// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Root of CollectionViewGroup structure, as created by a CollectionView according to a GroupDescription.
// CollectionView classes use this class to manage all Grouping functionality.
// See spec at Grouping.mht
using System.Collections; // IComparer
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; // ObservableCollection
using System.Collections.Specialized; // INotifyCollectionChanged
using System.ComponentModel; // PropertyChangedEventArgs, GroupDescription
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data; // CollectionViewGroup
namespace MS.Internal.Data
// CollectionView classes use this class as the manager of all Grouping functionality
internal class CollectionViewGroupRoot : CollectionViewGroupInternal, INotifyCollectionChanged
internal CollectionViewGroupRoot(CollectionView view) : base("Root", null)
_view = view;
#region INotifyCollectionChanged
/// <summary>
/// Raise this event when the (grouped) view changes
/// </summary>
public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Notify listeners that this View has changed
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// CollectionViews (and sub-classes) should take their filter/sort/grouping
/// into account before calling this method to forward CollectionChanged events.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="args">
/// The NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs to be passed to the EventHandler
/// </param>
public void OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args)
if (CollectionChanged != null)
CollectionChanged(this, args);
#endregion INotifyCollectionChanged
/// <summary>
/// The description of grouping, indexed by level.
/// </summary>
public virtual ObservableCollection<GroupDescription> GroupDescriptions
get { return _groupBy; }
/// <summary>
/// A delegate to select the group description as a function of the
/// parent group and its level.
/// </summary>
public virtual GroupDescriptionSelectorCallback GroupBySelector
get { return _groupBySelector; }
set { _groupBySelector = value; }
// a group description has changed somewhere in the tree - notify host
protected override void OnGroupByChanged()
if (GroupDescriptionChanged != null)
GroupDescriptionChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
#region Internal Events and Properties
internal event EventHandler GroupDescriptionChanged;
internal IComparer ActiveComparer
get { return _comparer; }
set { _comparer = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Culture to use when comparing group name with item property value.
/// </summary>
internal CultureInfo Culture
get { return _view.Culture; }
internal bool IsDataInGroupOrder
get { return _isDataInGroupOrder; }
set { _isDataInGroupOrder = value; }
internal CollectionView View
get { return _view; }
#endregion Internal Events and Properties
#region Internal Methods
internal void Initialize()
if (_topLevelGroupDescription == null)
_topLevelGroupDescription = new TopLevelGroupDescription();
InitializeGroup(this, _topLevelGroupDescription, 0);
internal void AddToSubgroups(object item, LiveShapingItem lsi, bool loading)
AddToSubgroups(item, lsi, this, 0, loading);
internal bool RemoveFromSubgroups(object item)
return RemoveFromSubgroups(item, this, 0);
internal void RemoveItemFromSubgroupsByExhaustiveSearch(object item)
RemoveItemFromSubgroupsByExhaustiveSearch(this, item);
internal void InsertSpecialItem(int index, object item, bool loading)
ChangeCounts(item, +1);
ProtectedItems.Insert(index, item);
if (!loading)
int globalIndex = this.LeafIndexFromItem(item, index);
OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, item, globalIndex));
internal void RemoveSpecialItem(int index, object item, bool loading)
Debug.Assert(System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl.EqualsEx(item, ProtectedItems[index]), "RemoveSpecialItem finds inconsistent data");
int globalIndex = -1;
if (!loading)
globalIndex = this.LeafIndexFromItem(item, index);
ChangeCounts(item, -1);
if (!loading)
OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, item, globalIndex));
internal void MoveWithinSubgroups(object item, LiveShapingItem lsi, IList list, int oldIndex, int newIndex)
if (lsi == null)
// recursively descend through the groups, moving the item within
// groups it belongs to
MoveWithinSubgroups(item, this, 0, list, oldIndex, newIndex);
// when live shaping is in effect, lsi records which groups the item
// belongs to. Move the item within those groups
CollectionViewGroupInternal parentGroup = lsi.ParentGroup;
if (parentGroup != null)
// 90% case - item belongs to a single group
MoveWithinSubgroup(item, parentGroup, list, oldIndex, newIndex);
// 10% case - item belongs to many groups
foreach (CollectionViewGroupInternal group in lsi.ParentGroups)
MoveWithinSubgroup(item, group, list, oldIndex, newIndex);
protected override int FindIndex(object item, object seed, IComparer comparer, int low, int high)
// root group needs to adjust the bounds of the search to exclude the
// placeholder and new item (if any)
IEditableCollectionView iecv = _view as IEditableCollectionView;
if (iecv != null)
if (iecv.NewItemPlaceholderPosition == NewItemPlaceholderPosition.AtBeginning)
if (iecv.IsAddingNew)
if (iecv.IsAddingNew)
if (iecv.NewItemPlaceholderPosition == NewItemPlaceholderPosition.AtEnd)
return base.FindIndex(item, seed, comparer, low, high);
// for the given item, check its grouping, add it to groups it has newly joined,
// and record groups it has newly left in the delete-list
internal void RestoreGrouping(LiveShapingItem lsi, List<AbandonedGroupItem> deleteList)
GroupTreeNode root = BuildGroupTree(lsi);
root.ContainsItem = true;
RestoreGrouping(lsi, root, 0, deleteList);
void RestoreGrouping(LiveShapingItem lsi, GroupTreeNode node, int level, List<AbandonedGroupItem> deleteList)
if (node.ContainsItem)
// item belongs to this group - check subgroups
object name = GetGroupName(lsi.Item, node.Group.GroupBy, level);
if (name != UseAsItemDirectly)
ICollection ic = name as ICollection;
ArrayList names = (ic == null) ? null : new ArrayList(ic);
// find subgroups whose names still match
for (GroupTreeNode child = node.FirstChild; child != null; child = child.Sibling)
if (names == null)
if (Object.Equals(name, child.Group.Name))
child.ContainsItem = true;
name = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue; // name is 'seen'
if (names.Contains(child.Group.Name))
child.ContainsItem = true;
// for names that don't match, add the item to the new subgroup
if (names == null)
if (name != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
AddToSubgroup(lsi.Item, lsi, node.Group, level, name, false);
foreach (object o in names)
AddToSubgroup(lsi.Item, lsi, node.Group, level, o, false);
// item doesn't belong to this group - if it used to belong directly,
// mark it for deletion
if (node.ContainsItemDirectly)
deleteList.Add(new AbandonedGroupItem(lsi, node.Group));
// recursively handle children
for (GroupTreeNode child = node.FirstChild; child != null; child = child.Sibling)
RestoreGrouping(lsi, child, level + 1, deleteList);
GroupTreeNode BuildGroupTree(LiveShapingItem lsi)
CollectionViewGroupInternal parentGroup = lsi.ParentGroup;
GroupTreeNode node;
if (parentGroup != null)
// 90% case - item belongs to only one group. Construct tree
// the fast way
node = new GroupTreeNode()
{ Group = parentGroup, ContainsItemDirectly = true };
for (; ; )
CollectionViewGroupInternal group = parentGroup;
parentGroup = group.Parent;
if (parentGroup == null)
GroupTreeNode parentNode = new GroupTreeNode()
{ Group = parentGroup, FirstChild = node };
node = parentNode;
return node;
// item belongs to multiple groups ("categories"). Construct tree
// the slow way.
List<CollectionViewGroupInternal> parentGroups = lsi.ParentGroups;
List<GroupTreeNode> list = new List<GroupTreeNode>(parentGroups.Count + 1);
GroupTreeNode root = null;
// initialize the list with a node for each direct parent group
foreach (CollectionViewGroupInternal group in parentGroups)
node = new GroupTreeNode()
{ Group = group, ContainsItemDirectly = true };
// add each node in the list to the tree
for (int index = 0; index < list.Count; ++index)
node = list[index];
parentGroup = node.Group.Parent;
GroupTreeNode parentNode = null;
// special case for the root
if (parentGroup == null)
root = node;
// search for an existing parent node
for (int k = list.Count - 1; k >= 0; --k)
if (list[k].Group == parentGroup)
parentNode = list[k];
if (parentNode == null)
// no existing parent node - create one now
parentNode = new GroupTreeNode()
{ Group = parentGroup, FirstChild = node };
// add node to existing parent
node.Sibling = parentNode.FirstChild;
parentNode.FirstChild = node;
return root;
internal void DeleteAbandonedGroupItems(List<AbandonedGroupItem> deleteList)
foreach (AbandonedGroupItem agi in deleteList)
RemoveFromGroupDirectly(agi.Group, agi.Item.Item);
class GroupTreeNode
public GroupTreeNode FirstChild { get; set; }
public GroupTreeNode Sibling { get; set; }
public CollectionViewGroupInternal Group { get; set; }
public bool ContainsItem { get; set; }
public bool ContainsItemDirectly { get; set; }
#endregion Internal Methods
#region private methods
// Initialize the given group
void InitializeGroup(CollectionViewGroupInternal group, GroupDescription parentDescription, int level)
// set the group description for dividing the group into subgroups
GroupDescription groupDescription = GetGroupDescription(group, parentDescription, level);
group.GroupBy = groupDescription;
// create subgroups for each of the explicit names
ObservableCollection<object> explicitNames =
if (explicitNames != null)
for (int k = 0, n = explicitNames.Count; k < n; ++k)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup = new CollectionViewGroupInternal(explicitNames[k], group, isExplicit: true);
InitializeGroup(subgroup, groupDescription, level + 1);
group.LastIndex = 0;
// return the description of how to divide the given group into subgroups
GroupDescription GetGroupDescription(CollectionViewGroup group, GroupDescription parentDescription, int level)
GroupDescription result = null;
if (group == this)
group = null; // users don't see the synthetic group
if (parentDescription != null)
// a. Use the parent description's subgroup description
result = parentDescription.Subgroup;
// b. Call the parent description's selector
if (result == null && parentDescription.SubgroupSelector != null)
result = parentDescription.SubgroupSelector(group, level);
// c. Call the global chooser
if (result == null && GroupBySelector != null)
result = GroupBySelector(group, level);
// d. Use the global array
if (result == null && level < GroupDescriptions.Count)
result = GroupDescriptions[level];
return result;
// add an item to the desired subgroup(s) of the given group
void AddToSubgroups(object item, LiveShapingItem lsi, CollectionViewGroupInternal group, int level, bool loading)
object name = GetGroupName(item, group.GroupBy, level);
ICollection nameList;
if (name == UseAsItemDirectly)
// the item belongs to the group itself (not to any subgroups)
if (loading)
int localIndex = group.Insert(item, item, ActiveComparer);
int index = group.LeafIndexFromItem(item, localIndex);
OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, item, index));
else if ((nameList = name as ICollection) == null)
// the item belongs to one subgroup
AddToSubgroup(item, lsi, group, level, name, loading);
// the item belongs to multiple subgroups
foreach (object o in nameList)
AddToSubgroup(item, lsi, group, level, o, loading);
// add an item to the subgroup with the given name
void AddToSubgroup(object item, LiveShapingItem lsi, CollectionViewGroupInternal group, int level, object name, bool loading)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup;
int index = (loading && IsDataInGroupOrder) ? group.LastIndex : 0;
// find the desired subgroup using the map
object groupNameKey = GetGroupNameKey(name, group);
if (((subgroup = group.GetSubgroupFromMap(groupNameKey) as CollectionViewGroupInternal) != null) &&
group.GroupBy.NamesMatch(subgroup.Name, name))
// Try best to set the LastIndex. If not possible reset it to 0.
group.LastIndex = (group.Items[index] == subgroup ? index : 0);
// Recursively call the AddToSubgroups method on subgroup.
AddToSubgroups(item, lsi, subgroup, level + 1, loading);
// find the desired subgroup using linear search
for (int n = group.Items.Count; index < n; ++index)
subgroup = group.Items[index] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
if (subgroup == null)
continue; // skip children that are not groups
if (group.GroupBy.NamesMatch(subgroup.Name, name))
group.LastIndex = index;
// Update the name to subgroup map on the group.
group.AddSubgroupToMap(groupNameKey, subgroup);
// Recursively call the AddToSubgroups method on subgroup.
AddToSubgroups(item, lsi, subgroup, level + 1, loading);
// the item didn't match any subgroups. Create a new subgroup and add the item.
subgroup = new CollectionViewGroupInternal(name, group);
InitializeGroup(subgroup, group.GroupBy, level + 1);
if (loading)
group.LastIndex = index;
group.Insert(subgroup, item, ActiveComparer);
// Update the name to subgroup map on the group.
group.AddSubgroupToMap(groupNameKey, subgroup);
// Recursively call the AddToSubgroups method on subgroup.
AddToSubgroups(item, lsi, subgroup, level + 1, loading);
// move an item within the desired subgroup(s) of the given group
void MoveWithinSubgroups(object item, CollectionViewGroupInternal group, int level, IList list, int oldIndex, int newIndex)
object name = GetGroupName(item, group.GroupBy, level);
ICollection nameList;
if (name == UseAsItemDirectly)
// the item belongs to the group itself (not to any subgroups)
MoveWithinSubgroup(item, group, list, oldIndex, newIndex);
else if ((nameList = name as ICollection) == null)
// the item belongs to one subgroup
MoveWithinSubgroup(item, group, level, name, list, oldIndex, newIndex);
// the item belongs to multiple subgroups
foreach (object o in nameList)
MoveWithinSubgroup(item, group, level, o, list, oldIndex, newIndex);
// move an item within the subgroup with the given name
void MoveWithinSubgroup(object item, CollectionViewGroupInternal group, int level, object name, IList list, int oldIndex, int newIndex)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup;
// find the desired subgroup using the map
object groupNameKey = GetGroupNameKey(name, group);
if (((subgroup = group.GetSubgroupFromMap(groupNameKey)) != null) &&
group.GroupBy.NamesMatch(subgroup.Name, name))
// Recursively call the MoveWithinSubgroups method on subgroup.
MoveWithinSubgroups(item, subgroup, level + 1, list, oldIndex, newIndex);
// find the desired subgroup using linear search
for (int index = 0, n = group.Items.Count; index < n; ++index)
subgroup = group.Items[index] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
if (subgroup == null)
continue; // skip children that are not groups
if (group.GroupBy.NamesMatch(subgroup.Name, name))
// Update the name to subgroup map on the group.
group.AddSubgroupToMap(groupNameKey, subgroup);
// Recursively call the MoveWithinSubgroups method on subgroup.
MoveWithinSubgroups(item, subgroup, level + 1, list, oldIndex, newIndex);
// the item didn't match any subgroups. Something is wrong.
// This could happen if the app changes the item's group name (by changing
// properties that the name depends on) without notification.
// We don't support this - the Move is just a no-op. But assert (in
// debug builds) to help diagnose the problem if it arises.
Debug.Assert(false, "Failed to find item in expected subgroup after Move");
// move the item within its group
void MoveWithinSubgroup(object item, CollectionViewGroupInternal group, IList list, int oldIndex, int newIndex)
if (group.Move(item, list, ref oldIndex, ref newIndex))
OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move, item, newIndex, oldIndex));
/// <summary>
/// Helper method to normalize the group name.
/// Normalization happens only if the cases where
/// PropertyGroupDescriptions are used with
/// case insensitive comparisons.
/// </summary>
object GetGroupNameKey(object name, CollectionViewGroupInternal group)
object groupNameKey = name;
PropertyGroupDescription pgd = group.GroupBy as PropertyGroupDescription;
if (pgd != null)
string nameStr = name as string;
if (nameStr != null)
if (pgd.StringComparison == StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ||
pgd.StringComparison == StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
nameStr = nameStr.ToUpperInvariant();
else if (pgd.StringComparison == StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
nameStr = nameStr.ToUpper(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
groupNameKey = nameStr;
return groupNameKey;
// remove an item from the desired subgroup(s) of the given group.
// Return true if the item was not in one of the subgroups it was supposed to be.
bool RemoveFromSubgroups(object item, CollectionViewGroupInternal group, int level)
bool itemIsMissing = false;
object name = GetGroupName(item, group.GroupBy, level);
ICollection nameList;
if (name == UseAsItemDirectly)
// the item belongs to the group itself (not to any subgroups)
itemIsMissing = RemoveFromGroupDirectly(group, item);
else if ((nameList = name as ICollection) == null)
// the item belongs to one subgroup
if (RemoveFromSubgroup(item, group, level, name))
itemIsMissing = true;
// the item belongs to multiple subgroups
foreach (object o in nameList)
if (RemoveFromSubgroup(item, group, level, o))
itemIsMissing = true;
return itemIsMissing;
// remove an item from the subgroup with the given name.
// Return true if the item was not in one of the subgroups it was supposed to be.
bool RemoveFromSubgroup(object item, CollectionViewGroupInternal group, int level, object name)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup;
// find the desired subgroup using the map
object groupNameKey = GetGroupNameKey(name, group);
if (((subgroup = group.GetSubgroupFromMap(groupNameKey) as CollectionViewGroupInternal) != null) &&
group.GroupBy.NamesMatch(subgroup.Name, name))
// Recursively call the RemoveFromSubgroups method on subgroup.
return RemoveFromSubgroups(item, subgroup, level + 1);
// find the desired subgroup using linear search
for (int index = 0, n = group.Items.Count; index < n; ++index)
subgroup = group.Items[index] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
if (subgroup == null)
continue; // skip children that are not groups
if (group.GroupBy.NamesMatch(subgroup.Name, name))
// Recursively call the RemoveFromSubgroups method on subgroup.
return RemoveFromSubgroups(item, subgroup, level + 1);
// the item didn't match any subgroups. It should have.
return true;
// remove an item from the direct children of a group.
// Return true if this couldn't be done.
bool RemoveFromGroupDirectly(CollectionViewGroupInternal group, object item)
int leafIndex = group.Remove(item, true);
if (leafIndex >= 0)
OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, item, leafIndex));
return false;
return true;
// the item did not appear in one or more of the subgroups it
// was supposed to. This can happen if the item's properties
// change so that the group names we used to insert it are
// different from the names used to remove it. If this happens,
// remove the item the hard way.
void RemoveItemFromSubgroupsByExhaustiveSearch(CollectionViewGroupInternal group, object item)
// try to remove the item from the direct children
if (RemoveFromGroupDirectly(group, item))
// if that didn't work, recurse into each subgroup
// (loop runs backwards in case an entire group is deleted)
for (int k = group.Items.Count - 1; k >= 0; --k)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup = group.Items[k] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
if (subgroup != null)
RemoveItemFromSubgroupsByExhaustiveSearch(subgroup, item);
// if the item was removed directly, we don't have to look at subgroups.
// An item cannot appear both as a direct child and as a deeper descendant.
// get the group name(s) for the given item
object GetGroupName(object item, GroupDescription groupDescription, int level)
if (groupDescription != null)
return groupDescription.GroupNameFromItem(item, level, Culture);
return UseAsItemDirectly;
#endregion private methods
#region private fields
CollectionView _view;
IComparer _comparer;
bool _isDataInGroupOrder = false;
ObservableCollection<GroupDescription> _groupBy = new ObservableCollection<GroupDescription>();
GroupDescriptionSelectorCallback _groupBySelector;
static GroupDescription _topLevelGroupDescription;
static readonly object UseAsItemDirectly = new NamedObject("UseAsItemDirectly");
#endregion private fields
#region private types
private class TopLevelGroupDescription : GroupDescription
public TopLevelGroupDescription()
// we have to implement this abstract method, but it should never be called
public override object GroupNameFromItem(object item, int level, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotSupportedException();
#endregion private types
internal class AbandonedGroupItem
public AbandonedGroupItem(LiveShapingItem lsi, CollectionViewGroupInternal group)
_lsi = lsi;
_group = group;
public LiveShapingItem Item { get { return _lsi; } }
public CollectionViewGroupInternal Group { get { return _group; } }
LiveShapingItem _lsi;
CollectionViewGroupInternal _group;