// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Windows; // UIElement
using System.Windows.Documents; // BlockUIContainer
using MS.Internal.Text; // TextDpi
using MS.Internal.Documents; // UIElementIsland
using MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods; // PTS
namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost
/// <summary>
/// UIElementParagraph class provides a wrapper for UIElement objects.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class UIElementParagraph : FloaterBaseParagraph
// Constructors
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">Element associated with paragraph.</param>
/// <param name="structuralCache">Content's structural cache.</param>
internal UIElementParagraph(TextElement element, StructuralCache structuralCache)
: base(element, structuralCache)
#endregion Constructors
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
/// <summary>
/// Dispose the object and release handle.
/// </summary>
public override void Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// Invalidate content's structural cache. Returns: 'true' if entire paragraph
/// is invalid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="startPosition">
/// Position to start invalidation from.
/// </param>
internal override bool InvalidateStructure(int startPosition)
if (_uiElementIsland != null)
_uiElementIsland.DesiredSizeChanged -= new DesiredSizeChangedEventHandler(OnUIElementDesiredSizeChanged);
_uiElementIsland = null;
return base.InvalidateStructure(startPosition);
#endregion Internal Methods
// PTS callbacks
#region PTS callbacks
// CreateParaclient
internal override void CreateParaclient(
out IntPtr paraClientHandle) // OUT: opaque to PTS paragraph client
// FloaterParaClient is an UnmamangedHandle, that adds itself
// to HandleMapper that holds a reference to it. PTS manages lifetime of this object, and
// calls DestroyParaclient to get rid of it. DestroyParaclient will call Dispose() on the object
// and remove it from HandleMapper.
UIElementParaClient paraClient = new UIElementParaClient(this);
paraClientHandle = paraClient.Handle;
// CollapseMargin
internal override void CollapseMargin(
BaseParaClient paraClient, // IN:
MarginCollapsingState mcs, // IN: input margin collapsing state
uint fswdir, // IN: current direction (of the track, in which margin collapsing is happening)
bool suppressTopSpace, // IN: suppress empty space at the top of page
out int dvr) // OUT: dvr, calculated based on margin collapsing state
MbpInfo mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Element, StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost.PixelsPerDip);
MarginCollapsingState mcsNew;
int margin;
MarginCollapsingState.CollapseTopMargin(PtsContext, mbp, mcs, out mcsNew, out margin);
if (suppressTopSpace)
dvr = 0;
dvr = margin;
if (mcsNew != null)
dvr += mcsNew.Margin;
if (mcsNew != null)
// GetFloaterProperties
internal override void GetFloaterProperties(
uint fswdirTrack, // IN: direction of track
out PTS.FSFLOATERPROPS fsfloaterprops) // OUT: properties of the floater
fsfloaterprops = new PTS.FSFLOATERPROPS
fFloat = PTS.False, // Floater
fskclear = PTS.WrapDirectionToFskclear((WrapDirection)Element.GetValue(Block.ClearFloatersProperty)),
// Set alignment to left alignment. Do not allow text wrap on any side
fskfloatalignment = PTS.FSKFLOATALIGNMENT.fskfloatalignMin,
fskwr = PTS.FSKWRAP.fskwrNone,
// Always delay UIElement if there is no progress
fDelayNoProgress = PTS.True
// FormatFloaterContentFinite
internal override void FormatFloaterContentFinite(
FloaterBaseParaClient paraClient, // IN:
IntPtr pbrkrecIn, // IN: break record---use if !IntPtr.Zero
int fBRFromPreviousPage, // IN: break record was created on previous page
IntPtr footnoteRejector, // IN:
int fEmptyOk, // IN: is it OK not to add anything?
int fSuppressTopSpace, // IN: suppress empty space at the top of the page
uint fswdir, // IN: direction of Track
int fAtMaxWidth, // IN: formating is at full width of column
int durAvailable, // IN: width of available space
int dvrAvailable, // IN: height of available space
PTS.FSKSUPPRESSHARDBREAKBEFOREFIRSTPARA fsksuppresshardbreakbeforefirstparaIn,
// IN: suppress breaks at track start?
out PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr, // OUT: result of formatting
out IntPtr pfsFloatContent, // OUT: opaque for PTS pointer pointer to formatted content
out IntPtr pbrkrecOut, // OUT: pointer to the floater content break record
out int durFloaterWidth, // OUT: floater width
out int dvrFloaterHeight, // OUT: floater height
out PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox, // OUT: floater bbox
out int cPolygons, // OUT: number of polygons
out int cVertices) // OUT: total number of vertices in all polygons
Invariant.Assert(paraClient is UIElementParaClient);
Invariant.Assert(Element is BlockUIContainer);
if (fAtMaxWidth == PTS.False && fEmptyOk == PTS.True)
// Do not format if not at max width, and if fEmptyOk is true
durFloaterWidth = dvrFloaterHeight = 0;
cPolygons = cVertices = 0;
fsfmtr = new PTS.FSFMTR
kstop = PTS.FSFMTRKSTOP.fmtrNoProgressOutOfSpace,
fContainsItemThatStoppedBeforeFootnote = PTS.False,
fForcedProgress = PTS.False
fsbbox = new PTS.FSBBOX
fDefined = PTS.False
pbrkrecOut = IntPtr.Zero;
pfsFloatContent = IntPtr.Zero;
cPolygons = cVertices = 0;
// Formatting is not at max width but proceeds anyway because adding no content is not allowed
fsfmtr.fForcedProgress = PTS.FromBoolean(fAtMaxWidth == PTS.False);
// Format UIElement
if (((BlockUIContainer)Element).Child != null)
FormatUIElement(durAvailable, out fsbbox);
// Child elementis null. Create fsbbox only with border and padding info
MbpInfo mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Element, StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost.PixelsPerDip);
fsbbox.fsrc = new PTS.FSRECT
du = durAvailable,
dv = mbp.BPTop + mbp.BPBottom
durFloaterWidth = fsbbox.fsrc.du;
dvrFloaterHeight = fsbbox.fsrc.dv;
if (dvrAvailable < dvrFloaterHeight && fEmptyOk == PTS.True)
// Will not fit in available space. Since fEmptyOk is true, we can return null floater
durFloaterWidth = dvrFloaterHeight = 0;
fsfmtr = new PTS.FSFMTR
kstop = PTS.FSFMTRKSTOP.fmtrNoProgressOutOfSpace
fsbbox = new PTS.FSBBOX
fDefined = PTS.False
pfsFloatContent = IntPtr.Zero;
// Either floater fits in available space or it doesn't but we cannot return nothing.
// Use the space needed, and set formatter result to forced progress if BUC does not fit in available space.
fsbbox.fDefined = PTS.True;
pfsFloatContent = paraClient.Handle;
if (dvrAvailable < dvrFloaterHeight)
// Indicate that progress was forced
Invariant.Assert(fEmptyOk == PTS.False);
fsfmtr.fForcedProgress = PTS.True;
fsfmtr.kstop = PTS.FSFMTRKSTOP.fmtrGoalReached;
// Set output values for floater content
pbrkrecOut = IntPtr.Zero;
fsfmtr.fContainsItemThatStoppedBeforeFootnote = PTS.False;
// FormatFloaterContentBottomless
internal override void FormatFloaterContentBottomless(
FloaterBaseParaClient paraClient, // IN:
int fSuppressTopSpace, // IN: suppress empty space at the top of the page
uint fswdir, // IN: direction of track
int fAtMaxWidth, // IN: formating is at full width of column
int durAvailable, // IN: width of available space
int dvrAvailable, // IN: height of available space
out PTS.FSFMTRBL fsfmtrbl, // OUT: result of formatting
out IntPtr pfsFloatContent, // OUT: opaque for PTS pointer pointer to formatted content
out int durFloaterWidth, // OUT: floater width
out int dvrFloaterHeight, // OUT: floater height
out PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox, // OUT: floater bbox
out int cPolygons, // OUT: number of polygons
out int cVertices) // OUT: total number of vertices in all polygons
Invariant.Assert(paraClient is UIElementParaClient);
Invariant.Assert(Element is BlockUIContainer);
if (fAtMaxWidth == PTS.False)
// BlockUIContainer is only formatted at full column width
// Set foater width, height to be greater than available values to signal to PTS that floater does not fit in the space
durFloaterWidth = durAvailable + 1;
dvrFloaterHeight = dvrAvailable + 1;
cPolygons = cVertices = 0;
fsfmtrbl = PTS.FSFMTRBL.fmtrblInterrupted;
fsbbox = new PTS.FSBBOX
fDefined = PTS.False
pfsFloatContent = IntPtr.Zero;
cPolygons = cVertices = 0;
// Format UIElement
if (((BlockUIContainer)Element).Child != null)
FormatUIElement(durAvailable, out fsbbox);
// Set output values for floater content
pfsFloatContent = paraClient.Handle;
fsfmtrbl = PTS.FSFMTRBL.fmtrblGoalReached;
fsbbox.fDefined = PTS.True;
durFloaterWidth = fsbbox.fsrc.du;
dvrFloaterHeight = fsbbox.fsrc.dv;
MbpInfo mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Element, StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost.PixelsPerDip);
fsbbox.fsrc = new PTS.FSRECT
du = durAvailable,
dv = mbp.BPTop + mbp.BPBottom
fsbbox.fDefined = PTS.True;
pfsFloatContent = paraClient.Handle;
fsfmtrbl = PTS.FSFMTRBL.fmtrblGoalReached;
durFloaterWidth = fsbbox.fsrc.du;
dvrFloaterHeight = fsbbox.fsrc.dv;
// UpdateBottomlessFloaterContent
internal override void UpdateBottomlessFloaterContent(
FloaterBaseParaClient paraClient, // IN:
int fSuppressTopSpace, // IN: suppress empty space at the top of the page
uint fswdir, // IN: direction of track
int fAtMaxWidth, // IN: formating is at full width of column
int durAvailable, // IN: width of available space
int dvrAvailable, // IN: height of available space
IntPtr pfsFloatContent, // IN: floater content (in UIElementParagraph, this is an alias to the paraClient)
out PTS.FSFMTRBL fsfmtrbl, // OUT: result of formatting
out int durFloaterWidth, // OUT: floater width
out int dvrFloaterHeight, // OUT: floater height
out PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox, // OUT: floater bbox
out int cPolygons, // OUT: number of polygons
out int cVertices) // OUT: total number of vertices in all polygons
// This implementation simply calls into format floater content bottomless. As para has no real content, this is ok.
FormatFloaterContentBottomless(paraClient, fSuppressTopSpace, fswdir, fAtMaxWidth, durAvailable, dvrAvailable, out fsfmtrbl, out pfsFloatContent,
out durFloaterWidth, out dvrFloaterHeight, out fsbbox, out cPolygons, out cVertices);
// GetMCSClientAfterFloater
internal override void GetMCSClientAfterFloater(
uint fswdirTrack, // IN: direction of Track
MarginCollapsingState mcs, // IN: input margin collapsing state
out IntPtr pmcsclientOut) // OUT: MCSCLIENT that floater will return to track
MarginCollapsingState mcsNew;
int margin;
MbpInfo mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Element, StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost.PixelsPerDip);
MarginCollapsingState.CollapseBottomMargin(PtsContext, mbp, null, out mcsNew, out margin);
if (mcsNew != null)
pmcsclientOut = mcsNew.Handle;
pmcsclientOut = IntPtr.Zero;
#endregion PTS callbacks
// Private methods
#region Private Methods
/// <summary>
/// Format UIElement
/// </summary>
private void FormatUIElement(int durAvailable, out PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox)
MbpInfo mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Element, StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost.PixelsPerDip);
double elementHeight;
double elementWidth = TextDpi.FromTextDpi(Math.Max(1, durAvailable - (mbp.MBPLeft + mbp.MBPRight)));
if (SizeToFigureParent)
// Only child of a figure whose height is set. Size to figure's page height less figure's MBP and BlockUIContainer's MBP
// NOTE: BlockUIContainer margins are always extracted before formatting, either from Figure height or page height
if (StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.FinitePage)
elementHeight = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight;
Figure figure = (Figure) ((BlockUIContainer)Element).Parent;
elementHeight = figure.Height.Value;
elementHeight = Math.Max(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(1), elementHeight - TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbp.MBPTop + mbp.MBPBottom));
UIElementIsland.DoLayout(new Size(elementWidth, elementHeight), false, false);
// Create fsbbox. Set width to available width since we want block ui container to occupy the full column
// and UIElement to be algined within it. Set dv to elementHeight.
fsbbox.fsrc = new PTS.FSRECT
du = durAvailable,
dv = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(elementHeight) + mbp.BPTop + mbp.BPBottom
fsbbox.fDefined = PTS.True;
// Either BlockUIContainer is not the only child of a figure or the figure's height is unspecified.
// In this case, size to height of strcutural cache's current page less page margins and container MBP.
// This is consistent with figure's behavior on sizing to content
// Always measure at infinity for bottomless, consistent constraint.
if (StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.FinitePage)
Thickness pageMargin = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.DocumentPageMargin;
elementHeight = StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.DocumentPageSize.Height - pageMargin.Top - pageMargin.Bottom - TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbp.MBPTop + mbp.MBPBottom);
elementHeight = Math.Max(TextDpi.FromTextDpi(1), elementHeight);
elementHeight = Double.PositiveInfinity;
Size uiIslandSize = UIElementIsland.DoLayout(new Size(elementWidth, elementHeight), false, true);
// Create fsbbox. Set width to available width since we want block ui container to occupy the full column
// and UIElement to be algined within it
fsbbox.fsrc = new PTS.FSRECT
du = durAvailable,
dv = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(uiIslandSize.Height) + mbp.BPTop + mbp.BPBottom
fsbbox.fDefined = PTS.True;
/// <summary>
/// Create UIElementIsland representing embedded Element Layout island within content world.
/// </summary>
private void EnsureUIElementIsland()
if (_uiElementIsland == null)
_uiElementIsland = new UIElementIsland(((BlockUIContainer)Element).Child);
_uiElementIsland.DesiredSizeChanged += new DesiredSizeChangedEventHandler(OnUIElementDesiredSizeChanged);
/// <summary>
/// Clear UIElementIsland, unsubscribing from events, etc.
/// </summary>
private void ClearUIElementIsland()
if (_uiElementIsland != null)
_uiElementIsland.DesiredSizeChanged -= new DesiredSizeChangedEventHandler(OnUIElementDesiredSizeChanged);
_uiElementIsland = null;
/// <summary>
/// Handler for DesiredSizeChanged raised by UIElement island.
/// </summary>
private void OnUIElementDesiredSizeChanged(object sender, DesiredSizeChangedEventArgs e)
#endregion Private Methods
// Private Properties
#region Private Properties
/// <summary>
/// UIElementIsland representing embedded Element Layout island within content world.
/// </summary>
internal UIElementIsland UIElementIsland
return _uiElementIsland;
/// <summary>
/// Whether sizing to fit entire figure area.
/// </summary>
private bool SizeToFigureParent
// Check for auto value for figure height.
// If figure height is auto we do not size to it.
if (!IsOnlyChildOfFigure)
return false;
Figure figure = (Figure)((BlockUIContainer)Element).Parent;
if (figure.Height.IsAuto)
return false;
if (!StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.FinitePage && !figure.Height.IsAbsolute)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Whether this block is the only child of figure.
/// </summary>
private bool IsOnlyChildOfFigure
DependencyObject parent = ((BlockUIContainer)Element).Parent;
if (parent is Figure)
Figure figure = parent as Figure;
if (figure.Blocks.FirstChild == figure.Blocks.LastChild &&
figure.Blocks.FirstChild == Element)
return true;
return false;
#endregion Private Properties
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
/// <summary>
/// UIElementIsland representing embedded ElementLayout island within content world.
/// </summary>
private UIElementIsland _uiElementIsland;
#endregion Private Fields