File: Common\System\Data\ProviderBase\DbConnectionFactory.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Data.Odbc\src\System.Data.Odbc.csproj (System.Data.Odbc)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Data.ProviderBase
    internal abstract partial class DbConnectionFactory
        internal bool TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, TaskCompletionSource<DbConnectionInternal>? retry, DbConnectionOptions? userOptions, DbConnectionInternal? oldConnection, out DbConnectionInternal? connection)
            Debug.Assert(null != owningConnection, "null owningConnection?");
            DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup;
            DbConnectionPool? connectionPool;
            connection = null;
            //  Work around race condition with clearing the pool between GetConnectionPool obtaining pool
            //  and GetConnection on the pool checking the pool state.  Clearing the pool in this window
            //  will switch the pool into the ShuttingDown state, and GetConnection will return null.
            //  There is probably a better solution involving locking the pool/group, but that entails a major
            //  re-design of the connection pooling synchronization, so is postponed for now.
            // Use retriesLeft to prevent CPU spikes with incremental sleep
            // start with one msec, double the time every retry
            // max time is: 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + 2^(retries-1) == 2^retries -1 == 1023ms (for 10 retries)
            int retriesLeft = 10;
            int timeBetweenRetriesMilliseconds = 1;
                poolGroup = GetConnectionPoolGroup(owningConnection)!;
                // Doing this on the callers thread is important because it looks up the WindowsIdentity from the thread.
                connectionPool = GetConnectionPool(owningConnection, poolGroup);
                if (null == connectionPool)
                    // If GetConnectionPool returns null, we can be certain that
                    // this connection should not be pooled via DbConnectionPool
                    // or have a disabled pool entry.
                    poolGroup = GetConnectionPoolGroup(owningConnection)!; // previous entry have been disabled
                    if (retry != null)
                        Task<DbConnectionInternal> newTask;
                        CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                        lock (s_pendingOpenNonPooled)
                            // look for an available task slot (completed or empty)
                            int idx;
                            for (idx = 0; idx < s_pendingOpenNonPooled.Length; idx++)
                                Task task = s_pendingOpenNonPooled[idx];
                                if (task == null)
                                    s_pendingOpenNonPooled[idx] = GetCompletedTask();
                                else if (task.IsCompleted)
                            // if didn't find one, pick the next one in round-robin fashion
                            if (idx == s_pendingOpenNonPooled.Length)
                                idx = (int)(s_pendingOpenNonPooledNext % s_pendingOpenNonPooled.Length);
                            // now that we have an antecedent task, schedule our work when it is completed.
                            // If it is a new slot or a completed task, this continuation will start right away.
                            // TODO: newTask needs to be over non-nullable DbConnection (see below), there may be a bug here
                            newTask = s_pendingOpenNonPooled[idx].ContinueWith((_) =>
                                var newConnection = CreateNonPooledConnection(owningConnection, poolGroup, userOptions);
                                if ((oldConnection != null) && (oldConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open))
                                return newConnection;
                            }, cancellationTokenSource.Token, TaskContinuationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default)!;
                            // Place this new task in the slot so any future work will be queued behind it
                            s_pendingOpenNonPooled[idx] = newTask!;
                        // Set up the timeout (if needed)
                        if (owningConnection.ConnectionTimeout > 0)
                            int connectionTimeoutMilliseconds = owningConnection.ConnectionTimeout * 1000;
                        // once the task is done, propagate the final results to the original caller
                        newTask.ContinueWith((task) =>
                            if (task.IsCanceled)
                            else if (task.IsFaulted)
                                if (!retry.TrySetResult(task.Result))
                                    // The outer TaskCompletionSource was already completed
                                    // Which means that we don't know if someone has messed with the outer connection in the middle of creation
                                    // So the best thing to do now is to destroy the newly created connection
                        }, TaskScheduler.Default);
                        return false;
                    connection = CreateNonPooledConnection(owningConnection, poolGroup, userOptions);
                    // TODO: move this to src/Common and integrate with SqlClient
                    //if (((SqlClient.SqlConnection)owningConnection).ForceNewConnection)
                    //    Debug.Assert(!(oldConnection is DbConnectionClosed), "Force new connection, but there is no old connection");
                    //    connection = connectionPool.ReplaceConnection(owningConnection, userOptions, oldConnection);
                    if (!connectionPool.TryGetConnection(owningConnection, retry, userOptions, out connection))
                        return false;
                    if (connection == null)
                        // connection creation failed on semaphore waiting or if max pool reached
                        if (connectionPool.IsRunning)
                            // If GetConnection failed while the pool is running, the pool timeout occurred.
                            throw ADP.PooledOpenTimeout();
                            // We've hit the race condition, where the pool was shut down after we got it from the group.
                            // Yield time slice to allow shut down activities to complete and a new, running pool to be instantiated
                            //  before retrying.
                            timeBetweenRetriesMilliseconds *= 2; // double the wait time for next iteration
            } while (connection == null && retriesLeft-- > 0);
            if (connection == null)
                // exhausted all retries or timed out - give up
                throw ADP.PooledOpenTimeout();
            return true;