File: System\Windows\Input\KeyboardDevice.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\PresentationCore\PresentationCore.csproj (PresentationCore)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Windows.Threading;
using MS.Internal;
using System.Windows.Automation.Peers;
namespace System.Windows.Input
    /// <summary>
    ///     The KeyboardDevice class represents the mouse device to the
    ///     members of a context.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract class KeyboardDevice : InputDevice
        protected KeyboardDevice(InputManager inputManager)
            _inputManager = inputManager;
            _inputManager.PreProcessInput += new PreProcessInputEventHandler(PreProcessInput);
            _inputManager.PreNotifyInput += new NotifyInputEventHandler(PreNotifyInput);
            _inputManager.PostProcessInput += new ProcessInputEventHandler(PostProcessInput);
            _isEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnIsEnabledChanged);
            _isVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnIsVisibleChanged);
            _focusableChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnFocusableChanged);
            _reevaluateFocusCallback = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateFocusCallback);
            _reevaluateFocusOperation = null;
            // Consider moving this elsewhere
            // The TextServicesManager must be created before the TextCompositionManager
            // so that TIP/IME listeners get precedence.
            _TsfManager = new TextServicesManager(inputManager);
            _textcompositionManager = new TextCompositionManager(inputManager);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the current state of the specified key from the device from the underlying system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">
        ///     Key to get the state of
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     The state of the specified key
        /// </returns>
        protected abstract KeyStates GetKeyStatesFromSystem( Key key );
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the element that input from this device is sent to.
        /// </summary>
        public override IInputElement Target
                if(null != ForceTarget)
                    return ForceTarget;
                return FocusedElement;
        internal IInputElement ForceTarget
                return (IInputElement) _forceTarget;
                _forceTarget = value as DependencyObject;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the PresentationSource that is reporting input for this device.
        /// </summary>
        public override PresentationSource ActiveSource => _activeSource;
        /// <summary>
        ///     The default mode for restoring focus.
        /// </summary>
        public RestoreFocusMode DefaultRestoreFocusMode {get; set;}
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the element that the keyboard is focused on.
        /// </summary>
        public IInputElement FocusedElement
                return (IInputElement) _focus;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Clears focus.
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearFocus()
            Focus(null, false, false, false);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Focuses the keyboard on a particular element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">
        ///     The element to focus the keyboard on.
        /// </param>
        public IInputElement Focus(IInputElement element)
            DependencyObject oFocus = null;
            bool forceToNullIfFailed = false;
            // Validate that elt is either a UIElement, a ContentElement or a UIElement3D.
            if(element != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, element.GetType()));
                oFocus = (DependencyObject) element;
            // If no element is given for focus, use the root of the active source.
            if(oFocus == null && _activeSource != null)
                oFocus = _activeSource.RootVisual;
                forceToNullIfFailed = true;
            Focus(oFocus, true, true, forceToNullIfFailed);
            return (IInputElement) _focus;
        private void Focus(DependencyObject focus, bool askOld, bool askNew, bool forceToNullIfFailed)
            // Make sure that the element is valid for receiving focus.
            bool isValid = true;
            if(focus != null)
                isValid = Keyboard.IsFocusable(focus);
                if(!isValid && forceToNullIfFailed)
                    focus = null;
                    isValid = true;
                // Get the keyboard input provider that provides input for the active source.
                IKeyboardInputProvider keyboardInputProvider = null;
                DependencyObject containingVisual = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(focus);
                if(containingVisual != null)
                    PresentationSource source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(containingVisual);
                    if (source != null)
                        keyboardInputProvider = (IKeyboardInputProvider)source.GetInputProvider(typeof(KeyboardDevice));
                // Start the focus-change operation.
                TryChangeFocus(focus, keyboardInputProvider, askOld, askNew, forceToNullIfFailed);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the set of modifier keys currently pressed as determined by querying our keyboard state cache
        /// </summary>
        public ModifierKeys Modifiers
//                 VerifyAccess();
                ModifierKeys modifiers = ModifierKeys.None;
                if(IsKeyDown_private(Key.LeftAlt) || IsKeyDown_private(Key.RightAlt))
                    modifiers |= ModifierKeys.Alt;
                if(IsKeyDown_private(Key.LeftCtrl) || IsKeyDown_private(Key.RightCtrl))
                    modifiers |= ModifierKeys.Control;
                if(IsKeyDown_private(Key.LeftShift) || IsKeyDown_private(Key.RightShift))
                    modifiers |= ModifierKeys.Shift;
                return modifiers;
        /// <summary>
        /// There is a proscription against using Enum.IsDefined().  (it is slow)
        /// so we write these PRIVATE validate routines instead.
        /// </summary>
        private void Validate_Key(Key key)
            if( 256 <= (int)key || (int)key <= 0)
                throw new  System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException("key", (int)key, typeof(Key));
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the core private method that returns whether or not the specified key
        ///  is down.  It does it without the extra argument validation and context checks.
        /// </summary>
        private bool IsKeyDown_private(Key key)
            return ( ( GetKeyStatesFromSystem(key) & KeyStates.Down ) == KeyStates.Down );
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns whether or not the specified key is down.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsKeyDown(Key key)
//             VerifyAccess();
            return IsKeyDown_private(key);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns whether or not the specified key is up.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsKeyUp(Key key)
//             VerifyAccess();
            return (!IsKeyDown_private(key));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns whether or not the specified key is toggled.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsKeyToggled(Key key)
//             VerifyAccess();
            return( ( GetKeyStatesFromSystem(key) & KeyStates.Toggled ) == KeyStates.Toggled );
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the state of the specified key.
        /// </summary>
        public KeyStates GetKeyStates(Key key)
            return GetKeyStatesFromSystem(key);
        internal TextServicesManager TextServicesManager => _TsfManager;
        internal TextCompositionManager TextCompositionManager => _textcompositionManager;
        private void TryChangeFocus(DependencyObject newFocus, IKeyboardInputProvider keyboardInputProvider, bool askOld, bool askNew, bool forceToNullIfFailed)
            bool changeFocus = true;
            int timeStamp = Environment.TickCount ;
            DependencyObject oldFocus = _focus; // This is required, used below to see if focus has been delegated
            if(newFocus != _focus)
                // If requested, and there is currently something with focus
                // Send the PreviewLostKeyboardFocus event to see if the object losing focus want to cancel it.
                // - no need to check "changeFocus" here as it was just previously unconditionally set to true
                if(askOld && _focus != null)
                    KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs previewLostFocus = new KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(this, timeStamp, (IInputElement)_focus, (IInputElement)newFocus)
                        RoutedEvent = Keyboard.PreviewLostKeyboardFocusEvent,
                        Source = _focus
                    // is handled the right indication of canceled?
                    if (previewLostFocus.Handled)
                        changeFocus = false;
                // If requested, and there is an object to specified to take focus
                // Send the PreviewGotKeyboardFocus event to see if the object gaining focus want to cancel it.
                // - must also check "changeFocus", no point in checking if the "previewLostFocus" event
                //   above already cancelled it
                if(askNew && changeFocus && newFocus != null)
                    KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs previewGotFocus = new KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(this, timeStamp, (IInputElement)_focus, (IInputElement)newFocus)
                        RoutedEvent = Keyboard.PreviewGotKeyboardFocusEvent,
                        Source = newFocus
                    // is handled the right indication of canceled?
                    if (previewGotFocus.Handled)
                        changeFocus = false;
                // If we are setting the focus to an element, see if the InputProvider
                // can take focus for us.
                if(changeFocus && newFocus != null)
                    if (keyboardInputProvider != null && Keyboard.IsFocusable(newFocus))
                        // Tell the element we are about to acquire focus through
                        // the input provider.  The element losing focus and the
                        // element receiving focus have all agreed to the
                        // transaction.  This is used by menus to configure the
                        // behavior of focus changes.
                        KeyboardInputProviderAcquireFocusEventArgs acquireFocus = new KeyboardInputProviderAcquireFocusEventArgs(this, timeStamp, changeFocus)
                            RoutedEvent = Keyboard.PreviewKeyboardInputProviderAcquireFocusEvent,
                            Source = newFocus
                        // Acquire focus through the input provider.
                        changeFocus = keyboardInputProvider.AcquireFocus(false);
                        // Tell the element whether or not we were able to
                        // acquire focus through the input provider.
                        acquireFocus = new KeyboardInputProviderAcquireFocusEventArgs(this, timeStamp, changeFocus)
                            RoutedEvent = Keyboard.KeyboardInputProviderAcquireFocusEvent,
                            Source = newFocus
                        changeFocus = false;
                // If the ChangeFocus operation was cancelled or the AcquireFocus operation failed
                // and the "ForceToNullIfFailed" flag was set, we set focus to null
                if( !changeFocus && forceToNullIfFailed && oldFocus == _focus /* Focus is not delegated */ )
                    // focus might be delegated (e.g. during PreviewGotKeyboardFocus)
                    // without actually changing, if it was already on the delegated
                    // element.  We can't test for this directly,
                    // but if focus is within the desired element we'll assume this
                    // is what happened.
                    IInputElement newFocusElement = newFocus as IInputElement;
                    if (newFocusElement == null || !newFocusElement.IsKeyboardFocusWithin)
                        newFocus = null;
                        changeFocus = true;
                // If both the old and new focus elements allowed it, and the
                // InputProvider has acquired it, go ahead and change our internal
                // sense of focus to the desired element.
                    ChangeFocus(newFocus, timeStamp);
        private void ChangeFocus(DependencyObject focus, int timestamp)
            DependencyObject o = null;
            if(focus != _focus)
                // Update the critical pieces of data.
                DependencyObject oldFocus = _focus;
                _focus = focus;
                _focusRootVisual = InputElement.GetRootVisual(focus);
                using(Dispatcher.DisableProcessing()) // Disable reentrancy due to locks taken
                    // Adjust the handlers we use to track everything.
                    if(oldFocus != null)
                        o = oldFocus;
                        if (o is UIElement uie)
                            uie.IsEnabledChanged -= _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            uie.IsVisibleChanged -= _isVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                            uie.FocusableChanged -= _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                        else if (o is ContentElement ce)
                            ce.IsEnabledChanged -= _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            // NOTE: there is no IsVisible property for ContentElements.
                            ce.FocusableChanged -= _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                        else if (o is UIElement3D uie3D)
                            uie3D.IsEnabledChanged -= _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            uie3D.IsVisibleChanged -= _isVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                            uie3D.FocusableChanged -= _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, o.GetType())); 
                    if(_focus != null)
                        o = _focus;
                        if (o is UIElement uie)
                            uie.IsEnabledChanged += _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            uie.IsVisibleChanged += _isVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                            uie.FocusableChanged += _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                        else if (o is ContentElement ce)
                            ce.IsEnabledChanged += _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            // NOTE: there is no IsVisible property for ContentElements.
                            ce.FocusableChanged += _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                        else if (o is UIElement3D uie3D)
                            uie3D.IsEnabledChanged += _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                            uie3D.IsVisibleChanged += _isVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                            uie3D.FocusableChanged += _focusableChangedEventHandler;
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Invalid_IInputElement, o.GetType())); 
                // Oddly enough, update the FocusWithinProperty properties first.  This is
                // so any callbacks will see the more-common FocusWithinProperty properties
                // set correctly.
                UIElement.FocusWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(oldFocus, _focus, ref _focusTreeState);
                // Invalidate the IsKeyboardFocused properties.
                if(oldFocus != null)
                    o = oldFocus;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedPropertyKey, false); // Same property for ContentElements
                if(_focus != null)
                    // Invalidate the IsKeyboardFocused property.
                    o = _focus;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsKeyboardFocusedPropertyKey, true); // Same property for ContentElements
                // Call TestServicesManager change the focus of the InputMethod is enable/disabled accordingly
                // so it's ready befere the GotKeyboardFocusEvent handler is invoked.
                // InputLanguageManager checks the preferred input languages.
                // This should before GotEvent because the preferred input language
                // should be set at the event handler.
                InputLanguageManager.Current.Focus(_focus, oldFocus);
                // Send the LostKeyboardFocus and GotKeyboardFocus events.
                if(oldFocus != null)
                    KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs lostFocus = new KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(this, timestamp, (IInputElement)oldFocus, (IInputElement)focus)
                        RoutedEvent = Keyboard.LostKeyboardFocusEvent,
                        Source = oldFocus
                if(_focus != null)
                    KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs gotFocus = new KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs(this, timestamp, (IInputElement)oldFocus, (IInputElement)_focus)
                        RoutedEvent = Keyboard.GotKeyboardFocusEvent,
                        Source = _focus
                // InputMethod checks the preferred ime state.
                // The preferred input methods should be applied after Cicero TIP gots SetFocus callback.
                //Could be also built-in into IsKeyboardFocused_Changed static on UIElement, ContentElement and UIElement3D.
                //However the Automation likes to go immediately back on us so it would be better be last one...
        private void OnIsEnabledChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element with focus just became disabled.
            // We can't leave focus on a disabled element, so move it.
            ReevaluateFocusAsync(null, null, false);
        private void OnIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element with focus just became non-visible (collapsed or hidden).
            // We can't leave focus on a non-visible element, so move it.
            ReevaluateFocusAsync(null, null, false);
        private void OnFocusableChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element with focus just became unfocusable.
            // We can't leave focus on an unfocusable element, so move it.
            ReevaluateFocusAsync(null, null, false);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Determines if we can remain focused on the element we think has focus
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Queues an invocation of ReevaluateFocusCallback to do the actual work.
        ///         - that way if the object that had focus has only been temporarily
        ///           removed, disable, etc. and will eventually be valid again, we
        ///           avoid needlessly killing focus.
        /// </remarks>
        internal void ReevaluateFocusAsync(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
            if(element != null)
                    FocusTreeState.SetCoreParent(element, oldParent);
                    FocusTreeState.SetLogicalParent(element, oldParent);
            // It would be best to re-evaluate anything dependent on the hit-test results
            // immediately after layout & rendering are complete.  Unfortunately this can
            // lead to an infinite loop.  Consider the following scenario:
            // If the mouse is over an element, hide it.
            // This never resolves to a "correct" state.  When the mouse moves over the
            // element, the element is hidden, so the mouse is no longer over it, so the
            // element is shown, but that means the mouse is over it again.  Repeat.
            // We push our re-evaluation to a priority lower than input processing so that
            // the user can change the input device to avoid the infinite loops, or close
            // the app if nothing else works.
            if(_reevaluateFocusOperation == null)
                _reevaluateFocusOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _reevaluateFocusCallback, null);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Determines if we can remain focused on the element we think has focus
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Invoked asynchronously by ReevaluateFocusAsync.
        ///     Confirms that the element we think has focus is:
        ///         - still enabled
        ///         - still visible
        ///         - still in the tree
        /// </remarks>
        private object ReevaluateFocusCallback(object arg)
            _reevaluateFocusOperation = null;
            if( _focus == null )
                return null;
            // Reevaluate the eligability of the focused element to actually
            // have focus.  If that element is no longer focusable, then search
            // for an ancestor that is.
            DependencyObject element = _focus;
            while(element != null)
                // Walk the current tree structure.
                element = DeferredElementTreeState.GetCoreParent(element, null);
            // Get the PresentationSource that contains the element to be focused.
            PresentationSource presentationSource = null;
            DependencyObject visualContainer = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(element);
            if(visualContainer != null)
                presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(visualContainer);
            // The default action is to reset focus to the root element
            // of the active presentation source.
            bool moveFocus = true;
            DependencyObject moveFocusTo = null;
            if(presentationSource != null)
                IKeyboardInputProvider keyboardProvider = presentationSource.GetInputProvider(typeof(KeyboardDevice)) as IKeyboardInputProvider;
                if(keyboardProvider != null)
                    // Confirm with the keyboard provider for this
                    // presentation source that it has acquired focus.
                        if(element == _focus)
                            // The focus element is still good.
                            moveFocus = false;
                            // The focus element is no longer focusable, but we found
                            // an ancestor that is, so move focus there.
                            moveFocus = true;
                            moveFocusTo = element;
                if(moveFocusTo is null && _activeSource is not null)
                    moveFocusTo = _activeSource.RootVisual;
                Focus(moveFocusTo, askOld: false, askNew: true, forceToNullIfFailed: true);
                // Refresh FocusWithinProperty so that ReverseInherited Flags are updated.
                // We only need to do this if there is any information about the old
                // tree structure.
                if(_focusTreeState != null && !_focusTreeState.IsEmpty)
                    UIElement.FocusWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(_focus, _focus, ref _focusTreeState);
            return null;
        private void PreProcessInput(object sender, PreProcessInputEventArgs e)
            RawKeyboardInputReport keyboardInput = ExtractRawKeyboardInputReport(e, InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent);
            if(keyboardInput != null)
                // Claim the input for the keyboard.
                e.StagingItem.Input.Device = this;
        private void PreNotifyInput(object sender, NotifyInputEventArgs e)
            RawKeyboardInputReport keyboardInput = ExtractRawKeyboardInputReport(e, InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent);
            if(keyboardInput != null)
                // Activation
                // It is very important that we allow multiple activate events.
                // This is how we deal with the fact that Win32 sometimes sends
                // us a WM_SETFOCUS message BEFORE it has updated it's internal
                // internal keyboard state information.  When we get the
                // WM_SETFOCUS message, we activate the keyboard with the
                // keyboard state (even though it could be wrong).  Then when
                // we get the first "real" keyboard input event, we activate
                // the keyboard again, since Win32 will have updated the
                // keyboard state correctly by then.
                if((keyboardInput.Actions & RawKeyboardActions.Activate) == RawKeyboardActions.Activate)
                    //if active source is null, no need to do special-case handling
                    if(_activeSource == null)
                        // we are now active.
                        _activeSource = keyboardInput.InputSource;
                    else if(_activeSource != keyboardInput.InputSource)
                        IKeyboardInputProvider toDeactivate = _activeSource.GetInputProvider(typeof(KeyboardDevice)) as IKeyboardInputProvider;
                        // we are now active.
                        _activeSource = keyboardInput.InputSource;
                // Generally, we need to check against redundant actions.
                // We never prevet the raw event from going through, but we
                // will only generate the high-level events for non-redundant
                // actions.  We store the set of non-redundant actions in
                // the dictionary of this event.
                // If the input is reporting a key down, the action is never
                // considered redundant.
                if((keyboardInput.Actions & RawKeyboardActions.KeyDown) == RawKeyboardActions.KeyDown)
                    RawKeyboardActions actions = GetNonRedundantActions(e);
                    actions |= RawKeyboardActions.KeyDown;
                    e.StagingItem.SetData(_tagNonRedundantActions, actions);
                    // Pass along the key that was pressed, and update our state.
                    Key key = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey(keyboardInput.VirtualKey);
                    e.StagingItem.SetData(_tagKey, key);
                    e.StagingItem.SetData(_tagScanCode, new ScanCode(keyboardInput.ScanCode, keyboardInput.IsExtendedKey));
                    // Tell the InputManager that the MostRecentDevice is us.
                    if(_inputManager is not null)
                        _inputManager.MostRecentInputDevice = this;
                // We are missing detection for redundant ups
                if((keyboardInput.Actions & RawKeyboardActions.KeyUp) == RawKeyboardActions.KeyUp)
                    RawKeyboardActions actions = GetNonRedundantActions(e);
                    actions |= RawKeyboardActions.KeyUp;
                    e.StagingItem.SetData(_tagNonRedundantActions, actions);
                    // Pass along the key that was pressed, and update our state.
                    Key key = KeyInterop.KeyFromVirtualKey(keyboardInput.VirtualKey);
                    e.StagingItem.SetData(_tagKey, key);
                    e.StagingItem.SetData(_tagScanCode, new ScanCode(keyboardInput.ScanCode, keyboardInput.IsExtendedKey));
                    // Tell the InputManager that the MostRecentDevice is us.
                    if(_inputManager is not null)
                        _inputManager.MostRecentInputDevice = this;
            // On KeyDown, we might need to set the Repeat flag
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent)
                KeyEventArgs args = (KeyEventArgs) e.StagingItem.Input;
                // Is this the same as the previous key?  (Look at the real key, e.g. TextManager
                // might have changed args.Key it to Key.TextInput.)
                if (_previousKey == args.RealKey)
                    // Yes, this is a repeat (we got the keydown for it twice, with no KeyUp in between)
                // Otherwise, keep this key to check against next time.
                    _previousKey = args.RealKey;
            // On KeyUp, we clear Repeat flag
            else if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent)
                KeyEventArgs args = (KeyEventArgs) e.StagingItem.Input;
                // Clear _previousKey, so that down/up/down/up doesn't look like a repeat
                _previousKey = Key.None;
        private void PostProcessInput(object sender, ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            // PreviewKeyDown --> KeyDown
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Keyboard.PreviewKeyDownEvent)
                    KeyEventArgs previewKeyDown = (KeyEventArgs) e.StagingItem.Input;
                    // Dig out the real key.
                    bool isSystemKey = false;
                    bool isImeProcessed = false;
                    bool isDeadCharProcessed = false;
                    Key key = previewKeyDown.Key;
                    if (key == Key.System)
                        isSystemKey = true;
                        key = previewKeyDown.RealKey;
                    else if (key == Key.ImeProcessed)
                        isImeProcessed = true;
                        key = previewKeyDown.RealKey;
                    else if (key == Key.DeadCharProcessed)
                        isDeadCharProcessed = true;
                        key = previewKeyDown.RealKey;
                    KeyEventArgs keyDown = new KeyEventArgs(this, previewKeyDown.UnsafeInputSource, previewKeyDown.Timestamp, key);
                    keyDown.SetRepeat( previewKeyDown.IsRepeat );
                    // Mark the new event as SystemKey as appropriate.
                    if (isSystemKey)
                    else if (isImeProcessed)
                        // Mark the new event as ImeProcessed as appropriate.
                    else if (isDeadCharProcessed)
                    keyDown.ScanCode = previewKeyDown.ScanCode;
                    keyDown.IsExtendedKey = previewKeyDown.IsExtendedKey;
                    e.PushInput(keyDown, e.StagingItem);
            // PreviewKeyUp --> KeyUp
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Keyboard.PreviewKeyUpEvent)
                    KeyEventArgs previewKeyUp = (KeyEventArgs) e.StagingItem.Input;
                    // Dig out the real key.
                    bool isSystemKey = false;
                    bool isImeProcessed = false;
                    bool isDeadCharProcessed = false;
                    Key key = previewKeyUp.Key;
                    if (key == Key.System)
                        isSystemKey = true;
                        key = previewKeyUp.RealKey;
                    else if (key == Key.ImeProcessed)
                        isImeProcessed = true;
                        key = previewKeyUp.RealKey;
                    else if(key == Key.DeadCharProcessed)
                        isDeadCharProcessed = true;
                        key = previewKeyUp.RealKey;
                    KeyEventArgs keyUp = new KeyEventArgs(this, previewKeyUp.UnsafeInputSource, previewKeyUp.Timestamp, key);
                    // Mark the new event as SystemKey as appropriate.
                    if (isSystemKey)
                    else if (isImeProcessed)
                        // Mark the new event as ImeProcessed as appropriate.
                    else if (isDeadCharProcessed)
                    keyUp.ScanCode = previewKeyUp.ScanCode;
                    keyUp.IsExtendedKey = previewKeyUp.IsExtendedKey;
                    e.PushInput(keyUp, e.StagingItem);
            RawKeyboardInputReport keyboardInput = ExtractRawKeyboardInputReport(e, InputManager.InputReportEvent);
            if(keyboardInput != null)
                    // In general, this is where we promote the non-redundant
                    // reported actions to our premier events.
                    RawKeyboardActions actions = GetNonRedundantActions(e);
                    // Raw --> PreviewKeyDown
                    if((actions & RawKeyboardActions.KeyDown) == RawKeyboardActions.KeyDown)
                        Key key = (Key) e.StagingItem.GetData(_tagKey);
                        if(key != Key.None)
                            KeyEventArgs previewKeyDown = new KeyEventArgs(this, keyboardInput.InputSource, keyboardInput.Timestamp, key);
                            ScanCode scanCode = (ScanCode)e.StagingItem.GetData(_tagScanCode);
                            previewKeyDown.ScanCode = scanCode.Code;
                            previewKeyDown.IsExtendedKey = scanCode.IsExtended;
                            if (keyboardInput.IsSystemKey)
                            e.PushInput(previewKeyDown, e.StagingItem);
                    // Raw --> PreviewKeyUp
                    if((actions & RawKeyboardActions.KeyUp) == RawKeyboardActions.KeyUp)
                        Key key = (Key) e.StagingItem.GetData(_tagKey);
                        if(key != Key.None)
                            KeyEventArgs previewKeyUp = new KeyEventArgs(this, keyboardInput.InputSource, keyboardInput.Timestamp, key);
                            ScanCode scanCode = (ScanCode)e.StagingItem.GetData(_tagScanCode);
                            previewKeyUp.ScanCode = scanCode.Code;
                            previewKeyUp.IsExtendedKey = scanCode.IsExtended;
                            if (keyboardInput.IsSystemKey)
                            e.PushInput(previewKeyUp, e.StagingItem);
                // Deactivate
                if((keyboardInput.Actions & RawKeyboardActions.Deactivate) == RawKeyboardActions.Deactivate)
                        _activeSource = null;
                        // Even if handled, a keyboard deactivate results in a lost focus.
                        ChangeFocus(null, e.StagingItem.Input.Timestamp);
        private RawKeyboardInputReport ExtractRawKeyboardInputReport(NotifyInputEventArgs e, RoutedEvent Event)
            RawKeyboardInputReport keyboardInput = null;
            InputReportEventArgs input = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;
            if(input != null)
                if(input.Report.Type == InputType.Keyboard && input.RoutedEvent == Event)
                    keyboardInput = input.Report as RawKeyboardInputReport;
            return keyboardInput;
        private RawKeyboardActions GetNonRedundantActions(NotifyInputEventArgs e)
            RawKeyboardActions actions;
            // The CLR throws a null-ref exception if it tries to unbox a
            // null.  So we have to special case that.
            object o = e.StagingItem.GetData(_tagNonRedundantActions);
            if(o != null)
                actions = (RawKeyboardActions) o;
                actions = new RawKeyboardActions();
            return actions;
        // at the moment we don't have a good way of detecting when an
        // element gets deleted from the tree (logical or visual).  The
        // best we can do right now is clear out the focus if we detect
        // that the tree containing the focus was disconnected.
        private bool CheckForDisconnectedFocus()
            bool wasDisconnected = false;
            if(InputElement.GetRootVisual (_focus as DependencyObject) != _focusRootVisual)
                wasDisconnected = true;
                Focus (null);
            return wasDisconnected;
        internal bool IsActive => _activeSource is not null;
        private DeferredElementTreeState FocusTreeState
                if (_focusTreeState == null)
                    _focusTreeState = new DeferredElementTreeState();
                return _focusTreeState;
        private readonly InputManager _inputManager;
        private PresentationSource _activeSource;
        private DependencyObject _focus;
        private DeferredElementTreeState _focusTreeState;
        private DependencyObject _forceTarget;
        private DependencyObject _focusRootVisual;
        private Key _previousKey;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _isEnabledChangedEventHandler;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _isVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _focusableChangedEventHandler;
        private DispatcherOperationCallback _reevaluateFocusCallback;
        private DispatcherOperation _reevaluateFocusOperation;
        // Data tags for information we pass around the staging area.
        private object _tagNonRedundantActions = new object();
        private object _tagKey = new object();
        private object _tagScanCode = new object();
        private class ScanCode
            internal ScanCode(int code, bool isExtended)
                _code = code;
                _isExtended = isExtended;
            internal int Code {get {return _code;}}
            internal bool IsExtended {get {return _isExtended;}}
            private readonly int _code;
            private readonly bool _isExtended;
        // TextCompositionManager handles KeyDown -> Unicode conversion.
        private readonly TextCompositionManager _textcompositionManager;
        // TextServicesManager handles KeyDown -> IME composition conversion.
        private readonly TextServicesManager _TsfManager;