File: System\Windows\Media3D\MeshGeometry3D.cs
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Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationCore\PresentationCore.csproj (PresentationCore)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: 3D mesh implementation.
//              See spec at http://avalon/medialayer/Specifications/Avalon3D%20API%20Spec.mht
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Media3D;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;
using MS.Utility;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Windows.Media.Composition;
namespace System.Windows.Media.Media3D
    /// <summary>
    ///     MeshGeometry3D a straightforward triangle primitive.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed partial class MeshGeometry3D : Geometry3D
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors
        /// <summary>
        ///     Default Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public MeshGeometry3D() {}
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Public Methods
        #region Public Methods
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get bounds for this MeshGeometry3D.
        /// </summary>
        public override Rect3D Bounds
                if (_cachedBounds.IsEmpty)
                return _cachedBounds;
        #endregion Public Methods
        //  Public Properties
        //  Protected Methods
        #region Protected Methods
        /// <summary>
        ///     Overriden to clear our bounds cache.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.IsAValueChange || e.IsASubPropertyChange)
                DependencyProperty dp = e.Property;
                // We invalidate the cache here rather than in the InvalidateResourcePositions method
                // because the later is not invoked in the event that the Point3DCollection is swapped
                // out from underneath us.  (In that case, the resource invalidation takes a different
                // code path.)
                if (dp == MeshGeometry3D.PositionsProperty)
        #endregion Protected Methods
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        internal Rect GetTextureCoordinateBounds()
            PointCollection tx = TextureCoordinates;
            int count = (tx == null) ? 0 : tx.Count;
            if (count > 0)
                Point ptMin = tx[0];
                Point ptMax = tx[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
                    Point txPt = tx.Internal_GetItem(i);
                    double txx = txPt.X;
                    if (ptMin.X > txx)
                        ptMin.X = txx;
                    else if (ptMax.X < txx)
                        ptMax.X = txx;
                    double txy = txPt.Y;
                    if (ptMin.Y > txy)
                        ptMin.Y = txy;
                    else if (ptMax.Y < txy)
                        ptMax.Y = txy;
                return new Rect(ptMin, ptMax);
                return Rect.Empty;
        // Hits the ray against the mesh
        internal override void RayHitTestCore(
            RayHitTestParameters rayParams,
            FaceType hitTestableFaces)
            Debug.Assert(hitTestableFaces != FaceType.None, 
                "Caller should make sure we're trying to hit something");
            Point3DCollection positions = Positions;
            if (positions == null)
            Point3D origin;
            Vector3D direction;
            rayParams.GetLocalLine(out origin, out direction);
            Int32Collection indices = TriangleIndices;
            // In the line case, we want to hit test all faces because we don't
            // have a direction. This may differ from what faces we want to
            // accept.
            FaceType facesToHit;
            if (rayParams.IsRay)
                facesToHit = hitTestableFaces;
                facesToHit = FaceType.Front | FaceType.Back;
            // This code duplication is unfortunate but necessary. Breaking it down into methods 
            // further significantly impacts performance. About 5% improvement could be made
            // by unrolling this code below even more.
            // If futher perf investigation is done with this code, be sure to test NGEN assemblies only
            // as JIT produces different, faster code than NGEN.
            if (indices == null || indices.Count == 0)
                FrugalStructList<Point3D> ps = positions._collection; 
                int count = ps.Count - (ps.Count % 3);
                for (int i = count - 1; i >= 2; i -= 3)
                    int i0 = i - 2;
                    int i1 = i - 1;
                    int i2 = i;
                    Point3D v0 = ps[i0];
                    Point3D v1 = ps[i1];
                    Point3D v2 = ps[i2];
                    double hitTime;
                    Point barycentric;
                    // The line hit test is equivalent to a double sided
                    // triangle hit because it doesn't cull triangles based
                    // on winding
                    if (LineUtil.ComputeLineTriangleIntersection(
                            ref origin,
                            ref direction,
                            ref v0,
                            ref v1,
                            ref v2,
                            out barycentric,
                            out hitTime
                        if (rayParams.IsRay)
                                ref origin, 
                                ref direction, 
                                ref barycentric
                                ref v0,
                                ref v1,
                                ref v2,
                                ref barycentric
            else // indexed mesh
                FrugalStructList<Point3D> ps = positions._collection;
                FrugalStructList<int> idcs = indices._collection;
                int count = idcs.Count;
                int limit = ps.Count;
                for (int i = 2; i < count; i += 3)
                    int i0 = idcs[i - 2];
                    int i1 = idcs[i - 1];
                    int i2 = idcs[i];
                    // Quit if we encounter an index out of range.
                    // This is okay because the triangles we ignore are not rendered.
                    //  (see: CMilMeshGeometry3DDuce::Realize)
                    if ((0 > i0 || i0 >= limit) ||
                        (0 > i1 || i1 >= limit) ||
                        (0 > i2 || i2 >= limit))
                    Point3D v0 = ps[i0];
                    Point3D v1 = ps[i1];
                    Point3D v2 = ps[i2];
                    double hitTime;
                    Point barycentric;
                    if (LineUtil.ComputeLineTriangleIntersection(
                            ref origin,
                            ref direction,
                            ref v0,
                            ref v1,
                            ref v2,
                            out barycentric,
                            out hitTime
                        if (rayParams.IsRay)
                                ref origin, 
                                ref direction, 
                                ref barycentric
                                ref v0,
                                ref v1,
                                ref v2,
                                ref barycentric
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        // Processes a ray-triangle intersection to see if it's a valid hit. Unnecessary faces
        // have already been culled by the ray-triange intersection routines.
        // Shares some code with ValidateLineHit
        private void ValidateRayHit(
            RayHitTestParameters rayParams, 
            ref Point3D origin, 
            ref Vector3D direction, 
            double hitTime,
            int i0,
            int i1,
            int i2,
            ref Point barycentric
            if (hitTime > 0)
                Matrix3D worldTransformMatrix = rayParams.HasWorldTransformMatrix ? rayParams.WorldTransformMatrix : Matrix3D.Identity;
                Point3D pointHit = origin + hitTime * direction;
                Point3D worldPointHit = pointHit;
                worldTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref worldPointHit);
                // If we have a HitTestProjectionMatrix than this hit test originated
                // at a Viewport3DVisual.
                if (rayParams.HasHitTestProjectionMatrix)
                    // To test if we are in front of the far clipping plane what we
                    // do conceptually is project our hit point in world space into
                    // homogenous space and verify that it is on the correct side of
                    // the Z=1 plane.
                    // To save some cycles we only bother computing Z and W of the
                    // projected point and use a simple Z/W > 1 test to see if we
                    // are past the far plane.
                    // NOTE: HitTestProjectionMatrix is not just the camera matrices.
                    //       It has an additional translation to move the ray to the
                    //       origin.  This extra translation does not effect this test.
                    Matrix3D m = rayParams.HitTestProjectionMatrix;
                    // We directly substitute 1 for p.W below:
                    double pz = worldPointHit.X * m.M13 + worldPointHit.Y * m.M23 + worldPointHit.Z * m.M33 + m.OffsetZ;
                    double pw = worldPointHit.X * m.M14 + worldPointHit.Y * m.M24 + worldPointHit.Z * m.M34 + m.M44;
                    // Early exit if pz/pw > 1.  The negated logic is to reject NaNs.
                    if (!(pz / pw <= 1))
                    Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(pz / pw) && !double.IsNaN(pz / pw),
                        "Expected near/far tests to cull -Inf/+Inf and NaN.");
                double dist = (worldPointHit - rayParams.Origin).Length;
                Debug.Assert(dist > 0, "Distance is negative: " + dist);
                if (rayParams.HasModelTransformMatrix)
                    rayParams.ModelTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref pointHit);
                rayParams.ReportResult(this, pointHit, dist, i0, i1, i2, barycentric);
        // Processes a ray-line intersection to see if it's a valid hit.
        // Shares some code with ValidateRayHit
        private void ValidateLineHit(
            RayHitTestParameters rayParams, 
            FaceType facesToHit,
            int i0,
            int i1,
            int i2,
            ref Point3D v0,
            ref Point3D v1,
            ref Point3D v2,
            ref Point barycentric
            Matrix3D worldTransformMatrix = rayParams.HasWorldTransformMatrix ? rayParams.WorldTransformMatrix : Matrix3D.Identity;
            // OK, we have an intersection with the LINE but that could be wrong on three
            // accounts:
            //   1. We could have hit the line on the wrong side of the ray's origin.
            //   2. We may need to cull the intersection if it's beyond the far clipping
            //      plane (only if the hit test originated from a Viewport3DVisual.)
            //   3. We could have hit a back-facing triangle
            // We will transform the hit point back into world space to check these
            // things & compute the correct distance from the origin to the hit point.
            // Hit point in model space
            Point3D pointHit = M3DUtil.Interpolate(ref v0, ref v1, ref v2, ref barycentric);
            Point3D worldPointHit = pointHit;
            worldTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref worldPointHit);
            // Vector from origin to hit point
            Vector3D hitVector = worldPointHit - rayParams.Origin;
            Vector3D originalDirection = rayParams.Direction;
            double rayDistanceUnnormalized = Vector3D.DotProduct(originalDirection, hitVector);
            if (rayDistanceUnnormalized > 0)
                // If we have a HitTestProjectionMatrix than this hit test originated
                // at a Viewport3DVisual.
                if (rayParams.HasHitTestProjectionMatrix)
                    // To test if we are in front of the far clipping plane what we
                    // do conceptually is project our hit point in world space into
                    // homogenous space and verify that it is on the correct side of
                    // the Z=1 plane.
                    // To save some cycles we only bother computing Z and W of the
                    // projected point and use a simple Z/W > 1 test to see if we
                    // are past the far plane.
                    // NOTE: HitTestProjectionMatrix is not just the camera matrices.
                    //       It has an additional translation to move the ray to the
                    //       origin.  This extra translation does not effect this test.
                    Matrix3D m = rayParams.HitTestProjectionMatrix;
                    // We directly substitute 1 for p.W below:
                    double pz = worldPointHit.X * m.M13 + worldPointHit.Y * m.M23 + worldPointHit.Z * m.M33 + m.OffsetZ;
                    double pw = worldPointHit.X * m.M14 + worldPointHit.Y * m.M24 + worldPointHit.Z * m.M34 + m.M44;
                    // Early exit if pz/pw > 1.  The negated logic is to reject NaNs.
                    if (!(pz / pw <= 1))
                    Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(pz / pw) && !double.IsNaN(pz / pw),
                        "Expected near/far tests to cull -Inf/+Inf and NaN.");
                Point3D a = v0, b = v1, c = v2;
                worldTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref a);
                worldTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref b);
                worldTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref c);
                Vector3D normal = Vector3D.CrossProduct(b - a, c - a);
                double cullSign = -Vector3D.DotProduct(normal, hitVector);
                double det = worldTransformMatrix.Determinant;
                bool frontFace = (cullSign > 0) == (det >= 0);
                if (((facesToHit & FaceType.Front) == FaceType.Front && frontFace) || ((facesToHit & FaceType.Back) == FaceType.Back && !frontFace))
                    double dist = hitVector.Length;
                    if (rayParams.HasModelTransformMatrix)
                        rayParams.ModelTransformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ref pointHit);
                    rayParams.ReportResult(this, pointHit, dist, i0, i1, i2, barycentric);
        // Updates the _cachedBounds member to the current bounds of the mesh.
        // This method must be called before accessing _cachedBounds if
        // _cachedBounds.IsEmpty is true.  Otherwise the _cachedBounds are
        // current and do not need to be recomputed.  See also Debug_VerifyCachedBounds.
        private void UpdateCachedBounds()
                "PERF: Caller should verify that bounds are dirty before recomputing.");
            _cachedBounds = M3DUtil.ComputeAxisAlignedBoundingBox(Positions);
        // Sets _cachedBounds to Rect3D.Empty (indicating that the bounds are no
        // longer valid.)
        private void SetCachedBoundsDirty()
            _cachedBounds = Rect3D.Empty;
        #endregion Private Methods
        //  DEBUG
        #region DEBUG
        // Always call this method before accessing _cachedBounds.  On 
        private void Debug_VerifyCachedBounds()
            Rect3D actualBounds = M3DUtil.ComputeAxisAlignedBoundingBox(Positions);
            // The funny boolean logic below avoids asserts when the cached
            // bounds contain NaNs.  (NaN != NaN)
            bool areEqual =
                !(_cachedBounds.X < actualBounds.X || _cachedBounds.X > actualBounds.X) &&
                !(_cachedBounds.Y < actualBounds.Y || _cachedBounds.Y > actualBounds.Y) &&
                !(_cachedBounds.Z < actualBounds.Z || _cachedBounds.Z > actualBounds.Z) &&
                !(_cachedBounds.SizeX < actualBounds.SizeX || _cachedBounds.SizeX > actualBounds.SizeX) &&
                !(_cachedBounds.SizeY < actualBounds.SizeY || _cachedBounds.SizeY > actualBounds.SizeY) &&
                !(_cachedBounds.SizeZ < actualBounds.SizeZ || _cachedBounds.SizeZ > actualBounds.SizeZ);
            if (!areEqual)
                if (_cachedBounds == Rect3D.Empty)
                    Debug.Fail("Cached bounds are invalid. Caller needs to check for IsEmpty and call UpdateCachedBounds.");
                    Debug.Fail("Cached bounds are invalid. We missed a call to SetCachedBoundsDirty.");
        #endregion DEBUG
        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields
        // If the _cachedBounds are empty it means that the cache is invalid.  The user must
        // check for this case and call UpdateCachedBounds if the cache is invalid.  (There
        // is no way to distinguish between actually caching "Empty" when there are no
        // positions and the cache being invalid - but computing bounds in this case is
        // very fast.)
        private Rect3D _cachedBounds = Rect3D.Empty;
        #endregion Private Fields