File: System\Data\Common\RowUpdatingEventArgs.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Data.Common\src\System.Data.Common.csproj (System.Data.Common)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Data.Common
    public class RowUpdatingEventArgs : EventArgs
        private IDbCommand? _command;
        private readonly StatementType _statementType;
        private readonly DataTableMapping _tableMapping;
        private Exception? _errors;
        private readonly DataRow _dataRow;
        private UpdateStatus _status;
        public RowUpdatingEventArgs(DataRow dataRow, IDbCommand? command, StatementType statementType, DataTableMapping tableMapping)
            ADP.CheckArgumentNull(dataRow, nameof(dataRow));
            ADP.CheckArgumentNull(tableMapping, nameof(tableMapping));
            switch (statementType)
                case StatementType.Select:
                case StatementType.Insert:
                case StatementType.Update:
                case StatementType.Delete:
                case StatementType.Batch:
                    throw ADP.NotSupportedStatementType(statementType, nameof(RowUpdatingEventArgs));
                    throw ADP.InvalidStatementType(statementType);
            _dataRow = dataRow;
            _command = command; // maybe null
            _statementType = statementType;
            _tableMapping = tableMapping;
        protected virtual IDbCommand? BaseCommand
            get { return _command; }
            set { _command = value; }
        public IDbCommand? Command
            get { return BaseCommand; }
            set { BaseCommand = value; }
        public Exception? Errors
            get { return _errors; }
            set { _errors = value; }
        public DataRow Row => _dataRow;
        public StatementType StatementType => _statementType;
        public UpdateStatus Status
            get { return _status; }
                switch (value)
                    case UpdateStatus.Continue:
                    case UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred:
                    case UpdateStatus.SkipCurrentRow:
                    case UpdateStatus.SkipAllRemainingRows:
                        _status = value;
                        throw ADP.InvalidUpdateStatus(value);
        public DataTableMapping TableMapping => _tableMapping;