2 types derived from TarEntry
System.Formats.Tar (2)
System\Formats\Tar\PosixTarEntry.cs (1)
13public abstract partial class PosixTarEntry : TarEntry
System\Formats\Tar\V7TarEntry.cs (1)
9public sealed class V7TarEntry : TarEntry
52 references to TarEntry
Microsoft.DotNet.SignCheckLibrary (1)
Verification\TarVerifier.cs (1)
45TarEntry entry;
Microsoft.DotNet.SignTool (4)
src\ZipData.cs (4)
479foreach (TarEntry entry in ReadTarGZipEntries(FileSignInfo.FullPath)) 512private static IEnumerable<TarEntry> ReadTarGZipEntries(string path) 517while (tarReader.GetNextEntry() is TarEntry entry) 623foreach (TarEntry tar in ReadTarGZipEntries(file))
System.Formats.Tar (47)
System\Formats\Tar\GnuTarEntry.cs (1)
46public GnuTarEntry(TarEntry other)
System\Formats\Tar\PaxTarEntry.cs (1)
109public PaxTarEntry(TarEntry other)
System\Formats\Tar\PosixTarEntry.cs (1)
32internal PosixTarEntry(TarEntry other, TarEntryFormat format)
System\Formats\Tar\TarEntry.cs (2)
53internal TarEntry(TarEntry other, TarEntryFormat format) 249/// <remarks>If you write data to this data stream, make sure to rewind it to the desired start position before writing this entry into an archive using <see cref="TarWriter.WriteEntry(TarEntry)"/>.</remarks>
System\Formats\Tar\TarFile.cs (2)
462TarEntry? entry; 507TarEntry? entry;
System\Formats\Tar\TarHeader.Write.cs (4)
531throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TarEntryFieldExceedsMaxLength, nameof(TarEntry.Name)), ArgNameEntry); 552throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TarEntryFieldExceedsMaxLength, nameof(TarEntry.Name)), ArgNameEntry); 605throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TarEntryFieldExceedsMaxLength, nameof(TarEntry.Name)), ArgNameEntry); 651throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TarEntryFieldExceedsMaxLength, nameof(TarEntry.LinkName)), ArgNameEntry);
System\Formats\Tar\TarReader.cs (21)
20private TarEntry? _previouslyReadEntry; 30/// <param name="leaveOpen"><see langword="false"/> to dispose the <paramref name="archiveStream"/> when this instance is disposed, as well as all the non-null <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> instances from the entries that were visited by this reader; <see langword="true"/> to leave all the streams open.</param> 51/// Disposes the current <see cref="TarReader"/> instance, closes the archive stream, and disposes the non-null <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> instances of all the entries that were read from the archive if the <c>leaveOpen</c> argument was set to <see langword="false"/> in the constructor. 53/// <remarks>The <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> property of any entry can be replaced with a new stream. If the user decides to replace it on a <see cref="TarEntry"/> instance that was obtained using a <see cref="TarReader"/>, the underlying stream gets disposed immediately, freeing the <see cref="TarReader"/> of origin from the responsibility of having to dispose it.</remarks> 76/// Asynchronously disposes the current <see cref="TarReader"/> instance, and disposes the non-null <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> instances of all the entries that were read from the archive. 78/// <remarks>The <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> property of any entry can be replaced with a new stream. If the user decides to replace it on a <see cref="TarEntry"/> instance that was obtained using a <see cref="TarReader"/>, the underlying stream gets disposed immediately, freeing the <see cref="TarReader"/> of origin from the responsibility of having to dispose it.</remarks> 104/// <para>Set it to <see langword="false"/> if the data should not be copied into a new stream. If the underlying stream is unseekable, the user has the responsibility of reading and processing the <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> immediately after calling this method.</para> 106/// <returns>A <see cref="TarEntry"/> instance if a valid entry was found, or <see langword="null"/> if the end of the archive has been reached.</returns> 115public TarEntry? GetNextEntry(bool copyData = false) 136TarEntry entry = header._format switch 163/// <para>Set it to <see langword="false"/> if the data should not be copied into a new stream. If the underlying stream is unseekable, the user has the responsibility of reading and processing the <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/> immediately after calling this method.</para> 166/// <returns>A value task containing a <see cref="TarEntry"/> instance if a valid entry was found, or <see langword="null"/> if the end of the archive has been reached.</returns> 175public ValueTask<TarEntry?> GetNextEntryAsync(bool copyData = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) 179return ValueTask.FromCanceled<TarEntry?>(cancellationToken); 185return ValueTask.FromResult<TarEntry?>(null); 193return ValueTask.FromResult<TarEntry?>(null); 282private async ValueTask<TarEntry?> GetNextEntryInternalAsync(bool copyData, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 289TarEntry entry = header._format switch 618private void PreserveDataStreamForDisposalIfNeeded(TarEntry entry)
System\Formats\Tar\TarWriter.cs (11)
166TarEntry entry = ConstructEntryForWriting(fullPath, entryName, FileOptions.None); 177TarEntry entry = ConstructEntryForWriting(fullPath, entryName, FileOptions.Asynchronous); 190/// <remarks><para>Before writing an entry to the archive, if you wrote data into the entry's <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/>, make sure to rewind it to the desired start position.</para> 216/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The entry type is <see cref="TarEntryType.HardLink"/> or <see cref="TarEntryType.SymbolicLink"/> and the <see cref="TarEntry.LinkName"/> is <see langword="null"/> or empty.</exception> 220public void WriteEntry(TarEntry entry) 234/// <remarks><para>Before writing an entry to the archive, if you wrote data into the entry's <see cref="TarEntry.DataStream"/>, make sure to rewind it to the desired start position.</para> 260/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The entry type is <see cref="TarEntryType.HardLink"/> or <see cref="TarEntryType.SymbolicLink"/> and the <see cref="TarEntry.LinkName"/> is <see langword="null"/> or empty.</exception> 264public Task WriteEntryAsync(TarEntry entry, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) 279private void WriteEntryInternal(TarEntry entry) 318private async Task WriteEntryAsyncInternal(TarEntry entry, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 379private void ValidateStreamsSeekability(TarEntry entry)
System\Formats\Tar\TarWriter.Unix.cs (2)
19private TarEntry ConstructEntryForWriting(string fullPath, string entryName, FileOptions fileOptions) 43TarEntry entry = Format switch
System\Formats\Tar\UstarTarEntry.cs (1)
44public UstarTarEntry(TarEntry other)
System\Formats\Tar\V7TarEntry.cs (1)
38public V7TarEntry(TarEntry other)