File: System\Formats\Cbor\Reader\CborReader.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Formats.Cbor\src\System.Formats.Cbor.csproj (System.Formats.Cbor)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Formats.Cbor
    /// <summary>A stateful, forward-only reader for Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) encoded data.</summary>
    public partial class CborReader
        private ReadOnlyMemory<byte> _data;
        private int _offset;
        private Stack<StackFrame>? _nestedDataItems;
        private CborMajorType? _currentMajorType; // major type of the currently written data item. Null iff at the root context
        private int? _definiteLength; // predetermined definite-length of current data item context
        private int _itemsRead; // number of items read in the current context
        private int _frameOffset; // buffer offset particular to the current data item context
        private bool _isTagContext; // true if reader is expecting a tagged value
        // Map-specific book-keeping
        private int? _currentKeyOffset; // offset for the current key encoding
        private (int Offset, int Length)? _previousKeyEncodingRange; // previous key encoding range
        private HashSet<(int Offset, int Length)>? _keyEncodingRanges; // all key encoding ranges up to encoding equality
        // flag used to temporarily disable conformance mode checks,
        // e.g. during a skip operation over nonconforming encodings.
        private bool _isConformanceModeCheckEnabled = true;
        // keeps a cached copy of the reader state; 'None' denotes uncomputed state
        private CborReaderState _cachedState = CborReaderState.Undefined;
        /// <summary>Gets the conformance mode used by this reader.</summary>
        /// <value>One of the enumeration values that represents the conformance mode used by this reader.</value>
        public CborConformanceMode ConformanceMode { get; }
        /// <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether this reader allows multiple root-level CBOR data items.</summary>
        /// <value><see langword="true" /> if this reader allows multiple root-level CBOR data items; <see langword="false" /> otherwise.</value>
        public bool AllowMultipleRootLevelValues { get; }
        /// <summary>Gets the reader's current level of nestedness in the CBOR document.</summary>
        /// <value>A number that represents the current level of nestedness in the CBOR document.</value>
        public int CurrentDepth => _nestedDataItems is null ? 0 : _nestedDataItems.Count;
        /// <summary>Gets the total number of unread bytes in the buffer.</summary>
        /// <value>The total number of unread bytes in the buffer.</value>
        public int BytesRemaining => _data.Length - _offset;
        /// <summary>Initializes a <see cref="CborReader" /> instance over the specified <paramref name="data" /> with the given configuration.</summary>
        /// <param name="data">The CBOR-encoded data to read.</param>
        /// <param name="conformanceMode">One of the enumeration values to specify a conformance mode guiding the checks performed on the encoded data.
        /// Defaults to <see cref="CborConformanceMode.Strict" /> conformance mode.</param>
        /// <param name="allowMultipleRootLevelValues"><see langword="true" /> to indicate that multiple root-level values are supported by the reader; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="conformanceMode" /> is not defined.</exception>
        public CborReader(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> data, CborConformanceMode conformanceMode = CborConformanceMode.Strict, bool allowMultipleRootLevelValues = false)
            _data = data;
            ConformanceMode = conformanceMode;
            AllowMultipleRootLevelValues = allowMultipleRootLevelValues;
            _definiteLength = allowMultipleRootLevelValues ? null : 1;
        /// <summary>Reads the next CBOR data item, returning a <see cref="ReadOnlyMemory{T}" /> view of the encoded value. For indefinite length encodings this includes the break byte.</summary>
        /// <param name="disableConformanceModeChecks"><see langword="true" /> to disable conformance mode validation for the read value, equivalent to using <see cref="CborConformanceMode.Lax" />; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.</param>
        /// <returns>A view of the encoded value as a contiguous region of memory.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="CborContentException"><para>The data item is not a valid CBOR data item encoding.</para>
        /// <para>-or-</para>
        /// <para>The CBOR encoding is not valid under the current conformance mode.</para></exception>
        public ReadOnlyMemory<byte> ReadEncodedValue(bool disableConformanceModeChecks = false)
            // keep a snapshot of the current offset
            int initialOffset = _offset;
            // call skip to read and validate the next value
            // return the slice corresponding to the consumed value
            return _data.Slice(initialOffset, _offset - initialOffset);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the <see cref="CborReader"/> instance over the specified <paramref name="data"/> with unchanged configuration.
        /// <see cref="ConformanceMode"/> and <see cref="AllowMultipleRootLevelValues"/> are unchanged.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The CBOR-encoded data to read.</param>
        public void Reset(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> data)
            // ConformanceMode and AllowMultipleRootLevelValues are set in ctor, they remain unchanged.
            _data = data;
            _offset = 0;
            _currentMajorType = default;
            _definiteLength = AllowMultipleRootLevelValues ? null : 1;
            _itemsRead = default;
            _frameOffset = default;
            _isTagContext = default;
            _currentKeyOffset = default;
            _previousKeyEncodingRange = default;
            _isConformanceModeCheckEnabled = true;
            _cachedState = CborReaderState.Undefined;
            // We don't need to clear the reusable instances in _pooledKeyEncodingRangeAllocations
            // or _indefiniteLengthStringRangeAllocation.
        private CborInitialByte PeekInitialByte()
            if (_definiteLength - _itemsRead == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Cbor_Reader_NoMoreDataItemsToRead);
            if (_offset == _data.Length)
                if (_currentMajorType is null && _definiteLength is null && _offset > 0)
                    // we are at the end of a well-formed sequence of root-level CBOR values
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Cbor_Reader_NoMoreDataItemsToRead);
                throw new CborContentException(SR.Cbor_Reader_InvalidCbor_UnexpectedEndOfBuffer);
            var nextByte = new CborInitialByte(_data.Span[_offset]);
            switch (_currentMajorType)
                case CborMajorType.ByteString:
                case CborMajorType.TextString:
                    // Indefinite-length string contexts allow two possible data items:
                    // 1) Definite-length string chunks of the same major type OR
                    // 2) a break byte denoting the end of the indefinite-length string context.
                    if (nextByte.InitialByte == CborInitialByte.IndefiniteLengthBreakByte ||
                        nextByte.MajorType == _currentMajorType.Value &&
                        nextByte.AdditionalInfo != CborAdditionalInfo.IndefiniteLength)
                    throw new CborContentException(SR.Format(SR.Cbor_Reader_InvalidCbor_IndefiniteLengthStringContainsInvalidDataItem, (int)nextByte.MajorType));
            return nextByte;
        private CborInitialByte PeekInitialByte(CborMajorType expectedType)
            CborInitialByte result = PeekInitialByte();
            if (expectedType != result.MajorType)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Cbor_Reader_MajorTypeMismatch, (int)result.MajorType));
            return result;
        private void ValidateNextByteIsBreakByte()
            CborInitialByte result = PeekInitialByte();
            if (result.InitialByte != CborInitialByte.IndefiniteLengthBreakByte)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Cbor_NotAtEndOfIndefiniteLengthDataItem);
        private void PushDataItem(CborMajorType majorType, int? definiteLength)
            _nestedDataItems ??= new Stack<StackFrame>();
            var frame = new StackFrame(
                type: _currentMajorType,
                frameOffset: _frameOffset,
                definiteLength: _definiteLength,
                itemsRead: _itemsRead,
                currentKeyOffset: _currentKeyOffset,
                previousKeyEncodingRange: _previousKeyEncodingRange,
                keyEncodingRanges: _keyEncodingRanges
            _currentMajorType = majorType;
            _definiteLength = definiteLength;
            _itemsRead = 0;
            _frameOffset = _offset;
            _isTagContext = false;
            _currentKeyOffset = null;
            _previousKeyEncodingRange = null;
            _keyEncodingRanges = null;
        private void PopDataItem(CborMajorType expectedType)
            if (_currentMajorType is null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Cbor_Reader_IsAtRootContext);
            Debug.Assert(_nestedDataItems?.Count > 0);
            if (expectedType != _currentMajorType)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Cbor_PopMajorTypeMismatch, (int)_currentMajorType.Value));
            if (_definiteLength - _itemsRead > 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Cbor_NotAtEndOfDefiniteLengthDataItem);
            if (_isTagContext)
                throw new CborContentException(SR.Cbor_Reader_InvalidCbor_TagNotFollowedByValue);
            if (_currentMajorType == CborMajorType.Map)
            StackFrame frame = _nestedDataItems.Pop();
            RestoreStackFrame(in frame);
        private void AdvanceDataItemCounters()
            Debug.Assert(_definiteLength is null || _definiteLength - _itemsRead > 0);
            if (_currentMajorType == CborMajorType.Map)
                if (_itemsRead % 2 == 0)
            _isTagContext = false;
        private ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetRemainingBytes() => _data.Span.Slice(_offset);
        private void AdvanceBuffer(int length)
            Debug.Assert(_offset + length <= _data.Length);
            _offset += length;
            // invalidate the state cache
            _cachedState = CborReaderState.Undefined;
        private void ResetBuffer(int position)
            Debug.Assert(position <= _data.Length);
            _offset = position;
            // invalidate the state cache
            _cachedState = CborReaderState.Undefined;
        private void EnsureReadCapacity(int length)
            if (_data.Length - _offset < length)
                throw new CborContentException(SR.Cbor_Reader_InvalidCbor_UnexpectedEndOfBuffer);
        private static void EnsureReadCapacity(ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer, int requiredLength)
            if (buffer.Length < requiredLength)
                throw new CborContentException(SR.Cbor_Reader_InvalidCbor_UnexpectedEndOfBuffer);
        private readonly struct StackFrame
            public StackFrame(
                CborMajorType? type,
                int frameOffset,
                int? definiteLength,
                int itemsRead,
                int? currentKeyOffset,
                (int Offset, int Length)? previousKeyEncodingRange,
                HashSet<(int Offset, int Length)>? keyEncodingRanges)
                MajorType = type;
                FrameOffset = frameOffset;
                DefiniteLength = definiteLength;
                ItemsRead = itemsRead;
                CurrentKeyOffset = currentKeyOffset;
                PreviousKeyEncodingRange = previousKeyEncodingRange;
                KeyEncodingRanges = keyEncodingRanges;
            public CborMajorType? MajorType { get; }
            public int FrameOffset { get; }
            public int? DefiniteLength { get; }
            public int ItemsRead { get; }
            public int? CurrentKeyOffset { get; }
            public (int Offset, int Length)? PreviousKeyEncodingRange { get; }
            public HashSet<(int Offset, int Length)>? KeyEncodingRanges { get; }
        private void RestoreStackFrame(in StackFrame frame)
            _currentMajorType = frame.MajorType;
            _frameOffset = frame.FrameOffset;
            _definiteLength = frame.DefiniteLength;
            _itemsRead = frame.ItemsRead;
            _currentKeyOffset = frame.CurrentKeyOffset;
            _previousKeyEncodingRange = frame.PreviousKeyEncodingRange;
            _keyEncodingRanges = frame.KeyEncodingRanges;
            // Popping items from the stack can change the reader state
            // without necessarily needing to advance the buffer
            // (e.g. we're at the end of a definite-length collection).
            // We therefore need to invalidate the cache here.
            _cachedState = CborReaderState.Undefined;
        // Struct containing checkpoint data for rolling back reader state in the event of a failure
        // NB checkpoints do not contain stack information, so we can only roll back provided that the
        // reader is within the original context in which the checkpoint was created
        private readonly struct Checkpoint
            public Checkpoint(
                int depth,
                int offset,
                int frameOffset,
                int itemsRead,
                int? currentKeyOffset,
                (int Offset, int Length)? previousKeyEncodingRange)
                Depth = depth;
                Offset = offset;
                FrameOffset = frameOffset;
                ItemsRead = itemsRead;
                CurrentKeyOffset = currentKeyOffset;
                PreviousKeyEncodingRange = previousKeyEncodingRange;
            public int Depth { get; }
            public int Offset { get; }
            public int FrameOffset { get; }
            public int ItemsRead { get; }
            public int? CurrentKeyOffset { get; }
            public (int Offset, int Length)? PreviousKeyEncodingRange { get; }
        private Checkpoint CreateCheckpoint()
            return new Checkpoint(
                depth: CurrentDepth,
                offset: _offset,
                frameOffset: _frameOffset,
                itemsRead: _itemsRead,
                currentKeyOffset: _currentKeyOffset,
                previousKeyEncodingRange: _previousKeyEncodingRange);
        private void RestoreCheckpoint(in Checkpoint checkpoint)
            int restoreHeight = CurrentDepth - checkpoint.Depth;
            Debug.Assert(restoreHeight >= 0, "Attempting to restore checkpoint outside of its original context.");
            if (restoreHeight > 0)
                // pop any nested contexts added after the checkpoint
                Debug.Assert(_nestedDataItems != null);
                Debug.Assert(_nestedDataItems.ToArray()[restoreHeight - 1].FrameOffset == checkpoint.FrameOffset,
                                "Attempting to restore checkpoint outside of its original context.");
                StackFrame frame;
                for (int i = 0; i < restoreHeight - 1; i++)
                    frame = _nestedDataItems.Pop();
                frame = _nestedDataItems.Pop();
                RestoreStackFrame(in frame);
                Debug.Assert(checkpoint.FrameOffset == _frameOffset, "Attempting to restore checkpoint outside of its original context.");
            // Remove any key encodings added after the current checkpoint.
            // This is only needed when rolling back key reads in the Strict conformance mode.
            if (_keyEncodingRanges != null && _itemsRead > checkpoint.ItemsRead)
                int checkpointOffset = checkpoint.Offset;
                _keyEncodingRanges.RemoveWhere(key => key.Offset >= checkpointOffset);
            _offset = checkpoint.Offset;
            _itemsRead = checkpoint.ItemsRead;
            _previousKeyEncodingRange = checkpoint.PreviousKeyEncodingRange;
            _currentKeyOffset = checkpoint.CurrentKeyOffset;
            _cachedState = CborReaderState.Undefined;
            Debug.Assert(CurrentDepth == checkpoint.Depth);