// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace System.Windows.Controls.Primitives
/// <summary>
/// TabPanel is a Panel designed to handle the intricacies of laying out the tab buttons in a TabControl. Specically, it handles:
/// Serving as an ItemsHost for TabItems within a TabControl
/// Determining correct sizing and positioning for TabItems
/// Handling the logic associated with MultiRow scenarios, namely:
/// Calculating row breaks in a collection of TabItems
/// Laying out TabItems in multiple rows based on those breaks
/// Performing specific layout for a selected item to indicate selection, namely:
/// Bringing the selected tab to the front, or, in other words, making the selected tab appear to be in front of other tabs.
/// Increasing the size pre-layout size of a selected item (note that this is not a transform, but rather an increase in the size allotted to the element in which to perform layout).
/// Bringing the selected tab to the front
/// Exposing attached properties that allow TabItems to be styled based on their placement within the TabPanel.
/// </summary>
public class TabPanel : Panel
// Constructors
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Default DependencyObject constructor
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Automatic determination of current Dispatcher. Use alternative constructor
/// that accepts a Dispatcher for best performance.
/// </remarks>
public TabPanel() : base()
static TabPanel()
KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(TabPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(KeyboardNavigationMode.Once));
KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(TabPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle));
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
// Protected Methods
#region Protected Methods
/// <summary>
/// Updates DesiredSize of the TabPanel. Called by parent UIElement. This is the first pass of layout.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// TabPanel
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="constraint">Constraint size is an "upper limit" that TabPanel should not exceed.</param>
/// <returns>TabPanel' desired size.</returns>
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
Size contentSize = new Size();
Dock tabAlignment = TabStripPlacement;
_numRows = 1;
_numHeaders = 0;
_rowHeight = 0;
// For top and bottom placement the panel flow its children to calculate the number of rows and
// desired vertical size
if (tabAlignment == Dock.Top || tabAlignment == Dock.Bottom)
int numInCurrentRow = 0;
double currentRowWidth = 0;
double maxRowWidth = 0;
foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
// Helper measures child, and deals with Min, Max, and base Width & Height properties.
// Helper returns the size a child needs to take up (DesiredSize or property specified size).
Size childSize = GetDesiredSizeWithoutMargin(child);
if (_rowHeight < childSize.Height)
_rowHeight = childSize.Height;
if (currentRowWidth + childSize.Width > constraint.Width && numInCurrentRow > 0)
{ // If child does not fit in the current row - create a new row
if (maxRowWidth < currentRowWidth)
maxRowWidth = currentRowWidth;
currentRowWidth = childSize.Width;
numInCurrentRow = 1;
currentRowWidth += childSize.Width;
if (maxRowWidth < currentRowWidth)
maxRowWidth = currentRowWidth;
contentSize.Height = _rowHeight * _numRows;
// If we don't have constraint or content wisth is smaller than constraint width then size to content
if (double.IsInfinity(contentSize.Width) || double.IsNaN(contentSize.Width) || maxRowWidth < constraint.Width)
contentSize.Width = maxRowWidth;
contentSize.Width = constraint.Width;
else if (tabAlignment == Dock.Left || tabAlignment == Dock.Right)
foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
// Helper measures child, and deals with Min, Max, and base Width & Height properties.
// Helper returns the size a child needs to take up (DesiredSize or property specified size).
Size childSize = GetDesiredSizeWithoutMargin(child);
if (contentSize.Width < childSize.Width)
contentSize.Width = childSize.Width;
contentSize.Height += childSize.Height;
// Returns our minimum size & sets DesiredSize.
return contentSize;
/// <summary>
/// TabPanel arranges each of its children.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="arrangeSize">Size that TabPanel will assume to position children.</param>
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
Dock tabAlignment = TabStripPlacement;
if (tabAlignment == Dock.Top || tabAlignment == Dock.Bottom)
else if (tabAlignment == Dock.Left || tabAlignment == Dock.Right)
return arrangeSize;
/// <summary>
/// Override of <seealso cref="UIElement.GetLayoutClip"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Geometry to use as additional clip in case when element is larger then available space</returns>
protected override Geometry GetLayoutClip(Size layoutSlotSize)
return null;
#endregion Protected Methods
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
private Size GetDesiredSizeWithoutMargin(UIElement element)
Thickness margin = (Thickness)element.GetValue(MarginProperty);
Size desiredSizeWithoutMargin = new Size
Height = Math.Max(0d, element.DesiredSize.Height - margin.Top - margin.Bottom),
Width = Math.Max(0d, element.DesiredSize.Width - margin.Left - margin.Right)
return desiredSizeWithoutMargin;
private double[] GetHeadersSize()
double[] headerSize = new double[_numHeaders];
int childIndex = 0;
foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
Size childSize = GetDesiredSizeWithoutMargin(child);
headerSize[childIndex] = childSize.Width;
return headerSize;
private void ArrangeHorizontal(Size arrangeSize)
Dock tabAlignment = TabStripPlacement;
bool isMultiRow = _numRows > 1;
int activeRow = 0;
int[] solution = Array.Empty<int>();
Vector childOffset = new Vector();
double[] headerSize = GetHeadersSize();
// If we have multirows, then calculate the best header distribution
if (isMultiRow)
solution = CalculateHeaderDistribution(arrangeSize.Width, headerSize);
activeRow = GetActiveRow(solution);
// TabPanel starts to layout children depend on activeRow which should be always on bottom (top)
// The first row should start from Y = (_numRows - 1 - activeRow) * _rowHeight
if (tabAlignment == Dock.Top)
childOffset.Y = (_numRows - 1 - activeRow) * _rowHeight;
if (tabAlignment == Dock.Bottom && activeRow != 0)
childOffset.Y = (_numRows - activeRow) * _rowHeight;
int childIndex = 0;
int separatorIndex = 0;
foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
Thickness margin = (Thickness)child.GetValue(MarginProperty);
double leftOffset = margin.Left;
double rightOffset = margin.Right;
double topOffset = margin.Top;
double bottomOffset = margin.Bottom;
bool lastHeaderInRow = isMultiRow && (separatorIndex < solution.Length && solution[separatorIndex] == childIndex || childIndex == _numHeaders - 1);
//Length left, top, right, bottom;
Size cellSize = new Size(headerSize[childIndex], _rowHeight);
// Align the last header in the row; If headers are not aligned directional nav would not work correctly
if (lastHeaderInRow)
cellSize.Width = arrangeSize.Width - childOffset.X;
child.Arrange(new Rect(childOffset.X, childOffset.Y, cellSize.Width, cellSize.Height));
Size childSize = cellSize;
childSize.Height = Math.Max(0d, childSize.Height - topOffset - bottomOffset);
childSize.Width = Math.Max(0d, childSize.Width - leftOffset - rightOffset);
// Calculate the offset for the next child
childOffset.X += cellSize.Width;
if (lastHeaderInRow)
if ((separatorIndex == activeRow && tabAlignment == Dock.Top) ||
(separatorIndex == activeRow - 1 && tabAlignment == Dock.Bottom))
childOffset.Y = 0d;
childOffset.Y += _rowHeight;
childOffset.X = 0d;
private void ArrangeVertical(Size arrangeSize)
double childOffsetY = 0d;
foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
if (child.Visibility != Visibility.Collapsed)
Size childSize = GetDesiredSizeWithoutMargin(child);
child.Arrange(new Rect(0, childOffsetY, arrangeSize.Width, childSize.Height));
// Calculate the offset for the next child
childOffsetY += childSize.Height;
// Returns the row which contain the child with IsSelected==true
private int GetActiveRow(int[] solution)
int activeRow = 0;
int childIndex = 0;
if (solution.Length > 0)
foreach (UIElement child in InternalChildren)
if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
bool isActiveTab = (bool)child.GetValue(Selector.IsSelectedProperty);
if (isActiveTab)
return activeRow;
if (activeRow < solution.Length && solution[activeRow] == childIndex)
// If the is no selected element and aligment is Top - then the active row is the last row
if (TabStripPlacement == Dock.Top)
activeRow = _numRows - 1;
return activeRow;
/* TabPanel layout calculation:
After measure call we have:
rowWidthLimit - width of the TabPanel
Header[0..n-1] - headers
headerWidth[0..n-1] - header width
Calculated values:
numSeparators - number of separators between numSeparators+1 rows
rowWidth[0..numSeparators] - row width
rowHeaderCount[0..numSeparators] - Row Count = number of headers on that row
rowAverageGap[0..numSeparators] - Average Gap for the row i = (rowWidth - rowWidth[i])/rowHeaderCount[i]
currentSolution[0..numSeparators-1] - separator currentSolution[i]=x means Header[x] and h[x+1] are separated with new line
bestSolution[0..numSeparators-1] - keep the last Best Solution
bestSolutionRowAverageGap - keep the last Best Solution Average Gap
Between all separators distribution the best solution have minimum Average Gap -
this is the amount of pixels added to the header (to justify) in the row
How does it work:
First we flow the headers to calculate the number of necessary rows (numSeparators+1).
That means we need to insert numSeparators separators between n headers (numSeparators<n always).
For each current state rowAverageGap[1..numSeparators+1] are calculated for each row.
Current state rowAverageGap = MAX (rowAverageGap[1..numSeparators+1]).
Our goal is to find the solution with MIN (rowAverageGap).
On each iteration step we move a header from a previous row to the row with maximum rowAverageGap.
We countinue the itterations only if we move to better solution, i.e. rowAverageGap is smaller.
Maximum iteration steps are less the number of headers.
// Input: Row width and width of all headers
// Output: int array which size is the number of separators and contains each separator position
private int[] CalculateHeaderDistribution(double rowWidthLimit, double[] headerWidth)
double bestSolutionMaxRowAverageGap = 0;
int numHeaders = headerWidth.Length;
int numSeparators = _numRows - 1;
double currentRowWidth = 0;
int numberOfHeadersInCurrentRow = 0;
double currentAverageGap = 0;
int[] currentSolution = new int[numSeparators];
int[] bestSolution = new int[numSeparators];
int[] rowHeaderCount = new int[_numRows];
double[] rowWidth = new double[_numRows];
double[] rowAverageGap = new double[_numRows];
double[] bestSolutionRowAverageGap = new double[_numRows];
// Initialize the current state; Do the initial flow of the headers
int currentRowIndex = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < numHeaders; index++)
if (currentRowWidth + headerWidth[index] > rowWidthLimit && numberOfHeadersInCurrentRow > 0)
{ // if we cannot add next header - flow to next row
// Store current row before we go to the next
rowWidth[currentRowIndex] = currentRowWidth; // Store the current row width
rowHeaderCount[currentRowIndex] = numberOfHeadersInCurrentRow; // For each row we store the number os headers inside
currentAverageGap = Math.Max(0d, (rowWidthLimit - currentRowWidth) / numberOfHeadersInCurrentRow); // The amout of width that should be added to justify the header
rowAverageGap[currentRowIndex] = currentAverageGap;
currentSolution[currentRowIndex] = index - 1; // Separator points to the last header in the row
if (bestSolutionMaxRowAverageGap < currentAverageGap) // Remember the maximum of all currentAverageGap
bestSolutionMaxRowAverageGap = currentAverageGap;
// Iterate to next row
currentRowWidth = headerWidth[index]; // Accumulate header widths on the same row
numberOfHeadersInCurrentRow = 1;
currentRowWidth += headerWidth[index]; // Accumulate header widths on the same row
// Increase the number of headers only if they are not collapsed (width=0)
if (headerWidth[index] != 0)
// If everithing fit in 1 row then exit (no separators needed)
if (currentRowIndex == 0)
return Array.Empty<int>();
// Add the last row
rowWidth[currentRowIndex] = currentRowWidth;
rowHeaderCount[currentRowIndex] = numberOfHeadersInCurrentRow;
currentAverageGap = (rowWidthLimit - currentRowWidth) / numberOfHeadersInCurrentRow;
rowAverageGap[currentRowIndex] = currentAverageGap;
if (bestSolutionMaxRowAverageGap < currentAverageGap)
bestSolutionMaxRowAverageGap = currentAverageGap;
currentSolution.CopyTo(bestSolution, 0); // Remember the first solution as initial bestSolution
rowAverageGap.CopyTo(bestSolutionRowAverageGap, 0); // bestSolutionRowAverageGap is used in ArrangeOverride to calculate header sizes
// Search for the best solution
// The exit condition if when we cannot move header to the next row
while (true)
// Find the row with maximum AverageGap
int worstRowIndex = 0; // Keep the row index with maximum AverageGap
double maxAG = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _numRows; i++) // for all rows
if (maxAG < rowAverageGap[i])
maxAG = rowAverageGap[i];
worstRowIndex = i;
// If we are on the first row - cannot move from previous
if (worstRowIndex == 0)
// From the row with maximum AverageGap we try to move a header from previous row
int moveToRow = worstRowIndex;
int moveFromRow = moveToRow - 1;
int moveHeader = currentSolution[moveFromRow];
double movedHeaderWidth = headerWidth[moveHeader];
rowWidth[moveToRow] += movedHeaderWidth;
// If the moved header cannot fit - exit. We have the best solution already.
if (rowWidth[moveToRow] > rowWidthLimit)
// If header is moved successfully to the worst row
// we update the arrays keeping the row state
rowWidth[moveFromRow] -= movedHeaderWidth;
rowAverageGap[moveFromRow] = (rowWidthLimit - rowWidth[moveFromRow]) / rowHeaderCount[moveFromRow];
rowAverageGap[moveToRow] = (rowWidthLimit - rowWidth[moveToRow]) / rowHeaderCount[moveToRow];
// EvaluateSolution:
// If the current solution is better than bestSolution - keep it in bestSolution
maxAG = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _numRows; i++) // for all rows
if (maxAG < rowAverageGap[i])
maxAG = rowAverageGap[i];
if (maxAG < bestSolutionMaxRowAverageGap)
bestSolutionMaxRowAverageGap = maxAG;
currentSolution.CopyTo(bestSolution, 0);
rowAverageGap.CopyTo(bestSolutionRowAverageGap, 0);
// Each header size should be increased so headers in the row stretch to fit the row
currentRowIndex = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < numHeaders; index++)
headerWidth[index] += bestSolutionRowAverageGap[currentRowIndex];
if (currentRowIndex < numSeparators && bestSolution[currentRowIndex] == index)
// Use the best solution bestSolution[0..numSeparators-1] to layout
return bestSolution;
private Dock TabStripPlacement
Dock placement = Dock.Top;
TabControl tc = TemplatedParent as TabControl;
if (tc != null)
placement = tc.TabStripPlacement;
return placement;
// Private Data
#region Private data
private int _numRows = 1; // Nubmer of row calculated in measure and used in arrange
private int _numHeaders = 0; // Number of headers excluding the collapsed items
private double _rowHeight = 0; // Maximum of all headers height