26 writes to Type
Shared (26)
JsonSchemaExporter\JsonSchemaExporter.cs (25)
198derivedSchema.Type = JsonSchemaType.Any; 212Type = schemaType, 339Type = JsonSchemaType.Object, 357Type = JsonSchemaType.Array, 381Type = JsonSchemaType.Object, 388Type = JsonSchemaType.Array, 419Type = JsonSchemaType.Object, 582[typeof(bool)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.Boolean }, 601[typeof(char)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, MinLength = 1, MaxLength = 1 }, 602[typeof(string)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String }, 603[typeof(byte[])] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String }, 604[typeof(Memory<byte>)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String }, 605[typeof(ReadOnlyMemory<byte>)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String }, 606[typeof(DateTime)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, Format = "date-time" }, 607[typeof(DateTimeOffset)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, Format = "date-time" }, 611Type = JsonSchemaType.String, 619[typeof(Guid)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, Format = "uuid" }, 620[typeof(Uri)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.String, Format = "uri" }, 624Type = JsonSchemaType.String, 632[typeof(JsonObject)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.Object }, 633[typeof(JsonArray)] = _ => new JsonSchema { Type = JsonSchemaType.Array }, 668new JsonSchema { Type = schemaType, Pattern = pattern }, 674return new JsonSchema { Type = schemaType, Pattern = pattern }; 749return new() { Type = JsonSchemaType.String }; 764return new() { Type = JsonSchemaType.Integer };
JsonSchemaExporter\JsonSchemaExporter.JsonSchema.cs (1)
323Type |= JsonSchemaType.Null;
5 references to Type
Shared (5)
JsonSchemaExporter\JsonSchemaExporter.cs (2)
180schemaType = derivedSchema.Type; 182else if (schemaType != derivedSchema.Type)
JsonSchemaExporter\JsonSchemaExporter.JsonSchema.cs (3)
293Count(Type != JsonSchemaType.Any); 321if (Type != JsonSchemaType.Any) 361if (MapSchemaType(Type) is JsonNode type)