2 types derived from TarEntry
System.Formats.Tar (2)
System\Formats\Tar\PosixTarEntry.cs (1)
13public abstract partial class PosixTarEntry : TarEntry
System\Formats\Tar\V7TarEntry.cs (1)
9public sealed class V7TarEntry : TarEntry
50 references to TarEntry
Microsoft.DotNet.SignTool (3)
src\ZipData.cs (3)
335foreach (var entry in ReadTarGZipEntries(FileSignInfo.FullPath)) 365internal static IEnumerable<TarEntry> ReadTarGZipEntries(string path) 373var entry = reader.GetNextEntry();
System.Formats.Tar (47)
System\Formats\Tar\GnuTarEntry.cs (1)
46public GnuTarEntry(TarEntry other)
System\Formats\Tar\PaxTarEntry.cs (1)
109public PaxTarEntry(TarEntry other)
System\Formats\Tar\PosixTarEntry.cs (1)
32internal PosixTarEntry(TarEntry other, TarEntryFormat format)
System\Formats\Tar\TarEntry.cs (2)
50internal TarEntry(TarEntry other, TarEntryFormat format) 243/// <remarks>If you write data to this data stream, make sure to rewind it to the desired start position before writing this entry into an archive using <see cref="TarWriter.WriteEntry(TarEntry)"/>.</remarks>
System\Formats\Tar\TarFile.cs (2)
462TarEntry? entry; 507TarEntry? entry;
System\Formats\Tar\TarHeader.Write.cs (4)
521throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TarEntryFieldExceedsMaxLength, nameof(TarEntry.Name)), ArgNameEntry); 542throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TarEntryFieldExceedsMaxLength, nameof(TarEntry.Name)), ArgNameEntry); 595throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TarEntryFieldExceedsMaxLength, nameof(TarEntry.Name)), ArgNameEntry); 654throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TarEntryFieldExceedsMaxLength, nameof(TarEntry.LinkName)), ArgNameEntry);
System\Formats\Tar\TarReader.cs (21)
20private TarEntry? _previouslyReadEntry; 30/// <param name="leaveOpen"><see langword="false"/> to dispose the <paramref name="archiveStream"/> when this instance is disposed, as well as all the non-null <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> instances from the entries that were visited by this reader; <see langword="true"/> to leave all the streams open.</param> 51/// Disposes the current <see cref="TarReader"/> instance, closes the archive stream, and disposes the non-null <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> instances of all the entries that were read from the archive if the <c>leaveOpen</c> argument was set to <see langword="false"/> in the constructor. 53/// <remarks>The <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> property of any entry can be replaced with a new stream. If the user decides to replace it on a <see cref="TarEntry"/> instance that was obtained using a <see cref="TarReader"/>, the underlying stream gets disposed immediately, freeing the <see cref="TarReader"/> of origin from the responsibility of having to dispose it.</remarks> 76/// Asynchronously disposes the current <see cref="TarReader"/> instance, and disposes the non-null <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> instances of all the entries that were read from the archive. 78/// <remarks>The <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> property of any entry can be replaced with a new stream. If the user decides to replace it on a <see cref="TarEntry"/> instance that was obtained using a <see cref="TarReader"/>, the underlying stream gets disposed immediately, freeing the <see cref="TarReader"/> of origin from the responsibility of having to dispose it.</remarks> 104/// <para>Set it to <see langword="false"/> if the data should not be copied into a new stream. If the underlying stream is unseekable, the user has the responsibility of reading and processing the <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> immediately after calling this method.</para> 106/// <returns>A <see cref="TarEntry"/> instance if a valid entry was found, or <see langword="null"/> if the end of the archive has been reached.</returns> 115public TarEntry? GetNextEntry(bool copyData = false) 136TarEntry entry = header._format switch 163/// <para>Set it to <see langword="false"/> if the data should not be copied into a new stream. If the underlying stream is unseekable, the user has the responsibility of reading and processing the <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> immediately after calling this method.</para> 166/// <returns>A value task containing a <see cref="TarEntry"/> instance if a valid entry was found, or <see langword="null"/> if the end of the archive has been reached.</returns> 175public ValueTask<TarEntry?> GetNextEntryAsync(bool copyData = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) 179return ValueTask.FromCanceled<TarEntry?>(cancellationToken); 185return ValueTask.FromResult<TarEntry?>(null); 193return ValueTask.FromResult<TarEntry?>(null); 282private async ValueTask<TarEntry?> GetNextEntryInternalAsync(bool copyData, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 289TarEntry entry = header._format switch 618private void PreserveDataStreamForDisposalIfNeeded(TarEntry entry)
System\Formats\Tar\TarWriter.cs (11)
166TarEntry entry = ConstructEntryForWriting(fullPath, entryName, FileOptions.None); 177TarEntry entry = ConstructEntryForWriting(fullPath, entryName, FileOptions.Asynchronous); 190/// <remarks><para>Before writing an entry to the archive, if you wrote data into the entry's <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/>, make sure to rewind it to the desired start position.</para> 216/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The entry type is <see cref="TarEntryType.HardLink"/> or <see cref="TarEntryType.SymbolicLink"/> and the <see cref="TarEntry.LinkName"/> is <see langword="null"/> or empty.</exception> 220public void WriteEntry(TarEntry entry) 234/// <remarks><para>Before writing an entry to the archive, if you wrote data into the entry's <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/>, make sure to rewind it to the desired start position.</para> 260/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The entry type is <see cref="TarEntryType.HardLink"/> or <see cref="TarEntryType.SymbolicLink"/> and the <see cref="TarEntry.LinkName"/> is <see langword="null"/> or empty.</exception> 264public Task WriteEntryAsync(TarEntry entry, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) 279private void WriteEntryInternal(TarEntry entry) 318private async Task WriteEntryAsyncInternal(TarEntry entry, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 379private void ValidateStreamsSeekability(TarEntry entry)
System\Formats\Tar\TarWriter.Unix.cs (2)
19private TarEntry ConstructEntryForWriting(string fullPath, string entryName, FileOptions fileOptions) 43TarEntry entry = Format switch
System\Formats\Tar\UstarTarEntry.cs (1)
44public UstarTarEntry(TarEntry other)
System\Formats\Tar\V7TarEntry.cs (1)
38public V7TarEntry(TarEntry other)