File: artifacts\obj\System.Formats.Tar\Debug\net10.0-unix\System.SR.cs
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Formats.Tar\src\System.Formats.Tar.csproj (System.Formats.Tar)
// <auto-generated>
using System.Reflection;
namespace FxResources.System.Formats.Tar
    internal static class SR { }
namespace System
    internal static partial class SR
        private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager s_resourceManager;
        internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager => s_resourceManager ?? (s_resourceManager = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(FxResources.System.Formats.Tar.SR)));
        /// <summary>Specified file length was too large for the file system.</summary>
        internal static string @ArgumentOutOfRange_FileLengthTooBig => GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_FileLengthTooBig", @"Specified file length was too large for the file system.");
        /// <summary>The argument '{0}' contains invalid path characters.</summary>
        internal static string @ArgumentInvalidPathChars => GetResourceString("ArgumentInvalidPathChars", @"The argument '{0}' contains invalid path characters.");
        /// <summary>Could not determine the file type of '0'.</summary>
        internal static string @ErrorStatFile => GetResourceString("ErrorStatFile", @"Could not determine the file type of '0'.");
        /// <summary>Cannot create '{0}' because a file or directory with the same name already exists.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_AlreadyExists_Name => GetResourceString("IO_AlreadyExists_Name", @"Cannot create '{0}' because a file or directory with the same name already exists.");
        /// <summary>Creating block or character device files is not supported on the current platform.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_DeviceFiles_NotSupported => GetResourceString("IO_DeviceFiles_NotSupported", @"Creating block or character device files is not supported on the current platform.");
        /// <summary>The file '{0}' already exists.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_FileExists_Name => GetResourceString("IO_FileExists_Name", @"The file '{0}' already exists.");
        /// <summary>Unable to find the specified file.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_FileNotFound => GetResourceString("IO_FileNotFound", @"Unable to find the specified file.");
        /// <summary>Could not find file '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_FileNotFound_FileName => GetResourceString("IO_FileNotFound_FileName", @"Could not find file '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>Creating fifo files is not supported on the current platform.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_FifoFiles_NotSupported => GetResourceString("IO_FifoFiles_NotSupported", @"Creating fifo files is not supported on the current platform.");
        /// <summary>The stream does not support reading.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_NotSupported_UnreadableStream => GetResourceString("IO_NotSupported_UnreadableStream", @"The stream does not support reading.");
        /// <summary>The stream does not support seeking.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_NotSupported_UnseekableStream => GetResourceString("IO_NotSupported_UnseekableStream", @"The stream does not support seeking.");
        /// <summary>The stream does not support writing.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_NotSupported_UnwritableStream => GetResourceString("IO_NotSupported_UnwritableStream", @"The stream does not support writing.");
        /// <summary>Could not find a part of the path.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_PathNotFound_NoPathName => GetResourceString("IO_PathNotFound_NoPathName", @"Could not find a part of the path.");
        /// <summary>Could not find a part of the path '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_PathNotFound_Path => GetResourceString("IO_PathNotFound_Path", @"Could not find a part of the path '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>The specified file name or path is too long, or a component of the specified path is too long.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_PathTooLong => GetResourceString("IO_PathTooLong", @"The specified file name or path is too long, or a component of the specified path is too long.");
        /// <summary>The path '{0}' is too long, or a component of the specified path is too long.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_PathTooLong_Path => GetResourceString("IO_PathTooLong_Path", @"The path '{0}' is too long, or a component of the specified path is too long.");
        /// <summary>SetLength requires a stream that supports seeking and writing.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_SetLengthRequiresSeekingAndWriting => GetResourceString("IO_SetLengthRequiresSeekingAndWriting", @"SetLength requires a stream that supports seeking and writing.");
        /// <summary>The process cannot access the file '{0}' because it is being used by another process.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_SharingViolation_File => GetResourceString("IO_SharingViolation_File", @"The process cannot access the file '{0}' because it is being used by another process.");
        /// <summary>The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_SharingViolation_NoFileName => GetResourceString("IO_SharingViolation_NoFileName", @"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.");
        /// <summary>The stream is not empty.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_StreamNotEmpty => GetResourceString("IO_StreamNotEmpty", @"The stream is not empty.");
        /// <summary>System.Formats.Tar is not supported on this platform.</summary>
        internal static string @PlatformNotSupported_SystemFormatsTar => GetResourceString("PlatformNotSupported_SystemFormatsTar", @"System.Formats.Tar is not supported on this platform.");
        /// <summary>SetLength requires a stream that supports seeking and writing.</summary>
        internal static string @SetLengthRequiresSeekingAndWriting => GetResourceString("SetLengthRequiresSeekingAndWriting", @"SetLength requires a stream that supports seeking and writing.");
        /// <summary>Cannot convert a PaxGlobalExtendedAttributesEntry into another format.</summary>
        internal static string @TarCannotConvertPaxGlobalExtendedAttributesEntry => GetResourceString("TarCannotConvertPaxGlobalExtendedAttributesEntry", @"Cannot convert a PaxGlobalExtendedAttributesEntry into another format.");
        /// <summary>The entry '{0}' has a duplicate extended attribute.</summary>
        internal static string @TarDuplicateExtendedAttribute => GetResourceString("TarDuplicateExtendedAttribute", @"The entry '{0}' has a duplicate extended attribute.");
        /// <summary>Cannot set the 'DeviceMajor' or 'DeviceMinor' fields on an entry that does not represent a block or character device.</summary>
        internal static string @TarEntryBlockOrCharacterExpected => GetResourceString("TarEntryBlockOrCharacterExpected", @"Cannot set the 'DeviceMajor' or 'DeviceMinor' fields on an entry that does not represent a block or character device.");
        /// <summary>The entry '{0}' has a '{1}' type, which does not support setting a data stream.</summary>
        internal static string @TarEntryDoesNotSupportDataStream => GetResourceString("TarEntryDoesNotSupportDataStream", @"The entry '{0}' has a '{1}' type, which does not support setting a data stream.");
        /// <summary>Cannot set the LinkName field on an entry that does not represent a hard link or a symbolic link.</summary>
        internal static string @TarEntryHardLinkOrSymLinkExpected => GetResourceString("TarEntryHardLinkOrSymLinkExpected", @"Cannot set the LinkName field on an entry that does not represent a hard link or a symbolic link.");
        /// <summary>The entry is a symbolic link or a hard link but the LinkName field is null or empty.</summary>
        internal static string @TarEntryHardLinkOrSymlinkLinkNameEmpty => GetResourceString("TarEntryHardLinkOrSymlinkLinkNameEmpty", @"The entry is a symbolic link or a hard link but the LinkName field is null or empty.");
        /// <summary>Entry type '{0}' not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @TarEntryTypeNotSupported => GetResourceString("TarEntryTypeNotSupported", @"Entry type '{0}' not supported.");
        /// <summary>Entry type '{0}' not supported in format '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TarEntryTypeNotSupportedInFormat => GetResourceString("TarEntryTypeNotSupportedInFormat", @"Entry type '{0}' not supported in format '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>Entry type '{0}' not supported for extraction.</summary>
        internal static string @TarEntryTypeNotSupportedForExtracting => GetResourceString("TarEntryTypeNotSupportedForExtracting", @"Entry type '{0}' not supported for extraction.");
        /// <summary>Extracting the Tar entry '{0}' would have resulted in a file outside the specified destination directory: '{1}'</summary>
        internal static string @TarExtractingResultsFileOutside => GetResourceString("TarExtractingResultsFileOutside", @"Extracting the Tar entry '{0}' would have resulted in a file outside the specified destination directory: '{1}'");
        /// <summary>Extracting the Tar entry '{0}' would have resulted in a link target outside the specified destination directory: '{1}'</summary>
        internal static string @TarExtractingResultsLinkOutside => GetResourceString("TarExtractingResultsLinkOutside", @"Extracting the Tar entry '{0}' would have resulted in a link target outside the specified destination directory: '{1}'");
        /// <summary>Entry '{0}' was expected to be in the GNU format, but did not have the expected version data.</summary>
        internal static string @TarGnuFormatExpected => GetResourceString("TarGnuFormatExpected", @"Entry '{0}' was expected to be in the GNU format, but did not have the expected version data.");
        /// <summary>The archive format is invalid: '{0}'</summary>
        internal static string @TarInvalidFormat => GetResourceString("TarInvalidFormat", @"The archive format is invalid: '{0}'");
        /// <summary>A POSIX format was expected (Ustar or PAX), but could not be reliably determined for entry '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TarPosixFormatExpected => GetResourceString("TarPosixFormatExpected", @"A POSIX format was expected (Ustar or PAX), but could not be reliably determined for entry '{0}'.");
        /// <summary>The size field is negative in a tar entry.</summary>
        internal static string @TarSizeFieldNegative => GetResourceString("TarSizeFieldNegative", @"The size field is negative in a tar entry.");
        /// <summary>The value of the size field for the current entry of type '{0}' is greater than the expected length.</summary>
        internal static string @TarSizeFieldTooLargeForEntryType => GetResourceString("TarSizeFieldTooLargeForEntryType", @"The value of the size field for the current entry of type '{0}' is greater than the expected length.");
        /// <summary>A metadata entry of type '{0}' was unexpectedly found after a metadata entry of type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TarUnexpectedMetadataEntry => GetResourceString("TarUnexpectedMetadataEntry", @"A metadata entry of type '{0}' was unexpectedly found after a metadata entry of type '{1}'.");
        /// <summary>The file type of '{0}' is not supported for tar archiving.</summary>
        internal static string @TarUnsupportedFile => GetResourceString("TarUnsupportedFile", @"The file type of '{0}' is not supported for tar archiving.");
        /// <summary>Access to the path is denied.</summary>
        internal static string @UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_NoPathName => GetResourceString("UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_NoPathName", @"Access to the path is denied.");
        /// <summary>Access to the path '{0}' is denied.</summary>
        internal static string @UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_Path => GetResourceString("UnauthorizedAccess_IODenied_Path", @"Access to the path '{0}' is denied.");
        /// <summary>An attempt was made to move the position before the beginning of the stream.</summary>
        internal static string @IO_SeekBeforeBegin => GetResourceString("IO_SeekBeforeBegin", @"An attempt was made to move the position before the beginning of the stream.");
        /// <summary>Unable to parse number.</summary>
        internal static string @TarInvalidNumber => GetResourceString("TarInvalidNumber", @"Unable to parse number.");
        /// <summary>The field '{0}' exceeds the maximum allowed length for this format.</summary>
        internal static string @TarEntryFieldExceedsMaxLength => GetResourceString("TarEntryFieldExceedsMaxLength", @"The field '{0}' exceeds the maximum allowed length for this format.");
        /// <summary>The value of the field for the current entry of format '{0}' is greater than the format allows.</summary>
        internal static string @TarFieldTooLargeForEntryFormat => GetResourceString("TarFieldTooLargeForEntryFormat", @"The value of the field for the current entry of format '{0}' is greater than the format allows.");
        /// <summary>The extended attribute key '{0}' contains a disallowed '{1}' character.</summary>
        internal static string @TarExtAttrDisallowedKeyChar => GetResourceString("TarExtAttrDisallowedKeyChar", @"The extended attribute key '{0}' contains a disallowed '{1}' character.");
        /// <summary>The value of the extended attribute key '{0}' contains a disallowed '{1}' character.</summary>
        internal static string @TarExtAttrDisallowedValueChar => GetResourceString("TarExtAttrDisallowedValueChar", @"The value of the extended attribute key '{0}' contains a disallowed '{1}' character.");
        /// <summary>Cannot write the unseekable data stream of entry '{0}' into an unseekable archive stream.</summary>
        internal static string @TarStreamSeekabilityUnsupportedCombination => GetResourceString("TarStreamSeekabilityUnsupportedCombination", @"Cannot write the unseekable data stream of entry '{0}' into an unseekable archive stream.");