File: System\Data\Odbc\OdbcParameterCollection.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Data.Odbc\src\System.Data.Odbc.csproj (System.Data.Odbc)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data.Common;
namespace System.Data.Odbc
    [Editor("Microsoft.VSDesigner.Data.Design.DBParametersEditor, Microsoft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a",
            "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")]
    public sealed partial class OdbcParameterCollection : DbParameterCollection
        private bool _rebindCollection;   // The collection needs to be (re)bound
        private static readonly Type s_itemType = typeof(OdbcParameter);
        internal OdbcParameterCollection() : base()
        internal bool RebindCollection
            get { return _rebindCollection; }
            set { _rebindCollection = value; }
        public new OdbcParameter this[int index]
                return (OdbcParameter)GetParameter(index);
                SetParameter(index, value);
        public new OdbcParameter this[string parameterName]
                return (OdbcParameter)GetParameter(parameterName);
                SetParameter(parameterName, value);
        public OdbcParameter Add(OdbcParameter value)
            // MDAC 59206
            return value;
        [Obsolete("Add(String parameterName, Object value) has been deprecated. Use AddWithValue(String parameterName, Object value) instead.")]
        public OdbcParameter Add(string? parameterName, object? value)
            // MDAC 59206
            return Add(new OdbcParameter(parameterName, value));
        public OdbcParameter AddWithValue(string? parameterName, object? value)
            // MDAC 79027
            return Add(new OdbcParameter(parameterName, value));
        public OdbcParameter Add(string? parameterName, OdbcType odbcType)
            return Add(new OdbcParameter(parameterName, odbcType));
        public OdbcParameter Add(string? parameterName, OdbcType odbcType, int size)
            return Add(new OdbcParameter(parameterName, odbcType, size));
        public OdbcParameter Add(string? parameterName, OdbcType odbcType, int size, string? sourceColumn)
            return Add(new OdbcParameter(parameterName, odbcType, size, sourceColumn));
        public void AddRange(OdbcParameter[] values)
            // V1.2.3300
        // Walks through the collection and binds each parameter
        internal void Bind(OdbcCommand command, CMDWrapper cmdWrapper, CNativeBuffer parameterBuffer)
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
                this[i].Bind(cmdWrapper.StatementHandle!, command, checked((short)(i + 1)), parameterBuffer, true);
            _rebindCollection = false;
        internal int CalcParameterBufferSize(OdbcCommand command)
            // Calculate the size of the buffer we need
            int parameterBufferSize = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
                if (_rebindCollection)
                    this[i].HasChanged = true;
                this[i].PrepareForBind(command, (short)(i + 1), ref parameterBufferSize);
                parameterBufferSize = (parameterBufferSize + (IntPtr.Size - 1)) & ~(IntPtr.Size - 1);          // align buffer;
            return parameterBufferSize;
        // Walks through the collection and clears the parameters
        internal void ClearBindings()
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
        public override bool Contains(string value)
        { // WebData 97349
            return (-1 != IndexOf(value));
        public bool Contains(OdbcParameter value)
            return (-1 != IndexOf(value));
        public void CopyTo(OdbcParameter[] array, int index)
            CopyTo((Array)array, index);
        private void OnChange()
            _rebindCollection = true;
        internal void GetOutputValues(CMDWrapper cmdWrapper)
            // mdac 88542 - we will not read out the parameters if the collection has changed
            if (!_rebindCollection)
                CNativeBuffer parameterBuffer = cmdWrapper._nativeParameterBuffer!;
                for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
        public int IndexOf(OdbcParameter value)
            return IndexOf((object)value);
        public void Insert(int index, OdbcParameter value)
            Insert(index, (object)value);
        public void Remove(OdbcParameter value)