// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data.ProviderBase;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace System.Data.Common
public abstract class DbDataAdapter : DataAdapter, IDbDataAdapter, ICloneable
public const string DefaultSourceTableName = "Table";
internal static readonly object s_parameterValueNonNullValue = 0;
internal static readonly object s_parameterValueNullValue = 1;
private IDbCommand? _deleteCommand, _insertCommand, _selectCommand, _updateCommand;
private CommandBehavior _fillCommandBehavior;
private struct BatchCommandInfo
internal int _commandIdentifier; // whatever AddToBatch returns, so we can reference the command later in GetBatchedParameter
internal int _parameterCount; // number of parameters on the command, so we know how many to loop over when processing output parameters
internal DataRow _row; // the row that the command is intended to update
internal StatementType _statementType; // the statement type of the command, needed for accept changes
internal UpdateRowSource _updatedRowSource; // the UpdatedRowSource value from the command, to know whether we need to look for output parameters or not
internal int? _recordsAffected;
internal Exception? _errors;
protected DbDataAdapter() : base()
protected DbDataAdapter(DbDataAdapter adapter) : base(adapter)
private IDbDataAdapter _IDbDataAdapter
return this;
public DbCommand? DeleteCommand
return (DbCommand?)(_IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand);
_IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand = value;
IDbCommand? IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand
return _deleteCommand;
_deleteCommand = value;
protected internal CommandBehavior FillCommandBehavior
return (_fillCommandBehavior | CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess);
_fillCommandBehavior = (value | CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess);
public DbCommand? InsertCommand
return (DbCommand?)(_IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand);
_IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand = value;
IDbCommand? IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand
return _insertCommand;
_insertCommand = value;
public DbCommand? SelectCommand
return (DbCommand?)(_IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand);
_IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand = value;
IDbCommand? IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand
return _selectCommand;
_selectCommand = value;
public virtual int UpdateBatchSize
return 1;
if (1 != value)
throw ADP.NotSupported();
public DbCommand? UpdateCommand
return (DbCommand?)(_IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand);
_IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand = value;
IDbCommand? IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand
return _updateCommand;
_updateCommand = value;
private System.Data.MissingMappingAction UpdateMappingAction
if (System.Data.MissingMappingAction.Passthrough == MissingMappingAction)
return System.Data.MissingMappingAction.Passthrough;
return System.Data.MissingMappingAction.Error;
private System.Data.MissingSchemaAction UpdateSchemaAction
System.Data.MissingSchemaAction action = MissingSchemaAction;
if ((System.Data.MissingSchemaAction.Add == action) || (System.Data.MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey == action))
return System.Data.MissingSchemaAction.Ignore;
return System.Data.MissingSchemaAction.Error;
protected virtual int AddToBatch(IDbCommand command)
// Called to add a single command to the batch of commands that need
// to be executed as a batch, when batch updates are requested. It
// must return an identifier that can be used to identify the command
// to GetBatchedParameter later.
throw ADP.NotSupported();
protected virtual void ClearBatch()
// Called when batch updates are requested to clear out the contents
// of the batch, whether or not it's been executed.
throw ADP.NotSupported();
object ICloneable.Clone()
#pragma warning disable 618 // ignore obsolete warning about CloneInternals
DbDataAdapter clone = (DbDataAdapter)CloneInternals();
#pragma warning restore 618
return clone;
private void CloneFrom(DbDataAdapter from)
IDbDataAdapter pfrom = from._IDbDataAdapter;
_IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand = CloneCommand(pfrom.SelectCommand);
_IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand = CloneCommand(pfrom.InsertCommand);
_IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand = CloneCommand(pfrom.UpdateCommand);
_IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand = CloneCommand(pfrom.DeleteCommand);
private static IDbCommand? CloneCommand(IDbCommand? command)
return (IDbCommand?)((command is ICloneable) ? ((ICloneable)command).Clone() : null);
protected virtual RowUpdatedEventArgs CreateRowUpdatedEvent(DataRow dataRow, IDbCommand? command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
return new RowUpdatedEventArgs(dataRow, command, statementType, tableMapping);
protected virtual RowUpdatingEventArgs CreateRowUpdatingEvent(DataRow dataRow, IDbCommand? command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
return new RowUpdatingEventArgs(dataRow, command, statementType, tableMapping);
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
// release mananged objects
IDbDataAdapter pthis = this; // must cast to interface to obtain correct value
pthis.SelectCommand = null;
pthis.InsertCommand = null;
pthis.UpdateCommand = null;
pthis.DeleteCommand = null;
// release unmanaged objects
base.Dispose(disposing); // notify base classes
protected virtual int ExecuteBatch()
// Called to execute the batched update command, returns the number
// of rows affected, just as ExecuteNonQuery would.
throw ADP.NotSupported();
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from adapter commands) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
public DataTable? FillSchema(DataTable dataTable, SchemaType schemaType)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema|API> {0}, dataTable, schemaType={1}", ObjectID, schemaType);
IDbCommand? selectCmd = _IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
CommandBehavior cmdBehavior = FillCommandBehavior;
return FillSchema(dataTable, schemaType, selectCmd!, cmdBehavior);
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from adapter commands) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
public override DataTable[] FillSchema(DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema|API> {0}, dataSet, schemaType={1}", ObjectID, schemaType);
IDbCommand? command = _IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
if (DesignMode && ((null == command) || (null == command.Connection) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.CommandText)))
return Array.Empty<DataTable>(); // design-time support
CommandBehavior cmdBehavior = FillCommandBehavior;
return FillSchema(dataSet, schemaType, command!, DbDataAdapter.DefaultSourceTableName, cmdBehavior);
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from adapter commands) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
public DataTable[] FillSchema(DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType, string srcTable)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema|API> {0}, dataSet, schemaType={1}, srcTable={2}", ObjectID, (int)schemaType, srcTable);
IDbCommand? selectCmd = _IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
CommandBehavior cmdBehavior = FillCommandBehavior;
return FillSchema(dataSet, schemaType, selectCmd!, srcTable, cmdBehavior);
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from command) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
protected virtual DataTable[] FillSchema(DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType, IDbCommand command, string srcTable, CommandBehavior behavior)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema|API> {0}, dataSet, schemaType, command, srcTable, behavior={1}", ObjectID, behavior);
if (null == dataSet)
throw ADP.ArgumentNull(nameof(dataSet));
if ((SchemaType.Source != schemaType) && (SchemaType.Mapped != schemaType))
throw ADP.InvalidSchemaType(schemaType);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcTable))
throw ADP.FillSchemaRequiresSourceTableName(nameof(srcTable));
if (null == command)
throw ADP.MissingSelectCommand(ADP.FillSchema);
// Never returns null if dataSet is non-null
return (DataTable[])FillSchemaInternal(dataSet, null, schemaType, command, srcTable, behavior)!;
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from command) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
protected virtual DataTable? FillSchema(DataTable dataTable, SchemaType schemaType, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema|API> {0}, dataTable, schemaType, command, behavior={1}", ObjectID, behavior);
if (null == dataTable)
throw ADP.ArgumentNull(nameof(dataTable));
if ((SchemaType.Source != schemaType) && (SchemaType.Mapped != schemaType))
throw ADP.InvalidSchemaType(schemaType);
if (null == command)
throw ADP.MissingSelectCommand(ADP.FillSchema);
string srcTableName = dataTable.TableName;
int index = IndexOfDataSetTable(srcTableName);
if (-1 != index)
srcTableName = TableMappings[index].SourceTable;
return (DataTable?)FillSchemaInternal(null, dataTable, schemaType, command, srcTableName, behavior | CommandBehavior.SingleResult);
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from command) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
private object? FillSchemaInternal(DataSet? dataset, DataTable? datatable, SchemaType schemaType, IDbCommand command, string srcTable, CommandBehavior behavior)
object? dataTables = null;
bool restoreNullConnection = (null == command.Connection);
IDbConnection activeConnection = DbDataAdapter.GetConnection3(command, ADP.FillSchema);
ConnectionState originalState = ConnectionState.Open;
QuietOpen(activeConnection, out originalState);
using (IDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(behavior | CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly | CommandBehavior.KeyInfo))
if (null != datatable)
{ // delegate to next set of protected FillSchema methods
dataTables = FillSchema(datatable, schemaType, dataReader);
dataTables = FillSchema(dataset!, schemaType, srcTable, dataReader);
QuietClose(activeConnection, originalState);
if (restoreNullConnection)
command.Transaction = null;
command.Connection = null;
return dataTables;
public override int Fill(DataSet dataSet)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Fill|API> {0}, dataSet", ObjectID);
// delegate to Fill4
IDbCommand? selectCmd = _IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
CommandBehavior cmdBehavior = FillCommandBehavior;
return Fill(dataSet, 0, 0, DbDataAdapter.DefaultSourceTableName, selectCmd!, cmdBehavior);
public int Fill(DataSet dataSet, string srcTable)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Fill|API> {0}, dataSet, srcTable='{1}'", ObjectID, srcTable);
// delegate to Fill4
IDbCommand? selectCmd = _IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
CommandBehavior cmdBehavior = FillCommandBehavior;
return Fill(dataSet, 0, 0, srcTable, selectCmd!, cmdBehavior);
public int Fill(DataSet dataSet, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string srcTable)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Fill|API> {0}, dataSet, startRecord={1}, maxRecords={2}, srcTable='{3}'", ObjectID, startRecord, maxRecords, srcTable);
// delegate to Fill4
IDbCommand? selectCmd = _IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
CommandBehavior cmdBehavior = FillCommandBehavior;
return Fill(dataSet, startRecord, maxRecords, srcTable, selectCmd!, cmdBehavior);
protected virtual int Fill(DataSet dataSet, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Fill|API> {0}, dataSet, startRecord, maxRecords, srcTable, command, behavior={1}", ObjectID, behavior);
if (null == dataSet)
throw ADP.FillRequires(nameof(dataSet));
if (startRecord < 0)
throw ADP.InvalidStartRecord(nameof(startRecord), startRecord);
if (maxRecords < 0)
throw ADP.InvalidMaxRecords(nameof(maxRecords), maxRecords);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcTable))
throw ADP.FillRequiresSourceTableName(nameof(srcTable));
if (null == command)
throw ADP.MissingSelectCommand(ADP.Fill);
return FillInternal(dataSet, null, startRecord, maxRecords, srcTable, command, behavior);
public int Fill(DataTable dataTable)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Fill|API> {0}, dataTable", ObjectID);
// delegate to Fill8
DataTable[] dataTables = new DataTable[1] { dataTable };
IDbCommand? selectCmd = _IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
CommandBehavior cmdBehavior = FillCommandBehavior;
return Fill(dataTables, 0, 0, selectCmd!, cmdBehavior);
public int Fill(int startRecord, int maxRecords, params DataTable[] dataTables)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Fill|API> {0}, startRecord={1}, maxRecords={2}, dataTable[]", ObjectID, startRecord, maxRecords);
// delegate to Fill8
IDbCommand? selectCmd = _IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
CommandBehavior cmdBehavior = FillCommandBehavior;
return Fill(dataTables, startRecord, maxRecords, selectCmd!, cmdBehavior);
protected virtual int Fill(DataTable dataTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Fill|API> {0}, dataTable, command, behavior={1}", ObjectID, behavior);
// delegate to Fill8
DataTable[] dataTables = new DataTable[1] { dataTable };
return Fill(dataTables, 0, 0, command, behavior);
protected virtual int Fill(DataTable[] dataTables, int startRecord, int maxRecords, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Fill|API> {0}, dataTables[], startRecord, maxRecords, command, behavior={1}", ObjectID, behavior);
if ((null == dataTables) || (0 == dataTables.Length) || (null == dataTables[0]))
throw ADP.FillRequires("dataTable");
if (startRecord < 0)
throw ADP.InvalidStartRecord(nameof(startRecord), startRecord);
if (maxRecords < 0)
throw ADP.InvalidMaxRecords(nameof(maxRecords), maxRecords);
if ((1 < dataTables.Length) && ((0 != startRecord) || (0 != maxRecords)))
throw ADP.OnlyOneTableForStartRecordOrMaxRecords();
if (null == command)
throw ADP.MissingSelectCommand(ADP.Fill);
if (1 == dataTables.Length)
behavior |= CommandBehavior.SingleResult;
return FillInternal(null, dataTables, startRecord, maxRecords, null, command, behavior);
private int FillInternal(DataSet? dataset, DataTable[]? datatables, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string? srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
int rowsAddedToDataSet = 0;
bool restoreNullConnection = (null == command.Connection);
IDbConnection activeConnection = DbDataAdapter.GetConnection3(command, ADP.Fill);
ConnectionState originalState = ConnectionState.Open;
// the default is MissingSchemaAction.Add, the user must explicitly
// set MisingSchemaAction.AddWithKey to get key information back in the dataset
if (Data.MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey == MissingSchemaAction)
behavior |= CommandBehavior.KeyInfo;
QuietOpen(activeConnection, out originalState);
behavior |= CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess;
IDataReader? dataReader = null;
dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(behavior);
if (null != datatables)
{ // delegate to next set of protected Fill methods
rowsAddedToDataSet = Fill(datatables, dataReader, startRecord, maxRecords);
rowsAddedToDataSet = Fill(dataset!, srcTable!, dataReader, startRecord, maxRecords);
QuietClose(activeConnection, originalState);
if (restoreNullConnection)
command.Transaction = null;
command.Connection = null;
return rowsAddedToDataSet;
protected virtual IDataParameter GetBatchedParameter(int commandIdentifier, int parameterIndex)
// Called to retrieve a parameter from a specific bached command, the
// first argument is the value that was returned by AddToBatch when it
// was called for the command.
throw ADP.NotSupported();
protected virtual bool GetBatchedRecordsAffected(int commandIdentifier, out int recordsAffected, out Exception? error)
// Called to retrieve the records affected from a specific batched command,
// first argument is the value that was returned by AddToBatch when it
// was called for the command.
// default implementation always returns 1, derived classes override for otherwise
// otherwise DbConcurrencyException will only be thrown if sum of all records in batch is 0
// return 0 to cause Update to throw DbConcurrencyException
recordsAffected = 1;
error = null;
return true;
public override IDataParameter[] GetFillParameters()
IDataParameter[]? value = null;
IDbCommand? select = _IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
if (null != select)
IDataParameterCollection parameters = select.Parameters;
if (null != parameters)
value = new IDataParameter[parameters.Count];
parameters.CopyTo(value, 0);
if (null == value)
value = Array.Empty<IDataParameter>();
return value;
internal DataTableMapping GetTableMapping(DataTable dataTable)
DataTableMapping? tableMapping = null;
int index = IndexOfDataSetTable(dataTable.TableName);
if (-1 != index)
tableMapping = TableMappings[index];
if (null == tableMapping)
if (System.Data.MissingMappingAction.Error == MissingMappingAction)
throw ADP.MissingTableMappingDestination(dataTable.TableName);
tableMapping = new DataTableMapping(dataTable.TableName, dataTable.TableName);
return tableMapping;
protected virtual void InitializeBatching()
// Called when batch updates are requested to prepare for processing
// of a batch of commands.
throw ADP.NotSupported();
protected virtual void OnRowUpdated(RowUpdatedEventArgs value)
protected virtual void OnRowUpdating(RowUpdatingEventArgs value)
private void ParameterInput(IDataParameterCollection parameters, StatementType typeIndex, DataRow row, DataTableMapping mappings)
Data.MissingMappingAction missingMapping = UpdateMappingAction;
Data.MissingSchemaAction missingSchema = UpdateSchemaAction;
foreach (IDataParameter parameter in parameters)
if ((null != parameter) && (0 != (ParameterDirection.Input & parameter.Direction)))
string columnName = parameter.SourceColumn;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName))
DataColumn? dataColumn = mappings.GetDataColumn(columnName, null, row.Table, missingMapping, missingSchema);
if (null != dataColumn)
DataRowVersion version = DbDataAdapter.GetParameterSourceVersion(typeIndex, parameter);
parameter.Value = row[dataColumn, version];
parameter.Value = null;
DbParameter? dbparameter = (parameter as DbParameter);
if ((null != dbparameter) && dbparameter.SourceColumnNullMapping)
Debug.Assert(DbType.Int32 == parameter.DbType, "unexpected DbType");
parameter.Value = ADP.IsNull(parameter.Value) ? s_parameterValueNullValue : s_parameterValueNonNullValue;
private static void ParameterOutput(IDataParameter parameter, DataRow row, DataTableMapping mappings, MissingMappingAction missingMapping, MissingSchemaAction missingSchema)
if (0 != (ParameterDirection.Output & parameter.Direction))
object? value = parameter.Value;
if (null != value)
// null means default, meaning we leave the current DataRow value alone
string columnName = parameter.SourceColumn;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName))
DataColumn? dataColumn = mappings.GetDataColumn(columnName, null, row.Table, missingMapping, missingSchema);
if (null != dataColumn)
if (dataColumn.ReadOnly)
dataColumn.ReadOnly = false;
row[dataColumn] = value;
dataColumn.ReadOnly = true;
row[dataColumn] = value;
private void ParameterOutput(IDataParameterCollection parameters, DataRow row, DataTableMapping mappings)
Data.MissingMappingAction missingMapping = UpdateMappingAction;
Data.MissingSchemaAction missingSchema = UpdateSchemaAction;
foreach (IDataParameter parameter in parameters)
if (null != parameter)
ParameterOutput(parameter, row, mappings, missingMapping, missingSchema);
protected virtual void TerminateBatching()
// Called when batch updates are requested to cleanup after a batch
// update has been completed.
throw ADP.NotSupported();
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from adapter commands) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
public override int Update(DataSet dataSet)
return Update(dataSet, DbDataAdapter.DefaultSourceTableName);
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from adapter commands) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
public int Update(DataRow[] dataRows)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Update|API> {0}, dataRows[]", ObjectID);
int rowsAffected = 0;
if (null == dataRows)
throw ADP.ArgumentNull(nameof(dataRows));
else if (0 != dataRows.Length)
DataTable? dataTable = null;
for (int i = 0; i < dataRows.Length; ++i)
if ((null != dataRows[i]) && (dataTable != dataRows[i].Table))
if (null != dataTable)
throw ADP.UpdateMismatchRowTable(i);
dataTable = dataRows[i].Table;
if (null != dataTable)
DataTableMapping tableMapping = GetTableMapping(dataTable);
rowsAffected = Update(dataRows, tableMapping);
return rowsAffected;
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from adapter commands) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
public int Update(DataTable dataTable)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Update|API> {0}, dataTable", ObjectID);
if (null == dataTable)
throw ADP.UpdateRequiresDataTable(nameof(dataTable));
DataTableMapping? tableMapping = null;
int index = IndexOfDataSetTable(dataTable.TableName);
if (-1 != index)
tableMapping = TableMappings[index];
if (null == tableMapping)
if (System.Data.MissingMappingAction.Error == MissingMappingAction)
throw ADP.MissingTableMappingDestination(dataTable.TableName);
tableMapping = new DataTableMapping(DbDataAdapter.DefaultSourceTableName, dataTable.TableName);
return UpdateFromDataTable(dataTable, tableMapping);
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from adapter commands) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
public int Update(DataSet dataSet, string srcTable)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Update|API> {0}, dataSet, srcTable='{1}'", ObjectID, srcTable);
if (null == dataSet)
throw ADP.UpdateRequiresNonNullDataSet(nameof(dataSet));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcTable))
throw ADP.UpdateRequiresSourceTableName(nameof(srcTable));
int rowsAffected = 0;
DataTableMapping? tableMapping = GetTableMappingBySchemaAction(srcTable, srcTable, UpdateMappingAction);
Debug.Assert(null != tableMapping, "null TableMapping when MissingMappingAction.Error");
// the ad-hoc scenario of no dataTable just returns
// ad-hoc scenario is defined as MissingSchemaAction.Add or MissingSchemaAction.Ignore
System.Data.MissingSchemaAction schemaAction = UpdateSchemaAction;
DataTable? dataTable = tableMapping.GetDataTableBySchemaAction(dataSet, schemaAction);
if (null != dataTable)
rowsAffected = UpdateFromDataTable(dataTable, tableMapping);
else if (!HasTableMappings() || (-1 == TableMappings.IndexOf(tableMapping)))
//throw error since the user didn't explicitly map this tableName to Ignore.
throw ADP.UpdateRequiresSourceTable(srcTable);
return rowsAffected;
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader's (built from adapter commands) schema table types cannot be statically analyzed.")]
protected virtual int Update(DataRow[] dataRows, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
long logScopeId = DataCommonEventSource.Log.EnterScope("<comm.DbDataAdapter.Update|API> {0}, dataRows[], tableMapping", ObjectID);
Debug.Assert((null != dataRows) && (0 < dataRows.Length), "Update: bad dataRows");
Debug.Assert(null != tableMapping, "Update: bad DataTableMapping");
// If records were affected, increment row count by one - that is number of rows affected in dataset.
int cumulativeDataRowsAffected = 0;
IDbConnection?[] connections = new IDbConnection[5]; // one for each statementtype
ConnectionState[] connectionStates = new ConnectionState[5]; // closed by default (== 0)
bool useSelectConnectionState = false;
IDbCommand? tmpcmd = _IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
if (null != tmpcmd)
connections[0] = tmpcmd.Connection;
if (null != connections[0])
connectionStates[0] = connections[0]!.State;
useSelectConnectionState = true;
int maxBatchCommands = Math.Min(UpdateBatchSize, dataRows.Length);
if (maxBatchCommands < 1)
{ // batch size of zero indicates one batch, no matter how large...
maxBatchCommands = dataRows.Length;
BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands = new BatchCommandInfo[maxBatchCommands];
DataRow[] rowBatch = new DataRow[maxBatchCommands];
int commandCount = 0;
// the outer try/finally is for closing any connections we may have opened
if (1 != maxBatchCommands)
StatementType statementType = StatementType.Select;
IDbCommand? dataCommand = null;
// for each row which is either insert, update, or delete
foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataRows)
if (null == dataRow)
continue; // foreach DataRow
bool isCommandFromRowUpdating = false;
// obtain the appropriate command
switch (dataRow.RowState)
case DataRowState.Detached:
case DataRowState.Unchanged:
continue; // foreach DataRow
case DataRowState.Added:
statementType = StatementType.Insert;
dataCommand = _IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand;
case DataRowState.Deleted:
statementType = StatementType.Delete;
dataCommand = _IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand;
case DataRowState.Modified:
statementType = StatementType.Update;
dataCommand = _IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand;
throw ADP.InvalidDataRowState(dataRow.RowState); // out of Update without completing batch
// setup the event to be raised
// TODO: the event may be raised with a null command, but only if the update, but only if
// the update attempt fails (because no command was configured). We should not emit the
// event in this case.
RowUpdatingEventArgs? rowUpdatingEvent = CreateRowUpdatingEvent(dataRow, dataCommand, statementType, tableMapping);
// this try/catch for any exceptions during the parameter initialization
dataRow.RowError = null;
if (null != dataCommand)
// prepare the parameters for the user who then can modify them during OnRowUpdating
ParameterInput(dataCommand.Parameters, statementType, dataRow, tableMapping);
catch (Exception e) when (ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
rowUpdatingEvent.Errors = e;
rowUpdatingEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
OnRowUpdating(rowUpdatingEvent); // user may throw out of Update without completing batch
IDbCommand? tmpCommand = rowUpdatingEvent.Command;
isCommandFromRowUpdating = (dataCommand != tmpCommand);
dataCommand = tmpCommand;
tmpCommand = null;
// handle the status from RowUpdating event
UpdateStatus rowUpdatingStatus = rowUpdatingEvent.Status;
if (UpdateStatus.Continue != rowUpdatingStatus)
if (UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred == rowUpdatingStatus)
UpdatingRowStatusErrors(rowUpdatingEvent, dataRow);
continue; // foreach DataRow
else if (UpdateStatus.SkipCurrentRow == rowUpdatingStatus)
if (DataRowState.Unchanged == dataRow.RowState)
continue; // foreach DataRow
else if (UpdateStatus.SkipAllRemainingRows == rowUpdatingStatus)
if (DataRowState.Unchanged == dataRow.RowState)
break; // execute existing batch and return
throw ADP.InvalidUpdateStatus(rowUpdatingStatus); // out of Update
// else onward to Append/ExecuteNonQuery/ExecuteReader
rowUpdatingEvent = null;
RowUpdatedEventArgs? rowUpdatedEvent = null;
if (1 == maxBatchCommands)
if (null != dataCommand)
batchCommands[0]._commandIdentifier = 0;
batchCommands[0]._parameterCount = dataCommand.Parameters.Count;
batchCommands[0]._statementType = statementType;
batchCommands[0]._updatedRowSource = dataCommand.UpdatedRowSource;
batchCommands[0]._row = dataRow;
rowBatch[0] = dataRow; // not doing a batch update, just simplifying code...
commandCount = 1;
Exception? errors = null;
if (null != dataCommand)
if (0 == (UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord & dataCommand.UpdatedRowSource))
// append the command to the commandset. If an exception
// occurs, then the user must append and continue
batchCommands[commandCount]._commandIdentifier = AddToBatch(dataCommand);
batchCommands[commandCount]._parameterCount = dataCommand.Parameters.Count;
batchCommands[commandCount]._row = dataRow;
batchCommands[commandCount]._statementType = statementType;
batchCommands[commandCount]._updatedRowSource = dataCommand.UpdatedRowSource;
rowBatch[commandCount] = dataRow;
if (commandCount < maxBatchCommands)
continue; // foreach DataRow
// else onward execute the batch
// do not allow the expectation that returned results will be used
errors = ADP.ResultsNotAllowedDuringBatch();
// null Command will force RowUpdatedEvent with ErrorsOccurred without completing batch
errors = ADP.UpdateRequiresCommand(statementType, isCommandFromRowUpdating);
catch (Exception e) when (ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
// try/catch for RowUpdatedEventArgs
errors = e;
if (null != errors)
// TODO: See above comment on dataCommand being null
rowUpdatedEvent = CreateRowUpdatedEvent(dataRow, dataCommand, StatementType.Batch, tableMapping);
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = errors;
rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
OnRowUpdated(rowUpdatedEvent); // user may throw out of Update
if (errors != rowUpdatedEvent.Errors)
{ // user set the error msg and we will use it
for (int i = 0; i < batchCommands.Length; ++i)
batchCommands[i]._errors = null;
cumulativeDataRowsAffected += UpdatedRowStatus(rowUpdatedEvent, batchCommands, commandCount);
if (UpdateStatus.SkipAllRemainingRows == rowUpdatedEvent.Status)
continue; // foreach datarow
// TODO: See above comment on dataCommand being null
rowUpdatedEvent = CreateRowUpdatedEvent(dataRow, dataCommand, statementType, tableMapping);
// this try/catch for any exceptions during the execution, population, output parameters
if (1 != maxBatchCommands)
IDbConnection connection = DbDataAdapter.GetConnection1(this);
ConnectionState state = UpdateConnectionOpen(connection, StatementType.Batch, connections, connectionStates, useSelectConnectionState);
if (ConnectionState.Open == state)
UpdateBatchExecute(batchCommands, commandCount, rowUpdatedEvent);
// null Connection will force RowUpdatedEvent with ErrorsOccurred without completing batch
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateOpenConnectionRequired(StatementType.Batch, false, state);
rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
else if (null != dataCommand)
IDbConnection connection = DbDataAdapter.GetConnection4(dataCommand, statementType, isCommandFromRowUpdating);
ConnectionState state = UpdateConnectionOpen(connection, statementType, connections, connectionStates, useSelectConnectionState);
if (ConnectionState.Open == state)
UpdateRowExecute(rowUpdatedEvent, dataCommand, statementType);
batchCommands[0]._recordsAffected = rowUpdatedEvent.RecordsAffected;
batchCommands[0]._errors = null;
// null Connection will force RowUpdatedEvent with ErrorsOccurred without completing batch
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateOpenConnectionRequired(statementType, isCommandFromRowUpdating, state);
rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
// null Command will force RowUpdatedEvent with ErrorsOccurred without completing batch
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateRequiresCommand(statementType, isCommandFromRowUpdating);
rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
catch (Exception e) when (ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
// try/catch for RowUpdatedEventArgs
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = e;
rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
bool clearBatchOnSkipAll = (UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred == rowUpdatedEvent.Status);
Exception? errors = rowUpdatedEvent.Errors;
OnRowUpdated(rowUpdatedEvent); // user may throw out of Update
// NOTE: the contents of rowBatch are now tainted...
if (errors != rowUpdatedEvent.Errors)
{ // user set the error msg and we will use it
for (int i = 0; i < batchCommands.Length; ++i)
batchCommands[i]._errors = null;
cumulativeDataRowsAffected += UpdatedRowStatus(rowUpdatedEvent, batchCommands, commandCount);
if (UpdateStatus.SkipAllRemainingRows == rowUpdatedEvent.Status)
if (clearBatchOnSkipAll && 1 != maxBatchCommands)
commandCount = 0;
break; // from update
if (1 != maxBatchCommands)
commandCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < batchCommands.Length; ++i)
batchCommands[i] = default(BatchCommandInfo);
commandCount = 0;
} // foreach DataRow
// must handle the last batch
if (1 != maxBatchCommands && 0 < commandCount)
// TODO: See above comment on dataCommand being null
// TODO: DataRow is null because we call AdapterInit below, which populates rows
RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent = CreateRowUpdatedEvent(null!, dataCommand, statementType, tableMapping);
IDbConnection connection = DbDataAdapter.GetConnection1(this);
ConnectionState state = UpdateConnectionOpen(connection, StatementType.Batch, connections, connectionStates, useSelectConnectionState);
DataRow[] finalRowBatch = rowBatch;
if (commandCount < rowBatch.Length)
finalRowBatch = new DataRow[commandCount];
Array.Copy(rowBatch, finalRowBatch, commandCount);
if (ConnectionState.Open == state)
UpdateBatchExecute(batchCommands, commandCount, rowUpdatedEvent);
// null Connection will force RowUpdatedEvent with ErrorsOccurred without completing batch
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateOpenConnectionRequired(StatementType.Batch, false, state);
rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
catch (Exception e) when (ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
// try/catch for RowUpdatedEventArgs
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = e;
rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
Exception? errors = rowUpdatedEvent.Errors;
OnRowUpdated(rowUpdatedEvent); // user may throw out of Update
// NOTE: the contents of rowBatch are now tainted...
if (errors != rowUpdatedEvent.Errors)
{ // user set the error msg and we will use it
for (int i = 0; i < batchCommands.Length; ++i)
batchCommands[i]._errors = null;
cumulativeDataRowsAffected += UpdatedRowStatus(rowUpdatedEvent, batchCommands, commandCount);
if (1 != maxBatchCommands)
{ // try/finally for connection cleanup
for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; ++i)
QuietClose(connections[i], connectionStates[i]);
return cumulativeDataRowsAffected;
private void UpdateBatchExecute(BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, int commandCount, RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent)
Debug.Assert(rowUpdatedEvent.Rows != null);
// the batch execution may succeed, partially succeed and throw an exception (or not), or totally fail
int recordsAffected = ExecuteBatch();
catch (DbException e)
// an exception was thrown be but some part of the batch may have been successful
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = e;
rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
Data.MissingMappingAction missingMapping = UpdateMappingAction;
Data.MissingSchemaAction missingSchema = UpdateSchemaAction;
int checkRecordsAffected = 0;
bool hasConcurrencyViolation = false;
List<DataRow>? rows = null;
// walk through the batch to build the sum of recordsAffected
// determine possible indivdual messages per datarow
// determine possible concurrency violations per datarow
// map output parameters to the datarow
for (int bc = 0; bc < commandCount; ++bc)
BatchCommandInfo batchCommand = batchCommands[bc];
StatementType statementType = batchCommand._statementType;
// default implementation always returns 1, derived classes must override
// otherwise DbConcurrencyException will only be thrown if sum of all records in batch is 0
int rowAffected;
if (GetBatchedRecordsAffected(batchCommand._commandIdentifier, out rowAffected, out batchCommands[bc]._errors))
batchCommands[bc]._recordsAffected = rowAffected;
if ((null == batchCommands[bc]._errors) && batchCommands[bc]._recordsAffected.HasValue)
// determine possible concurrency violations per datarow
if ((StatementType.Update == statementType) || (StatementType.Delete == statementType))
if (0 == rowAffected)
if (null == rows)
rows = new List<DataRow>();
batchCommands[bc]._errors = ADP.UpdateConcurrencyViolation(batchCommands[bc]._statementType, 0, 1, new DataRow[] { rowUpdatedEvent.Rows[bc] });
hasConcurrencyViolation = true;
// map output parameters to the datarow
if (((StatementType.Insert == statementType) || (StatementType.Update == statementType))
&& (0 != (UpdateRowSource.OutputParameters & batchCommand._updatedRowSource)) && (0 != rowAffected))
if (StatementType.Insert == statementType)
// AcceptChanges for 'added' rows so backend generated keys that are returned
// propagte into the datatable correctly.
for (int i = 0; i < batchCommand._parameterCount; ++i)
IDataParameter parameter = GetBatchedParameter(batchCommand._commandIdentifier, i);
ParameterOutput(parameter, batchCommand._row, rowUpdatedEvent.TableMapping, missingMapping, missingSchema);
if (null == rowUpdatedEvent.Errors)
// Only error if RecordsAffect == 0, not -1. A value of -1 means no count was received from server,
// do not error in that situation (means 'set nocount on' was executed on server).
if (UpdateStatus.Continue == rowUpdatedEvent.Status)
if ((0 < checkRecordsAffected) && ((0 == rowUpdatedEvent.RecordsAffected) || hasConcurrencyViolation))
// bug50526, an exception if no records affected and attempted an Update/Delete
Debug.Assert(null == rowUpdatedEvent.Errors, "Continue - but contains an exception");
DataRow[] rowsInError = (null != rows) ? rows.ToArray() : rowUpdatedEvent.Rows!;
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateConcurrencyViolation(StatementType.Batch, commandCount - rowsInError.Length, commandCount, rowsInError);
rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
private static ConnectionState UpdateConnectionOpen(IDbConnection connection, StatementType statementType, IDbConnection?[] connections, ConnectionState[] connectionStates, bool useSelectConnectionState)
Debug.Assert(null != connection, "unexpected null connection");
int index = (int)statementType;
if (connection != connections[index])
// if the user has changed the connection on the command object
// and we had opened that connection, close that connection
QuietClose(connections[index], connectionStates[index]);
connections[index] = connection;
connectionStates[index] = ConnectionState.Closed; // required, open may throw
QuietOpen(connection, out connectionStates[index]);
if (useSelectConnectionState && (connections[0] == connection))
connectionStates[index] = connections[0]!.State;
return connection.State;
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader (built from _IDbDataAdapter command) schema table rows DataTypes cannot be statically analyzed.")]
private int UpdateFromDataTable(DataTable dataTable, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
int rowsAffected = 0;
DataRow[] dataRows = ADP.SelectAdapterRows(dataTable, false);
if ((null != dataRows) && (0 < dataRows.Length))
rowsAffected = Update(dataRows, tableMapping);
return rowsAffected;
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("IDataReader (built from dataCommand) schema table rows DataTypes cannot be statically analyzed.")]
private void UpdateRowExecute(RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, IDbCommand dataCommand, StatementType cmdIndex)
Debug.Assert(null != rowUpdatedEvent, "null rowUpdatedEvent");
Debug.Assert(null != dataCommand, "null dataCommand");
Debug.Assert(rowUpdatedEvent.Command == dataCommand, "dataCommand differs from rowUpdatedEvent");
bool insertAcceptChanges = true;
UpdateRowSource updatedRowSource = dataCommand.UpdatedRowSource;
if ((StatementType.Delete == cmdIndex) || (0 == (UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord & updatedRowSource)))
int recordsAffected = dataCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
else if ((StatementType.Insert == cmdIndex) || (StatementType.Update == cmdIndex))
// we only care about the first row of the first result
using (IDataReader dataReader = dataCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess))
DataReaderContainer readerHandler = DataReaderContainer.Create(dataReader, ReturnProviderSpecificTypes);
bool getData = false;
// advance to the first row returning result set
// determined by actually having columns in the result set
if (0 < readerHandler.FieldCount)
getData = true;
} while (dataReader.NextResult());
if (getData && (0 != dataReader.RecordsAffected))
SchemaMapping mapping = new SchemaMapping(this, null, rowUpdatedEvent.Row.Table, readerHandler, false, SchemaType.Mapped, rowUpdatedEvent.TableMapping.SourceTable, true, null, null);
if ((null != mapping.DataTable) && (null != mapping.DataValues))
if (dataReader.Read())
if ((StatementType.Insert == cmdIndex) && insertAcceptChanges)
insertAcceptChanges = false;
// using Close which can optimize its { while (dataReader.NextResult()); } loop
// RecordsAffected is available after Close, but don't trust it after Dispose
int recordsAffected = dataReader.RecordsAffected;
// StatementType.Select, StatementType.Batch
Debug.Fail("unexpected StatementType");
// map the parameter results to the dataSet
if (((StatementType.Insert == cmdIndex) || (StatementType.Update == cmdIndex))
&& (0 != (UpdateRowSource.OutputParameters & updatedRowSource)) && (0 != rowUpdatedEvent.RecordsAffected))
if ((StatementType.Insert == cmdIndex) && insertAcceptChanges)
ParameterOutput(dataCommand.Parameters, rowUpdatedEvent.Row, rowUpdatedEvent.TableMapping);
// Only error if RecordsAffect == 0, not -1. A value of -1 means no count was received from server,
// do not error in that situation (means 'set nocount on' was executed on server).
switch (rowUpdatedEvent.Status)
case UpdateStatus.Continue:
switch (cmdIndex)
case StatementType.Update:
case StatementType.Delete:
if (0 == rowUpdatedEvent.RecordsAffected)
Debug.Assert(null == rowUpdatedEvent.Errors, "Continue - but contains an exception");
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateConcurrencyViolation(cmdIndex, rowUpdatedEvent.RecordsAffected, 1, new DataRow[] { rowUpdatedEvent.Row });
rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
private int UpdatedRowStatus(RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, int commandCount)
Debug.Assert(null != rowUpdatedEvent, "null rowUpdatedEvent");
int cumulativeDataRowsAffected;
switch (rowUpdatedEvent.Status)
case UpdateStatus.Continue:
cumulativeDataRowsAffected = UpdatedRowStatusContinue(batchCommands, commandCount);
break; // return to foreach DataRow
case UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred:
cumulativeDataRowsAffected = UpdatedRowStatusErrors(rowUpdatedEvent, batchCommands, commandCount);
break; // no datarow affected if ErrorsOccurred
case UpdateStatus.SkipCurrentRow:
case UpdateStatus.SkipAllRemainingRows: // cancel the Update method
cumulativeDataRowsAffected = UpdatedRowStatusSkip(batchCommands, commandCount);
break; // foreach DataRow without accepting changes on this row (but user may haved accepted chagnes for us)
throw ADP.InvalidUpdateStatus(rowUpdatedEvent.Status);
} // switch RowUpdatedEventArgs.Status
return cumulativeDataRowsAffected;
private int UpdatedRowStatusContinue(BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, int commandCount)
Debug.Assert(null != batchCommands, "null batchCommands?");
int cumulativeDataRowsAffected = 0;
// 1. We delay accepting the changes until after we fire RowUpdatedEvent
// so the user has a chance to call RejectChanges for any given reason
// 2. If the DataSource return 0 records affected, its an indication that
// the command didn't take so we don't want to automatically
// AcceptChanges.
// With 'set nocount on' the count will be -1, accept changes in that case too.
// 3. Don't accept changes if no rows were affected, the user needs
// to know that there is a concurrency violation
// Only accept changes if the row is not already accepted, ie detached.
bool acdu = AcceptChangesDuringUpdate;
for (int i = 0; i < commandCount; i++)
var batchCommand = batchCommands[i];
DataRow row = batchCommand._row;
if ((null == batchCommand._errors) && batchCommand._recordsAffected != null && (0 != batchCommand._recordsAffected.Value))
Debug.Assert(null != row, "null dataRow?");
if (acdu)
if (0 != ((DataRowState.Added | DataRowState.Deleted | DataRowState.Modified) & row.RowState))
return cumulativeDataRowsAffected;
private int UpdatedRowStatusErrors(RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, int commandCount)
Debug.Assert(null != batchCommands, "null batchCommands?");
Exception? errors = rowUpdatedEvent.Errors;
if (null == errors)
// user changed status to ErrorsOccurred without supplying an exception message
errors = ADP.RowUpdatedErrors();
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = errors;
int affected = 0;
bool done = false;
string message = errors.Message;
for (int i = 0; i < commandCount; i++)
DataRow row = batchCommands[i]._row;
Debug.Assert(null != row, "null dataRow?");
if (batchCommands[i]._errors is Exception commandErrors)
{ // will exist if 0 == RecordsAffected
string rowMsg = commandErrors.Message;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rowMsg))
rowMsg = message;
row.RowError += rowMsg;
done = true;
if (!done)
{ // all rows are in 'error'
for (int i = 0; i < commandCount; i++)
DataRow row = batchCommands[i]._row;
// its possible a DBConcurrencyException exists and all rows have records affected
// via not overriding GetBatchedRecordsAffected or user setting the exception
row.RowError += message;
affected = UpdatedRowStatusContinue(batchCommands, commandCount);
if (!ContinueUpdateOnError)
throw errors; // out of Update
return affected; // return the count of successful rows within the batch failure
private static int UpdatedRowStatusSkip(BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, int commandCount)
Debug.Assert(null != batchCommands, "null batchCommands?");
int cumulativeDataRowsAffected = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < commandCount; i++)
DataRow row = batchCommands[i]._row;
Debug.Assert(null != row, "null dataRow?");
if (0 != ((DataRowState.Detached | DataRowState.Unchanged) & row.RowState))
return cumulativeDataRowsAffected;
private void UpdatingRowStatusErrors(RowUpdatingEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, DataRow dataRow)
Debug.Assert(null != dataRow, "null dataRow");
Exception? errors = rowUpdatedEvent.Errors;
if (null == errors)
// user changed status to ErrorsOccurred without supplying an exception message
errors = ADP.RowUpdatingErrors();
rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = errors;
string message = errors.Message;
dataRow.RowError += message;
if (!ContinueUpdateOnError)
throw errors; // out of Update
private static IDbConnection GetConnection1(DbDataAdapter adapter)
IDbCommand? command = adapter._IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;
if (null == command)
command = adapter._IDbDataAdapter.InsertCommand;
if (null == command)
command = adapter._IDbDataAdapter.UpdateCommand;
if (null == command)
command = adapter._IDbDataAdapter.DeleteCommand;
IDbConnection? connection = null;
if (null != command)
connection = command.Connection;
if (null == connection)
throw ADP.UpdateConnectionRequired(StatementType.Batch, false);
return connection;
private static IDbConnection GetConnection3(IDbCommand command, string method)
Debug.Assert(null != command, "GetConnection3: null command");
Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(method), "missing method name");
IDbConnection? connection = command.Connection;
if (null == connection)
throw ADP.ConnectionRequired_Res(method);
return connection;
private static IDbConnection GetConnection4(IDbCommand command, StatementType statementType, bool isCommandFromRowUpdating)
Debug.Assert(null != command, "GetConnection4: null command");
IDbConnection? connection = command.Connection;
if (null == connection)
throw ADP.UpdateConnectionRequired(statementType, isCommandFromRowUpdating);
return connection;
private static DataRowVersion GetParameterSourceVersion(StatementType statementType, IDataParameter parameter)
switch (statementType)
case StatementType.Insert: return DataRowVersion.Current; // ignores parameter.SourceVersion
case StatementType.Update: return parameter.SourceVersion;
case StatementType.Delete: return DataRowVersion.Original; // ignores parameter.SourceVersion
case StatementType.Select:
case StatementType.Batch:
throw ADP.UnwantedStatementType(statementType);
throw ADP.InvalidStatementType(statementType);
private static void QuietClose(IDbConnection? connection, ConnectionState originalState)
// close the connection if:
// * it was closed on first use and adapter has opened it, AND
// * provider's implementation did not ask to keep this connection open
if ((null != connection) && (ConnectionState.Closed == originalState))
// we don't have to check the current connection state because
// it is supposed to be safe to call Close multiple times
// QuietOpen needs to appear in the try {} finally { QuietClose } block
// otherwise a possibility exists that an exception may be thrown
// where we would Open the connection and not close it
private static void QuietOpen(IDbConnection connection, out ConnectionState originalState)
Debug.Assert(null != connection, "QuietOpen: null connection");
originalState = connection.State;
if (ConnectionState.Closed == originalState)