// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Formats.Cbor
public partial class CborReader
private KeyEncodingComparer? _keyEncodingComparer;
private Stack<HashSet<(int Offset, int Length)>>? _pooledKeyEncodingRangeAllocations;
/// <summary>Reads the next data item as the start of a map (major type 5).</summary>
/// <returns>The number of key-value pairs in a definite-length map, or <see langword="null" /> if the map is indefinite-length.</returns>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The next data item does not have the correct major type.</exception>
/// <exception cref="CborContentException"><para>The next value has an invalid CBOR encoding.</para>
/// <para>-or-</para>
/// <para>There was an unexpected end of CBOR encoding data.</para>
/// <para>-or-</para>
/// <para>The next value uses a CBOR encoding that is not valid under the current conformance mode.</para></exception>
/// <remarks>
/// Map contents are consumed as if they were arrays twice the length of the map's declared size.
/// For instance, a map of size 1 containing a key of type <see cref="int" /> with a value of type <see cref="string" />
/// must be consumed by successive calls to <see cref="ReadInt32" /> and <see cref="ReadTextString" />.
/// It is up to the caller to keep track of whether the next value is a key or a value.
/// Fundamentally, this is a technical restriction stemming from the fact that CBOR allows keys of arbitrary type,
/// for instance a map can contain keys that are maps themselves.
/// </remarks>
public int? ReadStartMap()
int? length;
CborInitialByte header = PeekInitialByte(expectedType: CborMajorType.Map);
if (header.AdditionalInfo == CborAdditionalInfo.IndefiniteLength)
if (_isConformanceModeCheckEnabled && CborConformanceModeHelpers.RequiresDefiniteLengthItems(ConformanceMode))
throw new CborContentException(SR.Format(SR.Cbor_ConformanceMode_RequiresDefiniteLengthItems, ConformanceMode));
PushDataItem(CborMajorType.Map, null);
length = null;
ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer = GetRemainingBytes();
int mapSize = DecodeDefiniteLength(header, buffer, out int bytesRead);
if (2 * (ulong)mapSize > (ulong)(buffer.Length - bytesRead))
throw new CborContentException(SR.Cbor_Reader_DefiniteLengthExceedsBufferSize);
PushDataItem(CborMajorType.Map, 2 * mapSize);
length = (int)mapSize;
_currentKeyOffset = _offset;
return length;
/// <summary>Reads the end of a map (major type 5).</summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"><para>The current context is not a map.</para>
/// <para>-or-</para>
/// <para>The reader is not at the end of the map.</para></exception>
/// <exception cref="CborContentException"><para>The next value has an invalid CBOR encoding.</para>
/// <para>-or-</para>
/// <para>There was an unexpected end of CBOR encoding data.</para>
/// <para>-or-</para>
/// <para>The next value uses a CBOR encoding that is not valid under the current conformance mode.</para></exception>
public void ReadEndMap()
if (_definiteLength is null)
if (_itemsRead % 2 != 0)
throw new CborContentException(SR.Cbor_Reader_InvalidCbor_KeyMissingValue);
PopDataItem(expectedType: CborMajorType.Map);
PopDataItem(expectedType: CborMajorType.Map);
// Map decoding conformance
// conformance book-keeping after a key data item has been read
private void HandleMapKeyRead()
Debug.Assert(_currentKeyOffset != null && _itemsRead % 2 == 0);
(int Offset, int Length) currentKeyRange = (_currentKeyOffset.Value, _offset - _currentKeyOffset.Value);
if (_isConformanceModeCheckEnabled)
if (CborConformanceModeHelpers.RequiresSortedKeys(ConformanceMode))
else if (CborConformanceModeHelpers.RequiresUniqueKeys(ConformanceMode))
// NB uniquess is validated separately in conformance modes requiring sorted keys
// conformance book-keeping after a value data item has been read
private void HandleMapValueRead()
Debug.Assert(_currentKeyOffset != null && _itemsRead % 2 != 0);
_currentKeyOffset = _offset;
private void ValidateSortedKeyEncoding((int Offset, int Length) currentKeyEncodingRange)
Debug.Assert(_currentKeyOffset != null);
if (_previousKeyEncodingRange != null)
(int Offset, int Length) previousKeyEncodingRange = _previousKeyEncodingRange.Value;
ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer = _data.Span;
ReadOnlySpan<byte> previousKeyEncoding = buffer.Slice(previousKeyEncodingRange.Offset, previousKeyEncodingRange.Length);
ReadOnlySpan<byte> currentKeyEncoding = buffer.Slice(currentKeyEncodingRange.Offset, currentKeyEncodingRange.Length);
int cmp = CborConformanceModeHelpers.CompareKeyEncodings(previousKeyEncoding, currentKeyEncoding, ConformanceMode);
if (cmp > 0)
throw new CborContentException(SR.Format(SR.Cbor_ConformanceMode_KeysNotInSortedOrder, ConformanceMode));
else if (cmp == 0 && CborConformanceModeHelpers.RequiresUniqueKeys(ConformanceMode))
throw new CborContentException(SR.Format(SR.Cbor_ConformanceMode_ContainsDuplicateKeys, ConformanceMode));
_previousKeyEncodingRange = currentKeyEncodingRange;
private void ValidateKeyUniqueness((int Offset, int Length) currentKeyEncodingRange)
Debug.Assert(_currentKeyOffset != null);
HashSet<(int Offset, int Length)> keyEncodingRanges = GetKeyEncodingRanges();
if (!keyEncodingRanges.Add(currentKeyEncodingRange))
throw new CborContentException(SR.Format(SR.Cbor_ConformanceMode_ContainsDuplicateKeys, ConformanceMode));
private HashSet<(int Offset, int Length)> GetKeyEncodingRanges()
if (_keyEncodingRanges != null)
return _keyEncodingRanges;
if (_pooledKeyEncodingRangeAllocations != null &&
_pooledKeyEncodingRangeAllocations.TryPop(out HashSet<(int Offset, int Length)>? result))
return _keyEncodingRanges = result;
_keyEncodingComparer ??= new KeyEncodingComparer(this);
return _keyEncodingRanges = new HashSet<(int Offset, int Length)>(_keyEncodingComparer);
private void ReturnKeyEncodingRangeAllocation(HashSet<(int Offset, int Length)>? allocation)
if (allocation != null)
_pooledKeyEncodingRangeAllocations ??= new Stack<HashSet<(int Offset, int Length)>>();
// Comparing buffer slices up to their binary content
private sealed class KeyEncodingComparer : IEqualityComparer<(int Offset, int Length)>
private readonly CborReader _reader;
public KeyEncodingComparer(CborReader reader)
_reader = reader;
private ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetKeyEncoding((int Offset, int Length) range)
return _reader._data.Span.Slice(range.Offset, range.Length);
public int GetHashCode((int Offset, int Length) value)
return CborConformanceModeHelpers.GetKeyEncodingHashCode(GetKeyEncoding(value));
public bool Equals((int Offset, int Length) x, (int Offset, int Length) y)
return CborConformanceModeHelpers.AreEqualKeyEncodings(GetKeyEncoding(x), GetKeyEncoding(y));