File: src\libraries\Common\src\System\Data\ProviderBase\DbConnectionFactory.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Data.Odbc\src\System.Data.Odbc.csproj (System.Data.Odbc)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Data.ProviderBase
    internal abstract partial class DbConnectionFactory
        private Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> _connectionPoolGroups;
        private readonly List<DbConnectionPool> _poolsToRelease;
        private readonly List<DbConnectionPoolGroup> _poolGroupsToRelease;
        private readonly Timer _pruningTimer;
        private const int PruningDueTime = 4 * 60 * 1000;           // 4 minutes
        private const int PruningPeriod = 30 * 1000;           // thirty seconds
        // s_pendingOpenNonPooled is an array of tasks used to throttle creation of non-pooled connections to
        // a maximum of Environment.ProcessorCount at a time.
        private static uint s_pendingOpenNonPooledNext;
        private static readonly Task<DbConnectionInternal?>[] s_pendingOpenNonPooled = new Task<DbConnectionInternal?>[Environment.ProcessorCount];
        private static Task<DbConnectionInternal?>? s_completedTask;
        protected DbConnectionFactory()
            _connectionPoolGroups = new Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup>();
            _poolsToRelease = new List<DbConnectionPool>();
            _poolGroupsToRelease = new List<DbConnectionPoolGroup>();
            _pruningTimer = CreatePruningTimer();
        public abstract DbProviderFactory ProviderFactory
        public void ClearAllPools()
            Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> connectionPoolGroups = _connectionPoolGroups;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> entry in connectionPoolGroups)
                DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup = entry.Value;
        public void ClearPool(DbConnection connection)
            ADP.CheckArgumentNull(connection, nameof(connection));
            DbConnectionPoolGroup? poolGroup = GetConnectionPoolGroup(connection);
        public void ClearPool(DbConnectionPoolKey key)
            Debug.Assert(key != null, "key cannot be null");
            ADP.CheckArgumentNull(key.ConnectionString, nameof(key) + "." + nameof(key.ConnectionString));
            DbConnectionPoolGroup? poolGroup;
            Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> connectionPoolGroups = _connectionPoolGroups;
            if (connectionPoolGroups.TryGetValue(key, out poolGroup))
        internal virtual DbConnectionPoolProviderInfo? CreateConnectionPoolProviderInfo(DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions)
            return null;
        internal DbConnectionInternal? CreateNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup, DbConnectionOptions? userOptions)
            Debug.Assert(null != owningConnection, "null owningConnection?");
            Debug.Assert(null != poolGroup, "null poolGroup?");
            DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions = poolGroup.ConnectionOptions;
            DbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo poolGroupProviderInfo = poolGroup.ProviderInfo!;
            DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey = poolGroup.PoolKey;
            DbConnectionInternal? newConnection = CreateConnection(connectionOptions, poolKey, poolGroupProviderInfo, null, owningConnection, userOptions);
            return newConnection;
        internal DbConnectionInternal? CreatePooledConnection(DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection? owningObject, DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, DbConnectionOptions? userOptions)
            Debug.Assert(null != pool, "null pool?");
            DbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo poolGroupProviderInfo = pool.PoolGroup.ProviderInfo!;
            DbConnectionInternal? newConnection = CreateConnection(options, poolKey, poolGroupProviderInfo, pool, owningObject, userOptions);
            return newConnection;
        internal virtual DbConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo? CreateConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo(DbConnectionOptions connectionOptions)
            return null;
        private Timer CreatePruningTimer() =>
                new TimerCallback(PruneConnectionPoolGroups),
        protected DbConnectionOptions? FindConnectionOptions(DbConnectionPoolKey key)
            Debug.Assert(key != null, "key cannot be null");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key.ConnectionString))
                DbConnectionPoolGroup? connectionPoolGroup;
                Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> connectionPoolGroups = _connectionPoolGroups;
                if (connectionPoolGroups.TryGetValue(key, out connectionPoolGroup))
                    return connectionPoolGroup.ConnectionOptions;
            return null;
        private static Task<DbConnectionInternal?> GetCompletedTask()
            Debug.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(s_pendingOpenNonPooled), $"Expected {nameof(s_pendingOpenNonPooled)} lock to be held.");
            return s_completedTask ??= Task.FromResult<DbConnectionInternal?>(null);
        private DbConnectionPool? GetConnectionPool(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionPoolGroup connectionPoolGroup)
            // if poolgroup is disabled, it will be replaced with a new entry
            Debug.Assert(null != owningObject, "null owningObject?");
            Debug.Assert(null != connectionPoolGroup, "null connectionPoolGroup?");
            // It is possible that while the outer connection object has
            // been sitting around in a closed and unused state in some long
            // running app, the pruner may have come along and remove this
            // the pool entry from the master list.  If we were to use a
            // pool entry in this state, we would create "unmanaged" pools,
            // which would be bad.  To avoid this problem, we automagically
            // re-create the pool entry whenever it's disabled.
            // however, don't rebuild connectionOptions if no pooling is involved - let new connections do that work
            if (connectionPoolGroup.IsDisabled && (null != connectionPoolGroup.PoolGroupOptions))
                // reusing existing pool option in case user originally used SetConnectionPoolOptions
                DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions? poolOptions = connectionPoolGroup.PoolGroupOptions;
                // get the string to hash on again
                DbConnectionOptions? connectionOptions = connectionPoolGroup.ConnectionOptions;
                Debug.Assert(null != connectionOptions, "prevent expansion of connectionString");
                connectionPoolGroup = GetConnectionPoolGroup(connectionPoolGroup.PoolKey, poolOptions, ref connectionOptions)!;
                Debug.Assert(null != connectionPoolGroup, "null connectionPoolGroup?");
                SetConnectionPoolGroup(owningObject, connectionPoolGroup);
            DbConnectionPool? connectionPool = connectionPoolGroup.GetConnectionPool(this);
            return connectionPool;
        internal DbConnectionPoolGroup? GetConnectionPoolGroup(DbConnectionPoolKey key, DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions? poolOptions, ref DbConnectionOptions? userConnectionOptions)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key.ConnectionString))
                return null;
            DbConnectionPoolGroup? connectionPoolGroup;
            Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> connectionPoolGroups = _connectionPoolGroups;
            if (!connectionPoolGroups.TryGetValue(key, out connectionPoolGroup) || (connectionPoolGroup.IsDisabled && (null != connectionPoolGroup.PoolGroupOptions)))
                // If we can't find an entry for the connection string in
                // our collection of pool entries, then we need to create a
                // new pool entry and add it to our collection.
                DbConnectionOptions? connectionOptions = CreateConnectionOptions(key.ConnectionString, userConnectionOptions);
                if (null == connectionOptions)
                    throw ADP.InternalConnectionError(ADP.ConnectionError.ConnectionOptionsMissing);
                if (null == userConnectionOptions)
                { // we only allow one expansion on the connection string
                    userConnectionOptions = connectionOptions;
                // We don't support connection pooling on Win9x
                if (null == poolOptions)
                    if (null != connectionPoolGroup)
                        // reusing existing pool option in case user originally used SetConnectionPoolOptions
                        poolOptions = connectionPoolGroup.PoolGroupOptions;
                        // Note: may return null for non-pooled connections
                        poolOptions = CreateConnectionPoolGroupOptions(connectionOptions);
                lock (this)
                    connectionPoolGroups = _connectionPoolGroups;
                    if (!connectionPoolGroups.TryGetValue(key, out connectionPoolGroup))
                        DbConnectionPoolGroup newConnectionPoolGroup = new DbConnectionPoolGroup(connectionOptions, key, poolOptions!);
                        newConnectionPoolGroup.ProviderInfo = CreateConnectionPoolGroupProviderInfo(connectionOptions);
                        // build new dictionary with space for new connection string
                        Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> newConnectionPoolGroups = new Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup>(1 + connectionPoolGroups.Count);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> entry in connectionPoolGroups)
                            newConnectionPoolGroups.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                        // lock prevents race condition with PruneConnectionPoolGroups
                        newConnectionPoolGroups.Add(key, newConnectionPoolGroup);
                        connectionPoolGroup = newConnectionPoolGroup;
                        _connectionPoolGroups = newConnectionPoolGroups;
                        Debug.Assert(!connectionPoolGroup.IsDisabled, "Disabled pool entry discovered");
                Debug.Assert(null != connectionPoolGroup, "how did we not create a pool entry?");
                Debug.Assert(null != userConnectionOptions, "how did we not have user connection options?");
            else if (null == userConnectionOptions)
                userConnectionOptions = connectionPoolGroup.ConnectionOptions;
            return connectionPoolGroup;
        private void PruneConnectionPoolGroups(object? state)
            // First, walk the pool release list and attempt to clear each
            // pool, when the pool is finally empty, we dispose of it.  If the
            // pool isn't empty, it's because there are active connections or
            // distributed transactions that need it.
            lock (_poolsToRelease)
                if (0 != _poolsToRelease.Count)
                    DbConnectionPool[] poolsToRelease = _poolsToRelease.ToArray();
                    foreach (DbConnectionPool pool in poolsToRelease)
                        if (null != pool)
                            if (0 == pool.Count)
            // Next, walk the pool entry release list and dispose of each
            // pool entry when it is finally empty.  If the pool entry isn't
            // empty, it's because there are active pools that need it.
            lock (_poolGroupsToRelease)
                if (0 != _poolGroupsToRelease.Count)
                    DbConnectionPoolGroup[] poolGroupsToRelease = _poolGroupsToRelease.ToArray();
                    foreach (DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup in poolGroupsToRelease)
                        if (null != poolGroup)
                            int poolsLeft = poolGroup.Clear(); // may add entries to _poolsToRelease
                            if (0 == poolsLeft)
            // Finally, we walk through the collection of connection pool entries
            // and prune each one.  This will cause any empty pools to be put
            // into the release list.
            lock (this)
                Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> connectionPoolGroups = _connectionPoolGroups;
                Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> newConnectionPoolGroups = new Dictionary<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup>(connectionPoolGroups.Count);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<DbConnectionPoolKey, DbConnectionPoolGroup> entry in connectionPoolGroups)
                    if (null != entry.Value)
                        Debug.Assert(!entry.Value.IsDisabled, "Disabled pool entry discovered");
                        // entries start active and go idle during prune if all pools are gone
                        // move idle entries from last prune pass to a queue for pending release
                        // otherwise process entry which may move it from active to idle
                        if (entry.Value.Prune())
                        { // may add entries to _poolsToRelease
                            newConnectionPoolGroups.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                _connectionPoolGroups = newConnectionPoolGroups;
        internal void QueuePoolForRelease(DbConnectionPool pool, bool clearing)
            // Queue the pool up for release -- we'll clear it out and dispose
            // of it as the last part of the pruning timer callback so we don't
            // do it with the pool entry or the pool collection locked.
            Debug.Assert(null != pool, "null pool?");
            // set the pool to the shutdown state to force all active
            // connections to be automatically disposed when they
            // are returned to the pool
            lock (_poolsToRelease)
                if (clearing)
        internal void QueuePoolGroupForRelease(DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup)
            Debug.Assert(null != poolGroup, "null poolGroup?");
            lock (_poolGroupsToRelease)
        protected virtual DbConnectionInternal? CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool? pool, DbConnection? owningConnection, DbConnectionOptions? userOptions)
            return CreateConnection(options, poolKey, poolGroupProviderInfo, pool, owningConnection);
        internal DbMetaDataFactory GetMetaDataFactory(DbConnectionPoolGroup connectionPoolGroup, DbConnectionInternal internalConnection)
            Debug.Assert(connectionPoolGroup != null, "connectionPoolGroup may not be null.");
            // get the matadatafactory from the pool entry. If it does not already have one
            // create one and save it on the pool entry
            DbMetaDataFactory? metaDataFactory = connectionPoolGroup.MetaDataFactory;
            // consider serializing this so we don't construct multiple metadata factories
            // if two threads happen to hit this at the same time.  One will be GC'd
            if (metaDataFactory == null)
                metaDataFactory = CreateMetaDataFactory(internalConnection);
                connectionPoolGroup.MetaDataFactory = metaDataFactory;
            return metaDataFactory;
        protected abstract DbMetaDataFactory CreateMetaDataFactory(DbConnectionInternal internalConnection);
        protected abstract DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool? pool, DbConnection? owningConnection);
        protected abstract DbConnectionOptions CreateConnectionOptions(string connectionString, DbConnectionOptions? previous);
        protected abstract DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions? CreateConnectionPoolGroupOptions(DbConnectionOptions options);
        internal abstract DbConnectionPoolGroup? GetConnectionPoolGroup(DbConnection connection);
        internal abstract DbConnectionInternal? GetInnerConnection(DbConnection connection);
        internal abstract void PermissionDemand(DbConnection outerConnection);
        internal abstract void SetConnectionPoolGroup(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup);
        internal abstract void SetInnerConnectionEvent(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to);
        internal abstract bool SetInnerConnectionFrom(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to, DbConnectionInternal from);
        internal abstract void SetInnerConnectionTo(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionInternal to);