// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: A CollectionViewGroupInternal, as created by a CollectionView according to a GroupDescription.
// See spec at Grouping.mht
using System.Collections; // IEnumerator
using System.ComponentModel; // PropertyChangedEventArgs, GroupDescription
using System.Windows; // DependencyProperty.UnsetValue
using System.Windows.Data; // CollectionViewGroup
using System.Windows.Threading; // Dispatcher
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MS.Internal.Data
internal class CollectionViewGroupInternal : CollectionViewGroup
#region Constructors
// Constructors
internal CollectionViewGroupInternal(object name, CollectionViewGroupInternal parent, bool isExplicit = false) : base(name)
_parentGroup = parent;
_isExplicit = isExplicit;
#endregion Constructors
#region Public Properties
// Public Properties
/// <summary>
/// Is this group at the bottom level (not further subgrouped).
/// </summary>
public override bool IsBottomLevel
get { return (_groupBy == null); }
#endregion Public Properties
#region Internal Properties
// Internal Properties
// how this group divides into subgroups
internal GroupDescription GroupBy
get { return _groupBy; }
bool oldIsBottomLevel = IsBottomLevel;
if (_groupBy != null)
PropertyChangedEventManager.RemoveHandler(_groupBy, OnGroupByChanged, String.Empty);
_groupBy = value;
if (_groupBy != null)
PropertyChangedEventManager.AddHandler(_groupBy, OnGroupByChanged, String.Empty);
// choose a comparer based on info in the GroupDescription and the owning collection view
_groupComparer = (_groupBy == null) ? null :
static state =>
for (CollectionViewGroupInternal group = (CollectionViewGroupInternal)state;
group != null;
group = group.Parent)
CollectionViewGroupRoot root = group as CollectionViewGroupRoot;
if (root != null)
return root.View;
return null; // this should never happen - root should always be present
}, this);
if (oldIsBottomLevel != IsBottomLevel)
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsBottomLevel)));
// the number of items and groups in the subtree under this group
internal int FullCount
get { return _fullCount; }
set { _fullCount = value; }
// the most recent index where actvity took place
internal int LastIndex
get { return _lastIndex; }
set { _lastIndex = value; }
// the first item (leaf) added to this group. If this can't be determined,
// DependencyProperty.UnsetValue.
internal object SeedItem
if (ItemCount > 0 && (GroupBy == null || GroupBy.GroupNames.Count == 0))
// look for first item, child by child
for (int k = 0, n = Items.Count; k < n; ++k)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup = Items[k] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
if (subgroup == null)
// child is an item - return it
return Items[k];
else if (subgroup.ItemCount > 0)
// child is a nonempty subgroup - ask it
return subgroup.SeedItem;
// otherwise child is an empty subgroup - go to next child
// we shouldn't get here, but just in case...
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
// the group is empty, or it has explicit subgroups.
// In either case, we cannot determine the first item -
// it could have gone into any of the subgroups.
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
#endregion Properties
#region Internal methods
// Internal methods
internal void Add(object item)
if (_groupComparer == null)
ChangeCounts(item, +1);
Insert(item, null, null);
internal int Remove(object item, bool returnLeafIndex)
int index = -1;
int localIndex = ProtectedItems.IndexOf(item);
if (localIndex >= 0)
if (returnLeafIndex)
index = LeafIndexFromItem(null, localIndex);
CollectionViewGroupInternal subGroup = item as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
if (subGroup != null)
// Remove from the name to group map.
ChangeCounts(item, -1);
// ChangeCounts may clear this group, if it is now empty.
// In that case, don't use localIndex - it's now out of range.
if (ProtectedItems.Count > 0)
return index;
internal void Clear()
// reset the counts before delving into subgroups. The subgroup
// changes can incur re-entrant calls to LeafAt(index) which will
// get out-of-range exceptions, unless we fend them
// off by ensuring that count<=index.
FullCount = 1;
ProtectedItemCount = 0;
if (_groupBy != null)
// This group has subgroups. Disconnect from GroupDescription events
PropertyChangedEventManager.RemoveHandler(_groupBy, OnGroupByChanged, String.Empty);
_groupBy = null;
// recursively clear subgroups
for (int i = 0, n = ProtectedItems.Count; i < n; ++i)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subGroup = ProtectedItems[i] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
// return the index of the given item within the list of leaves governed
// by this group
internal int LeafIndexOf(object item)
int leaves = 0; // number of leaves we've passed over so far
for (int k = 0, n = Items.Count; k < n; ++k)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup = Items[k] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
if (subgroup != null)
int subgroupIndex = subgroup.LeafIndexOf(item);
if (subgroupIndex < 0)
leaves += subgroup.ItemCount; // item not in this subgroup
return (leaves + subgroupIndex); // item is in this subgroup
// current item is a leaf - compare it directly
if (System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl.EqualsEx(item, Items[k]))
return leaves;
leaves += 1;
// item not found
return -1;
// return the index of the given item within the list of leaves governed
// by the full group structure. The item must be a (direct) child of this
// group. The caller provides the index of the item within this group,
// if known, or -1 if not.
internal int LeafIndexFromItem(object item, int index)
int result = 0;
// accumulate the number of predecessors at each level
for (CollectionViewGroupInternal group = this;
group != null;
item = group, group = group.Parent, index = -1)
// accumulate the number of predecessors at the level of item
for (int k = 0, n = group.Items.Count; k < n; ++k)
// if we've reached the item, move up to the next level
if ((index < 0 && System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl.EqualsEx(item, group.Items[k])) ||
index == k)
// accumulate leaf count
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup = group.Items[k] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
result += (subgroup == null) ? 1 : subgroup.ItemCount;
return result;
// return the item at the given index within the list of leaves governed
// by this group
internal object LeafAt(int index)
for (int k = 0, n = Items.Count; k < n; ++k)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup = Items[k] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
if (subgroup != null)
// current item is a group - either drill in, or skip over
if (index < subgroup.ItemCount)
return subgroup.LeafAt(index);
index -= subgroup.ItemCount;
// current item is a leaf - see if we're done
if (index == 0)
return Items[k];
index -= 1;
// the loop should have found the index. We shouldn't get here.
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
// return an enumerator over the leaves governed by this group
internal IEnumerator GetLeafEnumerator()
return new LeafEnumerator(this);
// insert a new item or subgroup and return its index. Seed is a
// representative from the subgroup (or the item itself) that
// is used to position the new item/subgroup w.r.t. the order given
// by the comparer. (If comparer is null, just add at the end).
internal int Insert(object item, object seed, IComparer comparer)
// when group sorting is not declared,
// never insert the new item/group before the explicit subgroups
int low = 0;
if (_groupComparer == null && GroupBy != null)
low = GroupBy.GroupNames.Count;
int index = FindIndex(item, seed, comparer, low, ProtectedItems.Count);
// now insert the item
ChangeCounts(item, +1);
ProtectedItems.Insert(index, item);
return index;
protected virtual int FindIndex(object item, object seed, IComparer comparer, int low, int high)
int index;
if (_groupComparer == null)
// group sorting is not declared - find the position using the seed
if (comparer != null)
IListComparer ilc = comparer as IListComparer;
// reset the IListComparer before each search. This cannot be done
// any less frequently (e.g. in Root.AddToSubgroups), due to the
// possibility that the item may appear in more than one subgroup.
for (index = low; index < high; ++index)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup = ProtectedItems[index] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
object seed1 = (subgroup != null) ? subgroup.SeedItem : ProtectedItems[index];
if (seed1 == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
if (comparer.Compare(seed, seed1) < 0)
index = high;
// group sorting is declared - find the position using the local comparer
for (index = low; index < high; ++index)
if (_groupComparer.Compare(item, ProtectedItems[index]) < 0)
return index;
// move an item and return true if it really moved.
// Also translate the indices to "leaf" coordinates
internal bool Move(object item, IList list, ref int oldIndex, ref int newIndex)
int oldIndexLocal = -1, newIndexLocal = -1;
int localIndex = 0;
int n = ProtectedItems.Count;
// the input is in "full" coordinates. Find the corresponding local coordinates
for (int fullIndex = 0; ; ++fullIndex)
if (fullIndex == oldIndex)
oldIndexLocal = localIndex;
if (newIndexLocal >= 0)
if (fullIndex == newIndex)
newIndexLocal = localIndex;
if (oldIndexLocal >= 0)
if (localIndex < n && System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl.EqualsEx(ProtectedItems[localIndex], list[fullIndex]))
// the move may be a no-op w.r.t. this group
if (oldIndexLocal == newIndexLocal)
return false;
// translate to "leaf" coordinates
int low, high, lowLeafIndex, delta = 0;
if (oldIndexLocal < newIndexLocal)
low = oldIndexLocal + 1;
high = newIndexLocal + 1;
lowLeafIndex = LeafIndexFromItem(null, oldIndexLocal);
low = newIndexLocal;
high = oldIndexLocal;
lowLeafIndex = LeafIndexFromItem(null, newIndexLocal);
for (int i = low; i < high; ++i)
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup = Items[i] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
delta += (subgroup == null) ? 1 : subgroup.ItemCount;
if (oldIndexLocal < newIndexLocal)
oldIndex = lowLeafIndex;
newIndex = oldIndex + delta;
newIndex = lowLeafIndex;
oldIndex = newIndex + delta;
// do the actual move
ProtectedItems.Move(oldIndexLocal, newIndexLocal);
return true;
// the group's description has changed - notify parent
protected virtual void OnGroupByChanged()
/// <summary>
/// Maps the given name with the given subgroup
/// </summary>
internal void AddSubgroupToMap(object nameKey, CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup)
Debug.Assert(subgroup != null);
// Use null name place holder.
nameKey ??= s_nullGroupNameKey;
// The dictionary is not initialized until first addition
_nameToGroupMap ??= new Dictionary<object, WeakReference>();
// Add to the map. Use WeakReference to avoid memory leaks
// in case some one calls ProtectedItems.Remove instead of
// CollectionViewGroupInternal.Remove
_nameToGroupMap[nameKey] = new WeakReference(subgroup);
/// <summary>
/// Removes the given subgroup from the name to group map.
/// </summary>
private void RemoveSubgroupFromMap(CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup)
Debug.Assert(subgroup != null);
if (_nameToGroupMap == null)
// Search for the subgroup in the map.
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, WeakReference> item in _nameToGroupMap)
if (item.Value.Target == subgroup)
/// <summary>
/// Tries to find the subgroup for the name from the map.
/// </summary>
internal CollectionViewGroupInternal GetSubgroupFromMap(object nameKey)
if (_nameToGroupMap != null)
// Use null name place holder.
nameKey ??= s_nullGroupNameKey;
// Find and return the subgroup
if (_nameToGroupMap.TryGetValue(nameKey, out WeakReference weakRef))
return weakRef.Target as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Schedules a dispatcher operation to clean up the map
/// of garbage collected weak references.
/// </summary>
private void ScheduleMapCleanup()
if (!_mapCleanupScheduled)
_mapCleanupScheduled = true;
Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
_mapCleanupScheduled = false;
if (_nameToGroupMap != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, WeakReference> item in _nameToGroupMap)
if (!item.Value.IsAlive)
}, DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle);
#endregion Internal methods
#region Internal Types
// this comparer is used to insert an item into a group in a position consistent
// with a given IList. It only works when used in the pattern that FindIndex
// uses, namely first call Reset(), then call Compare(item, x) any number of
// times with the same item (the new item) as the first argument, and a sequence
// of x's as the second argument that appear in the IList in the same sequence.
// This makes the total search time linear in the size of the IList. (To give
// the correct answer regardless of the sequence of arguments would involve
// calling IndexOf and leads to O(N^2) total search time.)
internal class IListComparer : IComparer
internal IListComparer(IList list)
internal void Reset()
_index = 0;
internal void ResetList(IList list)
_list = list;
_index = 0;
public int Compare(object x, object y)
if (System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl.EqualsEx(x, y))
return 0;
// advance the index until seeing one x or y
int n = (_list != null) ? _list.Count : 0;
for (; _index < n; ++_index)
object z = _list[_index];
if (System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl.EqualsEx(x, z))
return -1; // x occurs first, so x < y
else if (System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl.EqualsEx(y, z))
return +1; // y occurs first, so x > y
// if we don't see either x or y, declare x > y.
// This has the effect of putting x at the end of the list.
return +1;
int _index;
IList _list;
#endregion Internal Types
#region Private Properties
// Private Properties
internal CollectionViewGroupInternal Parent
get { return _parentGroup; }
private bool IsExplicit
get { return _isExplicit; }
#endregion Private Properties
#region Private methods
// Private methods
protected void ChangeCounts(object item, int delta)
bool changeLeafCount = !(item is CollectionViewGroup);
using (EmptyGroupRemover remover = EmptyGroupRemover.Create(isNeeded: changeLeafCount && delta < 0))
for (CollectionViewGroupInternal group = this;
group != null;
group = group._parentGroup)
group.FullCount += delta;
if (changeLeafCount)
group.ProtectedItemCount += delta;
if (group.ProtectedItemCount == 0)
unchecked { ++_version; } // this invalidates enumerators
void OnGroupByChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
#endregion Private methods
#region Private fields
// Private fields
private readonly CollectionViewGroupInternal _parentGroup;
private readonly bool _isExplicit;
private GroupDescription _groupBy;
private IComparer _groupComparer;
private int _fullCount = 1;
private int _lastIndex;
private int _version; // for detecting stale enumerators
private static readonly NamedObject s_nullGroupNameKey = new("NullGroupNameKey");
private Dictionary<object, WeakReference> _nameToGroupMap; // To cache the mapping between name and subgroup
private bool _mapCleanupScheduled = false;
#endregion Private fields
#region Private classes
// Private classes
private class LeafEnumerator : IEnumerator
public LeafEnumerator(CollectionViewGroupInternal group)
_group = group;
DoReset(); // don't call virtual Reset in ctor
void IEnumerator.Reset()
void DoReset()
_version = _group._version;
_index = -1;
_subEnum = null;
bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
// check for invalidated enumerator
if (_group._version != _version)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// move forward to the next leaf
while (_subEnum == null || !_subEnum.MoveNext())
// done with the current top-level item. Move to the next one.
if (_index >= _group.Items.Count)
return false;
CollectionViewGroupInternal subgroup = _group.Items[_index] as CollectionViewGroupInternal;
if (subgroup == null)
// current item is a leaf - it's the new Current
_current = _group.Items[_index];
_subEnum = null;
return true;
// current item is a subgroup - get its enumerator
_subEnum = subgroup.GetLeafEnumerator();
// the loop terminates only when we have a subgroup enumerator
// positioned at the new Current item
_current = _subEnum.Current;
return true;
object IEnumerator.Current
if (_index < 0 || _index >= _group.Items.Count)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return _current;
CollectionViewGroupInternal _group; // parent group
int _version; // parent group's version at ctor
int _index; // current index into Items
IEnumerator _subEnum; // enumerator over current subgroup
object _current; // current item
// When removing a leaf item, ChangeCounts removes groups that become empty.
// It's important to propagate the changed item count all the way up
// to the root before actually removing the empty groups, as the removal
// raises an event whose handlers could call back into the group tree -
// if the counts are inconsistent, crashes can occur.
// This class remembers the empty groups, and removes them after the
// counts have all been changed.
private class EmptyGroupRemover : IDisposable
public static EmptyGroupRemover Create(bool isNeeded)
return isNeeded ? new EmptyGroupRemover() : null;
public void RemoveEmptyGroup(CollectionViewGroupInternal group)
if (_toRemove == null)
_toRemove = new List<CollectionViewGroupInternal>();
public void Dispose()
if (_toRemove != null)
foreach (CollectionViewGroupInternal group in _toRemove)
CollectionViewGroupInternal parent = group.Parent;
if (parent != null)
// remove the subgroup unless it is one of the explicit groups
if (!group.IsExplicit)
parent.Remove(group, false);
private List<CollectionViewGroupInternal> _toRemove;
#endregion Private classes