// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
namespace System
// Provides Unix-based support for System.Console.
// NOTE: The test class reflects over this class to run the tests due to limitations in
// the test infrastructure that prevent OS-specific builds of test binaries. If you
// change any of the class / struct / function names, parameters, etc then you need
// to also change the test class.
internal static partial class ConsolePal
// StdInReader is only used when input isn't redirected and we're working
// with an interactive terminal. In that case, performance isn't critical
// and we can use a smaller buffer to minimize working set.
private const int InteractiveBufferSize = 255;
// For performance we cache Cursor{Left,Top} and Window{Width,Height}.
// These values must be read/written under lock (Console.Out).
// We also need to invalidate these values when certain signals occur.
// We don't want to take the lock in the signal handling thread for this.
// Instead, we set a flag. Before reading a cached value, a call to CheckTerminalSettingsInvalidated
// will invalidate the cached values if a signal has occurred.
private static int s_cursorVersion; // Gets incremented each time the cursor position changed.
// Used to synchronize between lock (Console.Out) blocks.
private static int s_cursorLeft; // Cached CursorLeft, -1 when invalid.
private static int s_cursorTop; // Cached CursorTop, invalid when s_cursorLeft == -1.
private static int s_windowWidth; // Cached WindowWidth, -1 when invalid.
private static int s_windowHeight; // Cached WindowHeight, invalid when s_windowWidth == -1.
private static int s_invalidateCachedSettings = 1; // Tracks whether we should invalidate the cached settings.
private static SafeFileHandle? s_terminalHandle; // Tracks the handle used for writing to the terminal.
/// <summary>Gets the lazily-initialized terminal information for the terminal.</summary>
public static TerminalFormatStrings TerminalFormatStringsInstance { get { return s_terminalFormatStringsInstance.Value; } }
private static readonly Lazy<TerminalFormatStrings> s_terminalFormatStringsInstance = new(() => new TerminalFormatStrings(TermInfo.DatabaseFactory.ReadActiveDatabase()));
public static Stream OpenStandardInput()
return new UnixConsoleStream(Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.Dup(Interop.Sys.FileDescriptors.STDIN_FILENO)), FileAccess.Read,
useReadLine: !Console.IsInputRedirected);
public static Stream OpenStandardOutput()
return new UnixConsoleStream(Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.Dup(Interop.Sys.FileDescriptors.STDOUT_FILENO)), FileAccess.Write);
public static Stream OpenStandardError()
return new UnixConsoleStream(Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.Dup(Interop.Sys.FileDescriptors.STDERR_FILENO)), FileAccess.Write);
public static Encoding InputEncoding
get { return GetConsoleEncoding(); }
public static Encoding OutputEncoding
get { return GetConsoleEncoding(); }
private static SyncTextReader? s_stdInReader;
internal static SyncTextReader StdInReader
return Volatile.Read(ref s_stdInReader) ?? EnsureInitialized();
static SyncTextReader EnsureInitialized()
SyncTextReader reader = SyncTextReader.GetSynchronizedTextReader(
new StdInReader(
encoding: Console.InputEncoding
// Don't overwrite a set reader.
// The reader doesn't own resources, so we don't need to dispose
// when it was already set.
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_stdInReader, reader, null);
return s_stdInReader;
internal static TextReader GetOrCreateReader()
if (Console.IsInputRedirected)
Stream inputStream = OpenStandardInput();
return SyncTextReader.GetSynchronizedTextReader(
inputStream == Stream.Null ?
StreamReader.Null :
new StreamReader(
stream: inputStream,
encoding: Console.InputEncoding,
detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: false,
bufferSize: Console.ReadBufferSize,
leaveOpen: true));
return StdInReader;
public static bool KeyAvailable { get { return StdInReader.KeyAvailable; } }
public static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey(bool intercept)
if (Console.IsInputRedirected)
// We could leverage Console.Read() here however
// windows fails when stdin is redirected.
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ConsoleReadKeyOnFile);
ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = StdInReader.ReadKey(intercept);
return keyInfo;
public static bool TreatControlCAsInput
if (Console.IsInputRedirected)
return false;
return Interop.Sys.GetSignalForBreak() == 0;
if (!Console.IsInputRedirected)
if (Interop.Sys.SetSignalForBreak(Convert.ToInt32(!value)) == 0)
throw Interop.GetExceptionForIoErrno(Interop.Sys.GetLastErrorInfo());
private static ConsoleColor s_trackedForegroundColor = Console.UnknownColor;
private static ConsoleColor s_trackedBackgroundColor = Console.UnknownColor;
public static ConsoleColor ForegroundColor
get { return s_trackedForegroundColor; }
set { RefreshColors(ref s_trackedForegroundColor, value); }
public static ConsoleColor BackgroundColor
get { return s_trackedBackgroundColor; }
set { RefreshColors(ref s_trackedBackgroundColor, value); }
public static void ResetColor()
lock (Console.Out) // synchronize with other writers
s_trackedForegroundColor = Console.UnknownColor;
s_trackedBackgroundColor = Console.UnknownColor;
public static bool NumberLock { get { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } }
public static bool CapsLock { get { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } }
public static int CursorSize
get { return 100; }
set { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); }
public static string Title
get { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); }
if (Console.IsOutputRedirected)
string? titleFormat = TerminalFormatStringsInstance.Title;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleFormat))
string ansiStr = TermInfo.ParameterizedStrings.Evaluate(titleFormat, value);
WriteTerminalAnsiString(ansiStr, mayChangeCursorPosition: false);
public static void Beep()
if (!Console.IsOutputRedirected)
WriteTerminalAnsiString(TerminalFormatStringsInstance.Bell, mayChangeCursorPosition: false);
public static void Clear()
if (!Console.IsOutputRedirected)
public static void SetCursorPosition(int left, int top)
if (Console.IsOutputRedirected)
SetTerminalCursorPosition(left, top);
public static void SetTerminalCursorPosition(int left, int top)
lock (Console.Out)
if (TryGetCachedCursorPosition(out int leftCurrent, out int topCurrent) &&
left == leftCurrent &&
top == topCurrent)
string? cursorAddressFormat = TerminalFormatStringsInstance.CursorAddress;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cursorAddressFormat))
string ansiStr = TermInfo.ParameterizedStrings.Evaluate(cursorAddressFormat, top, left);
SetCachedCursorPosition(left, top);
private static void SetCachedCursorPosition(int left, int top, int? version = null)
Debug.Assert(left >= 0);
bool setPosition = version == null || version == s_cursorVersion;
if (setPosition)
s_cursorLeft = left;
s_cursorTop = top;
private static void InvalidateCachedCursorPosition()
s_cursorLeft = -1;
private static bool TryGetCachedCursorPosition(out int left, out int top)
// Invalidate before reading cached values.
bool hasCachedCursorPosition = s_cursorLeft >= 0;
if (hasCachedCursorPosition)
left = s_cursorLeft;
top = s_cursorTop;
left = 0;
top = 0;
return hasCachedCursorPosition;
public static int BufferWidth
get { return WindowWidth; }
set { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); }
public static int BufferHeight
get { return WindowHeight; }
set { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); }
public static int LargestWindowWidth
get { return WindowWidth; }
public static int LargestWindowHeight
get { return WindowHeight; }
public static int WindowLeft
get { return 0; }
set { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); }
public static int WindowTop
get { return 0; }
set { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); }
public static int WindowWidth
GetWindowSize(out int width, out _);
return width;
set => SetWindowSize(value, WindowHeight);
public static int WindowHeight
GetWindowSize(out _, out int height);
return height;
set => SetWindowSize(WindowWidth, value);
private static void GetWindowSize(out int width, out int height)
lock (Console.Out)
// Invalidate before reading cached values.
if (s_windowWidth == -1)
Interop.Sys.WinSize winsize;
if (s_terminalHandle != null &&
Interop.Sys.GetWindowSize(s_terminalHandle, out winsize) == 0)
s_windowWidth = winsize.Col;
s_windowHeight = winsize.Row;
s_windowWidth = TerminalFormatStringsInstance.Columns;
s_windowHeight = TerminalFormatStringsInstance.Lines;
width = s_windowWidth;
height = s_windowHeight;
public static void SetWindowSize(int width, int height)
// note: We can't implement SetWindowSize using TIOCSWINSZ.
// TIOCSWINSZ is meant to inform the kernel of the terminal size.
// The window that shows the terminal doesn't change to match that size.
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public static bool CursorVisible
get { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); }
if (!Console.IsOutputRedirected)
WriteTerminalAnsiString(value ?
TerminalFormatStringsInstance.CursorVisible :
public static (int Left, int Top) GetCursorPosition()
if (Console.IsInputRedirected || Console.IsOutputRedirected)
return (0, 0);
TryGetCursorPosition(out int left, out int top);
return (left, top);
/// <summary>
/// Tracks whether we've ever successfully received a response to a cursor position request (CPR).
/// If we have, then we can be more aggressive about expecting a response to subsequent requests,
/// e.g. using a longer timeout.
/// </summary>
private static bool s_everReceivedCursorPositionResponse;
/// <summary>
/// Tracks if this is out first attempt to send a cursor posotion request. If it is, we start the
/// timer immediately (i.e. minChar = 0), but we use a slightly longer timeout to avoid the CPR response
/// being written to the console.
/// </summary>
private static bool s_firstCursorPositionRequest = true;
/// <summary>Gets the current cursor position. This involves both writing to stdout and reading stdin.</summary>
/// <param name="left">Cursor column.</param>
/// <param name="top">Cursor row.</param>
/// <param name="reinitializeForRead">Indicates whether this method is called as part of a on-going Read operation.</param>
internal static bool TryGetCursorPosition(out int left, out int top, bool reinitializeForRead = false)
left = top = 0;
int cursorVersion;
lock (Console.Out)
if (TryGetCachedCursorPosition(out left, out top))
return true;
cursorVersion = s_cursorVersion;
// Create a buffer to read the response into. We start with stack memory and grow
// into the heap only if we need to, and we choose a limit that should be large
// enough for the vast, vast majority of use cases, such that when we do grow, we
// just allocate, rather than employing any complicated pooling strategy.
int readBytesPos = 0;
Span<byte> readBytes = stackalloc byte[256];
// Synchronize with all other stdin readers. We need to do this in case multiple threads are
// trying to read/write concurrently, and to minimize the chances of resulting conflicts.
// This does mean that Console.get_CursorLeft/Top can't be used concurrently with Console.Read*, etc.;
// attempting to do so will block one of them until the other completes, but in doing so we prevent
// one thread's get_CursorLeft/Top from providing input to the other's Console.Read*.
lock (StdInReader)
// Because the CPR request/response protocol involves blocking until we get a certain
// response from the terminal, we want to avoid doing so if we don't know the terminal
// will definitely respond. As such, we start with minChars == 0, which causes the
// terminal's read timer to start immediately. Once we've received a response for
// a request such that we know the terminal supports the protocol, we then specify
// minChars == 1. With that, the timer won't start until the first character is
// received. This makes the mechanism more reliable when there are high latencies
// involved in reading/writing, such as when accessing a remote system. We also extend
// the timeout on the very first request to 15 seconds, to account for potential latency
// before we know if we will receive a response.
Interop.Sys.InitializeConsoleBeforeRead(minChars: (byte)(s_everReceivedCursorPositionResponse ? 1 : 0), decisecondsTimeout: (byte)(s_firstCursorPositionRequest ? 100 : 10));
// Write out the cursor position report request.
WriteTerminalAnsiString(TerminalFormatStrings.CursorPositionReport, mayChangeCursorPosition: false);
// Read the cursor position report (CPR), of the form \ESC[row;colR. This is not
// as easy as it sounds. Prior to the CPR having been supplied to stdin, other
// user input could have come in and be available to read first from stdin. Plus,
// that user input could include escape sequences, and those escape sequences could
// have a prefix very similar to that of the CPR (e.g. other escape sequences start
// with \ESC + '['. It's also possible that some terminal implementations may not
// write the CPR to stdin atomically, such that the CPR could have other user input
// in the middle of it, and that user input could have escape sequences! Handling
// that last case is very challenging, and rare, so we don't try, but we do need to
// handle the rest. The min bar here is doing something reasonable, which may include
// giving up and just returning default top and left values.
// Consume from stdin until we find all of the key markers for the CPR:
// \ESC, '[', ';', and 'R'. For everything before the \ESC, it's definitely
// not part of the CPR sequence, so we just immediately move any such bytes
// over to the StdInReader's extra buffer. From there until the end, we buffer
// everything into readBytes for subsequent parsing.
const byte Esc = 0x1B;
StdInReader r = StdInReader.Inner;
int escPos, bracketPos, semiPos, rPos;
if (!AppendToStdInReaderUntil(Esc, r, readBytes, ref readBytesPos, out escPos) ||
!BufferUntil((byte)'[', ref readBytes, ref readBytesPos, out bracketPos) ||
!BufferUntil((byte)';', ref readBytes, ref readBytesPos, out semiPos) ||
!BufferUntil((byte)'R', ref readBytes, ref readBytesPos, out rPos))
// We were unable to read everything from stdin, e.g. a timeout occurred.
// Since we couldn't get the complete CPR, transfer any bytes we did read
// back to the StdInReader's extra buffer, treating it all as user input,
// and exit having not computed a valid cursor position.
TransferBytes(readBytes.Slice(readBytesPos), r);
return false;
// At this point, readBytes starts with \ESC and ends with 'R'.
Debug.Assert(readBytesPos > 0 && readBytesPos <= readBytes.Length);
Debug.Assert(escPos == 0 && bracketPos > escPos && semiPos > bracketPos && rPos > semiPos);
Debug.Assert(readBytes[escPos] == Esc);
Debug.Assert(readBytes[bracketPos] == '[');
Debug.Assert(readBytes[semiPos] == ';');
Debug.Assert(readBytes[rPos] == 'R');
// There are other sequences that begin with \ESC + '[' and that might be in our sequence before
// the CPR, so we don't immediately trust escPos and bracketPos. Instead, as a heuristic we trust
// semiPos (which we only tracked after seeing a '[' after seeing an \ESC) and search backwards from
// there looking for '[' and then \ESC.
bracketPos = readBytes.Slice(0, semiPos).LastIndexOf((byte)'[');
escPos = readBytes.Slice(0, bracketPos).LastIndexOf(Esc);
// Everything before the \ESC is transferred back to the StdInReader. As is everything
// between the \ESC and the '['; there really shouldn't be anything there, but we're
// defensive in case the CPR wasn't written atomically and something crept in.
TransferBytes(readBytes.Slice(0, escPos), r);
TransferBytes(readBytes.Slice(escPos + 1, bracketPos - (escPos + 1)), r);
// Now loop through all characters between the '[' and the ';' to compute the row,
// and then between the ';' and the 'R' to compute the column. We incorporate any
// digits we find, and while we shouldn't find anything else, we defensively put anything
// else back into the StdInReader.
ReadRowOrCol(bracketPos, semiPos, r, readBytes, ref top);
ReadRowOrCol(semiPos, rPos, r, readBytes, ref left);
// Mark that we've successfully received a CPR response at least once.
s_everReceivedCursorPositionResponse = true;
if (reinitializeForRead)
s_firstCursorPositionRequest = false;
static unsafe bool BufferUntil(byte toFind, ref Span<byte> dst, ref int dstPos, out int foundPos)
// Loop until we find the target byte.
while (true)
// Read the next byte from stdin.
byte b;
if (System.IO.StdInReader.ReadStdin(&b, 1) != 1)
foundPos = -1;
return false;
// Make sure we have enough room to store the byte.
if (dstPos == dst.Length)
var tmpReadBytes = new byte[dst.Length * 2];
dst = tmpReadBytes;
// Store the byte.
dst[dstPos++] = b;
// If this is the target, we're done.
if (b == toFind)
foundPos = dstPos - 1;
return true;
static unsafe bool AppendToStdInReaderUntil(byte toFind, StdInReader reader, Span<byte> foundByteDst, ref int foundByteDstPos, out int foundPos)
// Loop until we find the target byte.
while (true)
// Read the next byte from stdin.
byte b;
if (System.IO.StdInReader.ReadStdin(&b, 1) != 1)
foundPos = -1;
return false;
// If it's the target byte, store it and exit.
if (b == toFind)
Debug.Assert(foundByteDstPos < foundByteDst.Length, "Should only be called when there's room for at least one byte.");
foundPos = foundByteDstPos;
foundByteDst[foundByteDstPos++] = b;
return true;
// Otherwise, push it back into the reader's extra buffer.
reader.AppendExtraBuffer(new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(in b));
static void ReadRowOrCol(int startExclusive, int endExclusive, StdInReader reader, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source, ref int result)
int row = 0;
for (int i = startExclusive + 1; i < endExclusive; i++)
byte b = source[i];
if (char.IsAsciiDigit((char)b))
row = checked((row * 10) + (b - '0'));
catch (OverflowException) { }
reader.AppendExtraBuffer(new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(in b));
if (row >= 1)
result = row - 1;
static void TransferBytes(ReadOnlySpan<byte> src, StdInReader dst)
for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; i++)
dst.AppendExtraBuffer(src.Slice(i, 1));
lock (Console.Out)
SetCachedCursorPosition(left, top, cursorVersion);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets whether the specified file descriptor was redirected.
/// It's considered redirected if it doesn't refer to a terminal.
/// </summary>
private static bool IsHandleRedirected(SafeFileHandle fd)
return !Interop.Sys.IsATty(fd);
/// <summary>
/// Gets whether Console.In is redirected.
/// We approximate the behavior by checking whether the underlying stream is our UnixConsoleStream and it's wrapping a character device.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsInputRedirectedCore()
return IsHandleRedirected(Interop.Sys.FileDescriptors.STDIN_FILENO);
/// <summary>Gets whether Console.Out is redirected.
/// We approximate the behavior by checking whether the underlying stream is our UnixConsoleStream and it's wrapping a character device.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsOutputRedirectedCore()
return IsHandleRedirected(Interop.Sys.FileDescriptors.STDOUT_FILENO);
/// <summary>Gets whether Console.Error is redirected.
/// We approximate the behavior by checking whether the underlying stream is our UnixConsoleStream and it's wrapping a character device.
/// </summary>
public static bool IsErrorRedirectedCore()
return IsHandleRedirected(Interop.Sys.FileDescriptors.STDERR_FILENO);
/// <summary>Creates an encoding from the current environment.</summary>
/// <returns>The encoding.</returns>
private static Encoding GetConsoleEncoding()
Encoding? enc = EncodingHelper.GetEncodingFromCharset();
return enc != null ?
enc.RemovePreamble() :
#pragma warning disable IDE0060
public static void Beep(int frequency, int duration)
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public static void MoveBufferArea(int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop)
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public static void MoveBufferArea(int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop, char sourceChar, ConsoleColor sourceForeColor, ConsoleColor sourceBackColor)
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public static void SetBufferSize(int width, int height)
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public static void SetConsoleInputEncoding(Encoding enc)
// No-op.
// There is no good way to set the terminal console encoding.
public static void SetConsoleOutputEncoding(Encoding enc)
// No-op.
// There is no good way to set the terminal console encoding.
public static void SetWindowPosition(int left, int top)
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
#pragma warning restore IDE0060
/// <summary>
/// Refreshes the foreground and background colors in use by the terminal by resetting
/// the colors and then reissuing commands for both foreground and background, if necessary.
/// Before doing so, the <paramref name="toChange"/> ref is changed to <paramref name="value"/>
/// if <paramref name="value"/> is valid.
/// </summary>
private static void RefreshColors(ref ConsoleColor toChange, ConsoleColor value)
if (((int)value & ~0xF) != 0 && value != Console.UnknownColor)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_InvalidConsoleColor);
lock (Console.Out)
toChange = value; // toChange is either s_trackedForegroundColor or s_trackedBackgroundColor
if (s_trackedForegroundColor != Console.UnknownColor)
WriteSetColorString(foreground: true, color: s_trackedForegroundColor);
if (s_trackedBackgroundColor != Console.UnknownColor)
WriteSetColorString(foreground: false, color: s_trackedBackgroundColor);
/// <summary>Outputs the format string evaluated and parameterized with the color.</summary>
/// <param name="foreground">true for foreground; false for background.</param>
/// <param name="color">The color to store into the field and to use as an argument to the format string.</param>
private static void WriteSetColorString(bool foreground, ConsoleColor color)
// Changing the color involves writing an ANSI character sequence out to the output stream.
// We only want to do this if we know that sequence will be interpreted by the output.
// rather than simply displayed visibly.
if (!ConsoleUtils.EmitAnsiColorCodes)
// See if we've already cached a format string for this foreground/background
// and specific color choice. If we have, just output that format string again.
int fgbgIndex = foreground ? 0 : 1;
int ccValue = (int)color;
string evaluatedString = s_fgbgAndColorStrings[fgbgIndex, ccValue]; // benign race
if (evaluatedString != null)
// We haven't yet computed a format string. Compute it, use it, then cache it.
string? formatString = foreground ? TerminalFormatStringsInstance.Foreground : TerminalFormatStringsInstance.Background;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formatString))
int maxColors = TerminalFormatStringsInstance.MaxColors; // often 8 or 16; 0 is invalid
if (maxColors > 0)
// The values of the ConsoleColor enums unfortunately don't map to the
// corresponding ANSI values. We need to do the mapping manually.
// See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors
ReadOnlySpan<byte> consoleColorToAnsiCode =
// Dark/Normal colors
0, // Black,
4, // DarkBlue,
2, // DarkGreen,
6, // DarkCyan,
1, // DarkRed,
5, // DarkMagenta,
3, // DarkYellow,
7, // Gray,
// Bright colors
8, // DarkGray,
12, // Blue,
10, // Green,
14, // Cyan,
9, // Red,
13, // Magenta,
11, // Yellow,
15 // White
int ansiCode = consoleColorToAnsiCode[ccValue] % maxColors;
evaluatedString = TermInfo.ParameterizedStrings.Evaluate(formatString, ansiCode);
s_fgbgAndColorStrings[fgbgIndex, ccValue] = evaluatedString; // benign race
/// <summary>Writes out the ANSI string to reset colors.</summary>
private static void WriteResetColorString()
if (ConsoleUtils.EmitAnsiColorCodes)
/// <summary>Cache of the format strings for foreground/background and ConsoleColor.</summary>
private static readonly string[,] s_fgbgAndColorStrings = new string[2, 16]; // 2 == fg vs bg, 16 == ConsoleColor values
/// <summary>Whether keypad_xmit has already been written out to the terminal.</summary>
private static volatile bool s_initialized;
/// <summary>Value used to indicate that a special character code isn't available.</summary>
internal static byte s_posixDisableValue;
/// <summary>Special control character code used to represent an erase (backspace).</summary>
internal static byte s_veraseCharacter;
/// <summary>Special control character that represents the end of a line.</summary>
internal static byte s_veolCharacter;
/// <summary>Special control character that represents the end of a line.</summary>
internal static byte s_veol2Character;
/// <summary>Special control character that represents the end of a file.</summary>
internal static byte s_veofCharacter;
/// <summary>Ensures that the console has been initialized for use.</summary>
internal static void EnsureConsoleInitialized()
if (!s_initialized)
EnsureInitializedCore(); // factored out for inlinability
/// <summary>Ensures that the console has been initialized for use.</summary>
private static unsafe void EnsureInitializedCore()
lock (Console.Out) // ensure that writing the ANSI string and setting initialized to true are done atomically
if (!s_initialized)
// Do this even when redirected to make CancelKeyPress works.
if (!Interop.Sys.InitializeTerminalAndSignalHandling())
throw new Win32Exception();
// InitializeTerminalAndSignalHandling will reset the terminal on a normal exit.
// This also resets it for termination due to an unhandled exception.
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (_, _) => { Interop.Sys.UninitializeTerminal(); };
s_terminalHandle = !Console.IsOutputRedirected ? Interop.Sys.FileDescriptors.STDOUT_FILENO :
!Console.IsInputRedirected ? Interop.Sys.FileDescriptors.STDIN_FILENO :
// Provide the native lib with the correct code from the terminfo to transition us into
// "application mode". This will both transition it immediately, as well as allow
// the native lib later to handle signals that require re-entering the mode.
if (s_terminalHandle != null &&
TerminalFormatStringsInstance.KeypadXmit is string keypadXmit)
Interop.Sys.SetKeypadXmit(s_terminalHandle, keypadXmit);
if (!Console.IsInputRedirected)
// Register a callback for signals that may invalidate our cached terminal settings.
// Load special control character codes used for input processing
const int NumControlCharacterNames = 4;
Interop.Sys.ControlCharacterNames* controlCharacterNames = stackalloc Interop.Sys.ControlCharacterNames[NumControlCharacterNames]
byte* controlCharacterValues = stackalloc byte[NumControlCharacterNames];
Interop.Sys.GetControlCharacters(controlCharacterNames, controlCharacterValues, NumControlCharacterNames, out s_posixDisableValue);
s_veraseCharacter = controlCharacterValues[0];
s_veolCharacter = controlCharacterValues[1];
s_veol2Character = controlCharacterValues[2];
s_veofCharacter = controlCharacterValues[3];
// Mark us as initialized
s_initialized = true;
/// <summary>Reads data from the file descriptor into the buffer.</summary>
/// <param name="fd">The file descriptor.</param>
/// <param name="buffer">The buffer to read into.</param>
/// <returns>The number of bytes read, or an exception if there's an error.</returns>
private static unsafe int Read(SafeFileHandle fd, Span<byte> buffer)
fixed (byte* bufPtr = buffer)
int result = Interop.CheckIo(Interop.Sys.Read(fd, bufPtr, buffer.Length));
Debug.Assert(result <= buffer.Length);
return result;
internal static void WriteToTerminal(ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer, SafeFileHandle? handle = null, bool mayChangeCursorPosition = true)
handle ??= s_terminalHandle;
Debug.Assert(handle is not null);
lock (Console.Out) // synchronize with other writers
Write(handle, buffer, mayChangeCursorPosition);
internal static unsafe void WriteFromConsoleStream(SafeFileHandle fd, ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer)
lock (Console.Out) // synchronize with other writers
Write(fd, buffer);
/// <summary>Writes data from the buffer into the file descriptor.</summary>
/// <param name="fd">The file descriptor.</param>
/// <param name="buffer">The buffer from which to write data.</param>
/// <param name="mayChangeCursorPosition">Writing this buffer may change the cursor position.</param>
private static unsafe void Write(SafeFileHandle fd, ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer, bool mayChangeCursorPosition = true)
fixed (byte* p = buffer)
byte* bufPtr = p;
int count = buffer.Length;
while (count > 0)
int cursorVersion = mayChangeCursorPosition ? Volatile.Read(ref s_cursorVersion) : -1;
int bytesWritten = Interop.Sys.Write(fd, bufPtr, count);
if (bytesWritten < 0)
Interop.ErrorInfo errorInfo = Interop.Sys.GetLastErrorInfo();
if (errorInfo.Error == Interop.Error.EPIPE)
// Broken pipe... likely due to being redirected to a program
// that ended, so simply pretend we were successful.
else if (errorInfo.Error == Interop.Error.EAGAIN) // aka EWOULDBLOCK
// May happen if the file handle is configured as non-blocking.
// In that case, we need to wait to be able to write and then
// try again. We poll, but don't actually care about the result,
// only the blocking behavior, and thus ignore any poll errors
// and loop around to do another write (which may correctly fail
// if something else has gone wrong).
Interop.Sys.Poll(fd, Interop.PollEvents.POLLOUT, Timeout.Infinite, out Interop.PollEvents triggered);
// Something else... fail.
throw Interop.GetExceptionForIoErrno(errorInfo);
if (mayChangeCursorPosition)
UpdatedCachedCursorPosition(bufPtr, bytesWritten, cursorVersion);
count -= bytesWritten;
bufPtr += bytesWritten;
private static unsafe void UpdatedCachedCursorPosition(byte* bufPtr, int count, int cursorVersion)
lock (Console.Out)
int left, top;
if (cursorVersion != s_cursorVersion || // the cursor was changed during the write by another operation
!TryGetCachedCursorPosition(out left, out top) || // we don't have a cursor position
count > InteractiveBufferSize) // limit the amount of bytes we are willing to inspect
GetWindowSize(out int width, out int height);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
byte c = bufPtr[i];
if (c < 127 && c >= 32) // ASCII/UTF-8 characters that take up a single position
// After printing in the last column, setting CursorLeft is expected to
// place the cursor back in that same row.
// Invalidate the cursor position rather than moving it to the next row.
if (left >= width)
else if (c == (byte)'\r')
left = 0;
else if (c == (byte)'\n')
left = 0;
if (top >= height)
top = height - 1;
else if (c == (byte)'\b')
if (left > 0)
// We pass cursorVersion because it may have changed the earlier check by calling GetWindowSize.
SetCachedCursorPosition(left, top, cursorVersion);
private static void CheckTerminalSettingsInvalidated()
// Register for signals that invalidate cached values.
bool invalidateSettings = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_invalidateCachedSettings, 0, 1) == 1;
if (invalidateSettings)
s_windowWidth = -1;
private static void InvalidateTerminalSettings()
Volatile.Write(ref s_invalidateCachedSettings, 1);
// Ansi colors are enabled when stdout is a terminal or when
// In both cases, they are written to stdout.
internal static void WriteTerminalAnsiColorString(string? value)
=> WriteTerminalAnsiString(value, Interop.Sys.FileDescriptors.STDOUT_FILENO, mayChangeCursorPosition: false);
/// <summary>Writes a terminfo-based ANSI escape string to stdout.</summary>
/// <param name="value">The string to write.</param>
/// <param name="handle">Handle to use instead of s_terminalHandle.</param>
/// <param name="mayChangeCursorPosition">Writing this value may change the cursor position.</param>
internal static void WriteTerminalAnsiString(string? value, SafeFileHandle? handle = null, bool mayChangeCursorPosition = true)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
scoped Span<byte> data;
if (value.Length <= 256) // except for extremely rare cases, ANSI escape strings are very short
data = stackalloc byte[Encoding.UTF8.GetMaxByteCount(value.Length)];
int bytesToWrite = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value, data);
data = data.Slice(0, bytesToWrite);
data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
WriteToTerminal(data, handle, mayChangeCursorPosition);