string UserName
            get => _header._uName ?? string.Empty;
                _header._uName = value;