// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: DocumentPage representing bottomless of finite page of
// a PTS host (FlowDocument).
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Text;
using MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods;
namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost
// DocumentPage representing bottomless or finite page of a PTS host.
internal sealed class FlowDocumentPage : DocumentPage, IServiceProvider, IDisposable, IContentHost
// Constructors
#region Constructors
// Constructor.
// structuralCache - context representing data
internal FlowDocumentPage(StructuralCache structuralCache) : base(null)
_structuralCache = structuralCache;
_ptsPage = new PtsPage(structuralCache.Section);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finalizer
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
#endregion Constructors
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
// Dispose the page.
public override void Dispose()
#endregion Public Methods
// Public Properties
#region Public Properties
// Visual node representing content of the page.
public override Visual Visual
if (IsDisposed)
return null;
return base.Visual;
#endregion Public Properties
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
// Format content into a single bottomless page.
// pageSize - size of the page
internal void FormatBottomless(Size pageSize, Thickness pageMargin)
// Every time full format is done reset formatted lines count to 0.
_formattedLinesCount = 0;
// Make sure that PTS limitations are not exceeded.
TextDpi.EnsureValidPageSize(ref pageSize);
_pageMargin = pageMargin;
if(!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_lastFormatWidth, pageSize.Width) || !DoubleUtil.AreClose(_pageMargin.Left, pageMargin.Left) ||
!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_pageMargin.Right, pageMargin.Right))
// No incremental update if width changes.
_lastFormatWidth = pageSize.Width;
if (_ptsPage.PrepareForBottomlessUpdate())
_structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PushNewPageData(pageSize, _pageMargin, true, false);
_structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PushNewPageData(pageSize, _pageMargin, false, false);
// In bottomless page scenario, need to update PageSize to reflect
// calculated size of the page.
pageSize = _ptsPage.CalculatedSize;
pageSize.Width += pageMargin.Left + pageMargin.Right;
pageSize.Height += pageMargin.Top + pageMargin.Bottom;
SetContentBox(new Rect(pageMargin.Left, pageMargin.Top, _ptsPage.CalculatedSize.Width, _ptsPage.CalculatedSize.Height));
// Format content into a single finite page.
// pageSize - size of the page
// pageMargin - margin of the page
// breakRecord - input BreakRecor for the page
// Returns: Returns output break record.
internal PageBreakRecord FormatFinite(Size pageSize, Thickness pageMargin, PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
// Every time full format is done reset formatted lines count to 0.
_formattedLinesCount = 0;
// Make sure that PTS limitations are not exceeded.
TextDpi.EnsureValidPageSize(ref pageSize);
TextDpi.EnsureValidPageMargin(ref pageMargin, pageSize);
double pageMarginAdjustment = PtsHelper.CalculatePageMarginAdjustment(_structuralCache, pageSize.Width - (pageMargin.Left + pageMargin.Right));
if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(pageMarginAdjustment))
// Potentially some FP drift here, as we're anticipating that our column count will now work out exactly. Add a small fraction back to prevent this
pageMargin.Right += pageMarginAdjustment - (pageMarginAdjustment / 100.0);
_pageMargin = pageMargin;
SetContentBox(new Rect(pageMargin.Left, pageMargin.Top,
pageSize.Width - (pageMargin.Left + pageMargin.Right),
pageSize.Height - (pageMargin.Top + pageMargin.Bottom)));
if (_ptsPage.PrepareForFiniteUpdate(breakRecord))
_structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PushNewPageData(pageSize, _pageMargin, true, true);
_structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PushNewPageData(pageSize, _pageMargin, false, true);
return _ptsPage.BreakRecord;
// Arrange the page contents.
internal void Arrange(Size partitionSize)
_partitionSize = partitionSize;
// Page update may be requested more than once before rendering is
// done. But PTS is not able to merge update info.
// To protect against loosing incremental changes delta, need
// to force full formatting for the conent.
internal void ForceReformat()
// Clear update info for PTS page.
// Force reformat
_structuralCache.ForceReformat = true;
// Hit tests to the correct ContentElement within the ContentHost
// that the mouse is over.
// point - mouse coordinates relative to the ContentHost
// Returns: IInputElement from specified position.
internal IInputElement InputHitTestCore(Point point)
// Core services require that the IInputElement returned from hittesting
// is a UIElement or it has a parent that is a UIElement.
// When using DocumentPageView.DocumentPaginator directly, we may run
// into case when FlowDocument does not have a logical parent. In
// such case it is better to disable all core services.
DependencyObject frameworkParent = FrameworkElement.GetFrameworkParent(_structuralCache.FormattingOwner);
if (frameworkParent == null)
return null;
IInputElement ie = null;
if (this.IsLayoutDataValid)
// Transform point to PtsPage coordinate system.
// NOTE: TransformToAncestor is safe (will never throw an exception).
GeneralTransform transform = this.PageVisual.Child.TransformToAncestor(this.PageVisual);
transform = transform.Inverse;
// Hittest PtsPage only when transform can be inverted in order to calculate
// point within PtsPage. If transform cannot be inverted, return the owner of this page.
if (transform != null)
point = transform.Transform(point);
ie = _ptsPage.InputHitTest(point);
return ie ?? _structuralCache.FormattingOwner as IInputElement;
/// <summary>
/// Returns rectangles for element. First finds element by navigating in FlowDocumentPage.
/// If element is not found or if call to get rectangles from FlowDocumentPage returns null
/// we return an empty collection. If the layout is not valid we return null.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="child">
/// Content element for which rectangles are required
/// </param>
/// <param name="isLimitedToTextView">
/// Indicates whether search should be restricted only to those text segments within the page's text view
/// </param>
internal ReadOnlyCollection<Rect> GetRectanglesCore(ContentElement child, bool isLimitedToTextView)
List<Rect> rectangles = new List<Rect>();
Debug.Assert(child != null);
if (IsLayoutDataValid)
TextPointer elementStart = FindElementPosition(child, isLimitedToTextView);
if (elementStart != null)
// Element exists within this Page, calculate its length
int elementStartOffset = _structuralCache.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(elementStart);
int elementLength = 1;
if (child is TextElement)
TextPointer elementEnd = new TextPointer(((TextElement)child).ElementEnd);
elementLength = elementStart.GetOffsetToPosition(elementEnd);
rectangles = _ptsPage.GetRectangles(child, elementStartOffset, elementLength);
if(this.PageVisual != null && rectangles.Count > 0)
List<Rect> transformedRectangles = new List<Rect>(rectangles.Count);
// NOTE: TransformToAncestor is safe (will never throw an exception).
GeneralTransform transform = this.PageVisual.Child.TransformToAncestor(this.PageVisual);
for(int index = 0; index < rectangles.Count; index++)
rectangles = transformedRectangles;
// We should never return null for rectangles from public API, only empty ArrayList
Invariant.Assert(rectangles != null);
return new ReadOnlyCollection<Rect>(rectangles);
/// <summary>
/// Returns elements hosted by the content host as an enumerator class
/// </summary>
internal IEnumerator<IInputElement> HostedElementsCore
if (IsLayoutDataValid)
// At this point, we should create TextView if it doesn't exist
_textView = GetTextView();
Invariant.Assert(_textView != null && ((ITextView)_textView).TextSegments.Count > 0);
return new HostedElements(((ITextView)_textView).TextSegments);
// Return empty collection
return new HostedElements(ReadOnlyCollection<TextSegment>.Empty);
// Floating element list
internal ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult> FloatingElementResults
List<ParagraphResult> floatingElements = new List<ParagraphResult>(0);
List<BaseParaClient> floatingElementList = _ptsPage.PageContext.FloatingElementList;
if (floatingElementList != null)
for (int i = 0; i < floatingElementList.Count; i++)
ParagraphResult paragraphResult = floatingElementList[i].CreateParagraphResult();
return new ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>(floatingElements);
/// <summary>
/// Called when a UIElement-derived class which is hosted by a IContentHost changes it’s DesiredSize
/// </summary>
/// <param name="child">
/// Child element whose DesiredSize has changed
/// </param>
internal void OnChildDesiredSizeChangedCore(UIElement child)
// Returns a new collection of ColumnResults for the page. Will always
// have at least one column.
// hasTextContent - True if any column in the page has text
// content, i.e. does not contain only figures/floaters
internal ReadOnlyCollection<ColumnResult> GetColumnResults(out bool hasTextContent)
List<ColumnResult> columnResults = new List<ColumnResult>(0);
// hasTextContent is set to true if any of the columns in the page has text content. This is determined by checking the columns'
// paragraph collections
hasTextContent = false;
// There are 3 cases:
// (1) PTS page is not created - no columns are available.
// (2) PTS page - use page PTS APIs to get columns.
if (_ptsPage.PageHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
// (1) PTS page is not created
// (2) PTS page - use page PTS APIs to get columns.
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageDetails(StructuralCache.PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage.PageHandle, out pageDetails));
// There are 2 different types of PTS page:
// (a) simple page (contains only one track) - 1 column.
// (b) complex page (contains header, page body, footnotes and footer) - get columns
// from the page body.
if (PTS.ToBoolean(pageDetails.fSimple))
// (a) simple page (contains only one track) - 1 column.
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(StructuralCache.PtsContext.Context, pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr.pfstrack, out trackDetails));
if (trackDetails.cParas > 0)
columnResults = new List<ColumnResult>(1);
ColumnResult columnResult = new ColumnResult(this, ref pageDetails.u.simple.trackdescr, new Vector());
if (columnResult.HasTextContent)
hasTextContent = true;
else if (pageDetails.u.complex.cSections > 0)
// (b) complex page (contains header, page body, footnotes and footer) - get columns
// from the page body.
Debug.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cSections == 1); // Only one section is supported right now.
// Retrieve description for each section.
PtsHelper.SectionListFromPage(StructuralCache.PtsContext, _ptsPage.PageHandle, ref pageDetails, out arraySectionDesc);
// Get section details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionDetails(StructuralCache.PtsContext.Context, arraySectionDesc[0].pfssection, out sectionDetails));
// There are 2 types of sections:
// (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
// (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
if (PTS.ToBoolean(sectionDetails.fFootnotesAsPagenotes))
// (1) with page notes - footnotes in section treated as endnotes
Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cEndnoteColumns == 0); // Footnotes are not supported yet.
Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0);
// cBasicColumns == 0, means that section content is empty.
// In such case there is nothing to render.
if (sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns > 0)
// Retrieve description for each column.
PtsHelper.TrackListFromSection(StructuralCache.PtsContext, arraySectionDesc[0].pfssection, ref sectionDetails, out arrayColumnDesc);
columnResults = new List<ColumnResult>(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns);
for (int i = 0; i < arrayColumnDesc.Length; i++)
PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION columnDesc = arrayColumnDesc[i];
// Column may have null track, in which case we should not add it
if (columnDesc.pfstrack != IntPtr.Zero)
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(StructuralCache.PtsContext.Context, columnDesc.pfstrack, out trackDetails));
if (trackDetails.cParas > 0)
ColumnResult columnResult = new ColumnResult(this, ref columnDesc, new Vector());
if (columnResult.HasTextContent)
hasTextContent = true;
// else; section empty => no columns
// (2) with column notes - footnotes in section treated as column notes
Debug.Assert(false); // Complex columns are not supported yet.
Invariant.Assert(columnResults != null);
return new ReadOnlyCollection<ColumnResult>(columnResults);
// Retrieves text range for contents of the column represented
// by 'pfstrack'.
// pfstrack - pointer to PTS track representing a column
// Returns: text range for contents of the column represented by 'pfstrack'
internal TextContentRange GetTextContentRangeFromColumn(IntPtr pfstrack)
// Get track details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(StructuralCache.PtsContext.Context, pfstrack, out trackDetails));
// Combine ranges from all nested paragraphs.
TextContentRange textContentRange = new TextContentRange();
if (trackDetails.cParas != 0)
PtsHelper.ParaListFromTrack(StructuralCache.PtsContext, pfstrack, ref trackDetails, out arrayParaDesc);
// Merge TextContentRanges for all paragraphs
BaseParaClient paraClient;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayParaDesc.Length; i++)
paraClient = this.StructuralCache.PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[i].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
return textContentRange;
// Returns a collection of ParagraphResults for the column's paragraphs.
// pfstrack - pointer to PTS track representing a column
// parentOffset - parent offset from the top of the page
// hasTextContent - true if any paragraph in the column has some text content
// Returns: collection of ParagraphResults for the column's paragraphs
internal ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult> GetParagraphResultsFromColumn(IntPtr pfstrack, Vector parentOffset, out bool hasTextContent)
// Get track details
PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(StructuralCache.PtsContext.Context, pfstrack, out trackDetails));
hasTextContent = false;
if (trackDetails.cParas == 0)
return ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>.Empty;
PtsHelper.ParaListFromTrack(StructuralCache.PtsContext, pfstrack, ref trackDetails, out arrayParaDesc);
List<ParagraphResult> paragraphResults = new List<ParagraphResult>(arrayParaDesc.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < arrayParaDesc.Length; i++)
BaseParaClient paraClient = StructuralCache.PtsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[i].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient;
ParagraphResult paragraphResult = paraClient.CreateParagraphResult();
if (paragraphResult.HasTextContent)
hasTextContent = true;
return new ReadOnlyCollection<ParagraphResult>(paragraphResults);
// Notification about new line being formatted.
internal void OnFormatLine()
// Ensures visual structure for this document page is clean
internal void EnsureValidVisuals()
// Update the viewport
internal void UpdateViewport(ref PTS.FSRECT viewport, bool drawBackground)
Rect contentViewport;
// Transform point to PtsPage coordinate system.
// NOTE: TransformToAncestor is safe (will never throw an exception).
GeneralTransform transform = this.PageVisual.Child.TransformToAncestor(this.PageVisual);
transform = transform.Inverse;
contentViewport = viewport.FromTextDpi();
if (transform != null)
contentViewport = transform.TransformBounds(contentViewport);
// Draw background
if (drawBackground)
this.PageVisual.DrawBackground((Brush)_structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(FlowDocument.BackgroundProperty), contentViewport);
using (_structuralCache.SetDocumentVisualValidationContext(this))
PTS.FSRECT contentViewportTextDpi = new PTS.FSRECT(contentViewport);
_ptsPage.UpdateViewport(ref contentViewportTextDpi);
#endregion Internal methods
// Internal Properties
#region Internal Properties
// Is being used in a plain text box?
internal bool UseSizingWorkaroundForTextBox
get { return _ptsPage.UseSizingWorkaroundForTextBox; }
set { _ptsPage.UseSizingWorkaroundForTextBox = value; }
// Margin of the page.
internal Thickness Margin { get { return _pageMargin; } }
// Is this page already disposed?
internal bool IsDisposed { get { return _disposed || _structuralCache.PtsContext.Disposed; } }
// Size of content on page.
internal Size ContentSize
Size size = _ptsPage.ContentSize;
size.Width += _pageMargin.Left + _pageMargin.Right;
size.Height += _pageMargin.Top + _pageMargin.Bottom;
return size;
// Is it finite page or bottomless?
internal bool FinitePage { get { return _ptsPage.FinitePage; } }
// Page context
internal PageContext PageContext { get { return _ptsPage.PageContext; } }
// Is during incremental update mode?
internal bool IncrementalUpdate { get { return _ptsPage.IncrementalUpdate; } }
// StructuralCache associated with this page.
internal StructuralCache StructuralCache { get { return _structuralCache; } }
// Number of lines formatted during page formatting.
internal int FormattedLinesCount { get { return _formattedLinesCount; } }
// Is layout data is in a valid state.
internal bool IsLayoutDataValid
bool layoutDataValid = false;
if (!IsDisposed)
// In case of any content/properties changes FlowDocument does BreakRecordTable
// management and disposes any affected pages. So it is unnecessary to check
// for DtrList of ForceReformat here, because _disposed flag reflects this fact
// in more granular way.
layoutDataValid = _structuralCache.FormattingOwner.IsLayoutDataValid;
return layoutDataValid;
// Save the maximum dcpDepend of the page, for invalidations
// of later pages.
// DCPDepend - number of characters past end of page that were
// considered for formatting of this page
internal TextPointer DependentMax
return _DependentMax;
if ((_DependentMax == null) || ((value != null) && (value.CompareTo(_DependentMax) > 0)))
_DependentMax = value;
// Viewport
internal Rect Viewport
return new Rect(this.Size);
#endregion Internal Properties
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
/// <summary>
/// Destroy all unmanaged resources.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">Whether dispose is caused by explicit call to Dispose.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// Finalizer needs to follow rules below:
/// a) Your Finalize method must tolerate partially constructed instances.
/// b) Your Finalize method must consider the consequence of failure.
/// c) Your object is callable after Finalization.
/// d) Your object is callable during Finalization.
/// e) Your Finalizer could be called multiple times.
/// f) Your Finalizer runs in a delicate security context.
/// See: http://blogs.msdn.com/cbrumme/archive/2004/02/20/77460.aspx
/// </remarks>
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
// Do actual dispose only once.
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _disposed, true, false) == false)
if (disposing)
// Clear content of the root visual
if (this.PageVisual != null)
// Disconnect all embedded visuals (UIElements) to make sure that
// they are not part of visual tree when page is destroyed.
// This is necessary for building proper event route, because
// BuildRoute prefers visual tree.
// Clear its drawing context and children collection.
// Dispose PTS page
if (disposing)
// Notify interested parties about disposal of the page.
_ptsPage = null;
_structuralCache = null;
_textView = null;
_DependentMax = null;
// Update visual representation of the page.
private void UpdateVisual()
if (this.PageVisual == null)
SetVisual(new PageVisual(this));
if (_visualNeedsUpdate)
// Draw background
this.PageVisual.DrawBackground((Brush)_structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(FlowDocument.BackgroundProperty), new Rect(_partitionSize));
// Connect visual created by PTS page.
ContainerVisual pageVisual = null;
using (_structuralCache.SetDocumentVisualValidationContext(this))
pageVisual = _ptsPage.GetPageVisual(); // This method will update the visual tree if necessary.
this.PageVisual.Child = pageVisual; // No-op if already connected.
// DocumentPage.Visual for printing scenarions needs to be always returned
// in LeftToRight FlowDirection. Hence, if the document is RightToLeft,
// mirroring transform need to be applied to the content of DocumentPage.Visual.
FlowDirection flowdirection = (FlowDirection)_structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(FlowDocument.FlowDirectionProperty);
PtsHelper.UpdateMirroringTransform(FlowDirection.LeftToRight, flowdirection, pageVisual, Size.Width);
// Clear update info for PTS page.
using (_structuralCache.SetDocumentVisualValidationContext(this))
_visualNeedsUpdate = false;
// Prepares for format page process.
private void OnBeforeFormatPage()
if (_visualNeedsUpdate)
// Clear update info for PTS page.
// Completes format page process.
private void OnAfterFormatPage()
_visualNeedsUpdate = true;
// IContentHost Helpers
/// <summary>
/// Searches for an element in the _structuralCache.TextContainer. If the element is found, returns the
/// position at which it is found. Otherwise returns null.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">
/// Element to be found.
/// </param>
/// <param name="isLimitedToTextView">
/// bool value indicating whether the search should only be limited to the text view of the page,
/// in which case we search only text segments in the text view
/// </param>
private TextPointer FindElementPosition(IInputElement e, bool isLimitedToTextView)
// Parameter validation
Debug.Assert(e != null);
// Validate that this function is only called when a TextContainer exists as complex content
Debug.Assert(_structuralCache.TextContainer is not null);
TextPointer elementPosition = null;
// If e is a TextElement we can optimize by checking its TextContainer
if (e is TextElement)
if ((e as TextElement).TextContainer == _structuralCache.TextContainer)
// Element found
elementPosition = new TextPointer((e as TextElement).ElementStart);
// else: elementPosition stays null
// Else: search for e in the complex content
if (!(_structuralCache.TextContainer.Start is not null) ||
!(_structuralCache.TextContainer.End is not null))
// Invalid TextContainer, don't search
return null;
TextPointer searchPosition = new TextPointer(_structuralCache.TextContainer.Start as TextPointer);
while (elementPosition == null && ((ITextPointer)searchPosition).CompareTo(_structuralCache.TextContainer.End) < 0)
// Search each position in _structuralCache.TextContainer for the element
switch (searchPosition.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward))
case TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement:
DependencyObject embeddedObject = searchPosition.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward);
if (embeddedObject is ContentElement || embeddedObject is UIElement)
if (embeddedObject == e as ContentElement || embeddedObject == e as UIElement)
// Element found. Stop searching
elementPosition = new TextPointer(searchPosition);
// If the element was found, check if we are limited to text view
if (elementPosition != null)
if (isLimitedToTextView)
// At this point, we should create TextView if it doesn't exist
_textView = GetTextView();
Invariant.Assert(_textView != null);
// Check all segements in text view for position
for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < ((ITextView)_textView).TextSegments.Count; segmentIndex++)
if (((ITextPointer)elementPosition).CompareTo(((ITextView)_textView).TextSegments[segmentIndex].Start) >= 0 &&
((ITextPointer)elementPosition).CompareTo(((ITextView)_textView).TextSegments[segmentIndex].End) < 0)
// Element lies within a segment. Return position
return elementPosition;
// Element not found in all segments of TextView. Set position to null
elementPosition = null;
return elementPosition;
// Disconnect all embedded visuals (UIElements) to make sure that
// they are not part of visual tree when page is destroyed.
// This is necessary for building proper event route, because
// BuildRoute prefers visual tree.
private void DestroyVisualLinks(ContainerVisual visual)
VisualCollection vc = visual.Children;
if (vc != null)
for (int index = 0; index < vc.Count; index++)
if (vc[index] is UIElementIsland)
Invariant.Assert(vc[index] is ContainerVisual, "The children should always derive from ContainerVisual");
/// <summary>
/// Raise TextView.Updated event.
/// </summary>
private void ValidateTextView()
/// <summary>
/// Gets TextView for this page.
/// </summary>
private TextDocumentView GetTextView()
TextDocumentView textView = (TextDocumentView)((IServiceProvider)this).GetService(typeof(ITextView));
Invariant.Assert(textView != null);
return textView;
#endregion Private Methods
// Private Properties
#region Private Properties
// Visual representing content of the page.
private PageVisual PageVisual
get { return (base.Visual as PageVisual); }
#endregion Private Properties
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
// Associated PTS page.
private PtsPage _ptsPage;
// Structural cache.
private StructuralCache _structuralCache;
// Number of lines formatted during page formatting.
// NOTE: This field is used only internally for layout DRTs.
private int _formattedLinesCount;
// TextView associated with the document page.
private TextDocumentView _textView;
// Size of partition for the page.
private Size _partitionSize;
// Margin of the page.
private Thickness _pageMargin;
// Is it already disposed?
private bool _disposed;
// Max of dcpDepend for page
private TextPointer _DependentMax;
// Need to update visual?
private bool _visualNeedsUpdate;
// Width of page during last format
private double _lastFormatWidth;
#endregion Private Fields
// IServiceProvider Members
#region IServiceProvider Members
// Gets the service object of the specified type. FlowDocumentPage
// currently supports only TextView
// serviceType - an object that specifies the type of service
// object to get
// Returns: A service object of type serviceType. A null reference
// if there is no service object of type serviceType.
object IServiceProvider.GetService(Type serviceType)
if (serviceType == typeof(ITextView))
if (_textView == null)
_textView = new TextDocumentView(this, _structuralCache.TextContainer);
return _textView;
return null;
#endregion IServiceProvider Members
// IContentHost Members
#region IContentHost Members
/// <summary>
/// Hit tests to the correct ContentElement
/// within the ContentHost that the mouse
/// is over
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point">
/// Mouse coordinates relative to
/// the ContentHost
/// </param>
IInputElement IContentHost.InputHitTest(Point point)
return this.InputHitTestCore(point);
/// <summary>
/// Returns rectangles for element. First finds element by navigating in FlowDocumentPage.
/// If element is not found or if call to get rectangles from FlowDocumentPage returns null
/// we return an empty collection. If the layout is not valid we return null.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="child">
/// Content element for which rectangles are required
/// </param>
ReadOnlyCollection<Rect> IContentHost.GetRectangles(ContentElement child)
// Restrict search to only the text segments in the page's text view. This is not needed for
// HitTest because it takes only a point
return this.GetRectanglesCore(child, true);
/// <summary>
/// Returns elements hosted by the content host as an enumerator class
/// </summary>
IEnumerator<IInputElement> IContentHost.HostedElements
return this.HostedElementsCore as IEnumerator<IInputElement>;
/// <summary>
/// Called when a UIElement-derived class which is hosted by a IContentHost changes it’s DesiredSize
/// </summary>
/// <param name="child">
/// Child element whose DesiredSize has changed
/// </param>
void IContentHost.OnChildDesiredSizeChanged(UIElement child)
#endregion IContentHost Members