// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Text Object Models Text pattern provider
// Spec for TextPattern at TextPatternSpecM8.doc
// Spec for Text Object Model (TOM) at Text Object Model.doc
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; // ReadOnlyCollection
using System.Windows; // PresentationSource
using System.Windows.Automation; // SupportedTextSelection
using System.Windows.Automation.Peers; // AutomationPeer
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider; // ITextProvider
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; // IScrollInfo
using System.Windows.Documents; // ITextContainer
using System.Windows.Media; // Visual
using MS.Internal.Documents; // MultiPageTextView
namespace MS.Internal.Automation
/// <summary>
/// Represents a text provider that supports the text pattern across Text Object
/// Model based Text Controls.
/// </summary>
internal class TextAdaptor : ITextProvider, IDisposable
// Constructors
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="textPeer">Automation Peer representing element for the ui scope of the text</param>
/// <param name="textContainer">ITextContainer</param>
internal TextAdaptor(AutomationPeer textPeer, ITextContainer textContainer)
Invariant.Assert(textContainer != null, "Invalid ITextContainer");
Invariant.Assert(textPeer is TextAutomationPeer || textPeer is ContentTextAutomationPeer, "Invalid AutomationPeer");
_textPeer = textPeer;
_textContainer = textContainer;
_textContainer.Changed += new TextContainerChangedEventHandler(OnTextContainerChanged);
if (_textContainer.TextSelection != null)
_textContainer.TextSelection.Changed += new EventHandler(OnTextSelectionChanged);
/// <summary>
/// Dispose.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
if (_textContainer != null && _textContainer.TextSelection != null)
_textContainer.TextSelection.Changed -= new EventHandler(OnTextSelectionChanged);
#endregion Constructors
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the bounding rectangles for the text lines of a given range.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="start">Start of range to measure</param>
/// <param name="end">End of range to measure</param>
/// <param name="clipToView">Specifies whether the caller wants the full bounds (false) or the bounds of visible portions
/// of the viewable line only ('true')</param>
/// <param name="transformToScreen">Requests the results in screen coordinates</param>
/// <returns>An array of bounding rectangles for each line or portion of a line within the client area of the text provider.
/// No bounding rectangles will be returned for lines that are empty or scrolled out of view. Note that even though a
/// bounding rectangle is returned the corresponding text may not be visible due to overlapping windows.
/// This will not return null, but may return an empty array.</returns>
internal Rect[] GetBoundingRectangles(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, bool clipToView, bool transformToScreen)
ITextView textView = GetUpdatedTextView();
if (textView == null)
return Array.Empty<Rect>();
// If start/end positions are not in the visible range, move them to the first/last visible positions.
ReadOnlyCollection<TextSegment> textSegments = textView.TextSegments;
if (textSegments.Count > 0)
if (!textView.Contains(start) && start.CompareTo(textSegments[0].Start) < 0)
start = textSegments[0].Start.CreatePointer();
if (!textView.Contains(end) && end.CompareTo(textSegments[textSegments.Count-1].End) > 0)
end = textSegments[textSegments.Count - 1].End.CreatePointer();
if (!textView.Contains(start) || !textView.Contains(end))
return Array.Empty<Rect>();
start = start.CreatePointer();
end = end.CreatePointer();
TextRangeAdaptor.MoveToInsertionPosition(start, LogicalDirection.Forward);
TextRangeAdaptor.MoveToInsertionPosition(end, LogicalDirection.Backward);
Rect visibleRect = Rect.Empty;
if (clipToView)
visibleRect = GetVisibleRectangle(textView);
// If clipping into view and visible rect is empty, return.
if (visibleRect.IsEmpty)
return Array.Empty<Rect>();
List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
ITextPointer position = start.CreatePointer();
while (position.CompareTo(end) < 0)
TextSegment lineRange = textView.GetLineRange(position);
if (!lineRange.IsNull)
// Since range is limited to just one line, GetTightBoundingGeometry will return tight bounding
// rectangle for given range. It will also work correctly with bidi text.
ITextPointer first = (lineRange.Start.CompareTo(start) <= 0) ? start : lineRange.Start;
ITextPointer last = (lineRange.End.CompareTo(end) >= 0) ? end : lineRange.End;
Rect lineRect = Rect.Empty;
Geometry geometry = textView.GetTightBoundingGeometryFromTextPositions(first, last);
if (geometry != null)
lineRect = geometry.Bounds;
if (clipToView)
if (!lineRect.IsEmpty)
if (transformToScreen)
lineRect = new Rect(ClientToScreen(lineRect.TopLeft, textView.RenderScope), ClientToScreen(lineRect.BottomRight, textView.RenderScope));
if (position.MoveToLineBoundary(1) == 0)
position = end;
return rectangles.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves associated TextView. If TextView is not valid, tries to update its layout.
/// </summary>
internal ITextView GetUpdatedTextView()
ITextView textView = _textContainer.TextView;
if (textView != null)
if (!textView.IsValid)
if (!textView.Validate())
textView = null;
if (textView != null && !textView.IsValid)
textView = null;
return textView;
/// <summary>
/// Changes text selection on the element
/// </summary>
/// <param name="start">Start of range to select</param>
/// <param name="end">End of range to select</param>
/// <remarks>Automation clients as well as the internal caller of this method (a TextRangeAdapter object) are supposed
/// to verify whether the provider supports text selection by calling SupportsTextSelection first.
/// The internal caller is responsible for raising an InvalidOperationException upon the Automation client' attempt
/// to change selection when it's not supported by the provider</remarks>
internal void Select(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end)
// Update the selection range
_textContainer.TextSelection?.Select(start, end);
/// <summary>
/// This helper method is used by TextRangeAdaptor to bring the range into view
/// through multiple nested scroll providers.
/// </summary>
internal void ScrollIntoView(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end, bool alignToTop)
// Calculate the bounding rectangle for the range
Rect rangeBounds = Rect.Empty;
Rect[] lineBounds = GetBoundingRectangles(start, end, false, false);
foreach (Rect rect in lineBounds)
ITextView textView = GetUpdatedTextView();
if (textView != null && !rangeBounds.IsEmpty)
// Find out the visible portion of the range.
Rect visibleRect = GetVisibleRectangle(textView);
Rect rangeVisibleBounds = Rect.Intersect(rangeBounds, visibleRect);
if (rangeVisibleBounds == rangeBounds)
// The range is already in the view. It's probably not aligned as requested,
// but who cares since it's entirely visible anyway.
// Ensure the visibility of the range.
// BringIntoView will do most of the magic except the very first scroll
// in order to satisfy the requested alignment.
UIElement renderScope = textView.RenderScope;
Visual visual = renderScope;
while (visual != null)
IScrollInfo isi = visual as IScrollInfo;
if (isi != null)
// Transform the bounding rectangle into the IScrollInfo coordinates.
if (visual != renderScope)
GeneralTransform childToParent = renderScope.TransformToAncestor(visual);
rangeBounds = childToParent.TransformBounds(rangeBounds);
if (isi.CanHorizontallyScroll)
isi.SetHorizontalOffset(alignToTop ? rangeBounds.Left : (rangeBounds.Right - isi.ViewportWidth));
if (isi.CanVerticallyScroll)
isi.SetVerticalOffset(alignToTop ? rangeBounds.Top : (rangeBounds.Bottom - isi.ViewportHeight));
visual = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(visual) as Visual;
FrameworkElement fe = renderScope as FrameworkElement;
// If failed to retrive range bounds, try to Bring into view closes element.
ITextPointer pointer = alignToTop ? start.CreatePointer() : end.CreatePointer();
pointer.MoveToElementEdge(alignToTop ? ElementEdge.AfterStart : ElementEdge.AfterEnd);
FrameworkContentElement element = pointer.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as FrameworkContentElement;
// convert a range given by TextPointers to a UIA TextRange
// (helper method for raising ActiveTextPositionChanged event)
internal ITextRangeProvider TextRangeFromTextPointers(ITextPointer rangeStart, ITextPointer rangeEnd)
// special case for the entire range
if (rangeStart == null && rangeEnd == null)
return null;
// map null into the appropriate endpoint
rangeStart = rangeStart ?? _textContainer.Start;
rangeEnd = rangeEnd ?? _textContainer.End;
// if either pointer belongs to the wrong tree, return null (meaning "entire range")
if (rangeStart.TextContainer != _textContainer || rangeEnd.TextContainer != _textContainer)
return null;
// swap the pointers, if necessary
if (rangeStart.CompareTo(rangeEnd) > 0)
ITextPointer temp = rangeStart;
rangeStart = rangeEnd;
rangeEnd = rangeStart;
// return the resulting range, wrapped so that it's ready for use by UIA
ITextRangeProvider textRange = new TextRangeAdaptor(this, rangeStart, rangeEnd, _textPeer);
return TextRangeProviderWrapper.WrapArgument(textRange, _textPeer);
#endregion Internal Methods
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
/// <summary>
/// Notify about content changes.
/// </summary>
private void OnTextContainerChanged(object sender, TextContainerChangedEventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// Notify about selection changes.
/// </summary>
private void OnTextSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// Computes the bounds of the render scope area visible through all nested scroll areas.
/// </summary>
private Rect GetVisibleRectangle(ITextView textView)
Rect visibleRect = new Rect(textView.RenderScope.RenderSize);
Visual visual = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(textView.RenderScope) as Visual;
while (visual != null && visibleRect != Rect.Empty)
if (VisualTreeHelper.GetClip(visual) != null)
GeneralTransform transform = textView.RenderScope.TransformToAncestor(visual).Inverse;
// Safer version of transform to descendent (doing the inverse ourself),
// we want the rect inside of our space. (Which is always rectangular and much nicer to work with).
if (transform != null)
Rect rectBounds = VisualTreeHelper.GetClip(visual).Bounds;
rectBounds = transform.TransformBounds(rectBounds);
// No visibility if non-invertable transform exists.
visibleRect = Rect.Empty;
visual = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(visual) as Visual;
return visibleRect;
/// <summary>
/// Convert a point from "client" coordinate space of a window into
/// the coordinate space of the screen.
/// </summary>
private Point ClientToScreen(Point point, Visual visual)
if (System.Windows.AccessibilitySwitches.UseNetFx472CompatibleAccessibilityFeatures)
return ObsoleteClientToScreen(point, visual);
point = visual.PointToScreen(point);
catch (InvalidOperationException)
return point;
/// <summary>
/// A version of <see cref="ClientToScreen(Point, Visual)"/> for compatibility purposes.
/// There is a subtle bug in this version that manifests itself in High-DPI aware applications,
/// and this version of the method should not used be except for compatibility purposes
/// </summary>
private Point ObsoleteClientToScreen(Point point, Visual visual)
PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(visual);
if (presentationSource != null)
GeneralTransform transform = visual.TransformToAncestor(presentationSource.RootVisual);
if (transform != null)
point = transform.Transform(point);
return PointUtil.ClientToScreen(point, presentationSource);
/// <summary>
/// Convert a point from the coordinate space of the screen into
/// the "client" coordinate space of a window.
/// </summary>
private Point ScreenToClient(Point point, Visual visual)
if (System.Windows.AccessibilitySwitches.UseNetFx472CompatibleAccessibilityFeatures)
return ObsoleteScreenToClient(point, visual);
point = visual.PointFromScreen(point);
catch (InvalidOperationException)
return point;
/// <summary>
/// A version of <see cref="ScreenToClient(Point, Visual)"/> for compatibility purposes.
/// There is a subtle bug in this version that manifests itself in High-DPI aware applications,
/// and this version of the method should not be used except for compatibility purposes.
/// </summary>
private Point ObsoleteScreenToClient(Point point, Visual visual)
PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(visual);
point = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(point, presentationSource);
if (presentationSource != null)
GeneralTransform transform = visual.TransformToAncestor(presentationSource.RootVisual);
if (transform != null)
transform = transform.Inverse;
if (transform != null)
point = transform.Transform(point);
return point;
#endregion Private Methods
// Private Fields
#region Private fields
private AutomationPeer _textPeer;
private ITextContainer _textContainer;
#endregion Private Fields
// ITextProvider
#region ITextProvider implementation
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the current selection. For providers that have the concept of
/// text selection the provider should implement this method and also return
/// true for the SupportsTextSelection property below. Otherwise this method
/// should throw an InvalidOperation exception.
/// For providers that support multiple disjoint selection, this should return
/// an array of all the currently selected ranges. Providers that don't support
/// multiple disjoint selection should just return an array containing a single
/// range.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The range of text that is selected, or possibly null if there is
/// no selection.</returns>
ITextRangeProvider[] ITextProvider.GetSelection()
ITextRange selection = _textContainer.TextSelection;
if (selection == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.TextProvider_TextSelectionNotSupported);
return new ITextRangeProvider[] { new TextRangeAdaptor(this, selection.Start, selection.End, _textPeer) };
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the visible ranges of text.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The ranges of text that are visible, or possibly an empty array if there is
/// no visible text whatsoever. Text in the range may still be obscured by an overlapping
/// window. Also, portions
/// of the range at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end may not be visible
/// because they are scrolled off to the side.
/// Providers should ensure they return at most a range from the beginning of the first
/// line with portions visible through the end of the last line with portions visible.</returns>
ITextRangeProvider[] ITextProvider.GetVisibleRanges()
ITextRangeProvider[] ranges = null;
ITextView textView = GetUpdatedTextView();
if (textView != null)
List<TextSegment> visibleTextSegments = new List<TextSegment>();
// Get visible portion of the document.
// FUTURE-2005/01/12-vsmirnov - Narrow the range by skipping partially visible
// rows (columns, pages) on each end. For this, we need to know the limit values
// (percents of row_width/column_height, I guess) to decide on row/column/page visibility.
// Also, need to define what to do with margin cases, like 2 rows (columns, pages) are
// in the view but none of them is visible enough.
if (textView is MultiPageTextView)
// For MultiPageTextView assume that all current pages are entirely visible.
// For all others TextViews get visible rectangle and hittest TopLeft and
// BottomRight points to retrieve visible range.
// Find out the bounds of the area visible through all nested scroll areas
Rect visibleRect = GetVisibleRectangle(textView);
if (!visibleRect.IsEmpty)
ITextPointer visibleStart = textView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(visibleRect.TopLeft, true);
ITextPointer visibleEnd = textView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(visibleRect.BottomRight, true);
visibleTextSegments.Add(new TextSegment(visibleStart, visibleEnd, true));
// Create collection of TextRangeProviders for visible ranges.
if (visibleTextSegments.Count > 0)
ranges = new ITextRangeProvider[visibleTextSegments.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < visibleTextSegments.Count; i++)
ranges[i] = new TextRangeAdaptor(this, visibleTextSegments[i].Start, visibleTextSegments[i].End, _textPeer);
// If no text is visible in the control, return the degenerate text range
// (empty range) at the beginning of the document.
if (ranges == null)
ranges = new ITextRangeProvider[] { new TextRangeAdaptor(this, _textContainer.Start, _textContainer.Start, _textPeer) };
return ranges;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the range of a child object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="childElementProvider">The child element. A provider should check that the
/// passed element is a child of the text container, and should throw an
/// InvalidOperationException if it is not.</param>
/// <returns>A range that spans the child element.</returns>
ITextRangeProvider ITextProvider.RangeFromChild(IRawElementProviderSimple childElementProvider)
// Retrieve DependencyObject from AutomationElement
DependencyObject childElement;
if (_textPeer is TextAutomationPeer)
childElement = ((TextAutomationPeer)_textPeer).ElementFromProvider(childElementProvider);
childElement = ((ContentTextAutomationPeer)_textPeer).ElementFromProvider(childElementProvider);
TextRangeAdaptor range = null;
if (childElement != null)
ITextPointer rangeStart = null;
ITextPointer rangeEnd = null;
// Retrieve start and end positions for given element.
// If element is TextElement, retrieve its Element Start and End positions.
// If element is UIElement hosted by UIContainer (Inlien of Block),
// retrieve content Start and End positions of the container.
// Otherwise scan ITextContainer to find a range for given element.
if (childElement is TextElement)
rangeStart = ((TextElement)childElement).ElementStart;
rangeEnd = ((TextElement)childElement).ElementEnd;
DependencyObject parent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(childElement);
if (parent is InlineUIContainer || parent is BlockUIContainer)
rangeStart = ((TextElement)parent).ContentStart;
rangeEnd = ((TextElement)parent).ContentEnd;
ITextPointer position = _textContainer.Start.CreatePointer();
while (position.CompareTo(_textContainer.End) < 0)
TextPointerContext context = position.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);
if (context == TextPointerContext.ElementStart)
if (childElement == position.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward))
rangeStart = position.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);
rangeEnd = position.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Backward);
else if (context == TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement)
if (childElement == position.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward))
rangeStart = position.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);
rangeEnd = position.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Backward);
// Create range
if (rangeStart != null && rangeEnd != null)
range = new TextRangeAdaptor(this, rangeStart, rangeEnd, _textPeer);
if (range == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.TextProvider_InvalidChildElement);
return range;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the degenerate range nearest to a screen coordinate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="location">The location in screen coordinates.
/// The provider should check that the coordinates are within the client
/// area of the provider, and should throw an InvalidOperation exception
/// if they are not.</param>
/// <returns>A degenerate range nearest the specified location.</returns>
ITextRangeProvider ITextProvider.RangeFromPoint(Point location)
TextRangeAdaptor range = null;
ITextView textView = GetUpdatedTextView();
if (textView != null)
// Convert the screen point to the element space coordinates.
location = ScreenToClient(location, textView.RenderScope);
ITextPointer position = textView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(location, true);
if (position != null)
range = new TextRangeAdaptor(this, position, position, _textPeer);
if (range == null)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.TextProvider_InvalidPoint);
return range;
/// <summary>
/// A text range that encloses the main text of the document. Some auxillary text such as
/// headers, footnotes, or annotations may not be included.
/// </summary>
ITextRangeProvider ITextProvider.DocumentRange
return new TextRangeAdaptor(this, _textContainer.Start, _textContainer.End, _textPeer);
/// <summary>
/// True if the text container supports text selection. If the provider returns false then
/// it should throw InvalidOperation exceptions for ITextProvider.GetSelection and
/// ITextRangeProvider.Select.
/// </summary>
SupportedTextSelection ITextProvider.SupportedTextSelection
return (_textContainer.TextSelection == null) ? SupportedTextSelection.None : SupportedTextSelection.Single;
#endregion ITextProvider implementation