2 writes to IsReadOnly
PresentationFramework (2)
System\Windows\Controls\FlowDocumentScrollViewer.cs (1)
996_textEditor.IsReadOnly = !IsEditingEnabled;
System\Windows\Controls\Primitives\DocumentViewerBase.cs (1)
1043_textEditor.IsReadOnly = !IsEditingEnabled;
48 references to IsReadOnly
PresentationFramework (48)
System\Windows\Controls\TextRangeAdaptor.cs (1)
286readOnly = tp.TextContainer.TextSelection.TextEditor.IsReadOnly;
System\Windows\Documents\Hyperlink.cs (1)
System\Windows\Documents\ImmComposition.cs (1)
1882return ((bool)UiScope.GetValue(TextEditor.IsReadOnlyProperty) || _editor.IsReadOnly);
System\windows\Documents\TextEditor.cs (3)
257value = value && !this.IsReadOnly && this._IsEnabled; 1846if (This.IsReadOnly) 1872if (This.IsReadOnly)
System\windows\Documents\TextEditorCharacters.cs (10)
85if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection)) 138if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection.Start is TextPointer)) 183if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection)) 203if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection)) 226if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection)) 255if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection)) 274if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection)) 302if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection)) 344if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection)) 437if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly)
System\windows\Documents\TextEditorContextMenu.cs (2)
62if (This.IsReadOnly) 439if (!textEditor.IsReadOnly)
System\windows\Documents\TextEditorCopyPaste.cs (5)
495if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 519if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 586if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 616if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 653if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly)
System\windows\Documents\TextEditorDragDrop.cs (4)
230if (!_textEditor.IsReadOnly) 253if (!_textEditor.IsReadOnly && // 280if (!_textEditor.IsReadOnly) 645if (!_textEditor.IsReadOnly && _textEditor.TextView != null && _textEditor.TextView.RenderScope != null)
System\windows\Documents\TextEditorLists.cs (2)
83if (This != null && This._IsEnabled && !This.IsReadOnly && !This.Selection.IsTableCellRange) 126if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection))
System\windows\Documents\TextEditorSelection.cs (1)
1993if (This.IsReadOnly && !This.IsReadOnlyCaretVisible)
System\windows\Documents\TextEditorTables.cs (1)
73if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.AcceptsRichContent || !(This.Selection is TextSelection))
System\windows\Documents\TextEditorTyping.cs (14)
262if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This._IsSourceInScope(e.OriginalSource)) 294if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || (This.IsReadOnly && !This.IsReadOnlyCaretVisible) || !This._IsSourceInScope(e.OriginalSource)) 340if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || (This.IsReadOnly && !This.IsReadOnlyCaretVisible) || !This._IsSourceInScope(e.OriginalSource)) 369if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This._IsSourceInScope(e.OriginalSource)) 480if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 534if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This._IsSourceInScope(args.Source)) 587if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This._IsSourceInScope(args.Source)) 902if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 960if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 1035if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 1055if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly) 1276if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This._IsSourceInScope(e.OriginalSource)) 1346if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.UiScope.IsKeyboardFocused) 1377if (This == null || !This._IsEnabled || This.IsReadOnly || !This.UiScope.IsKeyboardFocused)
System\windows\Documents\TextSelection.cs (2)
1960if (!_textEditor.IsReadOnly && ShouldSelectEmbeddedObject(cursorPosition, cursorMousePoint, objectEdgeRect)) 2128bool caretVisible = this.IsEmpty && (!_textEditor.IsReadOnly || _textEditor.IsReadOnlyCaretVisible);
System\Windows\Documents\TextStore.cs (1)
4162return ((bool)this.UiScope.GetValue(TextEditor.IsReadOnlyProperty) || TextEditor.IsReadOnly);