// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.ComponentModel
/// <summary>
/// Provides information about the properties and events for a component.
/// This class cannot be inherited.
/// </summary>
public sealed class TypeDescriptor
internal const DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes ReflectTypesDynamicallyAccessedMembers =
DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicParameterlessConstructor |
internal const DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes RegisteredTypesDynamicallyAccessedMembers =
DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors | // For ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.CreateInstance()
DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicParameterlessConstructor |
DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields | // For enum field access
DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.Interfaces | // For ReflectedTypeData.GetAttributes()
DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties | // For GetProperties()
DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicMethods | // For calling enum.ToObject()
DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicEvents; // For GetEvents()
internal const string DesignTimeAttributeTrimmed = "Design-time attributes are not preserved when trimming. Types referenced by attributes like EditorAttribute and DesignerAttribute may not be available after trimming.";
#pragma warning disable IL4000 // MSBuild logic will ensure that the switch is disabled in trimmed scenarios.
internal static bool IsComObjectDescriptorSupported => AppContext.TryGetSwitch("System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.IsComObjectDescriptorSupported", out bool isEnabled) ? isEnabled : true;
#pragma warning restore IL4000
// Mapping of type or object hash to a provider list.
// Note: this is initialized at class load because we
// lock on it for thread safety. It is used from nearly
// every call to this class, so it will be created soon after
// class load anyway.
private static readonly WeakHashtable s_providerTable = new WeakHashtable();
// This lock object protects access to several thread-unsafe areas below, and is a single lock object to prevent deadlocks.
// - During s_providerTypeTable access.
// - To act as a mutex for CheckDefaultProvider() when it needs to create the default provider, which may re-enter the above case.
// - For cache access in the ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider class which may re-enter the above case.
// - For logic added by consumers, such as custom provider, constructor and property logic, which may re-enter the above cases in unexpected ways.
internal static readonly object s_commonSyncObject = new object();
// A direct mapping from type to provider.
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, TypeDescriptionNode> s_providerTypeTable = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, TypeDescriptionNode>();
// Tracks DefaultTypeDescriptionProviderAttributes.
// A value of `null` indicates initialization is in progress.
// A value of s_initializedDefaultProvider indicates the provider is initialized.
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object?> s_defaultProviderInitialized = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object?>();
private static readonly object s_initializedDefaultProvider = new object();
private static WeakHashtable? s_associationTable;
// A version stamp for our metadata. Used by property descriptors to know when to rebuild attributes.
private static int s_metadataVersion;
// This is an index that we use to create a unique name for a property in the
// event of a name collision. The only time we should use this is when
// a name collision happened on an extender property that has no site or
// no name on its site. Should be very rare.
private static int s_collisionIndex;
// For each stage of our filtering pipeline, the pipeline needs to know what it is filtering.
private const int PIPELINE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00;
private const int PIPELINE_PROPERTIES = 0x01;
private const int PIPELINE_EVENTS = 0x02;
// And each stage of the pipeline needs to have its own
// keys for its cache table. We use guids because they
// are unique and fast to compare. The order for each of
// these keys must match the Id's of the filter type above.
private static readonly Guid[] s_pipelineInitializeKeys = new Guid[]
Guid.NewGuid(), // attributes
Guid.NewGuid(), // properties
Guid.NewGuid() // events
private static readonly Guid[] s_pipelineMergeKeys = new Guid[]
Guid.NewGuid(), // attributes
Guid.NewGuid(), // properties
Guid.NewGuid() // events
private static readonly Guid[] s_pipelineFilterKeys = new Guid[]
Guid.NewGuid(), // attributes
Guid.NewGuid(), // properties
Guid.NewGuid() // events
private static readonly Guid[] s_pipelineAttributeFilterKeys = new Guid[]
Guid.NewGuid(), // attributes
Guid.NewGuid(), // properties
Guid.NewGuid() // events
private TypeDescriptor()
/// <summary>
/// Registers the type so it can be used by reflection-based providers in trimmed applications.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type to register.</typeparam>
public static void RegisterType<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(RegisteredTypesDynamicallyAccessedMembers)] T>()
TypeDescriptionNode node = NodeFor(typeof(T), createDelegator: false);
/// <summary>
/// This property returns a Type object that can be passed to the various
/// AddProvider methods to define a type description provider for interface types.
/// </summary>
public static Type InterfaceType
[return: DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicParameterlessConstructor)]
get => typeof(TypeDescriptorInterface);
/// <summary>
/// This value increments each time someone refreshes or changes metadata.
/// </summary>
internal static int MetadataVersion => s_metadataVersion;
private static WeakHashtable AssociationTable => LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(ref s_associationTable, () => new WeakHashtable());
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when Refreshed is raised for a component.
/// </summary>
public static event RefreshEventHandler? Refreshed;
private static readonly bool s_requireRegisteredTypes =
switchName: "System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.RequireRegisteredTypes",
isEnabled: out bool isEnabled)
? isEnabled : false;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether types require registration in order to be used with <see cref="TypeDescriptor"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The value of the property is backed by the "System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.RequireRegisteredTypes"
/// feature switch.
/// </remarks>
internal static bool RequireRegisteredTypes => s_requireRegisteredTypes;
internal static void ValidateRegisteredType(Type type)
TypeDescriptionProvider provider = GetProvider(type);
if (provider.RequireRegisteredTypes == true && !provider.IsRegisteredType(type))
/// <summary>
/// The AddAttributes method allows you to add class-level attributes for a
/// type or an instance. This method simply implements a type description provider
/// that merges the provided attributes with the attributes that already exist on
/// the class. This is a short cut for such a behavior. Adding additional
/// attributes is common need for applications using the Windows Forms property
/// window. The return value form AddAttributes is the TypeDescriptionProvider
/// that was used to add the attributes. This provider can later be passed to
/// RemoveProvider if the added attributes are no longer needed.
/// </summary>
public static TypeDescriptionProvider AddAttributes(Type type, params Attribute[] attributes)
TypeDescriptionProvider existingProvider = GetProvider(type);
TypeDescriptionProvider provider = new AttributeProvider(existingProvider, attributes);
TypeDescriptor.AddProvider(provider, type);
return provider;
/// <summary>
/// The AddAttributes method allows you to add class-level attributes for a
/// type or an instance. This method simply implements a type description provider
/// that merges the provided attributes with the attributes that already exist on
/// the class. This is a short cut for such a behavior. Adding additional
/// attributes is common need for applications using the Windows Forms property
/// window. The return value form AddAttributes is the TypeDescriptionProvider
/// that was used to add the attributes. This provider can later be passed to
/// RemoveProvider if the added attributes are no longer needed.
/// </summary>
public static TypeDescriptionProvider AddAttributes(object instance, params Attribute[] attributes)
TypeDescriptionProvider existingProvider = GetProvider(instance);
TypeDescriptionProvider provider = new AttributeProvider(existingProvider, attributes);
AddProvider(provider, instance);
return provider;
/// <summary>
/// Adds an editor table for the given editor base type. Typically, editors are
/// specified as metadata on an object. If no metadata for a requested editor
/// base type can be found on an object, however, the TypeDescriptor will search
/// an editor table for the editor type, if one can be found.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Types specified in table may be trimmed, or have their static constructors trimmed.")]
public static void AddEditorTable(Type editorBaseType, Hashtable table)
ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.AddEditorTable(editorBaseType, table);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a type description provider that will be called on to provide
/// type and instance information for any object that is of, or a subtype
/// of, the provided type. Type can be any type, including interfaces.
/// For example, to provide custom type and instance information for all
/// components, you would pass typeof(IComponent). Passing typeof(object)
/// will cause the provider to be called to provide type information for
/// all types.
/// </summary>
public static void AddProvider(TypeDescriptionProvider provider, Type type)
lock (s_commonSyncObject)
// Get the root node, hook it up, and stuff it back into
// the provider cache.
TypeDescriptionNode node = NodeFor(type, true);
var head = new TypeDescriptionNode(provider) { Next = node };
s_providerTable[type] = head;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a type description provider that will be called on to provide
/// type information for a single object instance. A provider added
/// using this method will never have its CreateInstance method called
/// because the instance already exists. This method does not prevent
/// the object from finalizing.
/// </summary>
public static void AddProvider(TypeDescriptionProvider provider, object instance)
bool refreshNeeded;
// Get the root node, hook it up, and stuff it back into
// the provider cache.
lock (s_commonSyncObject)
refreshNeeded = s_providerTable.ContainsKey(instance);
TypeDescriptionNode node = NodeFor(instance, true);
var head = new TypeDescriptionNode(provider) { Next = node };
s_providerTable.SetWeak(instance, head);
if (refreshNeeded)
Refresh(instance, false);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a type description provider that will be called on to provide
/// type and instance information for any object that is of, or a subtype
/// of, the provided type. Type can be any type, including interfaces.
/// For example, to provide custom type and instance information for all
/// components, you would pass typeof(IComponent). Passing typeof(object)
/// will cause the provider to be called to provide type information for
/// all types.
/// </summary>
public static void AddProviderTransparent(TypeDescriptionProvider provider, Type type)
AddProvider(provider, type);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a type description provider that will be called on to provide
/// type information for a single object instance. A provider added
/// using this method will never have its CreateInstance method called
/// because the instance already exists. This method does not prevent
/// the object from finalizing.
/// </summary>
public static void AddProviderTransparent(TypeDescriptionProvider provider, object instance)
AddProvider(provider, instance);
/// <summary>
/// This method verifies that we have checked for the presence
/// of a default type description provider attribute for the
/// given type.
/// </summary>
private static void CheckDefaultProvider(Type type)
if (s_defaultProviderInitialized.TryGetValue(type, out object? provider) && provider == s_initializedDefaultProvider)
lock (s_commonSyncObject)
/// <summary>
/// Add the default provider, if it exists.
/// For threading, this is always called under a 'lock (s_commonSyncObject)'.
/// </summary>
private static void AddDefaultProvider(Type type)
bool providerAdded = false;
if (s_defaultProviderInitialized.ContainsKey(type))
// Either another thread finished initializing for this type, or we are recursing on the same thread.
// Immediately set this to null to indicate we are in progress setting the default provider for a type.
// This prevents re-entrance to this method.
s_defaultProviderInitialized.TryAdd(type, null);
// Always use core reflection when checking for the default provider attribute.
// If there is a provider, we probably don't want to build up our own cache state against the type.
// There shouldn't be more than one of these, but walk anyway.
// Walk in reverse order so that the most derived takes precedence.
object[] attrs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeDescriptionProviderAttribute), false);
for (int idx = attrs.Length - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
TypeDescriptionProviderAttribute pa = (TypeDescriptionProviderAttribute)attrs[idx];
Type? providerType = Type.GetType(pa.TypeName);
if (providerType != null && typeof(TypeDescriptionProvider).IsAssignableFrom(providerType))
TypeDescriptionProvider prov = (TypeDescriptionProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(providerType)!;
AddProvider(prov, type);
providerAdded = true;
// If we did not add a provider, check the base class.
if (!providerAdded)
Type? baseType = type.BaseType;
if (baseType != null && baseType != type)
s_defaultProviderInitialized[type] = s_initializedDefaultProvider;
/// <summary>
/// The CreateAssociation method creates an association between two objects.
/// Once an association is created, a designer or other filtering mechanism
/// can add properties that route to either object into the primary object's
/// property set. When a property invocation is made against the primary
/// object, GetAssociation will be called to resolve the actual object
/// instance that is related to its type parameter.
/// </summary>
public static void CreateAssociation(object primary, object secondary)
if (primary == secondary)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.TypeDescriptorSameAssociation);
WeakHashtable associationTable = AssociationTable;
IList? associations = (IList?)associationTable[primary];
if (associations == null)
lock (associationTable)
associations = (IList?)associationTable[primary];
if (associations == null)
associations = new ArrayList(4);
associationTable.SetWeak(primary, associations);
for (int idx = associations.Count - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
WeakReference r = (WeakReference)associations[idx]!;
if (r.IsAlive && r.Target == secondary)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.TypeDescriptorAlreadyAssociated);
lock (associations)
associations.Add(new WeakReference(secondary));
/// <summary>
/// This dynamically binds an EventDescriptor to a type.
/// </summary>
public static EventDescriptor CreateEvent(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType,
string name,
Type type,
params Attribute[] attributes)
return new ReflectEventDescriptor(componentType, name, type, attributes);
/// <summary>
/// This creates a new event descriptor identical to an existing event descriptor. The new event descriptor
/// has the specified metadata attributes merged with the existing metadata attributes.
/// </summary>
public static EventDescriptor CreateEvent(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType,
EventDescriptor oldEventDescriptor,
params Attribute[] attributes)
return new ReflectEventDescriptor(componentType, oldEventDescriptor, attributes);
/// <summary>
/// This method will search internal tables within TypeDescriptor for
/// a TypeDescriptionProvider object that is associated with the given
/// data type. If it finds one, it will delegate the call to that object.
/// </summary>
public static object? CreateInstance(
IServiceProvider? provider,
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] Type objectType,
Type[]? argTypes,
object?[]? args)
if (argTypes != null)
if (argTypes.Length != args.Length)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.TypeDescriptorArgsCountMismatch);
object? instance = null;
// See if the provider wants to offer a TypeDescriptionProvider to delegate to. This allows
// a caller to have complete control over all object instantiation.
if (provider?.GetService(typeof(TypeDescriptionProvider)) is TypeDescriptionProvider p)
instance = p.CreateInstance(provider, objectType, argTypes, args);
return instance ?? NodeFor(objectType).CreateInstance(provider, objectType, argTypes, args);
/// <summary>
/// This dynamically binds a PropertyDescriptor to a type.
/// </summary>
public static PropertyDescriptor CreateProperty(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType,
string name,
Type type,
params Attribute[] attributes)
return new ReflectPropertyDescriptor(componentType, name, type, attributes);
/// <summary>
/// This creates a new property descriptor identical to an existing property descriptor. The new property descriptor
/// has the specified metadata attributes merged with the existing metadata attributes.
/// </summary>
public static PropertyDescriptor CreateProperty(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType,
PropertyDescriptor oldPropertyDescriptor,
params Attribute[] attributes)
// We must do some special case work here for extended properties. If the old property descriptor is really
// an extender property that is being surfaced on a component as a normal property, then we must
// do work here or else ReflectPropertyDescriptor will fail to resolve the get and set methods. We check
// for the necessary ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute and if we find it, we create an
// ExtendedPropertyDescriptor instead. We only do this if the component class is the same, since the user
// may want to re-route the property to a different target.
if (componentType == oldPropertyDescriptor.ComponentType)
ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute attr = (ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute)
if (attr.ExtenderProperty is ReflectPropertyDescriptor)
return new ExtendedPropertyDescriptor(oldPropertyDescriptor, attributes);
// This is either a normal prop or the caller has changed target classes.
return new ReflectPropertyDescriptor(componentType, oldPropertyDescriptor, attributes);
/// <summary>
/// This API is used to remove any members from the given
/// collection that do not match the attribute array. If members
/// need to be removed, a new ArrayList wil be created that
/// contains only the remaining members. The API returns
/// NULL if it did not need to filter any members.
/// </summary>
private static ArrayList? FilterMembers(IList members, Attribute[] attributes)
ArrayList? newMembers = null;
int memberCount = members.Count;
for (int idx = 0; idx < memberCount; idx++)
bool hide = false;
for (int attrIdx = 0; attrIdx < attributes.Length; attrIdx++)
if (ShouldHideMember((MemberDescriptor?)members[idx], attributes[attrIdx]))
hide = true;
if (hide)
// We have to hide. If this is the first time, we need to init
// newMembers to have all the valid members we have previously
// hit.
if (newMembers == null)
newMembers = new ArrayList(memberCount);
for (int validIdx = 0; validIdx < idx; validIdx++)
return newMembers;
/// <summary>
/// The GetAssociation method returns the correct object to invoke
/// for the requested type. It never returns null.
/// </summary>
public static object GetAssociation(Type type, object primary)
object associatedObject = primary;
if (!type.IsInstanceOfType(primary))
// Check our association table for a match.
Hashtable assocTable = AssociationTable;
IList? associations = (IList?)assocTable?[primary];
if (associations != null)
lock (associations)
for (int idx = associations.Count - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
// Look for an associated object that has a type that
// matches the given type.
WeakReference weakRef = (WeakReference)associations[idx]!;
object? secondary = weakRef.Target;
if (secondary == null)
else if (type.IsInstanceOfType(secondary))
associatedObject = secondary;
// Not in our table. We have a default association with a designer
// if that designer is a component.
if (associatedObject == primary)
IComponent? component = primary as IComponent;
if (component != null)
ISite? site = component.Site;
if (site != null && site.DesignMode)
IDesignerHost? host = site.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
if (host != null)
object? designer = host.GetDesigner(component);
// We only use the designer if it has a compatible class. If we
// got here, we're probably hosed because the user just passed in
// an object that this PropertyDescriptor can't munch on, but it's
// clearer to use that object instance instead of it's designer.
if (designer != null && type.IsInstanceOfType(designer))
associatedObject = designer;
return associatedObject;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of attributes for the specified type of component.
/// </summary>
public static AttributeCollection GetAttributes([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType)
if (componentType == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning an empty collection, but you should not pass null here");
return new AttributeCollection(null);
AttributeCollection attributes = GetDescriptor(componentType, nameof(componentType)).GetAttributes();
return attributes;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of attributes for the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static AttributeCollection GetAttributes(object component)
return GetAttributes(component, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of attributes for the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static AttributeCollection GetAttributes(object component, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
if (component == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning an empty collection, but you should not pass null here");
return new AttributeCollection(null);
// We create a sort of pipeline for mucking with metadata. The pipeline
// goes through the following process:
// 1. Merge metadata from extenders.
// 2. Allow services to filter the metadata
// 3. If an attribute filter was specified, apply that.
// The goal here is speed. We get speed by not copying or
// allocating memory. We do this by allowing each phase of the
// pipeline to cache its data in the object cache. If
// a phase makes a change to the results, this change must cause
// successive phases to recompute their results as well. "Results" is
// always a collection, and the various stages of the pipeline may
// replace or modify this collection (depending on if it's a
// read-only IList or not). It is possible for the original
// descriptor or attribute collection to pass through the entire
// pipeline without modification.
ICustomTypeDescriptor typeDesc = GetDescriptor(component, noCustomTypeDesc)!;
ICollection results = typeDesc.GetAttributes();
// If we are handed a custom type descriptor we have several choices of action
// we can take. If noCustomTypeDesc is true, it means that the custom type
// descriptor is trying to find a baseline set of properties. In this case
// we should merge in extended properties, but we do not let designers filter
// because we're not done with the property set yet. If noCustomTypeDesc
// is false, we don't do extender properties because the custom type descriptor
// has already added them. In this case, we are doing a final pass so we
// want to apply filtering. Finally, if the incoming object is not a custom
// type descriptor, we do extenders and the filter.
if (component is ICustomTypeDescriptor)
if (noCustomTypeDesc)
ICustomTypeDescriptor extDesc = GetExtendedDescriptor(component);
if (extDesc != null)
ICollection extResults = extDesc.GetAttributes();
results = PipelineMerge(PIPELINE_ATTRIBUTES, results, extResults, null);
results = PipelineFilter(PIPELINE_ATTRIBUTES, results, component, null);
IDictionary? cache = GetCache(component);
results = PipelineInitialize(PIPELINE_ATTRIBUTES, results, cache);
ICustomTypeDescriptor extDesc = GetExtendedDescriptor(component);
if (extDesc != null)
ICollection extResults = extDesc.GetAttributes();
results = PipelineMerge(PIPELINE_ATTRIBUTES, results, extResults, cache);
results = PipelineFilter(PIPELINE_ATTRIBUTES, results, component, cache);
if (!(results is AttributeCollection attrs))
Attribute[] attrArray = new Attribute[results.Count];
results.CopyTo(attrArray, 0);
attrs = new AttributeCollection(attrArray);
return attrs;
/// <summary>
/// Helper function to obtain a cache for the given object.
/// </summary>
internal static IDictionary? GetCache(object instance) => NodeFor(instance).GetCache(instance);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name of the class for the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static string? GetClassName(object component) => GetClassName(component, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name of the class for the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static string? GetClassName(object component, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
return GetDescriptor(component, noCustomTypeDesc)!.GetClassName();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name of the class for the specified type.
/// </summary>
public static string? GetClassName(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType)
return GetDescriptor(componentType, nameof(componentType)).GetClassName();
/// <summary>
/// The name of the class for the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static string? GetComponentName(object component) => GetComponentName(component, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the name of the class for the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static string? GetComponentName(object component, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
return GetDescriptor(component, noCustomTypeDesc)!.GetComponentName();
/// <summary>
/// Gets a type converter for the type of the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(TypeConverter.RequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static TypeConverter GetConverter(object component) => GetConverter(component, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a type converter for the type of the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(TypeConverter.RequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static TypeConverter GetConverter(object component, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
TypeConverter? converter = GetDescriptor(component, noCustomTypeDesc)!.GetConverter();
// GetDescriptor will only return DefaultTypeDescriptor, or MergedTypeDescriptor with DefaultTypeDescriptor as the secondary,
// which will always return a non-null TypeConverter.
Debug.Assert(converter != null, "Unexpected null TypeConverter.");
return converter;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a type converter for the type of the specified component.
/// </summary>
public static TypeConverter GetConverterFromRegisteredType(object component)
TypeConverter? converter = GetDescriptorFromRegisteredType(component)!.GetConverterFromRegisteredType();
Debug.Assert(converter != null, "Unexpected null TypeConverter.");
return converter;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a type converter for the specified type.
/// </summary>
public static TypeConverter GetConverter([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type type)
return GetDescriptor(type, nameof(type)).GetConverter();
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode",
Justification = "The callers of this method ensure getting the converter is trim compatible - i.e. the type is not Nullable<T>.")]
internal static TypeConverter GetConverterTrimUnsafe([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type type) =>
/// <summary>
/// Gets a type converter for the specified registered type.
/// </summary>
public static TypeConverter GetConverterFromRegisteredType(Type type)
return GetDescriptorFromRegisteredType(type, nameof(type)).GetConverterFromRegisteredType();
// This is called by System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute via reflection.
private static object? ConvertFromInvariantString([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type type, string stringValue)
return GetConverter(type).ConvertFromInvariantString(stringValue);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the default event for the specified type of component.
/// </summary>
public static EventDescriptor? GetDefaultEvent(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType)
if (componentType == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning null, but you should not pass null here");
return null;
return GetDescriptor(componentType, nameof(componentType)).GetDefaultEvent();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the default event for the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(EventDescriptor.RequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static EventDescriptor? GetDefaultEvent(object component) => GetDefaultEvent(component, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the default event for a component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(EventDescriptor.RequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static EventDescriptor? GetDefaultEvent(object component, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
if (component == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning null, but you should not pass null here");
return null;
return GetDescriptor(component, noCustomTypeDesc)!.GetDefaultEvent();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the default property for the specified type of component.
/// </summary>
public static PropertyDescriptor? GetDefaultProperty(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType)
if (componentType == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning an empty collection, but you should not pass null here");
return null;
return GetDescriptor(componentType, nameof(componentType)).GetDefaultProperty();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the default property for the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static PropertyDescriptor? GetDefaultProperty(object component) => GetDefaultProperty(component, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the default property for the specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static PropertyDescriptor? GetDefaultProperty(object component, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
if (component == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning null, but you should not pass null here");
return null;
return GetDescriptor(component, noCustomTypeDesc)!.GetDefaultProperty();
/// <summary>
/// Returns a custom type descriptor for the given type.
/// Performs arg checking so callers don't have to.
/// </summary>
private static DefaultTypeDescriptor GetDescriptor(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type type,
string typeName)
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(type, typeName);
return NodeFor(type).GetDefaultTypeDescriptor(type);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a custom type descriptor for the given type.
/// Performs arg checking so callers don't have to.
/// </summary>
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2067:UnrecognizedReflectionPattern",
Justification = "The type will be validated to see if it was registered.")]
private static DefaultTypeDescriptor GetDescriptorFromRegisteredType(Type type,
string typeName)
ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull(type, typeName);
return NodeFor(type).GetDefaultTypeDescriptor(type);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a custom type descriptor for the given instance.
/// Performs arg checking so callers don't have to. This
/// will call through to instance if it is a custom type
/// descriptor.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
internal static ICustomTypeDescriptor? GetDescriptor(object component, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
if (component == null)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(component));
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = NodeFor(component).GetTypeDescriptor(component);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? d = component as ICustomTypeDescriptor;
if (!noCustomTypeDesc && d != null)
desc = new MergedTypeDescriptor(d, desc!);
return desc;
internal static ICustomTypeDescriptor? GetDescriptorFromRegisteredType(object component)
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = NodeFor(component).GetTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType(component);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? d = component as ICustomTypeDescriptor;
if (d != null)
desc = new MergedTypeDescriptor(d, desc!);
return desc;
/// <summary>
/// Returns an extended custom type descriptor for the given instance.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
internal static ICustomTypeDescriptor GetExtendedDescriptor(object component)
if (component == null)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(component));
return NodeFor(component).GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(component);
internal static ICustomTypeDescriptor GetExtendedDescriptorFromRegisteredType(object component)
if (component == null)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(component));
return NodeFor(component).GetExtendedTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType(component);
/// <summary>
/// Gets an editor with the specified base type for the
/// specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(DesignTimeAttributeTrimmed + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static object? GetEditor(object component, Type editorBaseType)
return GetEditor(component, editorBaseType, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets an editor with the specified base type for the
/// specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(DesignTimeAttributeTrimmed + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static object? GetEditor(object component, Type editorBaseType, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
return GetDescriptor(component, noCustomTypeDesc)!.GetEditor(editorBaseType);
/// <summary>
/// Gets an editor with the specified base type for the specified type.
/// </summary>
public static object? GetEditor(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type type,
Type editorBaseType)
return GetDescriptor(type, nameof(type)).GetEditor(editorBaseType);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of events for a specified type of component.
/// </summary>
public static EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType)
if (componentType == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning an empty collection, but you should not pass null here");
return new EventDescriptorCollection(null, true);
return GetDescriptor(componentType, nameof(componentType))!.GetEvents();
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of events for a specified type of component.
/// </summary>
public static EventDescriptorCollection GetEventsFromRegisteredType(Type componentType)
return GetDescriptorFromRegisteredType(componentType, nameof(componentType)).GetEventsFromRegisteredType();
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of events for a specified type of
/// component using a specified array of attributes as a filter.
/// </summary>
public static EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType,
Attribute[] attributes)
if (componentType == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning an empty collection, but you should not pass null here");
return new EventDescriptorCollection(null, true);
EventDescriptorCollection events = GetDescriptor(componentType, nameof(componentType)).GetEvents(attributes);
if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)
ArrayList? filteredEvents = FilterMembers(events, attributes);
if (filteredEvents != null)
var descriptors = new EventDescriptor[filteredEvents.Count];
events = new EventDescriptorCollection(descriptors, true);
return events;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of events for a specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(object component)
return GetEvents(component, null, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of events for a specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(object component, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
return GetEvents(component, null, noCustomTypeDesc);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of events for a specified component
/// using a specified array of attributes as a filter.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered. " + AttributeCollection.FilterRequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage)]
public static EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(object component, Attribute[] attributes)
return GetEvents(component, attributes, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of events for a specified component
/// using a specified array of attributes as a filter.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered. " + AttributeCollection.FilterRequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage)]
public static EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(object component, Attribute[]? attributes, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
if (component == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning an empty collection, but you should not pass null here");
return new EventDescriptorCollection(null, true);
// We create a sort of pipeline for mucking with metadata. The pipeline
// goes through the following process:
// 1. Merge metadata from extenders.
// 2. Allow services to filter the metadata
// 3. If an attribute filter was specified, apply that.
// The goal here is speed. We get speed by not copying or
// allocating memory. We do this by allowing each phase of the
// pipeline to cache its data in the object cache. If
// a phase makes a change to the results, this change must cause
// successive phases to recompute their results as well. "Results" is
// always a collection, and the various stages of the pipeline may
// replace or modify this collection (depending on if it's a
// read-only IList or not). It is possible for the original
// descriptor or attribute collection to pass through the entire
// pipeline without modification.
ICustomTypeDescriptor typeDesc = GetDescriptor(component, noCustomTypeDesc)!;
ICollection results;
// If we are handed a custom type descriptor we have several choices of action
// we can take. If noCustomTypeDesc is true, it means that the custom type
// descriptor is trying to find a baseline set of events. In this case
// we should merge in extended events, but we do not let designers filter
// because we're not done with the event set yet. If noCustomTypeDesc
// is false, we don't do extender events because the custom type descriptor
// has already added them. In this case, we are doing a final pass so we
// want to apply filtering. Finally, if the incoming object is not a custom
// type descriptor, we do extenders and the filter.
if (component is ICustomTypeDescriptor)
results = typeDesc.GetEvents(attributes);
if (noCustomTypeDesc)
ICustomTypeDescriptor extDesc = GetExtendedDescriptor(component);
if (extDesc != null)
ICollection extResults = extDesc.GetEvents(attributes);
results = PipelineMerge(PIPELINE_EVENTS, results, extResults, null);
results = PipelineFilter(PIPELINE_EVENTS, results, component, null);
results = PipelineAttributeFilter(PIPELINE_EVENTS, results, attributes, null);
IDictionary? cache = GetCache(component);
results = typeDesc.GetEvents(attributes);
results = PipelineInitialize(PIPELINE_EVENTS, results, cache);
ICustomTypeDescriptor extDesc = GetExtendedDescriptor(component);
if (extDesc != null)
ICollection extResults = extDesc.GetEvents(attributes);
results = PipelineMerge(PIPELINE_EVENTS, results, extResults, cache);
results = PipelineFilter(PIPELINE_EVENTS, results, component, cache);
results = PipelineAttributeFilter(PIPELINE_EVENTS, results, attributes, cache);
if (!(results is EventDescriptorCollection evts))
EventDescriptor[] eventArray = new EventDescriptor[results.Count];
results.CopyTo(eventArray, 0);
evts = new EventDescriptorCollection(eventArray, true);
return evts;
/// <summary>
/// This method is invoked during filtering when a name
/// collision is encountered between two properties or events. This returns
/// a suffix that can be appended to the name to make
/// it unique. This will first attempt ot use the name of the
/// extender. Failing that it will fall back to a static
/// index that is continually incremented.
/// </summary>
private static string? GetExtenderCollisionSuffix(MemberDescriptor member)
string? suffix = null;
ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute? exAttr = member.Attributes[typeof(ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute)] as ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute;
IExtenderProvider? prov = exAttr?.Provider;
if (prov != null)
string? name = null;
if (prov is IComponent component && component.Site != null)
name = component.Site.Name;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
int ci = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref s_collisionIndex) - 1;
name = ci.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
suffix = "_" + name;
return suffix;
/// <summary>
/// The name of the specified component, or null if the component has no name.
/// In many cases this will return the same value as GetComponentName. If the
/// component resides in a nested container or has other nested semantics, it may
/// return a different fully qualified name.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static string? GetFullComponentName(object component)
return GetProvider(component).GetFullComponentName(component);
private static Type? GetNodeForBaseType(Type searchType)
if (searchType.IsInterface)
return InterfaceType;
else if (searchType == InterfaceType)
return null;
return searchType.BaseType;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of properties for a specified type of component.
/// </summary>
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType)
if (componentType == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning an empty collection, but you should not pass null here");
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null, true);
return GetDescriptor(componentType, nameof(componentType)).GetProperties();
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of properties for a specified type.
/// </summary>
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType(Type componentType)
return GetDescriptorFromRegisteredType(componentType, nameof(componentType)).GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType();
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of properties for a specified type of
/// component using a specified array of attributes as a filter.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " " + AttributeCollection.FilterRequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage)]
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type componentType,
Attribute[]? attributes)
if (componentType == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning an empty collection, but you should not pass null here");
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null, true);
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = GetDescriptor(componentType, nameof(componentType)).GetProperties(attributes);
if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)
ArrayList? filteredProperties = FilterMembers(properties, attributes);
if (filteredProperties != null)
var descriptors = new PropertyDescriptor[filteredProperties.Count];
properties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(descriptors, true);
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of properties for a specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(object component)
return GetProperties(component, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of properties for a specified component.
/// </summary>
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType(object component)
return GetPropertiesFromRegisteredTypeImpl(component);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of properties for a specified component.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(object component, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
return GetPropertiesImpl(component, null, noCustomTypeDesc, true);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of properties for a specified
/// component using a specified array of attributes
/// as a filter.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered. " + AttributeCollection.FilterRequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage)]
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(object component, Attribute[]? attributes)
return GetProperties(component, attributes, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of properties for a specified
/// component using a specified array of attributes
/// as a filter.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered. " + AttributeCollection.FilterRequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage)]
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(object component, Attribute[]? attributes, bool noCustomTypeDesc)
return GetPropertiesImpl(component, attributes, noCustomTypeDesc, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a collection of properties for a specified component. Uses the attribute filter
/// only if noAttributes is false. This is to preserve backward compat for the case when
/// no attribute filter was passed in (as against passing in null).
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " The Type of component cannot be statically discovered. " + AttributeCollection.FilterRequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage)]
private static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetPropertiesImpl(object component, Attribute[]? attributes, bool noCustomTypeDesc, bool noAttributes)
if (component == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning an empty collection, but you should not pass null here");
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null, true);
// We create a sort of pipeline for mucking with metadata. The pipeline
// goes through the following process:
// 1. Merge metadata from extenders.
// 2. Allow services to filter the metadata
// 3. If an attribute filter was specified, apply that.
// The goal here is speed. We get speed by not copying or
// allocating memory. We do this by allowing each phase of the
// pipeline to cache its data in the object cache. If
// a phase makes a change to the results, this change must cause
// successive phases to recompute their results as well. "Results" is
// always a collection, and the various stages of the pipeline may
// replace or modify this collection (depending on if it's a
// read-only IList or not). It is possible for the original
// descriptor or attribute collection to pass through the entire
// pipeline without modification.
ICustomTypeDescriptor typeDesc = GetDescriptor(component, noCustomTypeDesc)!;
ICollection results;
// If we are handed a custom type descriptor we have several choices of action
// we can take. If noCustomTypeDesc is true, it means that the custom type
// descriptor is trying to find a baseline set of properties. In this case
// we should merge in extended properties, but we do not let designers filter
// because we're not done with the property set yet. If noCustomTypeDesc
// is false, we don't do extender properties because the custom type descriptor
// has already added them. In this case, we are doing a final pass so we
// want to apply filtering. Finally, if the incoming object is not a custom
// type descriptor, we do extenders and the filter.
if (component is ICustomTypeDescriptor)
results = noAttributes ? typeDesc.GetProperties() : typeDesc.GetProperties(attributes);
if (noCustomTypeDesc)
ICustomTypeDescriptor extDesc = GetExtendedDescriptor(component);
if (extDesc != null)
ICollection extResults = noAttributes ? extDesc.GetProperties() : extDesc.GetProperties(attributes);
results = PipelineMerge(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, extResults, null);
results = PipelineFilter(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, component, null);
results = PipelineAttributeFilter(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, attributes, null);
IDictionary? cache = GetCache(component);
results = noAttributes ? typeDesc.GetProperties() : typeDesc.GetProperties(attributes);
results = PipelineInitialize(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, cache);
ICustomTypeDescriptor extDesc = GetExtendedDescriptor(component);
if (extDesc != null)
ICollection extResults = noAttributes ? extDesc.GetProperties() : extDesc.GetProperties(attributes);
results = PipelineMerge(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, extResults, cache);
results = PipelineFilter(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, component, cache);
results = PipelineAttributeFilter(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, attributes, cache);
if (!(results is PropertyDescriptorCollection props))
PropertyDescriptor[] propArray = new PropertyDescriptor[results.Count];
results.CopyTo(propArray, 0);
props = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(propArray, true);
return props;
/// <summary>
/// The GetProvider method returns a type description provider for
/// the given object or type. This will always return a type description
/// provider. Even the default TypeDescriptor implementation is built on
/// a TypeDescriptionProvider, and this will be returned unless there is
/// another provider that someone else has added.
/// </summary>
public static TypeDescriptionProvider GetProvider(Type type)
return NodeFor(type, true);
/// <summary>
/// The GetProvider method returns a type description provider for
/// the given object or type. This will always return a type description
/// provider. Even the default TypeDescriptor implementation is built on
/// a TypeDescriptionProvider, and this will be returned unless there is
/// another provider that someone else has added.
/// </summary>
public static TypeDescriptionProvider GetProvider(object instance)
return NodeFor(instance, true);
/// <summary>
/// This is a copy of the above GetPropertiesImpl but only for known types,
/// and without support for additional parameters.
/// </summary>
private static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetPropertiesFromRegisteredTypeImpl(object component)
ICustomTypeDescriptor typeDesc = GetDescriptorFromRegisteredType(component)!;
ICollection results;
if (component is ICustomTypeDescriptor)
results = typeDesc.GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType();
results = PipelineFilter(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, component, null);
IDictionary? cache = GetCache(component);
results = typeDesc.GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType();
results = PipelineInitialize(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, cache);
ICustomTypeDescriptor extDesc = GetExtendedDescriptorFromRegisteredType(component);
if (extDesc != null)
ICollection extResults = extDesc.GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType();
results = PipelineMerge(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, extResults, cache);
results = PipelineFilter(PIPELINE_PROPERTIES, results, component, cache);
if (!(results is PropertyDescriptorCollection props))
PropertyDescriptor[] propArray = new PropertyDescriptor[results.Count];
results.CopyTo(propArray, 0);
props = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(propArray, true);
return props;
/// <summary>
/// This method returns a type description provider, but instead of creating
/// a delegating provider for the type, this will walk all base types until
/// it locates a provider. The provider returned cannot be cached. This
/// method is used by the DelegatingTypeDescriptionProvider to efficiently
/// locate the provider to delegate to.
/// </summary>
internal static TypeDescriptionProvider GetProviderRecursive(Type type)
return NodeFor(type, false);
/// <summary>
/// Returns an Type instance that can be used to perform reflection.
/// </summary>
[return: DynamicallyAccessedMembers(ReflectTypesDynamicallyAccessedMembers)]
public static Type GetReflectionType([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(ReflectTypesDynamicallyAccessedMembers)] Type type)
return NodeFor(type).GetReflectionType(type);
/// <summary>
/// Returns an Type instance that can be used to perform reflection.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("GetReflectionType is not trim compatible because the Type of object cannot be statically discovered.")]
public static Type GetReflectionType(object instance)
return NodeFor(instance).GetReflectionType(instance);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the head type description node for a type.
/// A head node pointing to a reflection based type description
/// provider will be created on demand. This does not create
/// a delegator, in which case the node returned may be
/// a base type node.
/// </summary>
private static TypeDescriptionNode NodeFor(Type type) => NodeFor(type, false);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the head type description node for a type.
/// A head node pointing to a reflection based type description
/// provider will be created on demand.
/// If createDelegator is true, this method will create a delegation
/// node for a type if the type has no node of its own. Delegation
/// nodes should be created if you are going to hand this node
/// out to a user. Without a delegation node, user code could
/// skip providers that are added after their call. Delegation
/// nodes solve that problem.
/// If createDelegator is false, this method will recurse up the
/// base type chain looking for nodes.
/// </summary>
private static TypeDescriptionNode NodeFor(Type type, bool createDelegator)
Debug.Assert(type != null, "Caller should validate");
// First, check our provider type table to see if we have a matching
// provider for this type. The provider type table is a cache that
// matches types to providers. When a new provider is added or
// an existing one removed, the provider type table is torn
// down and automatically rebuilt on demand.
TypeDescriptionNode? node = null;
Type searchType = type;
while (node == null)
if (!s_providerTypeTable.TryGetValue(searchType, out node))
node = (TypeDescriptionNode?)s_providerTable[searchType];
if (node == null)
Type? baseType = GetNodeForBaseType(searchType);
if (searchType == typeof(object) || baseType == null)
lock (s_commonSyncObject)
node = (TypeDescriptionNode?)s_providerTable[searchType];
if (node == null)
// The reflect type description provider is a default provider that
// can provide type information for all objects.
node = new TypeDescriptionNode(new ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider());
s_providerTable[searchType] = node;
else if (createDelegator)
node = new TypeDescriptionNode(new DelegatingTypeDescriptionProvider(baseType));
lock (s_commonSyncObject)
s_providerTypeTable.TryAdd(searchType, node);
// Continue our search
searchType = baseType;
return node;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the head type description node for an instance.
/// Instance-based node lists are rare. If a node list is not
/// available for a given instance, this will return the head node
/// for the instance's type.
/// </summary>
private static TypeDescriptionNode NodeFor(object instance) => NodeFor(instance, false);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the head type description node for an instance.
/// Instance-based node lists are rare. If a node list is not
/// available for a given instance, this will return the head node
/// for the instance's type. This variation offers a bool called
/// createDelegator. If true and there is no node list for this
/// instance, NodeFor will create a temporary "delegator node" that,
/// when queried, will delegate to the type stored in the instance.
/// This is done on demand, which means if someone else added a
/// type description provider for the instance's type the delegator
/// would pick up the new type. If a query is being made that does
/// not involve publicly exposing the type description provider for
/// the instance, the query should pass in false (the default) for
/// createDelegator because no object will be created.
/// </summary>
private static TypeDescriptionNode NodeFor(object instance, bool createDelegator)
// For object instances, the provider cache key is not the object (that
// would keep it in memory). Instead, it is a subclass of WeakReference
// that overrides GetHashCode and Equals to make it appear to be the
// object it is wrapping. A GC'd object causes WeakReference to return
// false for all .Equals, but it always returns a valid hash code.
Debug.Assert(instance != null, "Caller should validate");
TypeDescriptionNode? node = (TypeDescriptionNode?)s_providerTable[instance];
if (node == null)
Type type = instance.GetType();
if (type.IsCOMObject)
if (!IsComObjectDescriptorSupported)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.ComObjectDescriptorsNotSupported);
type = ComObjectType;
else if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows()
&& ComWrappers.TryGetComInstance(instance, out nint unknown))
if (!IsComObjectDescriptorSupported)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.ComObjectDescriptorsNotSupported);
// ComObjectType uses the Windows Forms provided ComNativeDescriptor. It currently has hard Win32
// API dependencies. Even though ComWrappers work with other platforms, restricting to Windows until
// such time that the ComNativeDescriptor can handle basic COM types on other platforms.
// Tracked with https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/issues/9291
type = ComObjectType;
if (createDelegator)
node = new TypeDescriptionNode(new DelegatingTypeDescriptionProvider(type));
node = NodeFor(type);
return node;
/// <summary>
/// Simple linked list code to remove an element
/// from the list. Returns the new head to the
/// list. If the head points to an instance of
/// DelegatingTypeDescriptionProvider, we clear the
/// node because all it is doing is delegating elsewhere.
/// Note that this behaves a little differently from normal
/// linked list code. In a normal linked list, you remove
/// then target node and fixup the links. In this linked
/// list, we remove the node AFTER the target node, fixup
/// the links, and fixup the underlying providers that each
/// node references. The reason for this is that most
/// providers keep a reference to the previous provider,
/// which is exposed as one of these nodes. Therefore,
/// to remove a provider the node following is most likely
/// referenced by that provider
/// </summary>
private static void NodeRemove(object key, TypeDescriptionProvider provider)
lock (s_commonSyncObject)
TypeDescriptionNode? head = (TypeDescriptionNode?)s_providerTable[key];
TypeDescriptionNode? target = head;
while (target != null && target.Provider != provider)
target = target.Next;
if (target != null)
// We have our target node. There are three cases
// to consider: the target is in the middle, the head,
// or the end.
if (target.Next != null)
// If there is a node after the target node,
// steal the node's provider and store it
// at the target location. This removes
// the provider at the target location without
// the need to modify providers which may be
// pointing to "target".
target.Provider = target.Next.Provider;
// Now remove target.Next from the list
target.Next = target.Next.Next;
// If the new provider we got is a delegating
// provider, we can remove this node from
// the list. The delegating provider should
// always be at the end of the node list.
if (target == head && target.Provider is DelegatingTypeDescriptionProvider)
Debug.Assert(target.Next == null, "Delegating provider should always be the last provider in the chain.");
else if (target != head)
// If target is the last node, we can't
// assign a new provider over to it. What
// we can do, however, is assign a delegating
// provider into the target node. This routes
// requests from the previous provider into
// the next base type provider list.
// We don't do this if the target is the head.
// In that case, we can remove the node
// altogether since no one is pointing to it.
Type keyType = key as Type ?? key.GetType();
target.Provider = new DelegatingTypeDescriptionProvider(keyType.BaseType!);
// Finally, clear our cache of provider types; it might be invalid
// now.
/// <summary>
/// This is the last stage in our filtering pipeline. Here, we apply any
/// user-defined filter.
/// </summary>
private static ICollection PipelineAttributeFilter(int pipelineType, ICollection members, Attribute[]? filter, IDictionary? cache)
Debug.Assert(pipelineType != PIPELINE_ATTRIBUTES, "PipelineAttributeFilter is not supported for attributes");
IList? list = members as ArrayList;
if (filter == null || filter.Length == 0)
return members;
// Now, check our cache. The cache state is only valid
// if the data coming into us is read-only. If it is read-write,
// that means something higher in the pipeline has already changed
// it so we must recompute anyway.
if (cache != null && (list == null || list.IsReadOnly))
if (cache[s_pipelineAttributeFilterKeys[pipelineType]] is AttributeFilterCacheItem filterCache && filterCache.IsValid(filter))
return filterCache.FilteredMembers;
// Our cache did not contain the correct state, so generate it.
if (list == null || list.IsReadOnly)
list = new ArrayList(members);
ArrayList? filterResult = FilterMembers(list, filter);
if (filterResult != null) list = filterResult;
// And, if we have a cache, store the updated state into it for future reference.
if (cache != null)
ICollection cacheValue;
switch (pipelineType)
PropertyDescriptor[] propArray = new PropertyDescriptor[list.Count];
list.CopyTo(propArray, 0);
cacheValue = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(propArray, true);
EventDescriptor[] eventArray = new EventDescriptor[list.Count];
list.CopyTo(eventArray, 0);
cacheValue = new EventDescriptorCollection(eventArray, true);
Debug.Fail("unknown pipeline type");
cacheValue = null;
AttributeFilterCacheItem filterCache = new AttributeFilterCacheItem(filter, cacheValue);
cache[s_pipelineAttributeFilterKeys[pipelineType]] = filterCache;
return list;
/// <summary>
/// Metdata filtering is the third stage of our pipeline.
/// In this stage we check to see if the given object is a
/// sited component that provides the ITypeDescriptorFilterService
/// object. If it does, we allow the TDS to filter the metadata.
/// This will use the cache, if available, to store filtered
/// metdata.
/// </summary>
private static ICollection PipelineFilter(int pipelineType, ICollection members, object instance, IDictionary? cache)
IComponent? component = instance as IComponent;
ITypeDescriptorFilterService? componentFilter = null;
ISite? site = component?.Site;
if (site != null)
componentFilter = site.GetService(typeof(ITypeDescriptorFilterService)) as ITypeDescriptorFilterService;
// If we have no filter, there is nothing for us to do.
IList? list = members as ArrayList;
if (componentFilter == null)
Debug.Assert(cache == null || list == null || !cache.Contains(s_pipelineFilterKeys[pipelineType]), "Earlier pipeline stage should have removed our cache");
return members;
// Now, check our cache. The cache state is only valid
// if the data coming into us is read-only. If it is read-write,
// that means something higher in the pipeline has already changed
// it so we must recompute anyway.
if (cache != null && (list == null || list.IsReadOnly))
if (cache[s_pipelineFilterKeys[pipelineType]] is FilterCacheItem cacheItem && cacheItem.IsValid(componentFilter))
return cacheItem.FilteredMembers;
// Cache either is dirty or doesn't exist. Re-filter the members.
// We need to build an IDictionary of key->value pairs and invoke
// Filter* on the filter service.
OrderedDictionary filterTable = new OrderedDictionary(members.Count);
bool cacheResults;
switch (pipelineType)
foreach (Attribute attr in members)
filterTable[attr.TypeId] = attr;
cacheResults = componentFilter.FilterAttributes(component!, filterTable);
foreach (MemberDescriptor desc in members)
string descName = desc.Name;
// We must handle the case of duplicate property names
// because extender providers can provide any arbitrary
// name. Our rule for this is simple: If we find a
// duplicate name, resolve it back to the extender
// provider that offered it and append "_" + the
// provider name. If the provider has no name,
// then append the object hash code.
if (filterTable.Contains(descName))
// First, handle the new property. Because
// of the order in which we added extended
// properties earlier in the pipeline, we can be
// sure that the new property is an extender. We
// cannot be sure that the existing property
// in the table is an extender, so we will
// have to check.
string? suffix = GetExtenderCollisionSuffix(desc);
Debug.Assert(suffix != null, "Name collision with non-extender property.");
if (suffix != null)
filterTable[descName + suffix] = desc;
// Now, handle the original property.
MemberDescriptor origDesc = (MemberDescriptor)filterTable[descName]!;
suffix = GetExtenderCollisionSuffix(origDesc);
if (suffix != null)
filterTable[origDesc.Name + suffix] = origDesc;
filterTable[descName] = desc;
if (pipelineType == PIPELINE_PROPERTIES)
cacheResults = componentFilter.FilterProperties(component!, filterTable);
cacheResults = componentFilter.FilterEvents(component!, filterTable);
Debug.Fail("unknown pipeline type");
cacheResults = false;
// See if we can re-use the IList that was passed. If we can,
// it is more efficient to re-use its slots than to generate new ones.
if (list == null || list.IsReadOnly)
list = new ArrayList(filterTable.Values);
foreach (object obj in filterTable.Values)
// Component filter has requested that we cache these
// new changes. We store them as a correctly typed collection
// so on successive invocations we can simply return. Note that
// we always return the IList so that successive stages in the
// pipeline can modify it.
if (cacheResults && cache != null)
ICollection cacheValue;
switch (pipelineType)
Attribute[] attrArray = new Attribute[list.Count];
list.CopyTo(attrArray, 0);
catch (InvalidCastException)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorExpectedElementType, typeof(Attribute).FullName));
cacheValue = new AttributeCollection(attrArray);
PropertyDescriptor[] propArray = new PropertyDescriptor[list.Count];
list.CopyTo(propArray, 0);
catch (InvalidCastException)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorExpectedElementType, typeof(PropertyDescriptor).FullName));
cacheValue = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(propArray, true);
EventDescriptor[] eventArray = new EventDescriptor[list.Count];
list.CopyTo(eventArray, 0);
catch (InvalidCastException)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorExpectedElementType, typeof(EventDescriptor).FullName));
cacheValue = new EventDescriptorCollection(eventArray, true);
Debug.Fail("unknown pipeline type");
cacheValue = null;
FilterCacheItem cacheItem = new FilterCacheItem(componentFilter, cacheValue);
cache[s_pipelineFilterKeys[pipelineType]] = cacheItem;
return list;
/// <summary>
/// This is the first stage in the pipeline. This checks the incoming member collection and if it
/// differs from what we have seen in the past, it invalidates all successive pipelines.
/// </summary>
private static ICollection PipelineInitialize(int pipelineType, ICollection members, IDictionary? cache)
if (cache != null)
bool cacheValid = true;
if (cache[s_pipelineInitializeKeys[pipelineType]] is ICollection cachedMembers && cachedMembers.Count == members.Count)
IEnumerator cacheEnum = cachedMembers.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator memberEnum = members.GetEnumerator();
while (cacheEnum.MoveNext() && memberEnum.MoveNext())
if (cacheEnum.Current != memberEnum.Current)
cacheValid = false;
if (!cacheValid)
// The cache wasn't valid. Remove all subsequent cache layers
// and then save off new data.
cache[s_pipelineInitializeKeys[pipelineType]] = members;
return members;
/// <summary>
/// Metadata merging is the second stage of our metadata pipeline. This stage
/// merges extended metdata with primary metadata, and stores it in
/// the cache if it is available.
/// </summary>
private static ICollection PipelineMerge(int pipelineType, ICollection primary, ICollection secondary, IDictionary? cache)
// If there is no secondary collection, there is nothing to merge.
if (secondary == null || secondary.Count == 0)
return primary;
// Next, if we were given a cache, see if it has accurate data.
if (cache?[s_pipelineMergeKeys[pipelineType]] is ICollection mergeCache && mergeCache.Count == (primary.Count + secondary.Count))
// Walk the merge cache.
IEnumerator mergeEnum = mergeCache.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator primaryEnum = primary.GetEnumerator();
bool match = true;
while (primaryEnum.MoveNext() && mergeEnum.MoveNext())
if (primaryEnum.Current != mergeEnum.Current)
match = false;
if (match)
IEnumerator secondaryEnum = secondary.GetEnumerator();
while (secondaryEnum.MoveNext() && mergeEnum.MoveNext())
if (secondaryEnum.Current != mergeEnum.Current)
match = false;
if (match)
return mergeCache;
// Our cache didn't match. We need to merge metadata and return
// the merged copy. We create an array list here, rather than
// an array, because we want successive sections of the
// pipeline to be able to modify it.
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(primary.Count + secondary.Count);
foreach (object obj in primary)
foreach (object obj in secondary)
if (cache != null)
ICollection cacheValue;
switch (pipelineType)
Attribute[] attrArray = new Attribute[list.Count];
list.CopyTo(attrArray, 0);
cacheValue = new AttributeCollection(attrArray);
PropertyDescriptor[] propArray = new PropertyDescriptor[list.Count];
list.CopyTo(propArray, 0);
cacheValue = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(propArray, true);
EventDescriptor[] eventArray = new EventDescriptor[list.Count];
list.CopyTo(eventArray, 0);
cacheValue = new EventDescriptorCollection(eventArray, true);
Debug.Fail("unknown pipeline type");
cacheValue = null;
cache[s_pipelineMergeKeys[pipelineType]] = cacheValue;
return list;
private static void RaiseRefresh(object component)
// This volatility prevents the JIT from making certain optimizations
// that could cause this firing pattern to break. Although the likelihood
// the JIT makes those changes is mostly theoretical
RefreshEventHandler? handler = Volatile.Read(ref Refreshed);
handler?.Invoke(new RefreshEventArgs(component));
private static void RaiseRefresh(Type type)
RefreshEventHandler? handler = Volatile.Read(ref Refreshed);
handler?.Invoke(new RefreshEventArgs(type));
/// <summary>
/// Clears the properties and events for the specified
/// component from the cache.
/// </summary>
public static void Refresh(object component) => Refresh(component, refreshReflectionProvider: true);
private static void Refresh(object component, bool refreshReflectionProvider)
if (component == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning, but you should not pass null here");
// Build up a list of type description providers for
// each type that is a derived type of the given
// object. We will invalidate the metadata at
// each of these levels.
bool found = false;
if (refreshReflectionProvider)
Type type = component.GetType();
lock (s_commonSyncObject)
// ReflectTypeDescritionProvider is only bound to object, but we
// need go to through the entire table to try to find custom
// providers. If we find one, will clear our cache.
// Manual use of IDictionaryEnumerator instead of foreach to avoid
// DictionaryEntry box allocations.
IDictionaryEnumerator e = s_providerTable.GetEnumerator();
while (e.MoveNext())
DictionaryEntry de = e.Entry;
Type? nodeType = de.Key as Type;
if (nodeType != null && type.IsAssignableFrom(nodeType) || nodeType == typeof(object))
TypeDescriptionNode? node = (TypeDescriptionNode?)de.Value;
while (node != null && !(node.Provider is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider))
found = true;
node = node.Next;
if (node != null)
ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider provider = (ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)node.Provider;
if (provider.IsPopulated(type))
found = true;
// We need to clear our filter even if no typedescriptionprovider had data.
// This is because if you call Refresh(instance1) and Refresh(instance2)
// and instance1 and instance2 are of the same type, you will end up not
// actually deleting the dictionary cache on instance2 if you skip this
// when you don't find a typedescriptionprovider.
// However, we do not need to fire the event if we did not find any loaded
// typedescriptionprovider AND the cache is empty (if someone repeatedly calls
// Refresh on an instance).
// Now, clear any cached data for the instance.
IDictionary? cache = GetCache(component);
if (found || cache != null)
if (cache != null)
for (int idx = 0; idx < s_pipelineFilterKeys.Length; idx++)
Interlocked.Increment(ref s_metadataVersion);
// And raise the event.
/// <summary>
/// Clears the properties and events for the specified type
/// of component from the cache.
/// </summary>
public static void Refresh(Type type)
if (type == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning, but you should not pass null here");
// Build up a list of type description providers for
// each type that is a derived type of the given
// type. We will invalidate the metadata at
// each of these levels.
bool found = false;
lock (s_commonSyncObject)
// ReflectTypeDescritionProvider is only bound to object, but we
// need go to through the entire table to try to find custom
// providers. If we find one, will clear our cache.
// Manual use of IDictionaryEnumerator instead of foreach to avoid
// DictionaryEntry box allocations.
IDictionaryEnumerator e = s_providerTable.GetEnumerator();
while (e.MoveNext())
DictionaryEntry de = e.Entry;
Type? nodeType = de.Key as Type;
if (nodeType != null && type.IsAssignableFrom(nodeType) || nodeType == typeof(object))
TypeDescriptionNode? node = (TypeDescriptionNode?)de.Value;
while (node != null && !(node.Provider is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider))
found = true;
node = node.Next;
if (node != null)
ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider provider = (ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)node.Provider;
if (provider.IsPopulated(type))
found = true;
// We only clear our filter and fire the refresh event if there was one or
// more type description providers that were populated with metdata.
// This prevents us from doing a lot of extra work and raising
// a ton more events than we need to.
if (found)
Interlocked.Increment(ref s_metadataVersion);
// And raise the event.
/// <summary>
/// Clears the properties and events for the specified
/// module from the cache.
/// </summary>
public static void Refresh(Module module)
if (module == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning, but you should not pass null here");
// Build up a list of type description providers for
// each type that is a derived type of the given
// object. We will invalidate the metadata at
// each of these levels.
Hashtable? refreshedTypes = null;
lock (s_commonSyncObject)
// Manual use of IDictionaryEnumerator instead of foreach to avoid DictionaryEntry box allocations.
IDictionaryEnumerator e = s_providerTable.GetEnumerator();
while (e.MoveNext())
DictionaryEntry de = e.Entry;
Type? nodeType = de.Key as Type;
if (nodeType != null && nodeType.Module.Equals(module) || nodeType == typeof(object))
TypeDescriptionNode? node = (TypeDescriptionNode?)de.Value;
while (node != null && !(node.Provider is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider))
refreshedTypes ??= new Hashtable();
refreshedTypes[nodeType] = nodeType;
node = node.Next;
if (node != null)
ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider provider = (ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)node.Provider;
Type[] populatedTypes = provider.GetPopulatedTypes(module);
foreach (Type populatedType in populatedTypes)
refreshedTypes ??= new Hashtable();
refreshedTypes[populatedType] = populatedType;
// And raise the event if types were refresh and handlers are attached.
if (refreshedTypes != null && Refreshed != null)
foreach (Type t in refreshedTypes.Keys)
/// <summary>
/// Clears the properties and events for the specified
/// assembly from the cache.
/// </summary>
public static void Refresh(Assembly assembly)
if (assembly == null)
Debug.Fail("COMPAT: Returning, but you should not pass null here");
foreach (Module mod in assembly.GetModules())
public static Type ComObjectType
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("COM type descriptors are not trim-compatible.")]
[return: DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicParameterlessConstructor)]
get => typeof(TypeDescriptorComObject);
public static IDesigner? CreateDesigner(IComponent component, Type designerBaseType)
Type? type = null;
IDesigner? result = null;
AttributeCollection attributes = GetAttributes(component);
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++)
if (attributes[i] is DesignerAttribute designerAttribute)
Type? type2 = Type.GetType(designerAttribute.DesignerBaseTypeName);
if (type2 != null && type2 == designerBaseType)
ISite? site = component.Site;
bool flag = false;
ITypeResolutionService? typeResolutionService = (ITypeResolutionService?)site?.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService));
if (typeResolutionService != null)
flag = true;
type = typeResolutionService.GetType(designerAttribute.DesignerTypeName);
if (!flag)
type = Type.GetType(designerAttribute.DesignerTypeName);
if (type != null)
if (type != null)
result = (IDesigner?)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
return result;
[Obsolete("TypeDescriptor.ComNativeDescriptorHandler has been deprecated. Use a type description provider to supply type information for COM types instead.")]
public static IComNativeDescriptorHandler? ComNativeDescriptorHandler
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("COM type descriptors are not trim-compatible.")]
TypeDescriptionNode? typeDescriptionNode = NodeFor(ComObjectType);
ComNativeDescriptionProvider? comNativeDescriptionProvider;
comNativeDescriptionProvider = (typeDescriptionNode.Provider as ComNativeDescriptionProvider);
typeDescriptionNode = typeDescriptionNode.Next;
while (typeDescriptionNode != null && comNativeDescriptionProvider == null);
return comNativeDescriptionProvider?.Handler;
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("COM type descriptors are not trim-compatible.")]
TypeDescriptionNode? typeDescriptionNode = NodeFor(ComObjectType);
while (typeDescriptionNode != null && !(typeDescriptionNode.Provider is ComNativeDescriptionProvider))
typeDescriptionNode = typeDescriptionNode.Next;
if (typeDescriptionNode == null)
AddProvider(new ComNativeDescriptionProvider(value), ComObjectType);
((ComNativeDescriptionProvider)typeDescriptionNode.Provider).Handler = value;
/// <summary>
/// The RemoveAssociation method removes an association with an object.
/// </summary>
public static void RemoveAssociation(object primary, object secondary)
Hashtable assocTable = AssociationTable;
IList? associations = (IList?)assocTable?[primary];
if (associations != null)
lock (associations)
for (int idx = associations.Count - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
// Look for an associated object that has a type that
// matches the given type.
WeakReference weakRef = (WeakReference)associations[idx]!;
object? secondaryItem = weakRef.Target;
if (secondaryItem == null || secondaryItem == secondary)
/// <summary>
/// The RemoveAssociations method removes all associations for a primary object.
/// </summary>
public static void RemoveAssociations(object primary)
/// <summary>
/// The RemoveProvider method removes a previously added type
/// description provider. Removing a provider causes a Refresh
/// event to be raised for the object or type the provider is
/// associated with.
/// </summary>
public static void RemoveProvider(TypeDescriptionProvider provider, Type type)
// Walk the nodes until we find the right one, and then remove it.
NodeRemove(type, provider);
/// <summary>
/// The RemoveProvider method removes a previously added type
/// description provider. Removing a provider causes a Refresh
/// event to be raised for the object or type the provider is
/// associated with.
/// </summary>
public static void RemoveProvider(TypeDescriptionProvider provider, object instance)
// Walk the nodes until we find the right one, and then remove it.
NodeRemove(instance, provider);
/// <summary>
/// The RemoveProvider method removes a previously added type
/// description provider. Removing a provider causes a Refresh
/// event to be raised for the object or type the provider is
/// associated with.
/// </summary>
public static void RemoveProviderTransparent(TypeDescriptionProvider provider, Type type)
RemoveProvider(provider, type);
/// <summary>
/// The RemoveProvider method removes a previously added type
/// description provider. Removing a provider causes a Refresh
/// event to be raised for the object or type the provider is
/// associated with.
/// </summary>
public static void RemoveProviderTransparent(TypeDescriptionProvider provider, object instance)
RemoveProvider(provider, instance);
/// <summary>
/// This function takes a member descriptor and an attribute and determines whether
/// the member satisfies the particular attribute. This either means that the member
/// contains the attribute or the member does not contain the attribute and the default
/// for the attribute matches the passed in attribute.
/// </summary>
private static bool ShouldHideMember(MemberDescriptor? member, Attribute? attribute)
if (member == null || attribute == null)
return true;
Attribute? memberAttribute = member.Attributes[attribute.GetType()];
if (memberAttribute == null)
return !attribute.IsDefaultAttribute();
return !attribute.Match(memberAttribute);
/// <summary>
/// Sorts descriptors by name of the descriptor.
/// </summary>
public static void SortDescriptorArray(IList infos)
/// <summary>
/// This class is a type description provider that works with the IComNativeDescriptorHandler
/// interface.
/// </summary>
private sealed class ComNativeDescriptionProvider : TypeDescriptionProvider
#pragma warning disable 618
internal ComNativeDescriptionProvider(IComNativeDescriptorHandler handler)
Handler = handler;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the COM handler object.
/// </summary>
internal IComNativeDescriptorHandler Handler { get; set; }
#pragma warning restore 618
/// <summary>
/// Implements GetTypeDescriptor. This creates a custom type
/// descriptor that walks the linked list for each of its calls.
/// </summary>
[return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(instance))]
public override ICustomTypeDescriptor? GetTypeDescriptor([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type objectType, object? instance)
if (instance == null)
return null;
if (!objectType.IsInstanceOfType(instance))
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.ConvertToException, nameof(objectType), instance.GetType()), nameof(instance));
return new ComNativeTypeDescriptor(Handler, instance);
/// <summary>
/// This type descriptor sits on top of a native
/// descriptor handler.
/// </summary>
private sealed class ComNativeTypeDescriptor : ICustomTypeDescriptor
#pragma warning disable 618
private readonly IComNativeDescriptorHandler _handler;
private readonly object _instance;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new ComNativeTypeDescriptor.
/// </summary>
internal ComNativeTypeDescriptor(IComNativeDescriptorHandler handler, object instance)
_handler = handler;
_instance = instance;
#pragma warning restore 618
AttributeCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes() => _handler.GetAttributes(_instance);
string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() => _handler.GetClassName(_instance);
string? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() => null;
TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter() => _handler.GetConverter(_instance);
EventDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent()
return _handler.GetDefaultEvent(_instance);
PropertyDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty()
return _handler.GetDefaultProperty(_instance);
object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
return _handler.GetEditor(_instance, editorBaseType);
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents()
return _handler.GetEvents(_instance);
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(Attribute[]? attributes)
return _handler.GetEvents(_instance, attributes);
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties()
return _handler.GetProperties(_instance, null);
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " " + AttributeCollection.FilterRequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage)]
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Attribute[]? attributes)
return _handler.GetProperties(_instance, attributes);
object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor? pd) => _instance;
/// <summary>
/// This is a type description provider that adds the given
/// array of attributes to a class or instance, preserving the rest
/// of the metadata in the process.
/// </summary>
private sealed class AttributeProvider : TypeDescriptionProvider
private readonly Attribute[] _attrs;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new attribute provider.
/// </summary>
internal AttributeProvider(TypeDescriptionProvider existingProvider, params Attribute[] attrs) : base(existingProvider)
_attrs = attrs;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a custom type descriptor that replaces the attributes.
/// </summary>
public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type objectType, object? instance)
return new AttributeTypeDescriptor(_attrs, base.GetTypeDescriptor(objectType, instance));
/// <summary>
/// Our custom type descriptor.
/// </summary>
private sealed class AttributeTypeDescriptor : CustomTypeDescriptor
private readonly Attribute[] _attributeArray;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new custom type descriptor that can merge
/// the provided set of attributes with the existing set.
/// </summary>
internal AttributeTypeDescriptor(Attribute[] attrs, ICustomTypeDescriptor? parent) : base(parent)
_attributeArray = attrs;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the merged set of attributes. We do not cache
/// this because there is always the possibility that someone
/// changed our parent provider's metadata. TypeDescriptor
/// will cache this for us anyhow.
/// </summary>
public override AttributeCollection GetAttributes()
Attribute[]? finalAttr;
AttributeCollection existing = base.GetAttributes();
Attribute[] newAttrs = _attributeArray;
Attribute[] newArray = new Attribute[existing.Count + newAttrs.Length];
int actualCount = existing.Count;
existing.CopyTo(newArray, 0);
for (int idx = 0; idx < newAttrs.Length; idx++)
Debug.Assert(newAttrs[idx] != null, "_attributes contains a null member");
// We must see if this attribute is already in the existing
// array. If it is, we replace it.
bool match = false;
for (int existingIdx = 0; existingIdx < existing.Count; existingIdx++)
if (newArray[existingIdx].TypeId.Equals(newAttrs[idx].TypeId))
match = true;
newArray[existingIdx] = newAttrs[idx];
if (!match)
newArray[actualCount++] = newAttrs[idx];
// Now, if we collapsed some attributes, create a new array.
if (actualCount < newArray.Length)
finalAttr = new Attribute[actualCount];
Array.Copy(newArray, finalAttr, actualCount);
finalAttr = newArray;
return new AttributeCollection(finalAttr);
/// <summary>
/// This is a simple class that is used to store a filtered
/// set of members in an object's dictionary cache. It is
/// used by the PipelineAttributeFilter method.
/// </summary>
private sealed class AttributeFilterCacheItem
private readonly Attribute[] _filter;
internal readonly ICollection FilteredMembers;
internal AttributeFilterCacheItem(Attribute[] filter, ICollection filteredMembers)
_filter = filter;
FilteredMembers = filteredMembers;
internal bool IsValid(Attribute[] filter)
if (_filter.Length != filter.Length) return false;
for (int idx = 0; idx < filter.Length; idx++)
if (_filter[idx] != filter[idx])
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// This small class contains cache information for the filter stage of our
/// caching algorithm. It is used by the PipelineFilter method.
/// </summary>
private sealed class FilterCacheItem
private readonly ITypeDescriptorFilterService _filterService;
internal readonly ICollection FilteredMembers;
internal FilterCacheItem(ITypeDescriptorFilterService filterService, ICollection filteredMembers)
_filterService = filterService;
FilteredMembers = filteredMembers;
internal bool IsValid(ITypeDescriptorFilterService filterService)
if (!ReferenceEquals(_filterService, filterService))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// This comparer compares member descriptors for sorting.
/// </summary>
private sealed class MemberDescriptorComparer : IComparer
public static readonly MemberDescriptorComparer Instance = new MemberDescriptorComparer();
public int Compare(object? left, object? right)
MemberDescriptor? leftMember = left as MemberDescriptor;
MemberDescriptor? rightMember = right as MemberDescriptor;
return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.Compare(leftMember?.Name, rightMember?.Name);
private sealed class TypeDescriptorComObject
// This class is being used to aid in diagnosability. The alternative to having this proxy would be
// to set the fully qualified type name in the TypeDescriptionProvider attribute. The issue with the
// string method is the failure is silent during type load making diagnosing the issue difficult.
private sealed class ComNativeDescriptorProxy : TypeDescriptionProvider
private readonly TypeDescriptionProvider _comNativeDescriptor;
public ComNativeDescriptorProxy()
if (!IsComObjectDescriptorSupported)
throw new NotSupportedException(SR.ComObjectDescriptorsNotSupported);
Type realComNativeDescriptor = Type.GetType("System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel.Com2Interop.ComNativeDescriptor, System.Windows.Forms", throwOnError: true)!;
_comNativeDescriptor = (TypeDescriptionProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(realComNativeDescriptor)!;
[return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(instance))]
public override ICustomTypeDescriptor? GetTypeDescriptor([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type objectType, object? instance)
return _comNativeDescriptor.GetTypeDescriptor(objectType, instance);
/// <summary>
/// This is a merged type descriptor that can merge the output of
/// a primary and secondary type descriptor. If the primary doesn't
/// provide the needed information, the request is passed on to the
/// secondary.
/// </summary>
private sealed class MergedTypeDescriptor : ICustomTypeDescriptor
private readonly ICustomTypeDescriptor _primary;
private readonly ICustomTypeDescriptor _secondary;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new MergedTypeDescriptor.
/// </summary>
internal MergedTypeDescriptor(ICustomTypeDescriptor primary, ICustomTypeDescriptor secondary)
_primary = primary;
_secondary = secondary;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
AttributeCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes()
AttributeCollection attrs = _primary.GetAttributes() ?? _secondary.GetAttributes();
Debug.Assert(attrs != null, "Someone should have handled this");
return attrs;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName()
string? className = _primary.GetClassName() ?? _secondary.GetClassName();
Debug.Assert(className != null, "Someone should have handled this");
return className;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
string? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName()
return _primary.GetComponentName() ?? _secondary.GetComponentName();
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter()
TypeConverter? converter = _primary.GetConverter() ?? _secondary.GetConverter();
Debug.Assert(converter != null, "Someone should have handled this");
return converter;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
EventDescriptor? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent()
return _primary.GetDefaultEvent() ?? _secondary.GetDefaultEvent();
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
PropertyDescriptor? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty()
return _primary.GetDefaultProperty() ?? _secondary.GetDefaultProperty();
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
object? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
object? editor = _primary.GetEditor(editorBaseType) ?? _secondary.GetEditor(editorBaseType);
return editor;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents()
EventDescriptorCollection events = _primary.GetEvents() ?? _secondary.GetEvents();
Debug.Assert(events != null, "Someone should have handled this");
return events;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(Attribute[]? attributes)
EventDescriptorCollection events = _primary.GetEvents(attributes) ?? _secondary.GetEvents(attributes);
Debug.Assert(events != null, "Someone should have handled this");
return events;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties()
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = _primary.GetProperties() ?? _secondary.GetProperties();
Debug.Assert(properties != null, "Someone should have handled this");
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " " + AttributeCollection.FilterRequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage)]
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Attribute[]? attributes)
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties =
_primary.GetProperties(attributes) ??
Debug.Assert(properties != null, "Someone should have handled this");
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
object? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor? pd)
return _primary.GetPropertyOwner(pd) ?? _secondary.GetPropertyOwner(pd);
/// <summary>
/// This is a linked list node that is comprised of a type
/// description provider. Each node contains a Next pointer
/// to the next node in the list and also a Provider pointer
/// which contains the type description provider this node
/// represents. The implementation of TypeDescriptionProvider
/// that the node provides simply invokes the corresponding
/// method on the node's provider.
/// </summary>
private sealed class TypeDescriptionNode : TypeDescriptionProvider
internal TypeDescriptionNode? Next;
internal TypeDescriptionProvider Provider;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new type description node.
/// </summary>
internal TypeDescriptionNode(TypeDescriptionProvider provider)
Provider = provider;
/// <summary>
/// Implements CreateInstance. This just walks the linked list
/// looking for someone who implements the call.
/// </summary>
public override object? CreateInstance(
IServiceProvider? provider,
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] Type objectType,
Type[]? argTypes,
object?[]? args)
if (argTypes != null)
if (argTypes.Length != args.Length)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.TypeDescriptorArgsCountMismatch);
return Provider.CreateInstance(provider, objectType, argTypes, args);
/// <summary>
/// Implements GetCache. This just walks the linked
/// list looking for someone who implements the call.
/// </summary>
public override IDictionary? GetCache(object instance)
return Provider.GetCache(instance);
/// <summary>
/// Implements GetExtendedTypeDescriptor. This creates a custom type
/// descriptor that walks the linked list for each of its calls.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of instance cannot be statically discovered.")]
public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(object instance)
return new DefaultExtendedTypeDescriptor(this, instance);
/// <summary>
/// Implements GetExtendedTypeDescriptor. This creates a custom type
/// descriptor that walks the linked list for each of its calls.
/// </summary>
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode", Justification = "The object is verified at run-time to be a registered type.")]
public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetExtendedTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType(object instance)
Type type = instance.GetType();
if (!Provider.IsRegisteredType(type))
return new DefaultExtendedTypeDescriptor(this, instance);
protected internal override IExtenderProvider[] GetExtenderProviders(object instance)
return Provider.GetExtenderProviders(instance);
/// <summary>
/// The name of the specified component, or null if the component has no name.
/// In many cases this will return the same value as GetComponentName. If the
/// component resides in a nested container or has other nested semantics, it may
/// return a different fully qualified name.
/// If not overridden, the default implementation of this method will call
/// GetTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of component cannot be statically discovered.")]
public override string? GetFullComponentName(object component)
return Provider.GetFullComponentName(component);
/// <summary>
/// Implements GetReflectionType. This just walks the linked list
/// looking for someone who implements the call.
/// </summary>
[return: DynamicallyAccessedMembers(ReflectTypesDynamicallyAccessedMembers)]
public override Type GetReflectionType(
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(ReflectTypesDynamicallyAccessedMembers)] Type objectType,
object? instance)
return Provider.GetReflectionType(objectType, instance);
public override Type GetRuntimeType(Type objectType)
return Provider.GetRuntimeType(objectType);
/// <summary>
/// Implements GetTypeDescriptor. This creates a custom type
/// descriptor that walks the linked list for each of its calls.
/// </summary>
public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type objectType, object? instance)
if (instance != null && !objectType.IsInstanceOfType(instance))
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(instance));
return new DefaultTypeDescriptor(this, objectType, instance);
/// <summary>
/// Implements GetTypeDescriptor. This creates a custom type
/// descriptor that walks the linked list for each of its calls.
/// </summary>
public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType(Type objectType, object? instance)
if (instance != null && !objectType.IsInstanceOfType(instance))
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(instance));
if (!IsRegisteredType(objectType))
return Forward();
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2067:UnrecognizedReflectionPattern",
Justification = TypeDescriptionProvider.ForwardFromRegisteredMessage)]
ICustomTypeDescriptor Forward() => GetTypeDescriptor(objectType, instance);
internal DefaultTypeDescriptor GetDefaultTypeDescriptor([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type objectType)
return new DefaultTypeDescriptor(this, objectType, instance: null);
public override bool IsSupportedType(Type type)
return Provider.IsSupportedType(type);
public override bool? RequireRegisteredTypes => Provider.RequireRegisteredTypes;
public override bool IsRegisteredType(Type type) => Provider.IsRegisteredType(type);
public override void RegisterType<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(RegisteredTypesDynamicallyAccessedMembers)] T>() => Provider.RegisterType<T>();
/// <summary>
/// A type descriptor for extended types. This type descriptor
/// looks at the head node in the linked list.
/// </summary>
private readonly struct DefaultExtendedTypeDescriptor : ICustomTypeDescriptor
private readonly TypeDescriptionNode _node;
private readonly object _instance;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new WalkingExtendedTypeDescriptor.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode("The Type of instance cannot be statically discovered.")]
internal DefaultExtendedTypeDescriptor(TypeDescriptionNode node, object instance)
_node = node;
_instance = instance;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode", Justification = "The ctor of this Type has RequiresUnreferencedCode.")]
AttributeCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)
return ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.GetExtendedAttributes();
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
AttributeCollection attrs = desc.GetAttributes();
if (attrs == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetAttributes"));
return attrs;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode", Justification = "The ctor of this Type has RequiresUnreferencedCode.")]
string? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
return rp.GetExtendedClassName(_instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
string? name = desc.GetClassName() ?? _instance.GetType().FullName;
return name;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode", Justification = "The ctor of this Type has RequiresUnreferencedCode.")]
string? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)
return ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.GetExtendedComponentName(_instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
return desc.GetComponentName();
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
return rp.GetExtendedConverter(_instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
TypeConverter? converter = desc.GetConverter();
if (converter == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetConverter"));
return converter;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverterFromRegisteredType()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
return rp.GetConverterFromRegisteredType(_instance.GetType(), _instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
TypeConverter? converter = desc.GetConverterFromRegisteredType();
if (converter == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetConverter"));
return converter;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
EventDescriptor? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)
return ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.GetExtendedDefaultEvent();
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
return desc.GetDefaultEvent();
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
PropertyDescriptor? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)
return ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.GetExtendedDefaultProperty();
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
return desc.GetDefaultProperty();
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
object? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
return rp.GetExtendedEditor(_instance, editorBaseType);
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
return desc.GetEditor(editorBaseType);
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode", Justification = "The ctor of this Type has RequiresUnreferencedCode.")]
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)
return ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.GetExtendedEvents();
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
EventDescriptorCollection events = desc.GetEvents();
if (events == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetEvents"));
return events;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEventsFromRegisteredType()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)
return ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.GetExtendedEvents();
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType"));
EventDescriptorCollection events = desc.GetEventsFromRegisteredType();
if (events == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetEventsFromRegisteredType"));
return events;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(Attribute[]? attributes)
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)
// There is no need to filter these events. For extended objects, they
// are accessed through our pipeline code, which always filters before
// returning. So any filter we do here is redundant. Note that we do
// pass a valid filter to a custom descriptor so it can optimize if it wants.
EventDescriptorCollection events = ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.GetExtendedEvents();
return events;
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
EventDescriptorCollection evts = desc.GetEvents(attributes);
if (evts == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetEvents"));
return evts;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
return rp.GetExtendedProperties(_instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = desc.GetProperties();
if (properties == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetProperties"));
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
return rp.GetExtendedPropertiesFromRegisteredType(_instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = desc.GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType();
if (properties == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetProperties"));
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " " + AttributeCollection.FilterRequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage)]
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Attribute[]? attributes)
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
// There is no need to filter these properties. For extended objects, they
// are accessed through our pipeline code, which always filters before
// returning. So any filter we do here is redundant. Note that we do
// pass a valid filter to a custom descriptor so it can optimize if it wants.
PropertyDescriptorCollection props = rp.GetExtendedProperties(_instance);
return props;
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = desc.GetProperties(attributes);
if (properties == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetProperties"));
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode", Justification = "The ctor of this Type has RequiresUnreferencedCode.")]
object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor? pd)
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)
return ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.GetExtendedPropertyOwner(_instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor desc = p.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(_instance);
if (desc == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetExtendedTypeDescriptor"));
object owner = desc.GetPropertyOwner(pd) ?? _instance;
return owner;
/// <summary>
/// The default type descriptor.
/// </summary>
private readonly struct DefaultTypeDescriptor : ICustomTypeDescriptor
private readonly TypeDescriptionNode _node;
private readonly Type _objectType;
private readonly object? _instance;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new WalkingTypeDescriptor.
/// </summary>
internal DefaultTypeDescriptor(
TypeDescriptionNode node,
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.All)] Type objectType,
object? instance)
_node = node;
_objectType = objectType;
_instance = instance;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public AttributeCollection GetAttributes()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
AttributeCollection attrs;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
attrs = rp.GetAttributes(_objectType);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
attrs = desc.GetAttributes();
if (attrs == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetAttributes"));
return attrs;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public string? GetClassName()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
string? name;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
name = rp.GetClassName(_objectType);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
name = desc.GetClassName() ?? _objectType.FullName;
return name;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
string? ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
string? name;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)
name = ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.GetComponentName(_instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
name = desc.GetComponentName();
return name;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public TypeConverter GetConverter()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
TypeConverter? converter;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
converter = rp.GetConverter(_objectType, _instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
converter = desc.GetConverter();
if (converter == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetConverter"));
return converter;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public TypeConverter GetConverterFromRegisteredType()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
TypeConverter? converter;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
converter = rp.GetConverterFromRegisteredType(_objectType, _instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
converter = desc.GetConverterFromRegisteredType();
if (converter == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetConverterFromRegisteredType"));
return converter;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public EventDescriptor? GetDefaultEvent()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
EventDescriptor? defaultEvent;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
defaultEvent = rp.GetDefaultEvent(_objectType, _instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
defaultEvent = desc.GetDefaultEvent();
return defaultEvent;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public PropertyDescriptor? GetDefaultProperty()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
PropertyDescriptor? defaultProperty;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
defaultProperty = rp.GetDefaultProperty(_objectType, _instance);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
defaultProperty = desc.GetDefaultProperty();
return defaultProperty;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public object? GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
object? editor;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
editor = rp.GetEditor(_objectType, _instance, editorBaseType);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
editor = desc.GetEditor(editorBaseType);
return editor;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
EventDescriptorCollection events;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
events = rp.GetEvents(_objectType);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
events = desc.GetEvents();
if (events == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetEvents"));
return events;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public EventDescriptorCollection GetEventsFromRegisteredType()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
EventDescriptorCollection events;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
events = rp.GetEventsFromRegisteredType(_objectType);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType"));
events = desc.GetEventsFromRegisteredType();
if (events == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetEventsFromRegisteredType"));
return events;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(Attribute[]? attributes)
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
EventDescriptorCollection events;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
events = rp.GetEvents(_objectType);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
events = desc.GetEvents(attributes);
if (events == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetEvents"));
return events;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
properties = rp.GetProperties(_objectType);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
properties = desc.GetProperties();
if (properties == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetProperties"));
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType()
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
properties = rp.GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType(_objectType);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptorFromRegisteredType(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
properties = desc.GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType();
if (properties == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetPropertiesFromRegisteredType"));
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(PropertyDescriptor.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage + " " + AttributeCollection.FilterRequiresUnreferencedCodeMessage)]
public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[]? attributes)
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider rp)
properties = rp.GetProperties(_objectType);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
properties = desc.GetProperties(attributes);
if (properties == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetProperties"));
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
/// </summary>
public object? GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor? pd)
// Check to see if the provider we get is a ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.
// If so, we can call on it directly rather than creating another
// custom type descriptor
TypeDescriptionProvider p = _node.Provider;
object? owner;
if (p is ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider)
owner = ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.GetPropertyOwner(_objectType, _instance!);
ICustomTypeDescriptor? desc = p.GetTypeDescriptor(_objectType, _instance);
if (desc == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeDescriptorProviderError, _node.Provider.GetType().FullName, "GetTypeDescriptor"));
owner = desc.GetPropertyOwner(pd) ?? _instance;
return owner;
/// <summary>
/// This is a simple internal type that allows external parties to
/// register a custom type description provider for all interface types.
/// </summary>
private sealed class TypeDescriptorInterface
internal static class ThrowHelper
internal static void ThrowNotImplementedException_CustomTypeProviderMustImplememtMember(string memberName) =>
throw new NotImplementedException(SR.Format(SR.CustomTypeProviderNotImplemented, memberName));
internal static void ThrowInvalidOperationException_RegisterTypeRequired(Type type) =>
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.TypeIsNotRegistered, type.FullName));